Decision task: editing layout

Is it possible to have some influence over the layout of the decision task. For instance:
- I would like to change the color of the background
-  or the color of the decision-buttons
- or deactivate a button in certain cases.
Any input will be appreciated.

Hello Bert,
Yes it is possible to have some influence. In your decision step, go to the "work item display" tab. There you can provide a function module in which you can do various stuff. There is also something about the tab page, which I have to admit I have not played with so am not sure what it does. What I do know is that in both cases you're able to use HTML, which means you can change quite a bit about the look and feel.
Have fun,

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    Hi Amlan,
    What I could figure out from your query is that, you want to use ABAP OO, functionality of classes in implementing a task. Please correct me if I am wrong.
    I would suggest you that Let your Workflow work with the BO, because there are certain tasks for which only BO works, implementation of classes might give some problem.
    check **************** - business workflows for further correspondence
    Best Regards,
    Edited by: kanika chopra on Dec 9, 2008 5:12 AM

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       <ItemTypeCriteria externalType="TS96000001" connector="WebFlowConnector"/>
              <CustomAttributeSource id="WEBFLOW_CONTAINER" objectIdHolder="externalId" objectType="WebflowContainer" cacheValidity="final">
              <Attribute name="WD_CONFIGID" displayName="Web Dynpro Application Configuration"/>
              <Attribute name="BOTYPE" displayName="Type of Business Object"/>
              <Attribute name="BOID" displayName="Business Object ID"/>
              <Attribute name="BOMODE" displayName="Business Object Mode"/>
               <Action reference=""/>*
               <Action reference=""/>*
              <Action reference=""/>*
             </Actions>  <---- This tag should be close and In note this tag is not there
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    Edited by: Dev on Sep 1, 2011 4:55 PM

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    Hi Bijay Kumar,
    In SWFVISU transaction you have to add this things.
    1. Task--Give the task id which has to be sent to the UWL
    2. Visualization--How you are going to view the screen (using java web dynpro) so give as Java web dynpro.
    3. Screen id--For which screen your are going to assign this task.
    4. Application ID--While you activate a web dynpro screen it will be providing a application id this has to be done in dynpro side and give that number in this parameter. After that if your activate the dynpro it will be giving the new application id so you have change the old id to the new one in SWFVISU transaction.
    Thanks and Regards
    Balaji K.

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    Created the Custom Workflow.
    Created the custom Task with custom  ZCLASS and ZEVET.
    Created   Event linkages in SWE2.
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    Thanks a lot in advance.
    Thanks and Regards

    You need to share the details of what Inbox you are using, configuration steps depend on it. If you aren't using portal, you aren't using UWL and there is no UML inbox. You need to get your facts straight. Most likely you are using the Business Workflow Inbox (SWF_WORKPLACE) or the Lean Inbox (IBO_WDA_INBOX). Both are based on Web Dynpro ABAP and POWL but the configuration is different. Regardless, you posted this in the wrong space. Correct space is either SAP NetWeaver Business Client or Web Dynpro ABAP.

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    where can be the issue then ? why i am not able to click on that tab in that user decision task, its very strange, i faced this kind of issue first time.
    if you have any idea about that why it is happening then please reply.

    Check SWU3 is properly maintained in your quality server.

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    Please help me in, how should I write the code, if I know just the material number?
    Please give me code sample if it is possible.
    Thanks in advanced, Csaba.

    I am not sure how to the display method behaves in the BO BUS1001. You can try using that.
    Or a work around solution would be create a custom method. In that
    you set the material number field in the MM03 screen with the object-key.
    Then use call transaction 'MM03' and skip first screen.
    Hope it helps.

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    You now have to use the Enterprise Manager to change the viewer look and feel. See here for details.
    Rod West

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    Just go into the workflow builder and create a new step. Choose a Decision Step and it will make one with the generic decision task, TS00008267. Just fill in what the options are and who it should go to. The task text  starts with the very generic:
    Choose one of the decision options given. This completes the
    processing of this step.
    Rick Bakker
    Hanabi Technology

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    Hi all,
    I have an user decision task wich have several options. I want to remove (or deactivate) some of these options dinamically or under some conditions...
    Do you know how can i do it?
    May be it's possible to do with a program exit but i don't find any method in the class for do that.
    Thanks in advance.

    Finally, I had to do it. I put the steps in case anyone is interested:
    - Create a Decision Task in workflow builder. Replace the Task used in Control tab by a custom one. You need to create a copy of the standard task 00008267. In my case I've created the task 99000001.
    - The FM to get the options and texts is SWU_GET_DECISION_TEXT_TITLE. We need to create an enhancement point at the end of this FM. I've created a method in a custom class to embed all my code:
      CALL METHOD zcl_im_wf_dec_task=>zz_mod_decision_task
          wiid             = wiid
          ct_decision_text = decision_text[].
    CATCH cx_root.
    - This method has the following parameters:
    WIID                     TYPE SWW_WIID
    With the following code you can change the description of the options you want or delete some options dinamically:
    DATA: l_wi_handle  TYPE REF TO if_swf_run_wim_internal,
          lo_wi_dialog TYPE REF TO cl_swf_run_wim_dialog,
          lo_container TYPE REF TO if_swf_cnt_container,
          ls_wi_head   TYPE sww_wihead,
          lv_key       TYPE sww_wi2obj-instid,
          lv_bstyp     TYPE ebstyp.
    * Obtain the header:
        CALL METHOD cl_swf_run_wim_factory=>find_by_wiid
            im_wiid     = wiid
            re_instance = l_wi_handle.
        lo_wi_dialog ?= l_wi_handle.
        ls_wi_head = lo_wi_dialog->if_swf_run_wim_internal~m_sww_wihead.
      CATCH cx_swf_run_wim .
      CATCH cx_root.
    * Read the container (if you want...):
        CALL METHOD lo_wi_dialog->if_swf_run_wim_wfm~get_wi_container
            re_container = lo_container.
      CATCH cx_swf_run_wim .
    * Read the Key:
    SELECT SINGLE instid INTO lv_key
    FROM sww_wi2obj
    WHERE top_wi_id EQ ls_wi_head-top_wi_id.
    * In this example is a workflow for PO;
    SELECT SINGLE bstyp INTO lv_bstyp
    FROM ekko WHERE ebeln EQ lv_key.
    * Depending on the Task;
    CASE ls_wi_head-wi_rh_task.
    *  Authorize  
      WHEN 'TS99000001'.
        LOOP AT ct_decision_text ASSIGNING <ls>.
    *       The first 4 characters are the number of the option.
    *       The following characters are the description.
    *       Delete an option;
          IF <ls>(4) EQ '0001' AND lv_bstyp EQ 'F'.
            DELETE ct_decision_text INDEX sy-tabix.
    *       Change the description:
          IF <ls>(4) EQ '0002'.
            IF lv_bstyp EQ 'K'.
              <ls>+4 = 'Authorize'.
              <ls>+4 = 'Continue with the process'.

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