CTM running issue

could somebody help me
i'am trying to run a CTM ( snp) very light: i have only one demande of 50 units and a stock of 25 units. ( these 2 datas are well taked into account by CTM ( when i run the simulation they appears))
my issue is that: accordingly to the CTM ; after its running i should get a planned order to cover the 25 missing units : but nothing hapens.
what would be your advice ( to check, to set-up) as to get my demande covered?

Hi Elena,
Please check the following
1)  Is there any inconsistency of order data (both receipts and requirements)
between both R/3 and APO systems.  In such case, run delta report to
clear the inconsistency and retry
2) Check late demand fulfilment strategy maintained
3) Under special strategies in CTM profile, check whether the
field "Balance surplus and shortfall quantity" are maintained
4) In Global CTM settings, check whether allow shortage is maintained
R. Senthil Mareeswaran.

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  • CTM run in APO

    Dear All,
    I am learning APO.I can do the
    DP & SNP (Network ,Multilevel)
    heuristics Runs on APO 3.1 very well.
    I would like to know how to Run CTM ? What is CTM? and most important what are the settings required for CTM run in APO?
    Can anybody help & guide me.
    I am awaiting for your valuable answer.Many thanks in advance.
    Warm Regards,
    Vishwesh Rajguru

    Waht is CTM
    Capable-to-Match (CTM) functions match a large set of
    prioritized customer demands and forecasts to a set of
    categorized supplies considering the current production
    capacities and transportation capabilities in a multistage
    production environment, as in the semiconductor
    industry. CTM is based on constraint-based propagation
    techniques and goal-oriented programming.
    Preprocessing tools provide a set of categorized supplies
    and prioritized demands as input to the CTM Engine,
    which then performs a fast check of production
    capacities while considering transportation capabilities.
    Prioritize by Demand
    CTM prioritizes demands, such as customer orders
    or forecasts from SAP APO Demand Planning, based
    on such characteristics as customer priority, location,
    and product priority.
    Supply Categorization
    CTM performs supply categorization based on the
    available supply and user-defined inventory limits, such
    as amount of inventory or planned deliveries.
    CTM Engine
    The CTM engine delivers the functions you need to
    control supply and demand. The CTM engine process
    can be divided into two steps. In the first step, the
    CTM engine builds the CTM application model using
    the specified supply network model. In a second phase,
    the CTM engine matches demand to supply considering
    production capacities and transportation capabilities
    and using constraint-based propagation. CTM searches
    before production and after production.
    In before production searches (or most to least), the
    system first searches through all supply categories for
    finished or semifinished products before it resorts to
    ordering production for that item. The search is
    conducted top down. The system first searches the
    production process model for finished products, then
    intermediate products, then raw materials.
    In after production searches (or least to most), the
    system searches for categories after an attempt is made
    to produce the item.
    Time-Dependent Production Processes
    You can define different production processes,
    including product flow, for different time intervals. The
    CTM engine chooses only production processes that
    are valid at the representative time.
    Model Alternative Components
    You can implicitly model alternative components by
    annotating a list of alternatives within the bill of
    material, or you can model alternative components
    explicitly by defining a set of product substitutions for
    a given product.
    Identification of Raw Material
    A special product category identifies material that is
    available in an infinite quantity. But for the consumption
    of this product, a purchase requisition must be
    Process Flows Based on Demand
    You must select a specific process flow based on the
    set of characteristics of a given demand. For a planning
    process that covers several physical plants, you must
    be able to restrict the production and distribution
    network to a set of allowed plants. In addition, the
    CTM engine can handle the plant substitution rules of
    SAP APO’s Global ATP component.
    Product Substitution Rules
    CTM considers a set of demand characteristics for each
    product and a prioritized list of substitute products
    using Global ATP rules.
    Global customizing settings
    The package size is the key parameter that can improve the performance if you are using the asynchronous liveCache (LC) update.
    In asynchronous update the system creates the orders in the LC after planning the specified number of demands. At the same time, the system continues with the CTM planning for the other demands.
    The performance depends on the amount of planned orders that are created per demand.
    If you set up a package size of 1000 demands, this means that each 1000 demands CTM writes the results to the LC. If there are only 1000 planned orders created for fulfilling these 1000 demands then the package size is too small for an asynchronous run with a good performance because the CTM run needs to stop each 1000 planned orders for triggering the LC writing. This increases then the run time. In case there are 100.000 planned orders created then the package size is too big because the CTM run for creating these 100.000 planned orders needs probably longer than the parallel writing of the results to the LC.
    So the optimal package size makes the planning and writing to LC almost parallel.
    Apart from the package size of the asynchronous LC writing, there are three more areas where packages must be defined.
    - Package Size for Creating Orders. The value indicates how many orders can be created in the LC at one time.
    - Package Size for Creating Pegging Relationships. The value indicates how many pegging relationships can be created in the LC at one time.
    - Package Size for Order Selection. The value indicates for how many location products a LC request can be started at one time (package size for reading orders from LC in a way that CTM can use them for planning).
    It is difficult to give recommendations regarding these package sizes because one needs to play around in a specific situation to improve the performance. So consider the following values as an orientation.
    Regarding the package size of the Order Creation a value smaller than 1000 can be recommended (default value is 500 orders), but also a value up to 5000 can be efficient. In case of performance issues it is recommended to run CTM with different package sizes : 500, 1000, 2500, 5000 and see whether one of these settings can improve the performance.
    Regarding the package size for Creating Pegging Relationships a value bigger than 1000 is recommended. The default value is 5000 pegging relationships.
    The setting for the Order Selection is based on location-products, which implies that if the setting is currently 5000, CTM reads the orders for the first 5000 location-products and sends them in one package from the LC. If the average amount of orders per location-products combination is 10 (each location-product has in average 10 orders) the result is 50.000 orders transferred in the package.
    As this setting depends on the amount of orders existing per location-product, one needs to play again with different settings in case of performance issues. Generally it is recommended to have a value smaller than 10.000.
    3) Planning profile (business improvements)
    Apart from the customizing settings, the performance depends on many other criteria like the Master Data Selection, Order Selection, Selected Demands, Planning Period, Product-Location restrictions.
    If you want to improve the performance you should create a master data selection which contains only the objects in the model which are actively planned by the CTM run.
    You can check whether it is possible to divide your supply chain in separate independent model parts. This covers a big performance improvement potential because the independent parts of the chain can be planned in parallel.
    Then the order selection, especially the size and data requirements, is one of the major areas where you can improve the performance.
    During the deletion of orders in a CTM planning run, several checks that are not always required are run. The parameter 'FAST_DEL' skips some checks of the normal planning run to improve the planning run time. The parameter is activated if you set Value1 of the planning parameter to X. In this case, no information is analysed on pegging, input or output nodes during order selection. Therefore, the parameter can only be reasonably used with the planning mode "Regenerative planning" (Replan all Orders) and the deletion mode "All unfirmed orders" (Delete all Orders that are not firmed). Note that in this case, only the status and the type of the order are analyzed for the deletion decision. This means that all planned orders or purchase requisitions are deleted, if they were not firmed manually (Output fix) and contain at least one location product that is contained in the CTM master data selection. This parameter must not be used if you use a subcontracting scenario. In this case, inconsistencies can occur between the data in APO and the R/3 System because subcontracting purchase requisitions are deleted but not the subcontractor planned order at the subcontractor side.
    Notice that since release SCM 4.0 the parameter 'FAST_DEL' is obsolete and has been replaced with the planning step (Technical Settings tab) End Planning Run after Oder Selection in combination with Do Not Check Order Details.
    CTM run time depends on the number of demands. Consequently if your business need for CTM does not require all demands simultaneously, you can perform CTM runs using a demand selection. You can cut down on run time if you can first reduce the amount of demands considered in the planning run.
    Another factor to take into account is the planning period set for the CTM profile. You can implement a horizon in the work area which includes only those demands that can be planned during the horizon of the CTM run. That is, exclude any periods containing demands which cannot be planned.
    Consider also whether you can meet your business requirements by restricting your demands by product-location. You can experience long run times because in a large supply chain you do not restrict the demands by product-location combination.

  • CIF Blocking for SNP CTM Run

    Hi Folks,
    We are implementing CTM solution for a HTDM client. It is the same APO instance where one company is already live on APO and CTM runs are taken on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday on a weekly basis. Now for this new company implementation, we need CTM run to happen everyday at end of the day. Since the client is in USA, we can't have CTM run till 9PM EST since there are end users in west coast as well. But due to busness requirements, we need to complete the CTM runs and publish orders by 8PM EST. No comromise possible on this
    Here is the critical issue. CTM run requires CIF Qs to be blocked during the run time. When we run CTM for company 2, if the CIF Qs are blocked, company 1 will face issues since their business is on else where. Is there a way to run CTM and block CIF Qs only for company 2? It is possible for data transfer block from APO to ECC but what we are concerned is to block ECC to APO data for company 2 only. If this can be achieved, the issue of conflict with CTM runs gets resolved.
    Has anyone faced this issue or is aware of a solution to this problem? Kindly reply back.

    Hi Chandra
    Does the customer use same client for both company ?
    If yes, is there any relation between the data of company 1 and company 2 ?
    (Same location products are used ?)
    If the data is related, it is better to lock CIF queue.
    (Since incoming data can have influence on running CTM
    as described in Note 487261 / 528913).
    But if the data is not related (different location products are processed,
    I think you do not need to block CIF queue from ECC to APO).
    best regards

  • CTM run ends up system exception error message

    After starting "planning run" from CTM profile i'm getting the error message: "Destination address and application CTM were not found in Customizing as an active entry".
    There was thread already with same issue, but it was closed without proper answer.
    CTM run ends up with error message
    Could someone please offer any advice on what can be done here.

    Hi Venkatesh,
    Please check in your CTM settings if the CTM is correctly installed.
    For this you can take help from Basis or got to TX-SM59 -> TCP/IP connections and there you will see your Optimizer server , test the connection once.
    Let me know if this helps.

  • Table for Demands and Supplies after CTM run

    Hi Gurus,
    I want to get number of demands and supplies after CTM run .
    I can see these details from opt11 . But i want to use these data points further for a custom developments .
    So please let me know , in which table these entries sit ? There has to be a standard table for the same .

    You can also improve changing the data points in CTM global setting /SAPAPO/CTMCUST...
    Enable check box : Asynchronous Update and Define appropriate Packet Size and also update
    Package Size for Creating Orders
    Package Size for Creating Pegging Rels
    Package Size for Order Selection
    Below example illustrates the improved performance by enabling check box : Asynchronous Update and Define appropriate Packet Size
    If you set the indicator, CTM first plans the number of demands
    specified in the Package size field. Then the system creates the
    corresponding orders in the liveCache. At the same time, CTM continues
    with the planning for the remaining demands.
    If you do not set the indicator, the system first plans all demands and
    then creates the orders in the liveCache.
    You want to use the asynchronous liveCache update for 20000 demands.
    Enter 1000 as the package size. The system attempts to fulfill the first
    1000 demands. The orders for these demands are created in the liveCache,
    whilst CTM planning continues for the remaining 19000 demands."
    We had similar issue and CTM performance improved significantly after updating the above setting.

  • CTM Run failing with TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED runtime error

    While doing the CTM run,system is giving the  memory dump with run time error TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED.
    I understand this is because memory constraint and possible recommendation to either increase the Memory or reduce the master data selections for planning but would like to know if some master data discrepancy can cause the infinite run of CTM and hence memory dump like product at location being set as Inhouse production but no PPM maintained for it.
    Any suggestions on this willl reward points.
    Edited by: Manish Thukral on Jun 24, 2008 9:34 PM

    Thanks for you reponse.Can you please share some more information on what explanation profile is and where it is set so that can I check.

  • 'An Exception occured in communicaiton object' during CTM run after upgrade

    Hi All,
    We have upgraded our SCM patch level from 06 to 08.
    After patch upgrade we are facing a problem in CTM run.
    Error message is as follows :
    'An exception occured in communicaiton object: An'.
    I could not see any entry in rcc_version or opt09 tcode.

    I already saw this error.
    Please run the reports /SAPAPO/TSCONS, /SAPAPO/CONSCHK and Livecache consistency /SAPAPO/OM17.
    Also,the other reason for this could be from Basis side i.e:Network problems between the APO system and the CTM engine, please check all this.
    Michel Bohn

  • Use of Forecast Horizon in CTM Run

    Hello all,
    Our requirement is - CTM Run should consider 'Forecast Horizon' (as mentioned in Product Master) while creating PReqs from Demands (FC - Planned Independent Requirements).
    As this functionality is not provided in standard SAP, we need to implement some BADI.
    Please provide the soultion - if anyone has already implemented the same - i.e. which BADI is usefull and how to go with that.
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    Best Regards,

    Moderator message -
    When closing old threads, there is no need to add a comment. Adding a pasted answer like "Thanks" only brings old threads to the top of the forum list and pushes current ones down. If you do add a comment, please indicate just how the problem was resolved.

  • FICO : Asset Accounting - Depreciation Run Issue

    Dear Friends,
    I have an issue in asset accounting.
    Let me explain the actual background of this issue.
    1. I created a new company code(2000) by copying the existing one(1000 along with the closed year 2009
    2. After that when i was trying to post acquisition for an asset i got the below error
    You cannot post to asset in company code 2000 fiscal year 2011
    3. Then i closed the year 2010 and opened 2011, it allowed me to post in the month of june
    4. Now i am trying to run the depreciation for june, its giving the below error.
    According to posting cycle, you should post period 001 next
    5. What could be the reason for this error , is it the correct procedure what i am doing it now?
    Please help if someone has an idea about that
    Thanks ,

    You can get the solution if you double click the error message.
    Please note that depreciation of current month can only be posted if the depreciation dycles till the previous month is completed. Coming to your case, you have opened the year 2011 and trying to post depreciation for period 6. You need to run the depreciation cycles from period 1 to 5 before trying to post for period 6.
    Kiron Kumar T.

  • Automatic Payment Run Issue

    In my company I want to do the automatic payment run with the customer setoff & customer open items document  currency is USD & vendor document currency is LKR .I want to do the payment run in LKR.(My company code currency is LKR) I have defined the payment method "C" in both the Master data ( Customer and Vendor). Now I am trying to run Automatic Payment Program. But system shows all Customer invoice in exception list and display the following given below message. Can I run the automatic payment program using difference currencies? Please advice me to resolve the above issue.
    Further this process I am doing for LKR customer & vendors & its working fine without giving any issues.
    Enter a payment method for incoming payments
    Message no. FZ010
    The balance of the items to be paid requires a payment method for incoming payments. You specified a payment method that is defined for outgoing payments.
    System Response
    The payment method is rejected.
    Enter a payment method for incoming payments

    I have created incomming payment method under this company code & asing to the customer master records.
    How can I select multiple payment method at the time of doing auto payment run
    Further , I didn't do any changes in vendor master records since I have to do the outgoing payment also
    Please advice

  • F110 Payment run issue

    We have created a payment run 1a  for a range o vendors  1 - 200  scheduled the payment run, vendor no 10 was included. Then 10 mins later scheduled another payment run for vendor number 10 only the payment run was scheduled. Now the issue is for both payment runs the backgorund jobs are still running after 4 hours!
    In FBL1n for the vendor 10 invoices have been cleared by both payment runs, which is ok.  In SM50 both background jobs I can see they are stuck in program "CL_BCS_EMAIL_ADDRESS==========CP"  this is the part of the BTC used to determine the email address of the vendor.
    Has anyone come across this issue before?

    yes, though couldn't figure out the reason, however if you check SP02 in the spool area you will be able to view all the advices.
    best regds

  • Changing Capacity Utilization for selected days before and after a CTM Run

    I have a number of resources with their respective capacity utilizations. I am running CTM which requires the resource utilizations for all the resources to be at 100%.
    Can I do that with 2 capacity variants for the resource with 100% and X% utilization and switch them as and when required. My Problem is that when i create a capacity variant from say date A to date B .. the period between these comes as blocked. Is there a way to correct this.

    Request you to go through help documents

  • MRP not running - Issue with Planning File

    In MD06 - MRP List, I see MRP list last generated on 5/30/2008. There is a production order
    with requirements date of 3/27/2008 which has been met but is still showing up on the MRP List.
    The goods issue for the production order was posted on 7/30/2008. The goods receipt for the purchase order of material is posted on 5/6/2008
    IN the stock requirements screen (Transaction: MD04), there is no entry except the following:
    8/29/2008 Stock     Available Qty = 0
    There is no entry in the planning file for this material. We run MRP automatically in the night using MD01 and this is not cleraring up the MD06 - MRP list.
    Why was not the planning file entry generated?
    How do i resolve this issue?
    Please help.

    It is perfectly ok for not having the planning file entry for this Material.
    Create a PIR for this Material now, and acheck whether system will creates the planning File entry or not..
    Inspite of having the Demand for the Material, when there is no planning file entry is a problem..
    But, every time there will not be a Planning file file entry, unless there is a change with reference to the Planning..

  • Agent running issue

    Hi All
    I need a clarification on Agent. May be a stupid question !!!
    My Question is ,i am working in a dev environment. Now i want to schedule the scenario.
    But my issue is where should i run the Agentscheduler.
    is it on The server where teh Master and work Rep is created or onthe client machine from where i am creating my project and all???
    Please help

    Hi Bos
    Q1:-So if the Master/Work rep and target datastore are on diff server then i have to run the agent on target datastore server???
    Q2: i don't have to configure the odiparam.bat/sh file on client machine to execute scenario if agent is running on server??

  • Project Based MRP run issue

    Hi Friends,
    There is one issue reg. Project Based MRP Run as below :
    We are running MRP through MD51 (Project based MRP run). For this we are assigning FG material code under respective WBS Element which generates Network reservation with movement type 281Q  which is base of MRP run in MD51. After MRP run we get planned order generation and then convert it to Production order and execute Production Order to receive Project Stock after GR.
    After receiving Project stock and then selling it through Post Goods Issue through SD cycle, project stock is consumed but network reservation is not getting closed which results in again generation of planned order if MRP is run again. 
    I need your valuable inputs if we are missing any configuration setting which can set Final issue indicator in reservation while Posting Goods Issue (PGI) in SD because FI indicator checking will only ensure reservation doesnu2019t take part in planning again.
    Your earliest reply will be highly appreaciated.

    Hi Vivek,
    Thanks for your reply. Actually my issue has got resolved the way suggested by Mario Adler.
    Hi Mario,
    Thanks for your solution. PGI through Project is working fine for me.
    Hi Krishna,
    Follow the procedure as suggested by Mario which will resolve your issue.
    Once again thank you all for spending your precious time to respond my query.

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