Ctrl Click

When I ctrl click any pdf docs then choose "open width" I get the ff:
Adobe Acrobat
color Sync
Discover RE
Discover RE
Path Finder
Path Finder
Photoshop Elements
Quicktime Player
As you could see some items are repeating. How do I correct this? Other files on the other hand I get items that are no longer in the system.

Hi, Sidney.
See my "Resetting Launch Services" FAQ.
Good luck!
Dr. Smoke
Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X
Note: The information provided in the link(s) above is freely available. However, because I own The X Lab™, a commercial Web site to which some of these links point, the Apple Discussions Terms of Use require I include the following disclosure statement with this post:
I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.

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    Where are you viewing your History? <br />
    Have you tried the History Sidebar? {Ctrl + H} <br />
    You can {Ctrl + Click} the pages you want to open in new Tabs, one at a time. <br />
    Also, if you have your Options > Tabs pref deselected for '''When I open a new tab, switch to it immediately''', it might be less distracting with all those pages opening in the background.

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    If you're trying to protect your browser from hackers, I'd recommend setting up a master password for your saved passwords. Other than that, your anti-virus and firewall are responsible for keeping your computer safe.
    If you're trying to protect your browser from someone else (i.e. somebody who can physically use the computer) just lock your entire computer with a password. If someone else has to use it, you could try letting them use the guest account.

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    Send Apple feedback. They won't answer, but at least will know there is a problem. If enough people send feedback, it may get the problem solved sooner.
    Mail Feedback
    Or you can use your Apple ID to register with this site and go the Apple BugReporter. Supposedly you will get an answer if you submit feedback.
    Feedback via Apple Developer

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    Does any body have any ideas what might be wrong?
    Many thanks,

    Back to my earlier suggestions in this order:
    Reapply the 10.4.10 Combo Update. Do not use the computer while the Update is running. After the restart, "repair permissions" using Disk Utility in your Utilities folder. Start Safari.
    If no change, then I suggest reinstalling Safari 2.0.4. Here's how to do it:
    Have a look at this Apple article for installing other software, including Safari, from the Tiger DVD - see the section titled More custom reinstallation options with Mac OS X 10.4.
    Other Steps
    Move the Safari.pkg file in the HD>Library>Receipts folder to the trash.
    As a precaution, prior to reinstalling Safari, move your Safari folder, found via the Finder in your Home Folder>Library to the Desktop. It has your bookmarks, history etc. Once the reinstall is completed, move the folder back to its original location writing over the newly created folder.
    Remember too, the version of Safari you install will be specific to the Version on your installer DVD. Therefore, run Software Update and see if Safari updates appear. If not, reapply the 10.4.10 combined update to bring Safari up to the current version.
    "Repair Permissions" via Disk Utility in your Utilities folder when you are finished.

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    If any Mac apps are using control-clicks for something other than contextual menus, I'd be surprised. Of course, seems to me that if an app's developers want to use control-click for something else, it would either work, and you wouldn't have a problem, or it wouldn't work, and thus the app wouldn't use control-click that way.
    Which means I'm not sure I understand your problem. When you say things are using "the Ctrl key as a modifier", what exactly does that mean, and how is that colliding with a control-click? What applications and web sites are the culprits?

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened

    Ctrl+left click on a link or bookmark will open in a new tab. That is a standard Firefox keyboard shortcut. Middle-click will do the same (Middle-click = press the scroll wheel). On the following page, scroll down to "Web Navigation" or Find (Ctrl+F), enter "Ctrl+lef" (without quotation marks) in the Find box. Read the footnote 4 about how to change from background tab to foreground tab.
    See: http://www.7is7.com/software/firefox/shortcuts.html
    To open a link or bookmark in the currently active tab, simply click on the link or bookmark. Your current tab will be over-written with the new link or bookmark.
    The following page shows the shortcuts for IE7. Click "Working with tabs". It shows Ctrl+click will "Open links in a new tab in the background" and on the next line, it shows CTRL+SHIFT+click will "Open links in a new tab in the foreground".
    See: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/Internet-Explorer-keyboard-shortcuts#
    Maybe you have installed something to change the shortcuts on your installation?
    <u>'''''Other Issues''''': to correct security/stability issues</u>
    <u>'''Update Java'''</u>: your version; current version (<u>important security update 04-15-2010</u>)
    ''(Windows users: Do the manual update; very easy.)''
    See: '''[http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using+the+Java+plugin+with+Firefox#Updates Updating Java]'''
    Do the update with Firefox closed

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    Thank you for your suggestion.
    I am using PSE13
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    Any other suggestions?

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    2. Ctrl + click a link
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    Same problem here!  Driving me nuts that it is somehow "running" as shown in the task bar, but it is not accessible in any way.

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      Windows XP  

    Itunes can't mass delete duplicates, but one of the forum member has written a script to do it, see:
    If you prefer to go commercial take a look at iTsync

  • Need help with finding a workaround: the shotcut ctrl+click opens 2 tabs in my case

    I have several links with an onclick event, which contains some javascript handling and window.open() after it, and they have attribute href="javascript:void(0);" as well.
    When user try Ctrl+click Firefox opens him 2 tabs: the first one with "right" content and the second with javascript:void(0).
    I've tried to set href="#" and in this case Ctrl+click works as I want, but on the original tab the user is redirected by the browser to the top of the page. The empty attribute (href="") also results 2 tabs. Maybe there is some value of the href attribute with which everything will work as I want? I've fed up with this and will be appreciated a lot if you help. Thanks.
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == User use Ctrl+click

    I won't be searching thru all that code to try to find something relevant to your post, but if you are using a Loader to load the images, you can get the width and height as soon as the loading is complete using the loader object (loader.width, loader.height).  You just need to wait until loading is complete, so you'll need a listener for that if you don't have one already.

  • I upgraded to v3.6.22 today and have lost the ability to ctrl-click a link to open the link in a new tab; how do I get this back?

    I upgraded to v3.6.22 today and have lost the ability to ctrl-click a link to open the link in a new tab; how do I get this back?

    Strangely enough, putting my laptop into Hibernate mode solved the problem. It didn't even take a reboot.
    Running Windows Vista Enterprise SP2.

  • How to override Ctrl-Click behavior in Java L&F

    On the Mac, Ctrl-Click is the popup trigger. While Java L&F designers were obviously aware of this (it is warned about in the Java Look and Feel Design Guidelines, 2nd ed, page 106). However, just two pages later (page 108), they then generically specifify that Ctrl-Click is used in lists and tables to toggle the selection.
    The implementation of the Java L&F does not appear to consider the Mac's use of Ctrl-Click and still toggles selection. If there is an additional mouse listener that shows a menu in response to the popup trigger, it will ALSO open the menu on Ctrl-Click.
    What is the best way to overide the Ctrl-Click behavior in JTable etc. to NOT do the toggle selection? Note that this is a mouse event and not a key event, so it can't be turned off or changed by the getActionMap() mechanism.
    Also, does anyone know what the "Command" modifier on the Mac (Command-Click is supposed to toggle selection on Macs) shows up as in the InputEvent (isMetaDown(), isAltGraphDown()...)?

    Try extending the JList and override the processMouseEvent(MouseEvent evt) method and show your popup menu when the user clicks the mouse while holding the CTRL key down. The code below demonstrates the same.
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JList;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.ListModel;
    import javax.swing.WindowConstants;
    public class Temp extends JFrame {
         public Temp() {
              String [] items = {"One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five"};
              JList list = new MyList(items);
              JScrollPane scroller = new JScrollPane(list);
              getContentPane().add(scroller, BorderLayout.CENTER);
         class MyList extends JList {
              public MyList() {
              public MyList(Object[] listData) {
              public MyList(Vector listData) {
              public MyList(ListModel dataModel) {
              protected void processMouseEvent(MouseEvent evt) {
                   int onmask = MouseEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK | MouseEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK;
                   if(evt.getModifiersEx() == onmask) {
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Control + click");
                   else {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              new Temp();
    }Hope this helps
    Sai Pullabhotla

  • Ctrl click to layer in a group?

    Is there a hot key combo to ctrl click to layer that's inside a group..not jsut to the group itself.

    With most tools, if you use Ctrl+Alt right click in the document on the
    screen, that will select the layers instead of the groups.

  • I'm using Firefox 3.6.11 and it has stoped opening a new tab when I ctrl-click. I've recently updated AVG - could this have affected it?

    The AVG installation included a "safe search" and "security toolbar". Otherwise no changes to previous config that I know of (!)
    If I hold down Ctrl when clicking on a link no new tab opens ad i just link to the new site on the currently open tab.
    How can I get Ctrl-click to work again?

    Upgrade your browser to Firefox 9 and check
    * getfirefox.com

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