DamagedFiles in system

I recently installed 10.5 on a freshly formatted, new internal drive. I ran the 10.5.8 Combo Updater and a few days later, my Mac (PowerMac G5) stopped booting up after being shut down. It will only get as far as the gray screen with Apple logo. On one occasion it did not restart after going into sleep. I can boot up via "Safe Mode" and restart with all applications working as expected.
I noticed a "DamagedFiles" folder on the system drive, which contains and alias to folder called "private." The private folder is lighter in color than the others, and contains sub folders a few levels down with a red circle and - in the center. I presume these are the damaged files:
private > var > agentx
private > var > at > tabs
private > var > at > tmp (appears to be an empty folder)
private > var > backups
private > var > db > dhcpclient
private > var > db > DirectoryService
private > var > db > dslocal > indices> Default
private > var > db > dslocal > bodes> Default
private > var > db > krb5kdc
private > var > db > shadow
private > log > krbrkdc
private > log > samba > cores
private > var > root
In all cases, the folder with the red circle shown in the Finder as an empty folder at the end of the path.
Any suggestions on how to proceed? Would doing an archive/install copy any of these damaged files along? Is there a way to do the archive/install with the 10.5.8 Combo Installer?

baltwo - Thanks for the reply. I'm a bit hesitant to delete files, as some other threads say that some deleted files will render the OS inoperable. No offense intended, but as you say you haven't seen a DamagedFiles folder before, how can you be confident that deleting it is safe?
I have the upate to DIskWarrior on order, but it won't arrive for a few days/weeks. I'd feel better trying DiskWarrior to fix the directory before proceeding, but I'm worried that something else may go awry.
To reinstall the 10.5.8 Combo Updater, do I need to first reinstall 10.5? If so, should I do an archive/install of 10.5 first? I'm just wondering if the archive/install will simply re-install the "damaged files."
cheers, Dave

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    You are right Kaushik,
    I have not done Data Syndication but my concept tell if there is duplicate record with same remote system but different remote keys both will be syndicated back.
    Yes, but if they are duplicate, they needs to be merged.
    But if same record have two remote keys for same remote system then only the default remote key is syndicated back.
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    Hope this helps,
    + An

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    There is a system backup tool called System Image Backup, follow these steps to conduct this:
    Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, and then tap Search.
    (If you're using a mouse, point to the upper-right corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer down, and then click Search.)
    Enter File History in the search box, tap or click File History, and then click System Image Backup at the left part.
    See the screenshot as below, you can backup it on local machine or a DVD or a network share folder:
    Besides, I need to point out that this backup method will generate a vhd file, if you want to restore the system you need an DVD installation midia.
    You cannot just restore a vhd file directly to the hard drive.

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    Several take home messages here:
    always back up before you update.
    always back up anything you don't want to lose. Kind of like flossing. Only floss the teeth you don't want to lose.
    Norton is very, very bad software, and you should get rid of it.
    You don't need antivirus software on your mac. Antivirus software on macs causes more trouble than it is worth.
    Your hard drive may be failing and thus may not be salvageable.
    You could try booting into the recovery partition and seeing if you can repair your hard drive.
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    Thanks for any help. Peggy
    Message was edited by: peggy toole

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    MyBusServ2, Z_LS_1
    is not possible ?
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        we use Adapter specific identifiers to map services, we have following type of identifiers 1) Sys.ID & Client No.  2) Logical System. 
    my questions are
    a) Are we use Logical System in B to B scenario ?
    b) Are we use LS in reference to the SAP system or Non SAP system ? if a non SAP system....how a non SAP system send an IDOC and why a non SAP system receive an IDOC ( conversion is possible in XI ) ?
    Thanks and Regards

    Hay Kumar,
    Logical systems can also be used for SAp sytems wich are not installed yet as a virtuall placeholder.
    a) yes. if on of your business is a non sap system or a propritery system that you developed yuo'll ue LS.
    b) non SAP system can send and recieve IDOCs. so it's possiable to get an IDOC from a system and turn it into an RFC for SAP or get an IDOC from an SAP system and then turn it into something else for another system.
    Have a Good One,
    Uri Lifshitz.

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    Can anybody help?

    I have setup a new technical system and a business system in SLD, but now I still can't find it in Integration Directory.
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    Tools (or right-click in ID) --> Assign Business System --> follow the wizard...it will assign the business system from SLD to ID

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    Error in phase: IMPORT_PROPER
    Reason for error: TP_STEP_FAILURE
    Return code: 0008
    Error message: OCS Package ALL, tp step "6", return code 0008
    The error message in the file D:\usr\sap\trans\log\P090113.IDS is as follows,
    2 ETP301
    3 ETP361 "96" Shadow-Nametabs activated, DDL executed
    2 ETP362 "6" Shadow-Nametab activations failed
    2 ETP360 Begin: Act. of Shadow-Nametabs with DDL ("2009/01/13 02:57:51")
    2 ETP363 End : Act. of Shadow-Nametabs with DDL ("2009/01/13 02:58:07")
    2 ETP301
    1 ETP110 end date and time : "20090113025807"
    1 ETP111 exit code : "8"
    1 ETP199 ######################################
    I have read some notes it may be due to "Row compression" and "Deffered table creation" option in DB2. Please help me in resolving this issue if it is DB2 related.

    Please find the real error message which I found in the same log file. This is a new installation.
    System configuration details:
    ERP 6.0 IDES SR3 + Windows 2003 enterprise server SP2 + DB2 V9.1 / FP5
    BASIS and ABAP support pack level: (700) 13.
    Error message:
    3 ETP399 
    2WETP000 02:53:26: Retcode 1: error in DDL statement for "/OSP/T_REPINFO                " - repeat
    2EETP345 02:53:38: Retcode 1: SQL-error "-107-SQL0107N  The name "IDS#BTABD COMPRESS YES" is too lo
    2EETP345 ng.  The maximum length is "18".  SQLSTATE=42622" in DDL statement for "/OSP/T_REPINFO   
    2EETP345             "
    2 ETP399  -
    3 ETP399 
    2WETP000 02:54:05: Retcode 1: error in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/CMP_ASG                " - repeat
    2EETP345 02:54:17: Retcode 1: SQL-error "-107-SQL0107N  The name "IDS#POOLD COMPRESS YES" is too lo
    2EETP345 ng.  The maximum length is "18".  SQLSTATE=42622" in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/CMP_ASG   
    2EETP345             "
    2 ETP399  -
    2EETP334 02:54:17: error in DDL, nametab for "/SAPPO/CMP_ASG" not activated
    3 ETP399 IN "IDS#POOLD"
    3 ETP399 
    2WETP000 02:54:17: Retcode 1: error in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/CSCRN_HDR              " - repeat
    2EETP345 02:54:29: Retcode 1: SQL-error "-107-SQL0107N  The name "IDS#POOLD COMPRESS YES" is too lo
    2EETP345 ng.  The maximum length is "18".  SQLSTATE=42622" in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/CSCRN_HDR 
    2EETP345             "
    2 ETP399  -
    2EETP334 02:54:29: error in DDL, nametab for "/SAPPO/CSCRN_HDR" not activated
    3 ETP399 
    2WETP000 02:54:29: Retcode 1: error in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/F_ASG                  " - repeat
    2EETP345 02:54:41: Retcode 1: SQL-error "-107-SQL0107N  The name "IDS#POOLD COMPRESS YES" is too lo
    2EETP345 ng.  The maximum length is "18".  SQLSTATE=42622" in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/F_ASG     
    2EETP345             "
    2 ETP399  -
    2EETP334 02:54:41: error in DDL, nametab for "/SAPPO/F_ASG" not activated

  • How to pop up a system message for a specific user when She/He log on SAP

    Hi Friends,
    As we know SM02 setting will pop up a system message to all users in specific client in a specific period when the user log on SAP system; and we can do the same thing via using function module SM02_ADD_MESSAGE.
    But now we want to pop up a message to a specific user ID when somebody log on SAP via this ID, instead of all user IDs in the client. Please do we have any similar traction / function module / class method to to do this job??
    Thanks in advance.

    Below code can be used to send a pop up message to all users who are logged on to the
    DATA: MESSAGE(128) VALUE 'Test message'.
    In the above code just pass the desired user ID instead of All user ID's
    Edited by: harsh bhalla on Mar 26, 2009 2:14 PM

  • Error message 'Please log on to the SAP system' when selecting 'shop'

    In SRM when we click on 'shop' or 'Goods Receipt' we get the error 'ITS System Information 'Please log on to the SAP System' where it prompts user to log on again. However when user logs on it opens up the same screen again saying please log on to the sap system.
    This only happens when we shop using the External ITS (wgate), EBP works fine using the Internal ITS.
    Please can someone help.
    Kindest Regards

    <b>Please try this -></b>
    <b>Look using SRM transaction SITSPMON and RZ20, RZ21.</b>
    Also Please check <u>SAP OSS Note 517860</u>
    <b>-> For ITS,  You need to maintain the RFC connection in the connection type "T" i.e TCP/IP. Maintain in the Table - TWPURLSVR.
    Ensure that you have maintained correct entries in the TWPURLSVR table using SM30 transaction for the ITS Web path (http or https address path). Note you are passing port - 8001 in the address here. Incase you face problems, Please ask you BASIS person to help you out.
    -> Please ask you BASIS person to help you out for maintaining ITS settings. (Ensure IACOR service is running properly - ITS server is running), through the transaction SMICM
    -> What all logs appear in SLG1 and SM21 transactions after publishing all the Internet services.
    -> If you are using ITS 6.2,you need to do the IACOR settings for SRM on the ITS server.Also in SE80 mainatin the Site for SRM system.After this ,you can publish all the ITS services usig the report,W3_PUBLISH SERVICES.</b>
    <u>Related links -></u>
    Integrated ITS :Login Problem
    Re: ITS_CANT_LOAD_INCLUDE in BBPstart service
    Re: ITS Configuration
    Re: ITS Template not found
    Do let me know.
    - Atul

  • Couldn't log into SAP System (message 00264) after SAP_BASIS update

    we performed SAP_BASIS update to SAPKB70023 and get a problem with logon into a SAP system with message 00264 (Status &2 of the user interface &1 missing).
    We have a 64-bit non-Unicode system on Solaris/SPARC/Oracle and Kernel level 333.
    We tried to import MENUSYST program from note 1285869, but nothing happened at all. The parameter abap/unicode_check we set to "on" but this didn't help us.
    So after selecting system record in SAP Logon now we get the initial logon screen with no "new password" button and error 00264 (Status 0020 of the user interface SAPMSYST missing.) and couldn't log into the system.
    We have no idea why correct and existing statuses are not working.
    Please suggest us what to do to fix this problem.
    Thanks in advance!

    Check this,
    it may be useful.

  • Unable to Log-in *SAP System Message : Error while reading a Dynpro*

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    The system throws an error dialog box with the below message:
    SAP System Message : Error while reading a Dynpro
    At the OS level Java process  server0 is in stop status with exit code -11113. In ABAP WP Table all processes are in wait status.

    Hi Please find the contents of std_server.out below.
    stdout/stderr redirect
    node name   : server0
    pid         : 4124
    system name : KEC
    system nr.  : 01
    started at  : Mon Jul 27 15:44:57 2009
    [Thr 5656] MtxInit: -2 0 0
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/pb/layout/taglib/ContainerTag addIviewResources
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/keystore/impl/security/CodeBasedSecurityConnector getApplicationDomain
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/rmi_p4/P4StubSkeletonGenerator generateStub
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/prt/util/StringUtils escapeToJS
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/prt/core/broker/PortalServiceItem startServices
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/server/deploy/WSConfigurationHandler downloadFile
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/prt/jndisupport/util/AbstractHierarchicalContext lookup
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/navigation/cache/CacheNavigationNode getAttributeValue
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/navigation/TopLevelNavigationiView PrintNode
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/wcm/service/ice/wcm/ICEPropertiesCoder encode
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/lcr/pers/delta/importing/ObjectLoader loadObjects
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/InstanceBuilder readElement
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/InstanceBuilder readSequence
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/TypeMappingImpl initializeRelations
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/GeneratedComplexType _loadInto
    SAP J2EE Engine Version 7.00   PatchLevel 110760.44 is starting...
    Loading: LogManager ... 250 ms.
    Loading: PoolManager ... 0 ms.
    Loading: ApplicationThreadManager ... 47 ms.
    Loading: ThreadManager ... 16 ms.
    Loading: IpVerificationManager ... 0 ms.
    Loading: ClassLoaderManager ... 16 ms.
    Loading: ClusterManager ... 93 ms.
    Loading: LockingManager ... 32 ms.
    Loading: ConfigurationManager ... 1032 ms.
    Loading: LicensingManager ... 0 ms.
    Loading: CacheManager ... 93 ms.
    Loading: ServiceManager ...
    Loading services.:
      Service runtimeinfo started. (16 ms).
      Service cross started. (31 ms).
      Service file started. (31 ms).
      Service memory started. (31 ms).
      Service timeout started. (16 ms).
      Service trex.service started. (32 ms).
      Service userstore started. (0 ms).
      Service jmx_notification started. (15 ms).
      Service p4 started. (62 ms).
      Service classpath_resolver started. (16 ms).
      Service deploy started. (3722 ms).
      Service MigrationService started. (31 ms).
      Service bimmrdeployer started. (0 ms).
      Service log_configurator started. (5177 ms).
      Service locking started. (0 ms).
      Service http started. (126 ms).
      Service naming started. (157 ms).
      Service failover started. (16 ms).
      Service appclient started. (31 ms).
      Service javamail started. (47 ms).
      Service ts started. (47 ms).
      Service jmsconnector started. (47 ms).
      Service licensing started. (15 ms).
      Service connector started. (93 ms).
      Service iiop started. (94 ms).
      Service configuration started. (16 ms).
      Service webservices started. (265 ms).
      Service dbpool started. (1204 ms).
      Service UT started. (0 ms).
    Jul 27, 2009 3:45:09 PM         com.sap.security.core.persistence [SAPEngine_System_Thread[impl:5]_54] Fatal: Initialization of ABAP data source (com.sap.security.core.persistence.datasource.imp.R3Persistence) failed: "     Error while reading a dynpro                                        ". This message is critical if it appears during the startup of the AS Java.
    Jul 27, 2009 3:45:09 PM  ...re.server.ume.service.UMEServiceFrame [SAPEngine_System_Thread[impl:5]_54] Fatal:
      service com.sap.security.core.ume.service ================= ERROR =================
    Core service com.sap.security.core.ume.service failed. J2EE Engine cannot be started.
    com.sap.engine.frame.ServiceException: Start of UME service failed. Check help topic "Start of UME Service Failed". Technical details:      Error while reading a dynpro                                       
         at com.sap.security.core.server.ume.service.UMEServiceFrame.start(UMEServiceFrame.java:398)
         at com.sap.engine.frame.ApplicationFrameAdaptor.start(ApplicationFrameAdaptor.java:31)
         at com.sap.engine.core.service630.container.ServiceRunner.startApplicationServiceFrame(ServiceRunner.java:214)
         at com.sap.engine.core.service630.container.ServiceRunner.run(ServiceRunner.java:144)
         at com.sap.engine.frame.core.thread.Task.run(Task.java:64)
         at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl5.SingleThread.execute(SingleThread.java:81)
         at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl5.SingleThread.run(SingleThread.java:152)
    Caused by: com.sap.security.core.persistence.datasource.PersistenceException:      Error while reading a dynpro                                       
         at com.sap.security.core.persistence.datasource.imp.R3PersistenceBase.newPersistenceException(R3PersistenceBase.java:236)
         at com.sap.security.core.persistence.datasource.imp.R3PersistenceBase.init(R3PersistenceBase.java:491)
         at com.sap.security.core.persistence.imp.PrincipalDatabagFactoryInstance.<init>(PrincipalDatabagFactoryInstance.java:446)
         at com.sap.security.core.persistence.imp.PrincipalDatabagFactory.newInstance(PrincipalDatabagFactory.java:164)
         at com.sap.security.core.persistence.imp.PrincipalDatabagFactory.getInstance(PrincipalDatabagFactory.java:117)
         at com.sap.security.core.persistence.imp.PrincipalDatabagFactory.getInstance(PrincipalDatabagFactory.java:63)
         at com.sap.security.core.InternalUMFactory.initializeUME(InternalUMFactory.java:221)
         at com.sap.security.core.server.ume.service.UMEServiceFrame.start(UMEServiceFrame.java:287)
         ... 6 more
    com.sap.engine.frame.ServiceException: Start of UME service failed. Check help topic "Start of UME Service Failed". Technical details:      Error while reading a dynpro                                       
         at com.sap.security.core.server.ume.service.UMEServiceFrame.start(UMEServiceFrame.java:398)
         at com.sap.engine.frame.ApplicationFrameAdaptor.start(ApplicationFrameAdaptor.java:31)
         at com.sap.engine.core.service630.container.ServiceRunner.startApplicationServiceFrame(ServiceRunner.java:214)
         at com.sap.engine.core.service630.container.ServiceRunner.run(ServiceRunner.java:144)
         at com.sap.engine.frame.core.thread.Task.run(Task.java:64)
         at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl5.SingleThread.execute(SingleThread.java:81)
         at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl5.SingleThread.run(SingleThread.java:152)
    Caused by: com.sap.security.core.persistence.datasource.PersistenceException:      Error while reading a dynpro                                       
         at com.sap.security.core.persistence.datasource.imp.R3PersistenceBase.newPersistenceException(R3PersistenceBase.java:236)
         at com.sap.security.core.persistence.datasource.imp.R3PersistenceBase.init(R3PersistenceBase.java:491)
         at com.sap.security.core.persistence.imp.PrincipalDatabagFactoryInstance.<init>(PrincipalDatabagFactoryInstance.java:446)
         at com.sap.security.core.persistence.imp.PrincipalDatabagFactory.newInstance(PrincipalDatabagFactory.java:164)
         at com.sap.security.core.persistence.imp.PrincipalDatabagFactory.getInstance(PrincipalDatabagFactory.java:117)
         at com.sap.security.core.persistence.imp.PrincipalDatabagFactory.getInstance(PrincipalDatabagFactory.java:63)
         at com.sap.security.core.InternalUMFactory.initializeUME(InternalUMFactory.java:221)
         at com.sap.security.core.server.ume.service.UMEServiceFrame.start(UMEServiceFrame.java:287)
         ... 6 more
    [Framework -> criticalShutdown] Core service com.sap.security.core.ume.service failed. J2EE Engine cannot be started.
    Jul 27, 2009 3:45:09 PM             com.sap.engine.core.Framework [SAPEngine_System_Thread[impl:5]_54] Fatal: Critical shutdown was invoked. Reason is: Core service com.sap.security.core.ume.service failed. J2EE Engine cannot be started.

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