Customer Service Configurations

Hi All,
May I request anyone of you to please provide me with a configuration guide to Customer Service module. I have fully configured Plant Maintenance module and i believe CS and PM go hand in hand along with SD integration. All i need is the standard SAP CS configurations.
Thanks all
Edited by: Beatle on Oct 22, 2009 8:34 AM
Edited by: Beatle on Nov 5, 2009 9:39 AM

I did a quick search and found this
for service processing.  Might have something you can use.
This is not my field of expertise, but it appears that a lot of the new activity in the Customer service area is now being done in CRM, not so much in ECC.

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    Hi Pavan,
    > working on EP 7.0 SP8
    Glad to hear that you are not stuck on EP5   No, really, that is older than old... Anyhow:
    > not displaying any custom built Portal Services under Service Configuration tab
    There services are only listed if they are configurable, i.e. if they have a service profile with at least one property (compare Otherwise it makes less sense to restart a service (normally this is done after changing a service profile parameter).
    Hope it helps

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    As long as the computer names and domain remain the same, I don't think it will be an issue. As long as you configured everything using names and not IP addresses, the machines should all be able to find each other when they come back online. 
    How are you planning on migrating them?
    Matthew Dowst |
    Blog | Twitter

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    Hi Will,
    Please check configuration "Reset Time Series for Incoming ProductActivityNotifications". This should help you reset old values with new values.
    IMG - Supply Network Collaboration -> Basic Settings -> Processing Inbound and Outbound Messages -> Display of External Exceptions and Logs -> Reset Time Series for Incoming ProductActivityNotifications
    Hope this helps you.

  • Hello.  I upgraded my MIFI 2200 (had no contract on it) to a Jetpack (with a contract) when customer service told me this 4G device would use less data because it was faster.  This was not correct.  Anyway, I got the device, had problems, did tech support

    I upgraded my MIFI 2200 (had no contract on it) to a Jetpack (with a contract) when customer service told me this 4G device would use less data because it was faster.  This was not correct.  Anyway, I got the device, had problems, did tech support, re-activated my MIFI.  1.  Decided to return the device. Spent hours with Customer Service, then finally up to Management, they agreed to take it back and void the contact, I sent it back immediately – and instead of voiding the contact they transferred it to my MIFI! Please cancel the contract on the MIFI. 2.  During the short time I had the Jetpack I continually received overage alerts, took it all the way up to 30 GB, each time I backdated the new data plan except twice when customer service did and failed to back date the increase, and once the computer locked customer service out and could not increase.  The end result is I have a $495 bill, many of these alerts were false since I ended up with only 14 MG for the month, etc.  I am asking that my bill be reduced significantly to reflect no overage and to compensate for these problems. Please open up a ticket for this.

    I had Verizon JetPak and you will find it will eat data like crazy. I opted to sign on to ATT Uverse and configured my phones and other devices to the WiFi on the Uverse system. It took about 5 minutes to completed the configuration.  I was using 10 to 12 GB monthly to support 5 devices. Even if you use Verizon DSL, you are still subjected to same GB allotment.  In my area, Verizon DSL is not available. With Uverse, I have 250 GB monthly to use, and I have not even come close to using anything of that magnitude. I reduced my GB package with Verizon to 2 GB per month and since having ATT Uverse, I never use more than 1GB a month with Verizon.
    I have no problem with Verizon cell phone service as we get a much stronger signal where we live than you can with ATT or any others.  It is just my opinion, but if you are running multiple devices off Verizon Jetpak, you will eventually spend a fortune to keep pace.  I pay $60 a month for 18 Mbps speed, although ATT have packages that cost much less. But, it saves me a bundle each month. The cost of Uverse alone is worth not having to run everything through a Jetpak.  
    If you have the  option to use another DSL service provider in your area, I recommend dumping the Jetpak and sign on with another carrier.

  • [svn:bz-trunk] 15090: Bug: BLZ-506 - Unexpanded {0} in error message from LocalFileResolver related to services .configuration.file

    Revision: 15090
    Revision: 15090
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-03-29 01:55:44 -0700 (Mon, 29 Mar 2010)
    Log Message:
    Bug: BLZ-506 - Unexpanded in error message from LocalFileResolver related to services.configuration.file
    QA: No - I already tested.
    Doc: No
    Checkintests: Pass
    Details: Applied customer's patch.
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    Remember that Arch Arm is a different distribution, but we try to bend the rules and provide limited support for them.  This may or may not be unique to Arch Arm, so you might try asking on their forums as well.

  • Where/how do I submit a letter to Customer Service?

    Is there any place to submit a letter to customer service?

    Complimentary Support
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    How much complimentary support do I get?
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    How does Apple define “support incident?”
    Apple defines a support incident as a specific, discrete issue that can be addressed by isolating its origin to a single cause. Apple, in its sole discretion, will determine what constitutes a support incident. A support incident has reached resolution when the customer receives one of the following:
    Information that resolves the issue
    Information on how to obtain a software solution that will resolve the issue
    Notice that the issue is caused by a known, unresolved issue or an incompatibility issue with the supported product
    Information that identifies the issue as being resolved by upgrading to a newer release of the supported product
    Notice that the issue has been identified as a hardware equipment issue
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  • Customer Services

    Hi Pro's
    Iam new to BW, please can anybody help me regarding customer care implementation in BW. like
    1.configuration on R/3 side
    2.cubes,ods's, infosources etc..
    anything like how-to doc's, i have been reading these days

    what do you mean by customer care ?
    Here a link to the documentation of crm = customer relation ship management
    and to plm = product lifecycle management
    and to cs = customer service
    Hope this is what you need.
    kind regards

  • Regarding Customer Service flow

    Iam new to Customer Service Module,
    I want to know the flow of Customer Service
    1. Whether Product produced from the factory will go outside as a Matl or Equipment, if it is a material why like pm module........f/l, equip, all there in CS. please explain me the org structure
    2. Can anyone explain me the 2 scenario with t-codes
         1) Receiving service matl from customer & doing service in company permise
         2) Doing service at the customer place itself
    please anyone explain me with t-codes flow

    The comapny which producing any equipement and anything that is consider as material.ans also that material have serial no along with it. coz company producing the same equipement thats why serial no is neceessary for tracing down the history of manufactured material
    Order Processing: Internal Processing
    You can use the order to detail the work to be performed. This is important to minimize unproductive time, above all for central objects, whose malfunction can lead to bottlenecks or breakdowns in production.
    Depending on the type of order and work planned, you can execute planning at different levels of detail:
    Small orders (quick entry)
    You can enter the required data on the order header screen and do not have to call up a separate operation screen.
    Extensive orders (without detailed planning)
    You can enter any number of operations in list form on the operation overview screen.
    Orders with detailed planning
    You can call up detail data screens for each operation, to enter the following data:
    Internal processing data (for example, wage data)
    External processing data (for example, price, purchasing group)
    Operation data
    To plan activities, you use operations and sub-operations, in which the individual work steps are described. For more information, see Use of Operations and Sub-Operations.
    Process Flow
    Order processing provides a large number of functions, not all of which, however, must be used during processing. Each company can define its own process flow according to its requirements.
    1. Planning with reference to:
    The operation
    Work centers and the number of persons involved
    Material, if necessary, using bills of material
    One or more objects
    Dates and execution times
    Task lists
    Costs and settlement (settlement rule)
    Order assignments
    The execution factor
    User data
    The budget
    Production resources/tools (PRTs)
    External assignments
    2. Control
    Checking of availability of material and production resources/tools
    Release for implementation
    Printing of shop papers
    3. Implementation
    Material usage period
    4. Completion
    Completion confirmation
    Technical completion
    Settlement of costs
    Business completion
    5. Display and processing of special order data
    Display of the action log
    Use of status
    Collective processing
    Processing with an External Company as Work Center
    For an external company that you regularly hire for the same tasks, you can create a special work center.
    This can be advisable if the external company is not situated near to your company, and they process a large number of orders for you.
    You configure a cost center for each external company individually or for all the external companies collectively.
    In Controlling (CO), you configure a CO activity type and a price, which reflects the conditions of the purchase order, for the cost center of the external company.
    For the external company, you create a work center that is linked with the cost center and the CO activity type.
    Since this form of external processing is identical with internal processing during order processing, you assign a control key for internal processing to the operations to be processed externally. In the standard system, this control key is PM01.
    Process Flow
    You configure an individual purchase order, which has a validity period (for example, one quarter, a year), in which the purchase order conditions are defined. You assign this purchase order to the cost center for the work center that has been created for the external company.
    You create the order with operations to be processed externally in exactly the same way as an order with operations to be processed internally. See Creation of an Order.
    Print out the order papers.
    You hire the external company by sending the printed order papers to the external company or handing them to their employees.
    The tasks are performed by the external company.
    You confirm the order operations to be processed externally in exactly the same way as internally processed operations.
    Steps two to six apply for all orders that are processed within the validity period of the purchase order.
    The cost center of the external company is credited following the time confirmation of the operations.
    The cost center of the external company can be debited by issuing an invoice periodically (for example, monthly). The invoice therefore includes all the orders performed during this period. After the expiration date, the balance of the cost center is 0.
    The costs are first collected on the order and then settled to the receiver specified in the settlement rule.

  • Resource Related Billing for Customer Service

    Dear Gurus,
    Kindly explain the step by step configuration of RRB for Customer Service in SD.
    Points will be rewarded for the answers.
    Thanks & Regards,

    The following will be steps in RRB.
    1. Set up DIP profile configuration in ODP1 & link your debit memo request doc type here.
    2. Link all the activity types/material/GL a/c here.
    3. Configure your item category, and assign the DIP profile there.
    Run DP90 to do RRB, It will create the debit memo request.
    For further details you can go thru the below link:

  • Creating a custom service for DSAME

    Hi, could anyone point me to documentation on creating a custom services and policies for DSAME?

    You both had me going nuts trying to figure how to get to that property. Basically just right click the DAQmx property node and "Select filter..." . This brings up the "Configure Filter Settings" where I chose 'show all attributes'. I could then get to the AI Custom Scale Name property.
     Interestingly when you use the Property Browser and select the magnifying glass you can get to that property...but you just can't select it if you have the filter set incorrectly. Lesson Learned.
    I also found this community example and that one.  
    Using LabVIEW 2010SP1 and TestStand 4.5

  • Customer service in Indonesia can not connect

    i already buy Lenovo G430 145 less than a month ago. in the warraty card there is a phone number for customer service in Indonesia 001 8030 601 2003 toll free. i try to call that number because i have alot of questions about my laptop and warranty procedure. however i cannot connect to that number at all.and then i search in lenovo site, the phone number still same.
    is there another number for Lenovo Indonesia Customer Service? can somebody solve my problem?
    thanks before.
    ==Faisal Indonesia==

    I don't really understand your HA configuration. Is this a 2 nodes cluster ? If yes why is there only one alias.
    I use a SAP R/3 4.7 system running on a Windows 2003 MSCS cluster.
    We have 2 DNS aliases for it : one for the SAP CI and one for the Oracle database.
    Each of these 2 DNS aliases has its own virtual IP address.
    example : sapalias.domain.xx for SAP CI
                    dbalias.domain.xx for oracle DB
    The icm/host_name_full parameter is set to sapalias.domain.xx
    To be able to use BSP applications, we have to use the FQDN in the URL.
    Like : http://sapalias.domain.xx:port/sap/bc/bsp/sap/z_mybsp
    On a dual stack system, usually you use the ABAP HTTP port in all URLs and it is the job of the ICM to direct the processing to the abap stack (all URLs beginning with /sap) or to the java stack (all other URLs).

Maybe you are looking for