D20 Raid rebuild option

Hi friends
At one of our customer's site we had replaced a hdd in the D20 workstation, the hdd was part of a Raid 5 array.  what i want to know is how do we rebuild the replaced the drive. Are there any raid management software. The raid controller is an onboard Marvell 88se63xx controller. Didnt find any option in the raid utility.
Any suggestions will be very helpful.
Go to Solution.

welcome to the forum!
you can download the marvell RAID utility here: http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/document.do?lndocid=MIGR-73073
ThinkStation C20
ThinkPad X1C · X220 · X60T · s30 · 600

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    matt k.

    if the marvell RAID controller hasn't been enabled, you'll need to install the driver.   it can be found here: http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/document.do?lndocid=MIGR-73697
    after this is installed, boot into the D20 BIOS and enable RAID.   reboot again into the unconfigured drive and see if you can get into windows.   if so, you can set up your RAID 1 array.
    if you want to control RAID configuration from within windows, you'll need to install the marvell RAID utility found here: http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/document.do?lndocid=MIGR-73073
    (edit: typo)
    ThinkStation C20
    ThinkPad X1C · X220 · X60T · s30 · 600

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    Thank you

    Thanks for the response.
    I've been exchaging email with someone of the suporte team.
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    Thank you for your response.
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    Thank You

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    Your situation sounds frustrating and the Drobo Pro sounds slooooowwww!
    The RAID 5 build times using an Areca ARC-1880ix-12 card 10x3TB was 7 hours + 35 minutes, or about 15 minutes/TB; quite a bit faster than 24 to 48 hrs/TB. Areca and their competitors also allow for the RAID to continued to be used during operation (reads/writes) although at a reduced performance speed.
    I know it would be really painful to cut over to a controller card backup system with hot-swap drives or an external cable connected box (Sans Digital, etc.), but you may want to start dreaming / planning in that direction.
    Sorry for your pain on this one.

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    * (Automatically) reinitialize the RAID rebuild.
    * Monitor the RAID status.
    * Be notified of a RAID failure.

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    I found out how to get the disk data again and get rid of the following warning that obviously comes with not getting the disk details:
    * Server sys/chassis-1/blade-6 does not fullfill Service profile vmw66 due to incompatible-number-of-local-disks
    * ID: 828447
    * Cause: server-failed
    * Code: F0337
    Solution -> re-aknowledge the server...
    Any chance that this might be a bug (in 1.4.1i)?
    edit: Seems that has been around for a while:
    -> http://terenceluk.blogspot.com/2010/12/fixing-cisco-ucs-b-series-raid-1-mirror.html

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    It's fine to work with the volume while the array is getting rebuilt. Just be aware that performance may be degraded - but it was already degraded when the first disk failed, so it shouldn't be too bad.

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    Can anyone please help me figure out these issues?

    Sure. Forget about the AirDisk and buy one of these:
    http://www.dlink.com/products/?pid=509 - It's a D-Link DNS-323 2 drive bay SATA NAS box, and shouldn't cost you more than $185 without drives. It has Gigabit Ethernet, supports SMB and AFP (it'll work with Windows machines and Macs), and it even runs an iTunes server inside the box.
    http://preview.tinyurl.com/32vfc3 - Maxtor 500GB drives for $100 each shipped.
    So for ~$385, you can have 1TB of space which you can then array as RAID 0 or 1, or use as a big, contiguous drive.

  • Does RAID Rebuild Fix Bad Blocks on RAID Slice?

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    Today, I ran TechTool Pro. It says that one of the disks in the RAID has 3 bad blocks. It says that the only way to fix that is to erase the disk and zero all data.
    When TechTool scanned the RAID itself as a disk, however, it did not report any bad blocks. This makes me wonder if rebuilding the RAID somehow took care of the bad blocks already.
    Please let me know if my theory is correct!

    Oh...if you have data you are trying to save then its best to try cloning the drive to another one, which should save its data as-is to another drive. Hopefully you can do so without there being hangups around the bad blocks and keep at least most of your data intact. I'd recommend you try using Carbon Copy Cloner to do this, but you will need a secondary drive that is at least the size of the data on the problematic drive.

  • D20 RAID removing

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    I’ve broken the RAID grouping with the Marvel BIOS setup, but I think I’m missing a bet somewhere, so any assistance you can give me in how to configure the bios so that the two hard disks look like two "normal" SATA devices, would be most welcome.

    go into the standard BIOS and see if you can set the ATA mode from "RAID" to "AHCI".   unfortunately i don't have a D20 in front of me right now to confirm this option exists.
    ThinkStation C20
    ThinkPad X1C · X220 · X60T · s30 · 600

  • RAID rebuild quiestion

    So please tell me....If I have a RAID (RAID 5), and I have a degraded state (one of the drives pulled itself out of the RAID), to rebuild, do I only need to:
    1. reboot,
    2. hit F10
    3. delete all of the drives from the RAID/s
    4. re-add all the drives in the exact same order and make sure not to select Clear Drive
    5. reboot and allow to rebuild
    Will this wipe my system that is curretly on the drive?

    Do not delete the RAID or you'll loose everything. 
    What you need to do is find out which drive is bad and just power down and replace the drive.  You should have to go into the RAID BIOS and edit/change/add the new drive to the existing RAID.  after you have it added, reboot and the rebuild should be automatic and may take an hour or so depending.
    I have only did this once and on a hardware RAID, but that was all I had to do. 
    You should also have the option in windows to try and repair the RAID Array.  I never did this before, but if I remember right all you have to do is find the bad drive in Computer Management(It should be out of the array) and reformat it(do not quick format), then re-add it to the array(You may need to use the NVRAID software).
    ps. Computer Management for XP is located in Start--> Performance and Maintenance--> Administrative Tools--> Computer Management and then select Storage, then Disk Management(Local), then find the problem disk to continue.

  • MSI K7N2 Delta ILSR - RAID BIOS Option ???

    hi ho,
    i have my 2 storage devices pluged into the promise 376 onboard controller. they are not connected as a real raid (not mirror nor real stripe). my OS is win2k on the first sata device and everything was fine for a long time.
    but now when my system boots, it detects the ide drives and then i see the irq board.
    right after that the system stops and tells me 'disk boot failure'. so i don`t get the chance to configure my raidcontroller or my sata devices.
    it is as the controller is deactivated. i remember a bios version where you could activate and deactivate the sata controller. but in my bios (right now it is v7.8) there is no such option.
    i have tested so far:
    - reset cmos
    - flash bios v7.5 to 7.8
    - disconnected sata drives
    anyone with similar problems or any suggestion?
    > MoBo : K7N2 Delta-ILSR Bios v7.8
    > CPU   : AMD Barton 2500+ (not overclocked)
    > Ram  : TwinMos 1GB 3200 400Mhz
    > Sata  : 2 x Maxtor 120GB Sata (as single Devices on Raid-Controller)
    > Ide   : 60GB IBM DeckStar
    > Gra  :  ATI 9600 pro 128MB
    > Aud  :  SB Audigy 2 ZS
    > Pow  : SilverPower 350W, +3,3V/+5V@25A and 12V@18A
    > OS    : win 2000 SP4 + Security Updates 31.07.04 + DirectX 9.0c

    watch the bottom of the screen after pressing Enter on the "Welcome to Setup" screen. There will be some moments of files being loaded, and then you should see a message appear which says "Press F6 if you need to install a 3rd party SCSI or RAID driver". This message will only stay on the screen for a couple of seconds, so press F6 as soon as you see it appear. After this is done, you will see other messages appear, and it will act as though nothing is happening, but eventually a screen will appear which will allow you to install the drivers for the sata controller.
    specify a device press S, select "win 2000 promise fasttrak 376 controller" it will read floppy and load, dot not remove floppy yet, continue win2000 install it may nead to access floppy to finish installing raid driver, did you do it like this.
    try making some floppy boot disks and boot to floppy instead of cd.
    when you say there not listed, where did you see this? they wont be listed, windows will search for fasttrak controller so it will see sata's conected to it with out you knowing, so long as you load the controller from floppy that came with mobo as above.

  • Simple D20 RAID questoin -- needs to be preconfigured?

    Does the Thinkstation D20 need to have its RAID "configured by Lenovo", i.e. when originally purchased?
    On the Thinkpad W520, I believe you have to select that you want RAID, or else you won't have the right hardware installed, and I wonder if the D20 is the same way.
    I am wondering if I'll have to buy all five drives, in the arrays I want, if I want to have RAID in my future Thinkstation.  I'm pretty sure I've seen this addressed somewhere but haven't been able to track a definitive answer back down.
    Thanks for the help,
    Go to Solution.

    Wow, thanks for the quick reply.  I marked it as the solution.

  • Intel Smart Response and RAID bios option

    unfortunately, i have lenovo M5400 and i am disappointed that i have another problem with this notebook.
    i cannot enable intel smart response in intel rapid storage because i ave no RAID option in bios, only compatible/ahci.
    why? how to fix it?

    hi pixo,
      If you are aiming to Cache the SSD Caching,
    Try it out on a non raid setup and try this step to cache the SSD
    Solid Cruver
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