Decisions making...

Looking to upgrade my GTX 275 as i've decided it just doesnt cut it anymore 
I've been googling around the internet all day, having already decided on an MSI card...since i've used MSI cards before and they've always been top notch and i've been using MSI motherboards for the last decade...
Anyways, cost is a factor as is noise.
I'm trying to decide between MSI 560 GTX Ti TF2 OC (at about £180) or an MSI 570 GTX TF3 Power edition (at about £260)...i ruled out the 570 TF2 because it's about £20 more than the TF3 and i can't honestly see why...
So i'm trying to decide between those two and i can't for th elife of me make up my mind...i don't plan to overclock and it's only going to last me till November/December 2013 (i go on 4 year cycles to build entirely new machines and usually get a new graphics card half way through).
Will each card be as quiet as the other or will there be noticeable difference?
And would the extra £80 be worth it for the 570 TF3 if it's only going to last me 2 years?
Also about the 570 TF3...that confuses me because the UK MSI website doesnt list it and some online stores say it's been discontinued...curious
(also i came to the conclusion it's time to upgrade because deus ex refuses to at anything other than lowest detail level @ 1928x1080!)
Thanks for any input. 

Quote from: Svet on 31-August-11, 22:30:29
This is not correct, dunno where you saw this.
This is either not idle power consumption or its entire PC consumption
well, it was the one review i could find at all and it was in german so all i could do was look and try and guess what it was saying
Quote from: Junior on 31-August-11, 22:52:26
I was with something similar a few weeks ago, didn't know witch card i should buy.
The 580 I discarted right away, too expensive. At end it was between 570 and 560.
I personally went for the 560. Main reasons was price and 560 performance is more then enough for what I was looking for (gaming).
If your here looking for advice, I do say go for 560.    
Yes advice and opinions are incredibely helpful and very much appreciated I never make an uninformed decision on anything and as it's nigh on impossible to find a review of the 570 TF3 all i can do is ask where there are bound to be people with experience of these cards!
It's going to be used for gaming...on and off...kind of have months on PS3 and then months on PC gaming...depending on what i want to play...
but i just want to make sure than in 2 and a half years i've still got a card that will run the new games how i want them to (which my 275 can't lol) if the 560 Ti fits the bill there and it isn't too loud, i think i'll go for that (i've just checked and the most i've ever paid for a graphics card is £237 delivered and the 570 TF3 is 280  
Also if the 560 Ti TF2 OC can run deus ex at very good settings i'll be much happier
But mainly something that isnt too loud that will still be more than good enough in 2 and a half years when i build my next PC
But yeah, any more opinions or user experiences with either card would be much appreciated! Won't be buying anything till saturday morning UK time so i've still got 2 and a half days to decide
Thanks guys

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    <Descriptions default="">
    <Description Language="en" Description="Reject"/>
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    <Property name="accept" value="0"/>
    <Descriptions default="accept"/>
    <Action name="reject" groupAction="yes" userDecision="yes" handler="submitUserDecisions">
    <Property name="reject" value="4"/>
    <Descriptions default="reject"/>
    <Action name="Cancle" groupAction="yes" userDecision="yes" handler="cancelSubprocess">
    <Property name="Cancle" value="0"/>
    <Descriptions default="Cancle"/>

  • Problem with decision making

    Hi All,
    I have a customized subview which provides me the required tasks and for the same I have added two more columns for Approval and Rejection which are basically checkboxes.
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    I request you all to share your experience so that I can proceed.

    If I understand it correctly, the user will either perform the Accept action, or the Reject action.
    So why dont you use a radio button group, instead of checkboxes. the given error will not occur.
    With checkboxes, you will have 4 altenatives, not two.
    Another alternative is using two buttons, which is also used in the workflow scenario. But this option depends on how you have planned your event handling.

  • Decision Making in SPAU

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    Thanks & Regards,
    Lijo Joseph

    Situation 1.
    If you have used the Note Assistant for applying the notes, these changes should normally not be visible in the SPAU if these notes are included in the new release. If manual actions have been applied you should only have to look at the active version (new SAP version) and the last version before the active version (your old version).
    Situation 2.
    Situation 3.
    Hard to tell.... Could be the same as situation 2, or If the pilot release note is not applicable for the new release you should contact SAP to get an updated version.

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    Hi Piyush,
    I think this should be possible through Webdynpro or through JCO.

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    {$else $}
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  • Deceptive HP Packaging....with lack of decision-making information

    I have been an HP printer user for many, many years.  I like the way they work and stand up to wear. 
    However, HP has packaging which makes it impossible to determine what you are getting for your money.
    There was a multipack  (02 combo-pack with 5 HP ink colors) for $44.95 at Staples. On the back, it shows how much ink is in each of the color cartridges in mls (4.0 ml, 3.5 ml, 6.0 ml, 5.5 ml, 5.5 ml). 
    There was another multipack with all 5 colors plus a black cartridge for $34.99 at Staples.  It looked like it was the better deal, but there was absolutely no information on the package that told how much ink was in each cartridge.  So how could I compare and determine what was the better price.  I found a salesperson who told me that there was about half the ink in the multipack with the 5 colors plus black cartridge package.  I don't know how he knew, but I took his word for it. 
    In this day and age, not providing important information that will allow the customer to compare and make the best decision for him/her is unacceptable.  I couldn't compare the multi-packs nor could I compare the price of the multipack with the price of individual cartridges because there is no mention of the number of mls in the individual cartridges either.  It looks like you are starting to use the number of pages that each cartridge will print as a measure of how much is in a cartridge.  Why can't you put the number of pages AND the actual amount of ink in each cartridge?   And what does it mean when you say it will print 150 photos or 400 pages?    Does that mean that it will print 400 pages in that particular color?  
    I teach marketing at a large state university, and this is not the kind of marketing that gives companies a good name.   Please give your customer better information about what they are getting in a cartridge.  It will make me feel more positively toward HP once again.

    theclaxtons wrote:
    Respectfully, Mr. Hedrick, while it's great that the yields are standardized across brands, I only care about what I'm buying for my HP printer.  I am actually less concerned about knowing the page yield info when I'm in the store than whether I'm getting a good value when I make a purchase.  
    If you put the ml per cartridge on the single packs and multi-packs, then I will get an apples to apples comparison point.  When I was looking for ink yesterday, I was considering buying the photo pack, but it told me only how many photos I would be able to print from that pack.  All the single cartridges told me how many text pages I could print.  Even your own information is not apples to apples.  
    All I want to know is if the cartridges in the multi-packs or photo packs have the same capacity as the single packs, and if not, then how much more or less.  If HP refuses to provide that information, then I will be less likely to buy my next printer from HP.  At least put the information on your web site.  I'd love to see it as a response to this forum post.  
    It's really simple.  Just be honest with us, and we'll remain loyal customers.  Keep the info from us and you'll lose us as customers.   
    Andrea Claxton
    15 year HP printer user
    OK, there are a few things to clarify here.  First, I do not work for HP and I do not have anything to do with what is printed on the cartridge packages.  I am a volunteer here.  
    If you go to the page yield site listed above you will see that it has both the standard ISO page information as well as additional information on Photo yields.  You did not mention what printer you have so it is hard to speak specifically for your printer.  Generally there are various options for ink and paper combo packs.  The cartridges are generally sized to match the number of photo pages provided.  A pack with 60 photo pages will have a cartridge (or cartridges) sized to print 60 pages, a pack with 140 pages will have cartridges with enough ink to print 140 photos.  Depending on the model of printer the photo pack cartridges may have more or less ink than the standard cartridges.
    Bob Headrick,  HP Expert
    I am not an employee of HP, I am a volunteer posting here on my own time.
    If your problem is solved please click the "Accept as Solution" button ------------V
    If my answer was helpful please click the "Thumbs Up" to say "Thank You"--V

  • Decision Making in Process Chain

    Hi Experts
    I want to create a decision node in the process chain which has to trigger only on 16th of every month.
    basically i want to load the data from DSO to infocube on 16th of every month.
    Kindly suggest how to write a formula in formula builder of decision process and test it.
    Thanks & Regards

    you can achieve this with 2 options.
    1) create PC which has this loading steps and  schedule this PC to run on monthly basis(every month 16th)
    2) say you have already PC which is running daily and you want to insert this loading step in that PC.
    used decision process type, decision process will work based on IF-Else loop.
    create condition if sys date is 16 then trigger both else trigger 1.
    check below article

  • Decision-Making

    Hello. I've got an interesting question, which I know involves Applescript and Automator, but I'm not quite sure how to get it to work.
    I'm an avid fan of freeware titles (especially games, which can range greatly in file sizes). I have a Downloads folder on my desktop, and would like to create an automator workflow (or workflows, tied together by one or more Applescripts) that get the folder, check the inside items' filesizes, and if it's over 575MB, prompt me to burn a backup so I can clean out the folder and reclaim my hard disk space.
    I've got an Applescript that can check the size of the folder and its items, and an Automator script to select the Downloads folder as folder to perform actions on, but I can't seem to figure out the process to
    a) Pass the Automator Script's result (items inside the Downloads Folder) to the script
    b) Check the folder size against the threshold value, and if necessary
    c) Display a prompt that will ask me for a CD and start the burning process, using the result from the first Automator workflow.
    I would like this to be flexable (i.e. possible to use on other folders (such as the Garageband folder, as I enjoy making music with it)) if at all possible.
    Here is the script I'm using to check the size. This is not flexable.
    tell application "Finder"
    set x to alias "Macintosh HD:Users:[username omitted]:Desktop:Downloads:"
    set y to ((physical size of item x) / 1024)
    set z to (y / 1024)
    exit repeat
    on error
    delay 1
    end try
    end repeat
    set result to z
    end tell
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
    Mac Mini 1.5GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   1GB RAM, 64MB VRAM, Apple Keyboard & Mighty Mouse

    Using a script instead of the initial workflow is working out pretty well. Having modified the 'add-new item alert' to do a folder size check has compiled with no errors. The only issue I'm having at this point is passing the pointer to the Download folder (which Automator will then parse and use to burn a disc) to Automator.
    The modified script:
    ©2002 Apple Computer
    Modified by Kevin Skeen, renamed to
    on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
    tell application "Finder"
    --get the name of the folder
    set the folder_name to the name of this_folder
    set x to alias folder_name
    set y to ((physical size of item x) / 1024) as integer
    set z to (y / 1024)
    exit repeat
    on error
    delay 1
    end try
    end repeat
    end tell
    if z is greater than 575 then
    --Return alias to folder to Data Flow
    tell application "Automator Launcher"
    open "Macintosh HD:Users:[username]:Automator:Burn Folder to Disc.workflow:"
    end tell
    end if
    end try
    end adding folder items to
    Mac Mini 1.5GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   1GB RAM, 64MB VRAM, Apple Keyboard & Mighty Mouse
    Mac Mini 1.5GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   1GB RAM, 64MB VRAM, Apple Keyboard & Mighty Mouse

  • Simple Square Root VI involving decision making

    This is a simple VI that calculates the sqrt of the indicator value. It's a sample from NI LabVIEW student manual:
    True case ( value >= 0 ), False case ( value < 0 )
    My questions are:
     1) What does this mean "  Right-click the numeric constant and select Properties from theshortcut menu. Select the Format and Precision tab. Set Digits of precision to 1, select Floating point notation, and click the OKbutton to ensure there is no data conversion between the constant and
    the numeric indicator outside the Case structure."
    2) What does -99999.0 stand for?
    T. A.
    New Bitmap Image.jpg ‏27 KB

    (1) This makes little sense (how old is your book???). To avoid data coercion, all you need to do is set the representation of the diagram constant to DBL. The display format of the diagram constant is just cosmetic.
    (2) If the value is illegal, you need to display someting "special" to indicate that fact. I guess the programmer thought a -99999.0 would be obvious, but that's just some private convention and depends on the specifications. You can display anything else, but make sure it's not a legal result. (A better choice would have been e.g. NaN).
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Decision making in DAC

    Hi All,
    I need help to implement below condition in DAC.
    I have couple of custom mappings which i have configured in DAC with separate "Source system container". It works fine.
    Now i need to add one more condition, based on which load in DAC will continue.
    - Our source is OBIEE tables (Finance related). We are beringing data from GL BALANCE FACT table. We have 2 ledgers: USA and CANADA
    - This job runs once in a month.
    - The condition is, the DAC execution plan will run once in a month (i.e. 10th of every month) to load data of previous month. For example, if DAC executuion plan will run on 02/10/2013, which will extract data for January-2013 for both books (USA and CANADA).
    - To extract data for both books, it should first check whether that book is closed or not.
    - If both books are not closed, terminate the execution of DAC and send mail to concern team
    - If any one of the book is closed, continue extract and load for the book which is closed and send mail to concern team for the book is not closed.
    - If both books are open, continue extract and load.
    - To check whether books are closed or not, client is maintaining one table.
    Now i am planning to write a Shell script, which will run as first task in DAC.
    Is there any way to achieve same through DAC?

    Since you are going to write a Shell script; I would suggest thats the best option to validate the data, notify thru email and start load.
    Sending emails based on data validations thru dac is complex one, if you are not going with a Shell script you might have to use ibot/agents to do the same with data load irrespective of data validation.
    I vote for a Shell script :)
    Mark if helps

  • Missing features in UCM for decision making based on cost vs needs

    Hi Experts,
    I understand that UCM is a component in ECM. However what I'd like to know and can't seem to find anywhere is a summary or explanation on missing core features of UCM that can be found in IPM, URM and IRM. For example, a feature that is highlighted in URM is digital asset management however digital asset can also be stored in UCM.
    I need to know briefly (high level, mid level if it is necessary) on the missing features in UCM that are in IRM, IPM and URM so I can decide on going between ECM or UCM, taking cost into factor. FYI I will be having WebCenter too and future add on will be BPM suite.
    Thank you,

    first, let me correct few things in your statements:
    I understand that UCM is a component in ECMECM (Suite) is a suite of products, one of which is UCM.
    Since 11g, IPM and URM have been re-written so that they have UCM as its foundation (document storage). URM was UCM-like even in 10g, IPM was quite different.
    IRM is a completely different application, which can serve as a security add-on regardless the document storage.
    For example, a feature that is highlighted in URM is digital asset management however digital asset can also be stored in UCMWhere have you found that? DAM is certainly a UCM feature (can't imagine correlation to Records Management, if there is some, it is with Web Content Management).
    I guess you have seen that both URM and UCM both contain Record Management - in a nutshell, UCM's RM can be used for simpler scenarios (sometimes referred to as 'retention management'), whilst URM is necessary for formal records management scenarios - compliance to legislative norms, such as DoD 5015.2 or MoReq2. URM also contains Physical Content Management.
    missing features in UCM that are in IRM, IPM and URMFor URM, I believe, to get a high level info is enough what I've written above.
    For IPM, see this post: Re: Difference between UCM and IPM
    For IRM: as I have written, it is a completely different cup of tea - in a nutshell, IRM allows so-called 'sealing' of documents. E.g. rather than having a Microsoft Word file (.doc), you will have encrypted file (.sdoc - 'sealed' .doc), which a user can open only if he or she is authorized to do so. Whilst security in UCM/URM/IPM restricts users from having access to documents (or search for them), IRM restricts reading the document once you have it. It can also restrict other operations like print, copy from the document (even to screenshot), prevent untracked changes, etc.
    I hope it will give you some initial insight.

  • Decision-making process EXIF = correct lens profile

    I created a lens profile for my new camera Sony SLT-A77 with lens SAL-1680Z.
    I use ACR 6.6 with activated feature "Enable Lens Profile Corrections" and Setup = Auto.
    My new profile is found automatically because of EXIF information in the DNG file
    and matching tags in the lens profile file.
    EXIF:Make = stCamera:Make = "SONY"
    EXIF:Model = stCamera:Model = "SLT-A77V"
    EXIF:Model = stCamera:CameraPrettyName = "SLT-A77V"
    EXIF:LensModel = stCamera:LensPrettyName = "DT 16-80mm F3.5-4.5 ZA"
    But my problems start with the second lens. This is Tamron SP 70-300mm.
    There is a lens profile provided by ACR 6.5: "SONY (TAMRON SP 70-300mm F4-5.6 Di USD A005S) - RAW.lcp"
    But the tags in this file aren´t matching the EXIF in my DNG files.
    So I tried to edit the tags like in my own lens profile.
    EXIF:Make = stCamera:Make = "SONY"
    EXIF:Model = stCamera:Model = "SLT-A77V"
    EXIF:Model = stCamera:CameraPrettyName = "SLT-A77V"
    EXIF:LensModel = stCamera:LensPrettyName = "TAMRON SP 70-300mm F4-5.6 Di USD A005S"
    But in ACR6.5 this profile isn´t found automatically. I have to choose manually
    in the Lens Profle menu the Make selector. But I have to choose "Tamron".
    I can´t understand this behavior because the tag is stCamera:Make="SONY" and
    there is no tag with "Tamron" in the profile.
    I deleted all other lens profiles on the computer to exclude problems with another lens profile.
    In the document "Adobe Camera Model V1.0" on page 11 I found the required  EXIF tags,
    but I suspect the mechanism ACR choose a lens profile is different.

    There is also a LensID field in xmp:aux that would affect the lens matching. Bring your photos in PS/Bridge, show the FileInfo dialog, go to the Advanced panel, you can tweak the metadata in the lens profile to match the same values shown in the FileInfo dialog.

  • Help on Decision making required

    We've an intranet based application running on weblogic (both a/s ans w/s) and we would like to introduce another module to this application and give this module alone the internet access -- internally this module shares lot of resources with the existing application. As this is going to be internet based module and supports around 2000 hits, i am in a process of deciding a seperate webserver.
    Debate is going on to choose Apache or Weblogic's webserver itself -- keeping in mind that we have a weblogic appln server running to support an intranet based application.
    Does any one knows/experienced such a situation, if so could you please share some info regarding the comparitivie study of Apache and weblogic's webserver.
    What could be best way to handle this, as the minimum consideration will be load,security,scalability, maintainablity, cost, etc.
    Thanks in advance.

    Oh, I forgot to mention that the components in this would be stacked vertically. I considered using tables, but I'm not sure it can do that.

  • I am trying to find a performance meter widget that responds positively or negatively based on user selections in an interactive, decision-making learning game.

    See the proposed image of what I'm looking for in the bottom left of this concept draft. Based on how the participant selects to answer, this meter would go up or down, recording their performance throughout the module. I know it's possible in ZebraZapps. I would think there would be a way in Captivate. Fingers crossed!

    This is possible using the Rotator Component Widget from but it is only compatible with  SWF output, not HTML5.
    Go to this page and scroll down to the video tutorials about the Rotator Component widget:

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