Deleting messages

Why can I not delete unwanted email messages from inbox, I am getting unable to move to trash box
Thank you

What could be more simple?
This is an iPad forum, right?
I use my laptop for eMail. I neither need, nor want, my iPad for that function. REALLY. I DON'T!! I don't want to receive email on my iPad, UNLESS, UNDER RARE CIRCUMSTANCES, I MANUALLY TELL IT TO DO SO. So, I have the email account set up in Apple Mail, But have disabled and and all push and automatic retrieval functions.
But it retrieves it anyway!
Wait. It gets worse.
After it downloads HUNDREDS of unwanted emails daily, against my will. I have to delete them ONE AT A TIME, taking (literally) HOURS of pressing the "Delete" key, over and over and over and over and over and... Well, you get the idea. After all, there is no way to "Select All" and do them all at once. So un-Apple like. Is thei Windows, or what? Where am I?
I have done everything conceivable to prevent it from retrieving email. But it does anyway.

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    Comcast only offers POP accounts, and one way to set up the account and enter all the settings before it connects to the mail server, might be to do it Offline:
    The server settings are given [ here], but the method is for Online account setup.

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    What messages? iMessages? Mail?

  • Delete messages from server?

    Hi Guys,
    I have a question regarding mail management.
    Here is my situation:
    I have a GMX e-mail account; when I manage my e-mail on a computer (any computer), I always use the web-based e-mail straight from the website. I have this e-mail address configured in Mail on my iPad as an IMAP account. When I check my mail via iPad, it shows me my current inbox, but if I delete messages from iPad, it moves the message to trash, but does not reflect this on the server. So when I go to login to my account from a regular computer, any e-mail(s) that I have deleted through my iPad are still in my inbox at the GMX website.
    On my iPad, I have turned Push to Off and I have Fetch set to manual, whenever I launch Mail. I have tried hitting the refresh on my iPad after I move a message to Trash, and my iPad's Mail settings are set to move deleted items to the "Trash" folder on the GMX server. Sending and receiving e-mails are no problem.
    What am I doing wrong here? I am tired of deleting messages on my iPad (such as spam) and then having to go onto a computer and login to GMX and delete them again.
    Btw, same exact issue on my iPhone with exact same e-mail settings.

    Thanks for the tip, Ralph.
    I just went over to the GMX website and went to their support forum and apparently this is a known problem when accessing e-mail through an IMAP or POP3 e-mail client. A post was made at the end of August saying they are aware of the problem and are trying to fix it.
    I've had this issue with my GMX account since my first-generation iPhone and they've just realized it a month and a half ago. I wonder how long it's going to take for them to repair the issue, sheesh!
    I will mark this thread as resolved but since I just have to wait for GMX to fix the problem on their side. At least we got to the bottom of this, thanks for the help guys.
    Message was edited by: MrElussive

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    Not sure who your email provider is. Mine is hotmail. When you set up email with hotmail on an iPhone 4 the delete from server never is available. I just got an iPhone 5, i reset up my hot mail account and can't find that setting either. I set it up by using the hotmail button not "other" so meaning delete your hotmail account from your phone. Then re set it up. But when you do add email account, don't use the button that says hotmail. Use the bottom choice that says "other". I have no idea why this is different but if you do this it will set up hotmail just the same. But now that setting is there. The "delete from server" and you set it to "never". Now when you delete the emails from your hot mail account on the iPhone, it leaves that email on the hotmail server. So when you look at email on the computer it's there still. It's good this way if you share email with someone.

  • Cannot delete messages from inbox, cannot move messages out of inbox, message do not copy to "sent" or "draft"

    The following problems occur:
    - cannot delete messages,
    - cannot move messages out of inbox,
    - messages do not copy "sent"
    - messages cannot be saved to "draft"
    This applies to imap and to gmail accounts.
    The following has not helped:
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    - deinstall and reinstall TB 31.4.
    - archive profile with mozbackup and replace profile from archive after reinstall of TB.
    - deinstall and reinstall TB 31.3 downgraded
    - delete all folders and files with "trash*" in the file name (all IMAP)
    - delete all files of 1 mail account completely in the TB profile and resync from server (IMAP)
    This might coincide with these system changes:
    - upgrade to TB 31.4.
    - some of these email accounts were installed on ios8 iphone.
    Not sure if the problems had already started before these 2 occurrences.
    Any help is appreciated to solve this.

    What type of mail account is this (POP, IMAP, .Mac)? If POP, what are your Preferences > Accounts > Advanced > Remove copy from server settings?
    You may be able to get rid of those messages in Mail doing Edit > Cut (⌘X) (for best results do it with one message or just a few at a time), but you should remove them from the server first if they’re still there.
    Does this account allow web access? If not, you may find the Account Info window useful to solve this problem — choose Get Info (⌘I) from the Action menu (gear icon) located below the mailboxes list in the main Mail window.

  • Cannot delete message from Trash

    I have more than 10,000 deleted messages under Trash, in a folder named "on my mac".
    When I try to empty that folder o just empy the whole Trash, Mail crashes due to the high volume.
    I would like to delete those messages from the Finder, but I cannot find there the "on my mac" folder.
    Any ideas on how to get rid of the deleted messages?
    Thank you.

    The messages are .emlx files, but there is an index file that will still point to them unless they are deleted in mail.
    Try opening a few of the ( you say it's 60 000 now? it was 10 000 before ) messages - I hope you'll get a message saying they can't be displayed.
    If you do, go to the mail menu Mail-Mailbox-Rebuild . this should re-work the index so it reflects the true number of messages.
    Having said that - have you tried just deleting the mailbox, rather than trying to empty it? highlight the 'on my mac' trash mailbox & choose Mail-Mailbox-Delete.
    Failing all that - I'd be tempted to move your wanted messages to various new mailboxes, ( in modest numbers per mailbox - perhaps not numbered in the 10 000's?) make a copy somewhere safe of the entire Mail folder, then force Mail to start from scratch & import your old wanted messages into mail.
    To do this - after you've created your new mailboxes & moved the messages you want to keep into them; copied the Mail folder and Quit Mail
    In Finder locate home/library/mail/ & trash that folder.
    Then locate home/library/preferences/ & move it onto the desktop, just in case things go wrong. ( I mean Move, don't leave the original file in the Preferences folder )
    Open Mail again - you'll be asked for account details ( you wrote them down first?)
    Just in case you get asked "do you want to import..." at this stage - Don't do it.
    Then. from Mail, use Mail-File-Import Mailboxes & point it to the "mailboxes" folder inside the copy of the Mail folder you made.
    Choose only the new mailboxes that you made, & moved your wanted messages to . Import them & they should all be viewable in mail.
    Try the 'rebuild' or delete mailbox first though - & if any of the above isn't crystal clear - ask before you proceed.

  • Error while trying to delete messages

    Since updating to Mavericks OS 10.9.1, I've been getting a periodic error while attempting to delete messages in my Inbox.  I believe that it's always come up when deleting messages in my mailbox.  I've attached a copy of the error message about a server error: Error 9 during which the UID COPY (to Deleted) failed.
    After closing the error message and clicking again (usually once, occasionally twice) on the Delete button in the Toolbar, the message will successfully be deleted, but that shouldn't be necessary.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

    I have the same problem.

  • Iphone 5 - I am trying to delete message threads and once I do, I go to text someone else and it won't send. HELP? I just don't want those messages on my phone anymore.

    Iphone 5 - I am trying to delete message threads and once I do, I go to text someone else and it won't send. HELP? I just don't want those messages on my phone anymore. I have tried to restart my phone but when I do, the "deleted" threads show back up on my phone. I use iOS 7.1.

    Hello Makayla,
    It sounds like you're deleted message threads keep coming back after you restart the devie. I recommend starting by quitting all the running apps on your phone:
    iOS: Force an app to close
    Double-click the Home button.
    Swipe left or right until you have located the app you wish to close.
    Swipe the app up to close it. 
    When you have done that restart the device and test the issue again:
    iOS: Turning off and on (restarting) and resetting
    If the issue persists, backup your device to iTunes and then restore it as a new device and verify that it works. 
    How to erase your iOS device and then set it up as a new device or restore it from backups
    If it does, then restore your backup to either verify it still works and the software just needed reinstalled, or isolate the issue to the backup file itself. 
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.

  • In mail I am all of a sudden unable to fully delete messages.

    In Mail I am suddenly unable to delete messages. When I do the msg is replaced by another that is titled no sender / no subject / no content and has a date of 69-12-31.  To compound things there is seemingly no way to delete the new message.   Any suggestions? 

    Delete your Preference File
    Preference and other file locations in Lightroom 5

  • After upgrading to iOS 5 I have lost all my sent messages'all my deleted messages have returned ,2 of which I also can't delete!

    After upgrading to ios5 all my sent messages disappeared,my deleted messages returned,a couple of which I also cannot delete!Anyone any ideas?I am thinking I should have stayed with ios4,as ios5 seems to be pitched at iPad 2 users.

    Thanks for the clarification.    Yes, I do access my email from 2 different sources. 
    FYI, I use the POP mailserver as I need most of the information to be loaded onto my PC while on a plane / not connected to the interenet.
    The primary use of mail on my iPhone is to be available as much as possible - even when I'm away from my office.
    Thanks again for your help.   I'll start deleting them in segments of 100.......

  • I am unable to delete whole texts from left-swipe. i click delete and they dissappear. But then i can't send or recieve texts. i reboot phone and deleted message reappear. i've synced, backup, everything. Help!

    I am unable to delete whole texts from left-swipe. i click delete and they dissappear. But then i can't send or recieve texts. i reboot phone and deleted message reappear, but i am able to continue send/recieving texts.. i've synced, backup, everything. Help! I am doing this beacuse in my space on my phone my doucments and data are taking up 9GB of space, and i don't know why other than in my phone it says messages are taking up 8GB or so. I am running ios 7.0. I have synced my phone with itunes, backed up, reboots after deleting the texts, they never vanish, i have even restored from itunes and restored from a backup that didn't include the texts after i deleted them.

    actually better to reset your phone and reinstall the latest firmware again after that restore your back up it should be ok

  • How can I delete messages on phone(5c)and have them simultaneously be deleted on computer

    how can I synchronize deleting messages on iPhone 5c and my computer MacBook Pro (10.7.5)

    First off.
    The "Sync" as Apple calls it is only "Display on all Devices" and nothing more.
    Deleting it on one device will not delete it on another.
    On the Mac the iMessages are stored in ~/Library/Messages in file called chat.db with a couple of supporting database items alongside.
    If you "close"  or remove the chat in the list in the Messages window (the x when you mouse over the name and pic) then the iMessage will "return" as an "Aid Memoire" to the previous conversation.
    This is local on your Mac and is nothing to do with any 'sync' over the iMessages servers.
    The longest time I have experienced was using my iPhone on a hotel WiFi on a Friday evening away form home and picking up those same iMessage on Sunday evening when I turned my Mac on.
    The iMessages servers "push" the iMessages to the devices it thinks are Registered.
    However this only happens once.  When the device has the iMessages the servers stop sending it.
    This is to stop what you seem to describe - the endless attempt to delete the same iMessages.
    It is more likely you are talking about the "history" feature.
    9:56 pm      Friday; February 7, 2014
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

  • How to stop iOS7 Mail from deleting messages from server?

    Recently I started using an iPhone 5S after over four years with an iPod Touch. The Mail app on the iPhone deletes messages from my server. I do not want it to do this, I cannot find the option to turn off in Settings, and the iOS Mail help page at Apple Support is for an older OS version. Insight and advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

    I think I figured out a workaround at least.  It appears that the "Power Nap" feature is doing the mail checking.  Although the concise descriptions of Power Nap say it "allows your Mac to do things like periodically check for new mail, calendar, and other iCloud updates" (, it apparently doesn't just allow these actions, it does them -- regardless of your mail settings.  I suspect this is a bug.
    Turning off Power Nap (in the Energy Saver panel in System Preferences) stopped the unwanted mail fetching, but unfortunately that also means that I don't get the benefit of the other activities it does, like Spotlight indexing. There are two places to turn it off, one for the "Battery" tab and one for the "Power Adapter" tab.
    Since Power Nap was introduced with Mountain Lion, but I never had the problem until Mavericks, I assume that either (1) Power Nap was off by default in Mountain Lion but is on by default in Mavericks, or (2) this is another of several Mail problems introduced by Mavericks.

  • I have a  macbook, an ipad, and an iphone with the Mail app on all three synced through icloud, but when I read and delete emails on my phone, the inbox on my ipad is not update, so I have to go through and mark as read or delete messages again. How can I

    I have a  macbook, an ipad, and an iphone with the Mail app on all three synced through icloud, but when I read and delete emails on my phone, the inbox on my ipad is not update, so I have to go through and mark as read or delete messages again. How can I sync my iphone and ipad? (it seems like each is synced only to my laptop, so don't synchronize until I go home and use my laptop.

    POP: yahoo, aol, comcast/time warnder/road runner
    Imap: google, hotmail, and more including icloud.
    If you want to use multiple devices - move to imap, I would even say "exchange", but Google does not support free exchange anymore, since January of that year. So Ironically  Icloud or Hotmail would be my choices right now.
    To find out more about what happens to you, search on Google "difference between pop and imap"

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