Delay sending internet emails

Hi All,
I have a problem sending internet emails.
In my development system all works fine
But in QA and PRD, when i sent a internet email.... it have a 7 Hours delay.
From SOST i see, that is setup to send it with a 7 hs delay.
All configurations (DSR, QAS and PRD) are the same.
I dont know how this happen.
Any idea ?
Thanks !

The User Parameter WLC is the problem
The correct value is:
WLC X  XX  X 00000
and the job sent inmmediatly

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    You can use Outlook rule to delay send of appointments:
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    Hi tarifiq and welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums!
    Can you send me a private message with your PIN so I can check this out for you?
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

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    From your description, emails from two users are sitting in the Outbox and not being sent when the delay sending time is set to 17:00.
    Delay or schedule sending email messages is an Outlook feature. Actually, we have a dedicated support team regarding the Microsoft Office Outlook. I recommend you ask your question on our Outlook forum which is staffed by more experts specializing in this
    kind of problems. Thanks for your understanding.
    Hope it helps.
    Best regards,
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

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    I'm not aware of Mail having this option, either, but you can this this rather easily with iCal.
    In iCal, double click on a day, and choose Edit. As you look over the options for the New Event, click the alarm (by default, it says None), and scroll down until you see Email. Of course, you can choose the date and time of the future email according to your needs.

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        I am calling  'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1' inside an user exit to send an email whenever the notification gets created..If the user exit is called in the same transaction IW21 then the mail is sending successfully.But if the transaction IW21 is called via another transaction say IW31 or IW32 to create a notification,then the mail is not going.instead the mail still in waitning stage in Outbox in SAP business work place.
    Note:I should not use commit as 'X in 'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1' because it is written inside the user exit.
    Edited by: Vigneswaran S on Dec 24, 2009 10:17 AM

    One option is to call the FM using STARTING NEW TASK and then also use commit = 'X'.
    Since we are using NEW TASK, it will occur in new task (and will not affect the user exit).
    Also the commit will be done INSIDE the new task, and will not affect the current user exit. This will be independent and done paralelly.
    Amit Mittal.

  • Using launchd to send an email on startup and shutdown

    Hello All !
    I'd like to get an email whenever my Mac starts up and shuts down, since I have to leave it unattended for quite some long periods of time (and even with the help of a UPS, power goes out anyway...). My Mac runs under Mac OS X Lion.
    I found some help on the Internet, mainly from this page : , which applies to Linux, and hoped it could work on Mac OS X (I thought at first I could just drop a script in something like /etc/init.d/ or /etc/rc.d/rc5.d but well... we have launchd instead...).
    The first method listed in the page above worked well, but sends an email only on startup (for a reminder: you add a line that starts with @reboot in your crontab, and a command that sends directly an email).
    I then tried to adapt the second method to Mac OS X, and succeeded partially: I wrote a small script based on what was shown on that page (a start and stop function, start gets called when the script is started, and stop gets called based on a trap on various kill signals, with an infinite wait loop: see below). I also wrote the plist file, loaded it in launchd and rebooted my Mac several times to test everything.
    I get an email on each startup (yeah!), but the shutdown mail gets sent only at the next startup. So I guess that postfix gets killed by the shutdown process *before* being able to send my shutdown email :-(
    So here are my main questions, if someone can help me:
    1. is there a way to precisely call a script during the shutdown process, meaning giving it a priority so it gets called before postfix dies ? (like the rc directories and the naming conventions (KnnScriptName and SnnScriptName) found on some Linux/Unix).
    2. is it possible to do that with launchd ? if not, what would be the Mac OS X sanctionned way of doing this ?
    Other things:
    3. my shell script writing ability is kind of rusty, so maybe I made some "very bad shell writingTM": l'm not sure putting an infinite while loop with a 15 second pause in it is the best way of telling a script to do nothing. There might other things in there that would make an Unix guru jump out of his chair: please tell me :-)
    This is my plist:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC “-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN” “”>
    <plist version=“1.0”>
    And this is the script that does the job:
    # PHL 20120604
    # Send an email on startup and shutdown (version for launchd)
    # Based on script and explanations found here:
    # Modification history
    # PHL 20120604 v01 First version
    # Environment variables #################################################
    DEST_EMAIL="[email protected]"
    EVENT_TIME=$(date +%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S)
    RESTART_BODY="This is an automated message to notify you that $SRV_NAME started successfully at $EVENT_TIME."
    SHUTDOWN_BODY="This is an automated message to notify you that $SRV_NAME is shutting down now ($EVENT_TIME)."
    # Functions ##########
    return 0
    return 0
    # Main part #########
    case $1 in
    # trap kill signals to send an email
    # sleep until killed
    while :
        sleep 15
    Thanks for your help, and any comment :-)

    Thanks a lot for your answer, Camelot, even if it sorts of confirm what I suspected. Pinging a machine from an external observer is a solution, but it will also report broken links problems and not only a computer shutting down, and it raises the next tier of problems, general network reliability after individual system reliability. It's something I'll have to look at for sure.
    It's weird there isn't any way to access the way the shutdown process works.
    One of the commenters (#14) on the page from Syntaxtechnology had a similar problem: he added a "sendmail -q" in his script to force sendmail to go to work and service the queue before shutting down, which I can try, but he also added a delay to the stop process of sendmail, which is something I'm not sure I can do on Mac OS X (and that might disappear one day with one of the OS updates).
    Unless there is a way to change the launchd.plist file for postfix and add an ExitTimeOut option in it (I found this idea here : )

  • Mail Exchange 2013 auto send some email to strange domain

    My mail server is ok now. i can send and receive fast.
    but some time it is auto send email to strange domain and continuous send to [email protected] 
    PLEASE HELP ME, thanks
    Identity: Mail01\30101\25804163514390
    Subject: Undeliverable: TODAY: Apple Macbook Pro for $23.38?
    Internet Message ID: <[email protected]>
    From Address: <>
    Status: Ready
    Size (KB): 12
    Message Source Name: DSN
    Source IP:
    SCL: -1
    Date Received: 4/10/2014 8:08:02 PM
    Expiration Time: 4/12/2014 8:08:02 PM
    Last Error: 400 4.4.7 Message delayed
    Queue ID: Mail01\30101
    Recipients:  [email protected];2;2;400 4.4.7 Message delayed;0;CN=Directly to Internet,CN=Connections,CN=Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR),CN=Routing Groups,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative
    Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=elgaucho,DC=asia
    Identity: Mail01\158323\14873471746194
    Subject: Delivery delayed:Inbound proxy probe
    Internet Message ID: <[email protected]>
    From Address: <>
    Status: Ready
    Size (KB): 10
    Message Source Name: DSN
    Source IP:
    SCL: -1
    Date Received: 12/25/2013 4:48:12 PM
    Expiration Time: 12/27/2013 4:48:12 PM
    Last Error: 400 4.4.7 Message delayed
    Queue ID: Mail01\158323
    Recipients:  [email protected];2;2;400 4.4.7 Message delayed;0;CN=Directly to Internet,CN=Connections,CN=Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR),CN=Routing Groups,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First
    Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=elgaucho,DC=asia

    As the Vishwanath's provide the article, Exchange 2013 automatically creates several HealthMailbox<guid> objects in Active Directory which are used by Managed Availability to send e-mails through Exchange to verify mail flow every few minutes. These
    e-mails are used to do health checks for resources from Frontend Transport role to Hub Transport and health checks on mailbox database resources.
    Additional article for your reference. (Note: Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. The sites are not controlled
    by Microsoft. Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety, or suitability of any software or information found there. Please make sure that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any suggestions from the above link)
    Cara Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • Unable to send out emails via outlook express since 06/29/2010

    Task '[email protected]" - Sending' reported error (0x80042109) : 'Outlook is unable to connect to your outgoing (SMTP) e-mail server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'        This is a copy/paste of error message from Office Outlook  2003
    Our household has been unable to "send" outgoing emails since 06/29/2010.  This includes a wireless laptop and a PC. We both lost the ability to send emails same day.  We changed NOTHING and did not share emails with each other that would have corrupted our system. During this time I have had 2 Verizon techs dance around in the PC doing all the same things I did as well as what  the automated assistant did.  The last tech said the Outlook Express 6.0 was corrupted, and to unistall it and then reinstall;  this time 2 hours later, I think he just gave up).  That did not work either.  I tried using the Outlook Office and still got an error message for outging. Everything is set up as it was when it was working until 06/29/2010.  I was told that there was a new server being installed and that things wold be working by 07/02/2010... I have tried taking down the firewall, turning off virus protection (McAfee), changing from to just, checking boxes, unchecked boxes. SMPT is set to 587.  We get incoming fine.  I hate using the "Verizon email site" as too much monkey motion to get to mail, but that's what we have been doing.  I even tried setting up a GMail account, again got mail still could not send.  Any ideas?

    Thank you for your response!  I even tried sending an email via dos prompt  with Telnet, got past "HELO", but when trying to get a  "RCPT TO"  (using  I got an "authorization required" response and then was dropped.  I have been passed around without a solution. I am about ready to change ISP, but really hate to as most of the time (years now) this has been a decent ISP. If Verizon is having a problem just say so, I can handle it, honesty would be nice, refreshing and not wasting so much of my time as well as the techs!

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