Delete attribute with objectclass=nstombstone

I changed the replcation ID of one server in a three-way multimaster configuration, and found that the original value of the ruv is still exists in the search result of objectclass=nstombstone. That is there should be value of the replica ID of the three servers but now there are four value instead of three and I found the old value is not delete change the replica ID. Therefore I tried to delete this extra attribute, but it fails. Does it because of the objectclass=nstombstone? and could I delete such value?
Thanks in advanced.
Best regards,

you can delete them but ONLY if you have replication disabled. i have a script that will clean up those things. at some point sun told me that all those unused ruvs could cause problems...i think they were taking a stab in the dark and cleaning them up never solved anything...only going to 5.2 with hotfix did. of course you could export, delete the ruv entries, and import...if u have a small db that might be the easiest thing.

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    Thanks in advance.

    This is how SunOne avoids storing lots of extra spaces (and thus using disk/memory) It base 64 encodes the entries. I believe you can use the -B flag to ldapsearch to display the entry as it really appears not encoded.
    If you really wanted to ideantify them I would write a perl script to locate attribute:: in a db2ldif of the install.
    That would at least tell you which ones have the issue with spaces

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    foreach ($user in $SelUsers)
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     set-aduser -instance $user}
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    First thing I would do is modify your filtering. This will remove the unneeded piping to the Where-Object cmdlet and also allow us to only return users who already have something in the telephoneNumber field. It is possible this could return all of your
    users, but if you have service accounts, etc. that do not have a telephoneNumber then they will not be included in your results. It's just a little cleaner.
    $SelUsers = Get-ADUser -filter {(SamAccountName -like 't*' -and Enabled -eq $True -and TelephoneNumber -like '*')}
    I suspect you may have a made a mistake when you entered what your phone numbers looks like. I assume that you forgot a final digit. If this is correct, and you have a space in the phone number between the three digits and the final four then you can use
    the split method to grab the last four digits.
    Foreach ($User in $SelUsers) {
    $Number = $User.telephoneNumber.split(' ')[-1]
    Set-ADUser -Identity $User -Replace @{ipPhone=$Number}
    There's no reason to delete what's in the field first because that's part of what the -Replace parameter will do anyway. This should help get you started!

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    Please check the data load for the text as you must be loading
    MAster Data CHAR , Country , LANGUAGE and TEXT as fields in your data source.
    As the Text can be over written so if the porper key fields are matched the text should be modifyed everytime.
    SO please check what combination you r  loading .
    ANyway if that is one time , and very less data you can manually maintain th text for master data .
      In order to delete teh data you use SE14 use the text table there to delete the data. PS : This is not recommended solution .

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    HI ,
    GO to se80 -> select function Group -> give RSHI and press enter . In the section below it shows all the function MOdules belonging to this Function Group . In this there are function Modules related to Hierarchy Maintenance . SO i think this Function Modules will help u .
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    Assign points if it helps....

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    You should be in the footprint editor to edit the pin name.  Select tools>>Database>>Database Manager, highlight the component in your database and click on the Edit icon.  In the footprint editor, double click on the pad and a SMT or THT pin Properties dialog appears, select the Attributes tab and highlight the Number row, press the change button and you should be able to change the pin name.   
    Tien P.
    National Instruments

  • How do I delete cascade with a PL/SQL procedure?

    This script will create a PL/SQL procedure that deletes cascade. This is a post to contribute to the Oracle community. Take the code as is and test it before you use it in production. Make sure this is what you want.
    Procedure Delete Cascade (prc_delete_cascade)
    The principle is very simple. The procedure uses a table called TO_BE_DELETED to keep a list of records to be deleted. This
    table keeps the table name and the rowid of those records that need to be deleted. The procedure also uses a function called
    DELETE_BOTT_ROW which takes one record of the table and tries to delete it. If the deletion fails with a foreign key constraint
    violation, the function parses the SQL error message (SQLERRM) to get the name of the constraint. With the name of the constraint,
    the function finds the name of the child table, all the child records that have references to the parent table primary or unique key,
    and the parent key primary or unique key column name. Once the child records of the failed delete are identified, the function takes their table name and rowids
    and records them into the TO_BE_DELETED table by inserting records of their table name and their rowids. Al the records inserted also contain the level (which
    is 1 for the original records, 2 for child records, 3 for granchild records, etc.) and the sequence number of the order in wich they
    are recorded. This way, when the function picks up a record to be deleted, it takes the one with the highest level and the highest
    inserted sequence, or the "bottom" record. Once all the child records of the failed delete are appended to the TO_BE_DELETED table, it calls itself
    recursevely, and the function takes the record at the "bottom" of the table and tries to delete it. If it succeeds, it calls
    itself recursevely to delete the next record. If it fails, it goes and finds the child records as described before and once they are
    inserted into the TO_BE_DELETED table, it calls itself again recursevely to try to delete again the "bottom" record. All records
    that are successfully deleted are flagged as deleted usig the flag_del column so they are not pickt up again. Once all the (parent,
    child, grandchild, etc.) records are deleted, the procedure ends without commiting, giving the option to the user to commit or
    rollback deletions. The table TO_BE_DELETED is, at the end of the procedure, a list of all the records that were deleted, including their table names
    and the order in with they were deleted. The user then can review its content and decide to commit or rollback.
    1. Single tables only. The procedure only takes one table name and a WHERE clause to identified the records to be deleted.
    2. Single columns only. Ther procedure only works with single-column primary, unique and foreign key constraints.
    3. Single schema only.
    4. Unpredictable results with circular references.
    drop table to_be_deleted purge;
    create table to_be_deleted
    (tname varchar2(30)       -- table name
    ,rid rowid                -- rowid
    ,lvl number               -- level: 1=parent, 2=child, 3=grandchild, etc.
    ,seq_ins number           -- sequence order of record inserted
    ,flg_del char             -- flag deleted: Y=record deleted
    ,seq_del number           -- global order of record deletion
    set serveroutput on size 1000000
    create or replace procedure prc_delete_cascade
    (p_tname varchar2  -- table name
    ,p_where varchar2  -- where clause identifying records to be cascade deleted
      dummy         char;
      v_sqlcode     number;
      v_sqlerrm     varchar2(32767);
      v_param_val   integer := 0;
      v_sql         varchar2(4000);
      v_ret_cde     number;
      e_bad_params  exception;
      v_iter        number;
      v_plvl        number;
      v_seq_del     number;
      v_max_iter    number := 1000000000;
      function delete_bott_row
      return number
        v_sql        varchar2(4000);
        v_ptname     varchar2(30);  -- parent table name
        v_ppkname    varchar2(30);  -- parent primary key constraint name
        v_ppkcname   varchar2(30);  -- parnet primary key column name
        v_prowid      rowid;
        v_crowid      rowid;
        v_ctname     varchar2(30);  -- child table name
        v_cfkname    varchar2(30);  -- child foreign key constraint name
        v_cfkcname   varchar2(30);  -- child foreign key column name
        v_ins        number;
        v_seq_ins    number;
        v_sqlerrm    varchar2(4000);
        v_sqlcode    number;
        e_const_viol exception;
        pragma exception_init(e_const_viol, -2292);
        e_max_iter_reached exception;
        v_iter := v_iter + 1;
        if v_iter >= v_max_iter then
          raise e_max_iter_reached;
        end if;
        dbms_output.put_line('- Iter '||to_char(v_iter));
        dbms_output.put_line('- Starting function delete_bott_row');
        v_sql := 'select tname, rid, lvl, seq_ins from (select * from to_be_deleted where flg_del = ''N'' order by lvl desc, seq_ins desc) where rownum=1';
        --  dbms_output.put_line('- SQL: '||v_sql);
        execute immediate v_sql into v_ptname, v_prowid, v_plvl, v_seq_ins;
        dbms_output.put_line('- Selected row: table name: '||v_ptname||', level: '||v_plvl||', seq: '||v_seq_ins);
        v_sql := 'delete from '||v_ptname||' where rowid='''||v_prowid||'''';
        dbms_output.put_line('- SQL: '||v_sql);
        execute immediate v_sql;
        dbms_output.put_line('- Row deleted !!!');
        v_ret_cde := 1;
        v_seq_del := v_seq_del + 1;
        dbms_output.put_line('- Mark the row deleted');
        v_sql := 'update to_be_deleted set flg_del = ''Y'', seq_del = '||to_char(v_seq_del)||' where tname='''||v_ptname||''' and rid='''||v_prowid||'''';
        -- dbms_output.put_line('- SQL: '||v_sql);
        execute immediate v_sql;
        -- dbms_output.put_line('- Updated table to_be_deleted, row marked deleted');
        -- dbms_output.put_line('- End of iter '||to_char(v_iter));
        -- call function delete_bott_row recursively
        v_ret_cde := delete_bott_row;
        return 0;
        when no_data_found then
          dbms_output.put_line('- Table to_be_deleted is empty, delete cascade has completed successfully.');
          v_ret_cde := 0;
          return 0;
        when e_const_viol then
          v_sqlcode := SQLCODE;
          v_sqlerrm := SQLERRM;
          v_ret_cde := v_sqlcode;
          dbms_output.put_line('>Constraint Violation. Record has children');
          -- dbms_output.put_line('Error code: '||to_char(v_sqlcode));
          v_cfkname := substr(v_sqlerrm,instr(v_sqlerrm,'.')+1,instr(v_sqlerrm,')') - instr(v_sqlerrm,'.')-1);
          dbms_output.put_line('>Child FK name: '||v_cfkname);
          select table_name, column_name
            into v_ctname, v_cfkcname
            from user_cons_columns
           where constraint_name=v_cfkname;
          dbms_output.put_line('>Child table name: '||v_ctname||'. FK column name: '|| v_cfkcname);
          select constraint_name, column_name
            into v_ppkname, v_ppkcname
            from user_cons_columns
           where constraint_name = (select r_constraint_name
                                      from user_constraints
                                      where constraint_name=v_cfkname);
          dbms_output.put_line('>Parent PK/UK name: '||v_ppkname||'. Parent PK/UK column: '||v_ppkcname);
          v_sql := 'insert into to_be_deleted(tname, rid, lvl, seq_ins, flg_del) '||
                   'select '''||v_ctname||''', rowid, '||to_char(v_plvl+1)||', rownum, ''N'' '||
                   'from '||v_ctname||' '||
                   'where '||v_cfkcname||' =any (select '||v_ppkcname||' from '||v_ptname||' where rowid =any (select rid from to_be_deleted where tname = '''||v_ptname||'''))';
          -- dbms_output.put_line('- SQL: '||v_sql);
          execute immediate v_sql;
          select count(*)
            into v_ins
            from to_be_deleted
           where lvl = v_plvl+1
             and tname = v_ctname
             and flg_del = 'N';
          dbms_output.put_line('>Found '||to_char(v_ins)||' child records which were added to table to_be_deleted');  
          v_ret_cde := delete_bott_row;
          return  v_ret_cde;
        when e_max_iter_reached then
          dbms_output.put_line('Maximum iterations reached.  Terminating procedure.');
        when others then
      end delete_bott_row;
      -- validate p_table
        select 'Y'
          into dummy
          from user_tables
         where table_name=upper(p_tname);
        when no_data_found then
        v_param_val := 1;
        dbms_output.put_line('Table '||p_tname||' does not exist.');
        raise e_bad_params;
      dbms_output.put_line('- Parameter p_tname validated');
      -- validate p_where
        execute immediate 'select ''Y'' from '||p_tname||' where '||p_where INTO dummy;
        when no_data_found then  -- where clause returns no records
          dbms_output.put_line('Record(s) not found.  Check your where clause parameter');
          v_param_val := 2;
          raise e_bad_params;
        when too_many_rows then  -- found multiple records means it is ok
        when others then  --  any other records means where clause has something wrong.
          dbms_output.put_line('Where clause is malformed');     
          v_param_val := 2;
          raise e_bad_params;
      dbms_output.put_line('- Parameter p_where validated');
      if v_param_val > 0 then raise e_bad_params; end if;
      v_iter := 0;
      v_plvl := 1;
      v_seq_del := 0;
      v_sql := 'insert into to_be_deleted(tname, rid, lvl, seq_ins, flg_del) select '''||upper(p_tname)||''', rowid, '||to_char(v_plvl)||', rownum, ''N'' from '||p_tname||' where '||p_where;
      dbms_output.put_line('- Inserting initial record');
      dbms_output.put_line('- SQL: '||v_sql);
      execute immediate v_sql;
      dbms_output.put_line('- Record(s) inserted');
      dbms_output.put_line('- Calling function delete_bott_row to delete last row of table to_be_deleted');              
      v_ret_cde :=  delete_bott_row;
      -- dbms_output.put_line('- Back from function delete_bott_row');              
      -- dbms_output.put_line('Return code: '||to_char(v_ret_cde));              
      dbms_output.put_line('- End of procedure');              
      when e_bad_params then
        dbms_output.put_line('Bad parameters, exiting.');
    show errors
    spool prc_delete_cascade.log
    --  Call to the procedure
    exec prc_delete_cascade('xent','xent_id between 1669 and 1670')
    select tname "Table Name", count(*) "Rows deleted"
      from to_be_deleted
    group by tname;
    spool off
    set lines 120
    select *
      from to_be_deleted
    order by seq_del;
    prompt  Now commit or rollaback deletions.
    -- commit;
    -- rollback;Edited by: Rodolfo4 on Mar 23, 2011 10:45 AM

    I see a few areas where this could be useful. Elimiating specific test records from a Test DB for example.
    Some comments:
    <li>Since this is a recursive logic you must add a stop criteria. In this case I would add a max iteration variable. If that one is reached, raise an error message and let the procedure stop with that error.</li>
    <li>The when others exception at the end should be removed completely</li>
    <li>The when others exception in the middle should be replaced by a specific exception that handles the -2292 error</li>
    <li>A list of tables where no record should be deleted could be usefull. If the logic would encounter such a table, it should also stop. This would be to prevent that data from some system critical tables could be deleted per accident.</li>
    <li>The reference from the FK constraint to the PK constraint should include the table name and if possible the owner (as long as you use user_* views the owner is always the same. But we could extend this to the ALL_* views). I never met a system where different tables have the identical FK constraint names, however just make this fool proof.</li>

  • Deleting  rows with missing values in field in start routine of update rule

    Hello experts,
    how can I delet rows with missing values in a specific field in the start routine of update rules?
    I think ABAP code should look something like this:
    delete ...  from DATA_PACKAGE where Z_NO = ''.
    thanks in advance for any suggestions!

    delete data_package where field = value.
    Hope it helps.

  • Mapping of XML attributes with XML elements in Mediator Transformations

    The soure XML look like as below in the source directory of file adapter/read:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
    <!-- Edited by Oracle JDeveloper®
    <PLANT COMMON="Bloodroot" BOTANICAL="Sanguinaria canadensis">
    <LIGHT>Mostly Shady</LIGHT>
    <PLANT COMMON="Columbine" BOTANICAL="Aquilegia canadensis">
    <LIGHT>Mostly Shady</LIGHT>
    <PLANT COMMON="Marsh Marigold" BOTANICAL="Caltha palustris">
    <LIGHT>Mostly Sunny</LIGHT>
    The target XML will be as below in the target directory of file adapter/write.:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
    <!-- Edited by Oracle JDeveloper®
    <BOTANICAL>Sanguinaria canadensis</BOTANICAL>
    <BOTANICAL>Aquilegia canadensis</BOTANICAL>
    <PLANT><COMMON>Marsh Marigold</COMMON>
    <BOTANICAL>Caltha palustris</BOTANICAL>
    So, I need to map attributes(COMMON and BOTANICAL) of XML data in the source with common and botanical elements of the XML in the target. How should I map attributes with elements in the XSL editor of the Mediator Transformation.

    I will test it.
    I sale myself ONLY half CNY!

  • I deleted Scramble with friends on my iPad. It wasn't working properly. Then I couldn't find it to reload it. I found it with my iPhone 6 but it is not in the cloud to use on my iPad. What's up?

    I Deleted Scramble with Friends Free from my iPad because it was not working. It closed every time I tried to play a game. Then I tried to reload it. It's not in the App Store. Then I found it on my iPhone 6 and loaded it. It still doesn't show up on my iPad. I have not upgraded to the ios8 operating system as I heard it would make my iPad not work properly. where is Scramble with friends and why cant I find it in the app store on my iPad?

    That app is made for the iPhone - the app will work on the iPad but is not specifically designed to take advantage of the larger screen.
    When searching for an app, look at the top of the screen for a button that says iPhone Apps. Tap on it to switch to apps meant for iPhone and Scramble with Friends should show up.

  • I deleted Scramble with friends from my iPod Touch. Now I can't install it again. What do I need to do?

    I deleted Scramble with friends from my iPod Touch. Now I can't install it again. What do I need to do?

    That app is made for the iPhone - the app will work on the iPad but is not specifically designed to take advantage of the larger screen.
    When searching for an app, look at the top of the screen for a button that says iPhone Apps. Tap on it to switch to apps meant for iPhone and Scramble with Friends should show up.

  • Change page attribute with JavaScript

    hope someone can help.
    Is it possible to change a BSP page attribute with JavaScript??
    I have a JavaScript array with some serialnumbers. After push a save button, i want to save the array data into a page attribute.
    Some ideas?
    Regards Anton

    The only way of passing vars from JS to page attributes is submitting them via (hidden) values in a form or via params in an URL.
    Alternatively, you can try to let JS store things in a client cookie and let the BSP read that cookie.
    I didn't try that out yet though.
    Put yourself on the SDN world map ( and earn 25 points.
    Spread the wor(l)d!

  • Can't delete email with a 9 mb attachment from iphone

    can't delete email with a 9 mb attachment from iphone(3gs, software v 4.3.1) -- every time i try to delete the email with a swipe it shows the red delete button on the right but then freezes for a while and then the delete button disappears but the email does not. when i go through edit function and mark it for deletion, the same thing occurs.
    any advice??

    No. The modem is an Arris obtained from Comcast on 6/9/2014 after the prior one failed.

  • How can I move or delete files with PL-SQL???

    I have Oracle 9i and Sun Solaris 5.8
    I have a table (“TABLE_FILENAME”) with the files name in one directory. (I read the files name in a directory and put it in a table). I charge some files with external tables and then I have to move some fields to another directory and delete others files.
    How can I delete files with PL-SQL and How can I move files with PL-SQL?
    I have the names of files and the actions (Delete o Move) in a table (“TABLE_FILENAME”) (The files in this table are dynamics).

    If you're using 9i then you will find that the new functions UTL_FILE.FCOPY and UTL_FILE.FREMOVE will allow you to do what you want. Check out the documentation for more details.
    Cheers, APC

  • Deleting VM with snapshot/checkpoint is extremely slow in SCVMM 2012 R2

    It appears deleting VM with checkpoint from SCVMM 2012 R2 is extremely slow. 
    There is the configuration: 
    one SCVMM 2012 R2 running on Windows Server 2012 R2
    one Windows Server 2012 R2 as file share server (SMB), stores all VM files. The share is managed by SCVMM . uses local SSD disk. two gigabit ethernet ports connected to a switch.
    two hyper-v hosts running Windows Server 2012 R2, non-clustered, managed by SCVMM, each hosts has three gigabit Ethernet ports connected to the switch.
    Everthing works including live migration. Here is the problem:
    When I deleted a VM with checkpoint, it appeared that SCVMM/Hyper-V merges something, it took a lot of time on reading each AVHDX and write to VHDX, this results two problems:
    1. It took a lot of time and bandwidth. I am about to delete the VM (and all its files). Why SCVMM/Hyper-V wants to merge all files? The deletion took 29 minutes for a 36GB VM.  This VM is just plain standalone VM, no usage of template.
    The expected result is to just delete all VM files and remove VM, don't do merge. (BTW: VMWare doesn't do merge, the deletion is done in a few seconds))
    2. although all data file are on the file share, the hyper-v host still reads each file from file share, then write to another file on the same file share. It consumes significant network bandwidth. Can they offload the work to file server? 
    The expected result is that Hyper-V offload the transfer to file share server. It should not create huge amount of network io. 
    3. The merging operation is incredibility slow. around 24MByte/sec data being copied. 
    The hyper-v has 2xgigabit links, benchmark shows the file share access can easily go 200Mbytes/sec, and the file server side is SSD drive with 200+MByte/sec bandwidth. The expected result is if hyper-v ever merge, the speed is least 100MByte/s and hopefully
    go up to 200MByte/sec.  21MB/s is just painfully slow.
    Did I miss anything? 

    Thanks for the info. Even there may be use cases where merge is necessary, there are plenty of use cases where merging is overkill -- can Hyper-V have a CLI option that deletes VM without doing merging?    
    If such option won't be available soon, can SCVMM do this on deleting a VM:
    1. revert to the latest checkpoint, delete the checkpoint
    2. repeat the step 1 until all checkpoint removed.
    3. delete the VM.
    This workaround avoids the Hyper-V's merging. It is not as clean as VMWare's (they just delete the VM files, no extra merge), but at least it is much faster and less resource consumption than merging. 

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