De-Esser for Garageband

Anyone know of a good FREE de-esser for garageband? I've been on the internet for a while and nothing works! Thank you

Although that's not a real de-esser: have you tried the "Reduce 'S'" preset of the VisualEQ?

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    Hi team,
    I'm doing some vocal recording (mono - spoken word) and I'm looking for a de-esser plugin for GarageBand. I've tried ducking the offending frequency in the graphic EQ and achieved some success, but it has a tendency to leave the overall quality of the recording kinda' flat and hollow sounding (burying the 4K frequency).
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    Many thanks,

    I too would like to know this.

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    Found the answer myself, it was simple:
    • Select the Track
    • Show the Instrument (info area)
    • Click on Edit
    • Click on the "Sound Generator" pop up field.
    • At the bottom of the pop-up list, select from the Audio Units that you have installed. This is where you see "Sample Tank 2, Vienna Instruments..."
    • NEXT -- IMPORTANT:   CLICK ON THE PICTURE next to the Sound Generator pop-up field.The AU unit loads up, the interface pops up, you load up the instruments in this AU Unit. You do NOT see the sounds from the AU unit in the normal Apple instrument list.
    This was not intuitive but once you know it, fairly simple.
    Still, the devil is in the details -- more questions on the way.

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    Reinstalled Garage Band from App Store.
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    Clicked on missing loop and choose Update Later
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    Deleted Apple Loops index Folder
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    What exactly happens, when you try to download the missing loops - when you click on a missing loop and choose "Update now"?
    My Library... Apple Loops folder is empty, but the pre-installed loops for Garageband are there.
    Are you looking in the library in your Home Folder 
    "~/Library/Audio/Apple Loops/"  , or in the System library  "/Library/Audio/Apple Loops/"  ?
    The loops should be installed in the System Library  
    "/Library/Audio/Apple Loops/".
    How did you set up your new mac? Did you migrate from an older mac using Setup Assistant or Migration Assistant? Did you migrate an earlier GarageBand installation?

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    To have separate accounts for each client would be by far the simplest solution, but if you do not want to have too many accounts, how about creating an Automator Service to set the info for each of your clients? Then you can set the tags after exporting the podcast to iTunes from the "Services" menu in the iTunes menu.
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    Launch Automator.
    Select to create a new service.
    Set it to receive text in iTunes.
    Type iTunes into the search field.
    Drag an "Get selected iTunes items" action to the workflow. Set this action to "Get selected tracks"
    Drag an "Set Info of iTunes Song" action to the workflow. Enter the details of your client.
    Save the service. This will install it in your library.
    To use the service, select a podcast in iTunes and press the "Run" button in your service or call it from the "iTunes > Services" menu. Running the service will write the info to your podcast. Define one service for each of your clients.

  • Need advice Macbook Air 13" or Macbook Pro (use it for Garageband)

    Being that I have other Apple devices now I am also considering an Apple laptop.  I went to the Apple store a few weeks back and was really interested in the Apple Macbook Air 13" model.
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    - use it for personal email and browsing.
    - use it for work as well.  I work from home so I would use it in conjunction with my work laptop which is windows based. 
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    However one of the Apple Reps told me that I really should consider the Apple MacBook Pro instead as it has more power and expandability in addition to a bigger screen (15"). I seemed to be someone sold on his reasoning and was leaning towards a Macbook Pro.   I am not sure that having a bigger screen is a must have but maybe so for Garageband. 
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    Macbook Pro 15", 8GB internal, 500GB drive @ 5400 rpm = $1899
    And if I went with a smaller screen.
    Macbook Pro 13", 8GB internal, 750GB drive @ 5400 rpm = $1499
    Is there someone out in the community that had a similar consideration before making your purchase?  Will I have performance issues with the Macbook Air? Any advice or things that I should consider.
    Thank you.

    1) I used to use BootCamp but switched to Parallels Desktop exclusively a couple years ago. I have a couple programs for work I have to run in Windows and a web app that runs only in IE. Parallels works for me, including when I have to use Access or MS Publisher. I use Mac Office and only keep Win Office for the few times I must access a Publisher file or use Access. Parallels gives you a month to decide so I'd say go for it and see if it works for you. The big advantages are being able to run Windows and the  Mac OS without rebooting and that your Windows virtual drive can expand as needed. With a 256GB drive you'll want to be very careful about not wasting space and with BootCamp you must allocate a partition which isn't always easy to resize.
    2) It depends on when you buy and where you buy. Apple's in store stock turns over very rapidly so a week or two after ML ships you should be able to get it pre-installed. If you buy online you are getting it straight from the factory so it should be pre-installed almost immediately. Other resellers turn over stock more slowly. If it isn't pre-installed you'll get instructions for how to download it. Lion was an hour download and 30 minute upgrade for me last year.
    3) Typically Apple supports its hardware with new OS upgrades for about 5-6 years. Mountain Lion surprised us by dropping a couple computers earlier than that but the determining factor for ML seems to be 100% 64 bit architecture and some graphics architecture. This site talks about what isn't supported. All 2009 models are supported.
    4) Every once in a while you run across someone complaining that his/her Thunderbolt-Ethernet dongles isn't working but I know of no one who has had trouble. I'm 100% wireless at home and mostly wireless at work so I can't say.
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  • HT1295 Is it possible to use vst plugins for garageband from an external hard disk? (Without installing to the system hard disk)

    I got my MacBook pro 17" installed a 250GB of SSD as a system disk.
    And i got 4TB of Thunderbolt External Disk.
    The thing that i want is: to use my VST plugins for Garageband or Logic without fulling the system disk. Is it possible use them from an external disk?

    Garageband can't use VST plugins.
    If you're talking about AUs: you could try to put an alias into the HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components folder instead of the actual files, and see if GB loads them.

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    Has anyone used reMIDI as a plug-in for Garageband ('08)? The program allows MIDI instruments to be strummed or arpegiated. I have a trial version, but can't get it to work in Garageband. Wonder how to set it up.
    Thanks, Doctor Mark

    Port Forwarding.....or Port Apple calls it is a difficult and complex configuration method for most users. Because there are so many variables involved in this type of setup, it is not possible to provide a step by step guide that will work for everyone with all devices.
    It is possible that a setup guide exists for the the WD drive and AirPort Extreme, but you will have to go looking for it on the Internet. Even if you find one, it may not be tailored to your specific situation or needs.
    Sometimes, you can do everything least according to someone's article or "how to" guide, and things still will not work correctly.
    In situations like this, when you really don't know what to do, you need to enlist the aid of an IT pro, who will know what to do based on your particular products and unique circumstances. Sometimes....they won't be able to get things working either due to particular circumstances.
    But, before you do this, I would strongly recommend that you use a Static IP address for your Internet connection with your ISP. If you do not have this now, contact them to ask them if they offer this type of connection. Expect to pay more for this type of service, of course.

  • TS1702 When I Had To Do An Update For GarageBand On My IPad 2. I Had Not Enough Memory For a that App Update. So I Deleted It And When I Tried To Purchase It Again It Says Installing When It's not So I Cannot Purchase My GarageBand. PLEASE ANYONE HELP!

    When I had to do an update for GarageBand on my ipad2. I had not enough memory to instal the update. So I deleted the app and tried to install my app again but it says installing when it's not. So I can't purchase GarageBand ever again. PLEASE HELP!

    Hi Ben...almost the same mine...not sure yet if it is solvable !!!!

  • In need of more vocal effects for garageband

    I'm pretty new to garageband and love the software and the community of folks helping one another.. Thanks to all ahead of time for your assistance.
    I was just wondering if there are any programs or locations online to download voice effects for garageband? I've looked and have found a few spam sites and a few sites with software but no faq's or any real explanantion of their product. So i'm asking you folks for direction with this one since one of you might've gone through this before.
    Thanks again for your help.

    look at these web sites.
    mda-vst has a series of AU you can use on your voice.
    Detune is nice. Detune - Simple up/down pitch shifting thickener
    Leslie is nice. Leslie - Rotary speaker simulator
    I use them alone or in combination. Try their different presets or make your own extremes.
    Forget about the Talkbox AU. It doesnt seem to work in GB but might in logic.
    KTGranulator is a free delay line granulator.
    It has many presets. Use your mic and talk or sing into each preset to see what you like. It comes with 40 presets.
    Presets 6&7 will give you a metallic sound called metallic 01 & 02.
    Preset 16 is called "Android". Try them all you never know. Try combining them with "Detune" or "Leslie"!
    Monstachorus is fun. Try the presets or experiment with new ones.
    These are just a few examples. Best thing to do if your looking for unusual ways to change your voice is to try them in every AU you can get a hold of. You just never know what you'll come up with.
    also try the tremolo and phaser that come with GB, or even the drum and guitar effects. I like to use guitar effects for distorted voice effects.

  • I am buying an audio interface with Firewire output, would I feed this into Firewire,USB or Thunderbolt for Garageband?

    I am buying an audio interface with Firewire output, would I feed this into Firewire,USB or Thunderbolt for Garageband?

    I don't have a H4 but do have a H2. Did you set the H4 as a audio interface, after you plug it in choose interface in the H4 screen?
    Did you choose the H4 input channel in the track info?

  • I am looking for educational posters from Apple or for Garageband, if they exist. I'll be teaching a new class for middle school using Garageband next year. Thanks!

    I am looking for educational posters from Apple or for Garageband, if they exist. My school district will be teaching a new class for middle school using Garageband next year. I'd love to make the rooms look awesome! Can anyone hook me up? Thanks!

    lucky14life wrote:
    first i was wondering what everyone thinks about macbooks compared to let's say another pc like hp,dell,etc.... i have been told that i'd have to be dumb to get a machine with windows vista on it,so that is why i have turned my focus to a macbook because i have heard they are pretty good and worth it...
    I personally like my MacBook better than any other computer I have ever owned. I like being able to use windows when I need to but not being tied to it. My wife bought an HP with Vista and it doesn't seem to bad. Lots of updates at least one a week. Mostly graphic card drivers update.
    also is it true that if you upgrade let's say the memory,hard drive,etc it won't be covered in the warranty/apple care plan??
    Only two things you can upgrade on a MacBook is the Hard drive and Memory. It will not void the warranty. This is apples word on it. DIY Warranty Info
    I would just like to ask for people's opinions please on purchasing one of these i am currently a senior in college and will be using it next year for grad school,need to replace the one i currently have...
    Be sure you can live with the graphics. If you do a lot of graphics work you might want to consider the MacBook Pro. I use my MacBook for video editing using Final Cut Express HD and it works well. The MB is also not very good for gaming if you are into that. The integrated chip set doesn't work well with 3D games.
    also any other ideas on getting iwork or office, a hard plastic case or a skin,thanks alot for anyone's input it is greatly appreciated.... i am looking to get one once leopard comes out thanks!!
    Depending on your school may be a factor in what you choose. I use iWork and it is pretty good. You could also try NeoOffice or Open Office. They are good also. Office is supposed to be coming out with a new Mac version but not sure yet how it will work.
    Be sure to ask for the student discount when you purchase the computer and software. It adds up.

  • I need the most recent manual for GarageBand

    I recently downloaded Yosemite in order to access the latest version of GarageBand. Now, I need to have its Manual. Does anyone know how to get this manual online, or if this latest version of GarageBand has its own number? Thanks, and get back to me at ******
    <Personal Information Edited by Host>

    Hi there TM MURPHY,
    You can find the User Guide for GarageBand below.
    GarageBand Help
    -Griff W. 

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    Click here for them.

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