Cross Dissolve Effect

If you have a bunch of clips connected, is there a way to apply the cross dissolve effect to all of the clips at one time?

Select those you require in Timeline and drag them to the Canvas Overlay that says Overwrite with Transition.
You will require Media Handles to be attached to the clips for this to work.

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    has anyone figured out why it des not work anymore?@

    I am still not getting this.
    I highlight the selection I want to copy into after effects. I copy & paste it & it pastes my entire footage without any off the edits I have made.
    Having searched loads for this I can find no other answer than copy & paste.
    Please please could you guy be more specific with your answers as I just can't figure this one?

  • Intermittent problem with cross dissolve and chroma key

    It seems that in 1 out of 10 videos I produce in Final Cut Pro there is a problem with the cross dissolve effect and chroma key. What happens is that during the cross dissolve, clip A fades out with a green tint and clip B fades in with a green tint.
    Today I am working with two videos that I captured using the same work flow on the same day. One project exhibits the tint while the second project does not. If I import the problematic footage into the good project the tint problem follows the footage. In the good footage, the cross dissolve produces a result that does not have a green tint. If I re-capture the "bad" footage the results are the same.
    Has anyone else experienced this and does anyone have an idea how to resolve this problem?
    Thank you.
    Dual G5   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    In my project, both clips are source clips with Chroma, Color Smoothing and Matte Choker applied. A dissolve from non-chroma clip to chroma clip works fine. Only problem is with two chroma clips. In my dissolve, the error appears as red fringing in the area between the two masks.< </div>
    You're using creative shorthand that doesn't help. "Chroma clip" means the clip to which you have applied all of these effects? What masks? Where are you getting the masks?
    To understand what's going on with all them itty bitty pixels in a stack of interactive effects, do me a favor: render out a short piece, say 10 seconds of each of your chromaclips as separate movies over transparency using the Animation codec. Reimport them and put them over a solid colored Dissolve between them using different types of dissolves. Post back and tell us (me) what's going on.
    I still consider this to be a bug -- nesting adds more steps to the workflow than if this bug did not exist. < </div>
    It's not a bug. Your pixels are running down a pathway. It's a question of building the correct pathway and having the correct pixel wranglers with the right kinds of cattle prods.

  • Clip wont let me cross dissolve!

    I am experiencing some frustration where I have one section that I am trying to cross dissolve, and no matter what I do, it inserts a very short cross dissolve effect on the following clip, rather than between the current and following...
    I can't figure out if this is a bug or what- and I am just wondering if anyone has experiencing this sort of thing. I can do cross dissolves everywhere else except this one particular edit....... any ideas?
    Oh and both footage clips between the edit are fairly long, so it's not a clip length issue.
    Message was edited by: Patrick Collins

    Hey Patrick,
    sorry for over looking the fact in your first post. Hi Certified. As cheeky as you are, thank you for correcting me.
    I am I right to assume that you relaid in the video to those particular clips and it still did not work? If so, copy those two clips into an empty timeline and see if it will work there. This will determine if it is bad media or a bad timeline. Even better would be to create a new project, and try to make a dissolve on those two clips there. It might even be your project.
    Message was edited by: Lydilove
    Message was edited by: Lydilove

  • Transitioning effect not working properly (cross dissolve)

    I had a clip and split it in two in FCP. I took the later half and imported to AE to make my effect. The plan was to import it back to FCP and add a cross dissolve between the two half-clips to make it look like the effect fades in. Makes sense, right?
    Weeeell, the darn thing won't let me add an editable transition. I place the two perspective clips side by side (so they continued with each other), right clicked the part where they met and added the cross dissolve. It only added a one frame effect to the later (AE) clip. I've tried even going through the menus and doing the cross dissolve, but it still does the same thing. Is there something that I must have missed or something extra I'm not doing? All I want to do is have my two halves of a clips edited together with a dissolve. Can anyone help me?

    Basically, a handle is media that extends beyond what exists in the timeline. You can use the search feature of this forum for hours of amusing and informative reading.
    When you exported out of fcp to ae, you effective lost any possible handle, because you started at what you wanted to be the middle of the dissolve.

  • I cannot edit the Cross Dissolve in the Effects Control Panel in Premiere Pro CC 2014

    If I put a film dissolve between two clips on my timeline, and then click on the film dissolve, I'm able to go to my Effects Window and drag clip A (Top Bar) to the right and trim lets say 3 seconds then go to Clip B (Bottom Bar) and drag to the left to take off lets say 10 seconds off the beginning of clip B.  That very method worked for cross dissolves until this latest update for CC 2014.  It forces me to use ripple edit in the timeline on each endpoint of each clip instead of flying through it in the effects window by clicking each dissolve in the time line.  It's just weird that they would take that out for only the cross dissolve which I prefer using more than anything and not the rest of the dissolves. Does anyone have a clue why? Or is this a bug?

    That is correct. This is the only transition where the workflow has changed.
    You can now make it into a preset.
    BTW I dont use it often but i dont like it either not being able to adjust the cross dissolve in the EC.

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    How do I make this so the multiply effect is applied during the dissolve?

    Try making the clip with the Multiply Effect into a Compound Clip and then adding the Dissolve.

  • Gradient effect / Cross Dissolve

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    Like everyone in this forum - SG has great potential but the user interface is so "Un-Adobe"! SG need to fall in line with AE & PR in regards to functionality. Not being able to customize the workspace is a major problem on my end!
    One more thing - a simple cross dissolve tool that works on a grading layer is a must. At the moment I'm using three layers to mimic a simple cross dissolve from PR.
    • top layer - first grading layer
    • middle - linear dissolve layer,
    • bottom layer - second grading layer.
    This is working fine but again, I'm running into monitor real-estate issues. Is there a better way?

    GOTTA have overlap...that is what handles are...
    #1 Transitions "Insufficient Content"
    Shane's Stock Answer #1: Trying to add a Transition and get the error "Insufficient Content"
    A full 1 second cross fade reaches 15 frames into each clip. So, if you want to change a cut to a cross fade, there has to be at least 15 additional frames of each clip. Say you're trying to cross fade from one clip into the very first frame of a second clip. FCP cannot 'create' 15 more frames of the second clip to do a cross fade. If they're not there, you're out of luck.
    What you are running into is that you are marking an out point at the far edges of a clip then adding a cross dissolve, say 30 frames (one second) in duration. Since the dissolve is centered on the cut, it will start 15 frames before the cut, and try to go 15 frames AFTER the cut...which it can't do. What you need to do is plan how long your dissolve will be and back-time your cut so that it works.
    You need to make sure that your clips have enough media (called 'handles') at the beginning of the incoming clip and at the end of the outgoing clip for the transition. For example, if you have a 1 second (30 frame) dissolve, your in and out point need to be at least 15 frames from the edge of the clip.

  • Premiere Pro CC 2014 Not Passing Cross Dissolve to After Effects

    I know this was a bug a few years ago with CS5 and has been fixed since CS5.5. But I appear to be having the same problem after upgrading to CC 2014.
    When I import a Premiere sequence into AE the cross dissolve information is not being read by AE. Instead I get a black layer below my footage layer, the length of my cross dissolve saying cross dissolve.
    Here's a screen shot of how the project looks once imported into Premiere.
    Anyone else experiencing this?

    Did you find any solution for this? Having the same problem here...

  • Why can't I apply a cross dissolve between an after effects comp and black video in Premiere CS6

    I imported a 20 second composition from AE CS6 into Premiere Pro CS6 and would like to apply a cross dissolve transition between it and the media on either end of the AE clip. However, every time I try to apply the cross dissolve, it only gets applied to the AE clip. I can't apply any transitions that straddle the AE composition and anything else. For example, I have a 5 second black video before the comp and a jpg graphic after the comp. I have tried to apply a cross dissolve to both ends, but the cross dissovle only gets placed on the AE comp no matter how I try to apply it.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    When you playback the Timeline, with the Cross-Dissolve applied to the AE Comp (on both ends), how do the Transitions playback?
    For more info on Handles, this article might be helpful:
    Good luck,

  • Video effect, cross dissolve works sporadically

    I am new to Final Cut Pro. I try to use the simple dissolve and it works sometimes but not other times. This is very frustrating. Any suggestions?

    GOTTA have overlap...that is what handles are...
    #1 Transitions "Insufficient Content"
    Shane's Stock Answer #1: Trying to add a Transition and get the error "Insufficient Content"
    A full 1 second cross fade reaches 15 frames into each clip. So, if you want to change a cut to a cross fade, there has to be at least 15 additional frames of each clip. Say you're trying to cross fade from one clip into the very first frame of a second clip. FCP cannot 'create' 15 more frames of the second clip to do a cross fade. If they're not there, you're out of luck.
    What you are running into is that you are marking an out point at the far edges of a clip then adding a cross dissolve, say 30 frames (one second) in duration. Since the dissolve is centered on the cut, it will start 15 frames before the cut, and try to go 15 frames AFTER the cut...which it can't do. What you need to do is plan how long your dissolve will be and back-time your cut so that it works.
    You need to make sure that your clips have enough media (called 'handles') at the beginning of the incoming clip and at the end of the outgoing clip for the transition. For example, if you have a 1 second (30 frame) dissolve, your in and out point need to be at least 15 frames from the edge of the clip.

  • Premiere Pro CS 5.5 can't do a simple cross dissolve with MPE enabled?

    When adding cross dissolves to a project that I'm working on, I've come across an odd problem. I say odd because this should be dirt simple, but Adobe seems to have messed this up. Please advise on any solution or work around, or perhaps simply see if you can recreate the issue so we can get Adobe to fix this.
    Cross dissolves transitions don't seem to work consistently in cs 5.5. Note: I know how transitions work, and I'm not doing something stupid like trying to apply a transition to a cut without actually removing any video between the two clips (assuming the clips came from the same source video.). I'm able to recreate this issue on two different systems with premiere pro cs 5.5 by doing the follwing:
    Create a new project and and sequence with the default settings.
    Enable the Mercury Playback Engine if it isn't already enabled.
    I import the Wildlife.wmv video that comes default with Windows 7 systems.
    Drop it the video into the sequence.
    Ripple delete about a 2 second section of the video. be sure to do this in the first half of the video, and make sure the the video changes the scene during this period so that you will notice the cross dissolve transition when it is applied.
    Apply the default cross dissolve transition to the edit.
    Review the edit. For my test, this edit always seems to work fine.
    This is a screen capture of the working cross dissolve transition.
    Now let me show you what happens when I do a similar edit somewhere in the second half of the video clip.
    As you can see, for the duration of the transition, only the clip to the left is shown. At the end of the transition effect the program out preview jumps to displaying the clip to the right. There is no transition.
    Additional notes:
    This second transition works fine with MPE disabled, but because if of my other problem that I have with MPE disable it is not a viable work around.

    I too am experiencing this issue.  AVCHD footage, GPU Acceleration, trying to apply a cross dissolve, and instead it randomly seems to see it as a simple cut.  The Cross Dissolve is simply ignored... Adjusting the footage length, removing the CDissolve, re-rendering, etc. have no effect.  For whatever reason, in that specific location on the timeline, a cross dissolve with GPU acceleration is impossible.  Yet, in other sections of the timeline, it is just fine.
    (The Fast Blur trick mentioned above worked (Thank you!) however, when I changed my playback resolution on the screen display, that broke the fix.  Deleting the fast blur, and applying it to the clip on the other side of the cross dissolve, re-enabled the work around)
    I also see an issue when a clip changes in the timeline, (cut from one piece of footage, to another) the video will begin to studder, dropping frames.  Framerate seems to drop to about 2fps.  To get smooth playback back, I have to pause and resume the playback.  Even if this is done very very rapidly, it still fixes the playback issue.  it's just really annoying to have to constantly stop and resume playback everytime a video clip changes in the timeline.
    I have a dedicated hard drive for video, and a dedicated mirrored array for the OS.  the video drive is a 7200rpm SATAII drive, and I'm using AVCHD footage.  I really don't think it's a disk speed issue... particularly as pausing and resuming (even if you do it as fast as you can possibly hit the keys) fixes it.  I'd rather not spend the $ to set up a RAID 10 for video, if I can avoid it and particularly if it's not needed.

  • Creating cross-dissolve from still photo to video

    Hello all ...
    I'm try to create a simple cross-dissolve between a black-and-white photo (imported into FCE as an RGB Photoshop file) and a color (1440x1080) video clip. My problem is that FCE will only insert the dissolve on the right (video) side of the edit, the result being that the photo abruptly goes to black, followed by a gradual fading-in of the video. This is not the effect I want – I'm hoping to create a smoother transition between the two. I suspect that I haven't saved the still photo in the correct format, but I can't seem to find any help in my various FCE books.
    So: How do I apply the transition to both sides of the edit? Is it even possible?
    Thanks in advance for any and all advice.

    Tom, I figured it out. The audio for the video clip was overlapping the edit (i.e. it extended to the left, so that the video clip's audio ran under the still pic). When I got rid of the (easily replaced) audio, the regular cross-dissolve worked.
    Now I just need to figure out how to make the transition last longer than 13 frames!
    Thanks for your prompt responses ... I really appreciate it.
    Merry Christmas!

  • Is there a better Cross Dissolve method and associated problem?

    I have been using Cross Dissolve for some time now.  I have searched and reviewed cross dissolve help in the forum without so far finding better information or a solution.
    My method:
    - razor at the point to be dissolved
    - drag the Cross Dissolve to the razor point
    - click the dissolve to select the length required
    - razor each end of the dissolve length
    - right click each razored section with a ripple delete
    - reapply the cross dissolve and reselect the length
    I find this works for me but could be simpler.  I ripple delete the razored sections because if I do not, the cross dissolves overlap previous sections prior and after the selected clips in the whole video sequence such that the effect appears not to work.  Ripple deleting ensures that the previous sections are within the selected clips.  There has to be a faster way.
    My problem:
    This happens after many successful cross dissolves in a Project as though I have run out of allowable times it can be used.  When I try to ripple delete the razored sections, the ripple delete does not work no matter what I do. 
    What can I do better or correctly to cross dissolve and how can I deal with untimely failed ripple deletes?

    I was not implying anything about your "experience" or otherwise although your method did actualy indicate a lack of editing experience..
    It was you that asked for a more simpler, faster  way to do one of the most fundamental editing functions.  A cross dissolve.
    I find this works for me but could be simpler.  I ripple delete the razored sections because if I do not, the cross dissolves overlap previous sections prior and after the selected clips in the whole video sequence such that the effect appears not to work.  Ripple deleting ensures that the previous sections are within the selected clips.  There has to be a faster way.
    I do not know how  or why you developed the method you described...
    My method:
    - razor at the point to be dissolved
    - drag the Cross Dissolve to the razor point
    - click the dissolve to select the length required
    - razor each end of the dissolve length
    - right click each razored section with a ripple delete
    - reapply the cross dissolve and reselect the length
    but it certainly is unique ....if somewhat cumbersome and time consuming.
    I only offered the advice that lead you to a "simpler , faster " way of doing a very simple function.
    Your post number 4.  Yes you have misinterpreted that setting. 
    Stephen kind of unintentionally mislead you by using the term Pre and Post roll  when he should have said " handles". (ie edit the clip  knowing you have additional frames either end to create a fade from.

  • Problem with Cross Dissolve and Opacity

    I've been noticing that Cross Dissolve has been acting goofey for awhile but have overcome any problems by manually adjusting opacity settings.  However, this time I can't get either to cooperate. Notice the line appearing below the phrase "the nutrient recommendation map" in the image below.  This line or a similar line will appear as title either cross dissolve into one another or if they are stand alone and the opacity settings fade them in and out.  The blinking of the lines is sporadic and changes as I make adjustments.  I'll "fix" one spot but they will start to blink at other points in the time line and in different areas.
    Any ideas?

    I ask because I think I'm having a similar problem.  Went home and updated PPro to 5.0.3 and still have the issue.
    The screen shot here show the first seconds of an HDV30/60 sequence as the video fades in (bottom layer - lasts about 2 seconds).  The top layer is a mask to create the effect of a cinescope camera (no fade).  I've cropped the left for demo purposes.
    The bottom layer is regular ol' HDV footage.  The top layer was created using a Photoshop file with 2 squares using the shape tool and colored black.
    For pre-view and render, you can see a light-colored hair line around the top mask.  I've applied different effect to remove it, but it won't work.  In fact, some effects make it stand out even more.  I've also tried using other assets from the PSD (PNG, PPro black video, etc).  I also tried the cropping work-around but it did not work.
    The screenshot is subtle but it's there.  The main thing is that it can be VERY noticable in the BD-R discs I've created played back on set-top players so I'm really hoping there is a fix for it.  I did notice that it will appear when I scrub with my finger on the left mouse key.  As soon as I let go it appears again.
    So PPro is up to date, graphics card is up to date, and I've tried suggested fixes and a few of my own with no luck.  Any ideas?

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