Dealing with unresponsive scripts?

FF 35.0.1, no plugins active, no add-ons installed, Mac OS X 10.6.8
Hi, Every time I browse (different accounts/boot drives), at least one open tab will soon spinning-beach-ball hang with message:
Warning: Unresponsive script
A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped
responding. You can stop the script now, open the script in
the debugger, or let the script continue.
[ ] Don't ask me again
(Debug script) (Stop script) (Continue)
The only way I've been able to *sometimes* close the tab, is - if able - choose (Debug script), wait until debug window section fill in, then hit the close "x" on the right side of the tab, wait for the tab to close, and then for the same error message to reappear, then hit any of the choices to finish the closure. Otherwise Force Quit.
Thanks for any comment.

Thanks for the reply.
Mainly I was trying to find out if there was a "stronger" way to get out of such a hanging/unresponsive tab without a Force Quit of the entire application - for future reference.
To me it looks like the script is associated with custom ads located along the side of the page, or tracking. I suspect that script is run only when certain ads are pushed to the page. ( is apparently part of Krux "Consumer Web Data Management".)
If further detail might assist: As stated above I run no extensions or add-ons (and generally either run as private browsing, or clear *everything* at least at the end of every session). Malware is not an issue, and the problem was repeatable on various accounts and boot volumes.
The newegg website is useless with javascript disabled, so that is not an option. I'd rather not start using add-ons, but it appears that there are some "JavaScript blacklist" ones out there. I suspect that the problem will probably disappear unexpectedly when the ad run expires or the script changes.

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    LOGIN MANAGER.j.s.:302
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    I wouldn't expect the size of the mail files to be a problem in the first place. However, are you accumulating messages in Inbox? If so, move them to a different folder.

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    == Crash ID(s) ==

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    Hi auzziewog, a couple of thoughts on long pauses.
    In some cases, this is caused by Firefox waiting on content from the server, or loading some content into a plugin. Other than blocking some extraneous content in pages and setting plugins to "Ask to Activate" (click-to-play) on the Add-ons page, this is a hard problem to solve.
    If the problem is a script (the eventual appearance of the dialog suggests that possibility), please see the above reference post.
    Perhaps it is a combination of those things, since scripts often run after some other elements are loaded...

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    == URL of affected sites ==
    http:// (always) and (sometimes)

    There does appear to be any support whatsoever from mighty "non caring" FIREFOX & people are getting fed up. We may as well try another system, if they can't be bothered to provide any support for their system, we can't be bothered to use their system.

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    Who can tell me how to deal with this issue? Is it possible to save only one script that can run on different language OS?

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    1.ISQLplus don't support Unicode format script too, so I must save the file as ANSI format.
    2.To display the characters normally depends on the database server's platform. I create a script contain three languages with ANSI format in Chinese OS, but if I want to load this script to database server installed on English OS via ISQLplus, the Chinese characters will not be displayed normally too.
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    Thank you all the same,

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    Hi Greg. Unfortunately there is not an easy solution here. Walking the deployment model, spotting potential issues and excluding them really is what you have as an option here. The alternative is to pre-process the dacpac to have it in the form you want,
    but I'm not sure if this is an option in your case and it also has limitations.

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == Tonight. I can't say what site I was on, though I first noticed it on DeviantArt and thought it was their new layout producing problems. ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_8; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.22.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Safari/531.22.7

    yay, I had this same issue, and I too browsed deviantArt and also have got Deviantanywhere add-on installed. : D
    I'm so glad that You've found a solution and shared it with us.
    I was really getting worried that I'd done something to get malware installed on my 'puter. *Phew* !!
    I'm going to disable DeviantAnywhere after I post this and hopefully this will be fixed for me too!
    I actually hadn't kept my firefox up to date. but.. *shh...*
    I updated it and after I did, it told me that there was a script running that was not responding. : )
    yay for FireFox~

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    Warning: Unresponsive Script
    Script: chrome://browser/content/browser.js.17006
    I do NOT understand the "chrome" reference.
    This is quite annoying. I upgraded to FF 33 in order to try to get back spell checking in Morningstar posts which I lost back at FF 24, as I recall, but it did NOT solve the problem. Now I have this mess.

  • Creative Cloud and Scripting - Anything to deal with ?

    Just saw the annoncement for Creative Cloud only After Effects. I didn't deal with it since the Creative Cloud introduction last year, but I'm not sure of how it will be impacting the use of scripting. Is it still a software like before ? Can we do scripting like we use to do ? Or it is gone ? There is no more "version", it is just up-to-date from what I understand. So I suppose we'll not have to deal with CSx version anymore in mid-term - am I right ?
    Anything that I don't know about but will impact scripting with After Effects ?

    There are some minor additions to the scripting interface for After Effects CC (12.0) compared with After Effects CS6 (11.0).
    I'll be posting details about those very soon.
    But the important thing to realize is that this isn't as huge a change as you seem to think. It's just the next version of the application.
    Here's a complete list of how After Effects CC differs from After Effects CS6:

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == I upgraded to version 3.6.3

    I have the same problem and it's really frustating - although my main browser is Google Chrome, I use Firefox for all the RSS feeds that I subscribe to and sites that only have Firefox plug-ins. Will Mozilla FIrefox get this fixed with a newer version soon?

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