Creative Suite 4 won't open

I installed Creative Suite 4, entered the serial number which was accepted, but when I try to open an application, I get the message, "Licensing for this product has expired."  How do I get rid of this message and have my applications run?

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    Phone: Nokia 5300, purchased recently
    PC Suite version: 6.83
    Computer: Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2.80 GHz
    PC OS: Windows XP Professional 2002
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    Hi lizzie_fern
    I don't want to be a killjoy but there are concerns if you rely on PCSuite 6.83 to remove remains of previous versions during the upgrade process; rather than carry out a clean install.
    Personally I used Windows Installer to remove PC Suite 6.82 rel_22.0, Nokia Connectivity Driver. Then I used PC Suite Cleaner with option "clean up computer" to remove registry items, reboot so then PC Suite 6.83rel_14.1 could have a clean install
    Happy to have helped forum in a small way with a Support Ratio = 37.0

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    You have not provided any relevant technical info. Beyond that Adobe can't fix what Apple don't provide - the last version of  OSX providing PPC emulation stuff is officially 10.6.8 and an existing Rosetta install will be retained up to 10.7.5, but any version after that will not be able to support this workflow. And while we're there, this is also relevant: l

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    Included this image I found on the web, it's the same window that appears for my CS6.

    Moving this discussion to the Photoshop General Discussion forum.

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    Hi Brenda Dziedzic,
    Kindly try the below mentioned links.
    WIN :
    MAC :
    Atul Saini

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    Thanks, guys. Yes, the problem was an incomplete uninstallation. Although I used the application's deactivate and uninstall, the Utilities > Adobe > Installers folder still had uninstallers available that cleaned up everything, including sending the app folder to the trash. I had manually trashed the app folders previously.
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    Thanks again!

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    Hi Karhma ,
    Were you able to get this resolved.
    Romit Sinha

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    From my own experience, and that of others posting in this forum, I recommend avoiding any automatic loading of Bridge, either with system start or with the loading of any suite application.
    The idea of starting Bridge with the system is supposed to speed up the opening of Bridge but it also uses resources and may slow other things down. Also it actually prevents Bridge from opening properly sometimes.
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    If your individual applications do not start from their short cut icons, try the .exe file and if that works, remake the icon. If they don't start from the .exe file there is some deeper problem within your installation.

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    Hi KateM44
    App doesn't open and hangs on spinning progress wheel should help.

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    The T3i (600D) has been supported for years, long before CC arrived - so updating 14.1 to 14.2 won't help. There's something wrong with your installation; suggest uninstalling and reinstalling Ps.

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    What Mr.Cox said …
    As with all unexplainable Photoshop-problems you might try trashing the prefs (after making sure all customized presets like Actions, Patterns, Brushes etc. have been saved and making a note of the Preferences you’ve changed) by pressing command-alt-shift on starting the program or starting from a new user-account.
    System Maintenance (repairing permissions, purging PRAM, running cron-scripts, cleaning caches, etc.) might also be beneficial, Onyx has been recommended for such tasks.
    Weeding out bad fonts never seems to be a bad idea, either. (Validate your fonts in Font Book and remove the bad ones.)

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    A chat session where an agent may remotely look inside your computer may help
    Creative Cloud chat support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues)

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    So, every once in a while, a version-related error message from InDesign is correct. I'd be willing to bet you the beverage of your choice in the city of your choice (loser pays airfare ) that your boss clicked on the "InDesign CC 2014 Update" which is not in fact just a dot-version update, but a whole new application. If Adobe had stuck with the CS-designators, it would have been CS8, just as your install of CC would have been CS7.
    I've been sending out links to Sandee Cohen's article over at InDesignSecrets on the regular for the last few days. Caveat clickor, I guess.

  • My Creative Cloud won't open, help!

    My creative cloud wont open please help

    Hi Alisonw40094604,
    Please provide details about your system like if you're on a Mac or on a PC. Also, let us know whether the Creative Cloud desktop app crashes or if it gives an error or if it doesn't launch at all when when you try to open it.

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    Also when I looked in console I got this message:
    Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/MicrosoftComponentPlugin.framework/Versions/12/M icrosoftComponentPlugin
    Referenced from: /Applications/Microsoft Word
    Reason: image not found
    and for excel
    Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/Netlib.framework/Versions/12/Netlib
    Referenced from: /Applications/Microsoft Excel
    Reason: image not found
    Appreciate any thoughts. Thanks.

    You could try creating a new user account on the computer, logging out of the current and into the new one, and checking the behavior then. If that doesn't help, I think you'll have to settle for using NeoOffice or possibly GoogleDocs until you can reinstall Office.

Maybe you are looking for

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