Delta issue on a Generic Datasource

   I had a Generic Datasource on a Z table.
   The Z table had a Date field on which Delta is based.The Postings are performed manually.
  How to solve the delta issue in the below scenario.
Ex; A user made a manual posting with a date 09AUG2010 today and delta is extracted to BW.
    But tommorow a used made another posting with a date 14JULY2010....
Currently that record is not being can i resolve this

Once the data source is created you will extract the data till that date and as the delta is set it will fetch the newly updated records .But i dont think one can post with the back dates in R/3 side.
If i'm not wrong if you are asking regarding record got missed out them wht need to be done?
Then do the repair full request and pull the missed delta records and it wont effect the delta settings.

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  • Delta on Sales Data (Generic Datasource)

    I have created a generic datasoucrce which is taking data from VBRK & VBRP. Now i have to set delta on it, for which i was looking for change date field but didnt found anyone.
    Does anyone have any idea on which field for sales data i can set my delta ??

    generic extractor is an extractor that you create yourself for a special requirement which is not solved by the standard available business content.
    Before creating your own datasource take a look at the Logistic Cockpit (Transaction LBWE) -> application 13. Here you found BW content datasources like 2LIS_13_VDITM
    to extract the tables for SD billing document (VBRK & VBRP) in delta mode.
    After you have filled the setup table for application 13 you can do an initial run from BW. Now you can extract your delta without building your own datasource. Delta updating is part of the standard Logistics extraction process.
    Additional you can use now standard business content in BW system for this extraction (or take a look on it how it is implemented).
    Check this blogs for Logistics Extraction:
    I hope this helps.
    Best regards

  • Delta extraction for a generic datasource

    Hi BWers,
    I want put in Delta the extraction of a generic datasource.
    Currently this generic datasource is based on the table VBPA (Sales Document: Partner). Any time field exists.
    We need a time field in order to converse to a Delta extraction. This time field exists in the table VBAP (Sales Document: Item data). In fact two time fields exist: one which is filled at the creation of the sales order (ERDAT), another at the change of the sales order (AEDAT).
    The fields VBELN, POSNR and MANDT are keys in the tables VBAP and VBPA.
    The table VBAP changes when partner functions is created or changed in a sales order (VBELN) :
    - When it is a creation of a new sales order (with new partner functions), a new record is created in VBAP and the field ERDAT (Created on) is filled. The field AEDAT (Changed on) is empty.
    - When is a change of an existing sales order, the corresponding record in VBAP changed, and the field AEDAT is filled. ERDAT stays unchanged.
    In order to converse to the Delta extraction, i need a only one time-field (calendar day) in RSO2 / Generic Delta.
    But there is 2 time-fields ERDAT and AEDAT. So i just need to get AEDAT if it is filled, else if AEDAT is empty I will get ERDAT.
    I would base my datasource on a view between VBPA and VBAP with one field which will be filled by AEDAT or ERDAT (with the conditions below). But it seems it is not possible.
    Can you give me other ideas ?
    Thanks a lot.

    In order to create a generic delta from two source fields, ERDAT and AEDAT in this case, you're going to have to create your generic extractor from a Function Module. Otherwise you'll only have the standard functionality available to you for creating the generic delta, which allows you to base it on only one column.
    Here's a sample you can use, that was created for VBFA, and change for your DataSource.
    FUNCTION y_docu_flow.
    *"*"Local interface:
    *"  TABLES
    *"      NO_MORE_DATA
    *& Global Data Declarations
    * Type for VBFA Data
      TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_vbfa            ,
                mandt   TYPE vbfa-mandt   ,
                vbelv   TYPE vbfa-vbelv   ,
                posnv   TYPE vbfa-posnv   ,
                vbeln   TYPE vbfa-vbeln   ,
                posnn   TYPE vbfa-posnn   ,
                vbtyp_n TYPE vbfa-vbtyp_n ,
                rfmng   TYPE vbfa-rfmng   ,
                meins   TYPE vbfa-meins   ,
                rfwrt   TYPE vbfa-rfwrt   ,
                waers   TYPE vbfa-waers   ,
                vbtyp_v TYPE vbfa-vbtyp_v ,
                plmin   TYPE vbfa-plmin   ,
                erdat   TYPE vbfa-erdat   ,
                aedat   TYPE vbfa-aedat   ,
              END   OF ty_vbfa            .
    * Internal Tables and Selection Criteria Structure
      DATA : t_vbfa     TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_vbfa ,
             l_s_select TYPE srsc_s_select             .
    * Field Symbols
      FIELD-SYMBOLS : <fs_fields> TYPE rsfieldsel.
    * Constants
      CONSTANTS : c_error_msgty TYPE rslogparms-msgty VALUE 'E'            ,
                  c_error_msgid TYPE rslogparms-msgid VALUE 'YAERO_WTY_VSR',
                  c_error_msgv1 TYPE rslogparms-msgv1 VALUE ' MESSAGE_V1 ' ,
                  c_error_msgv2 TYPE rslogparms-msgv1 VALUE ' MESSAGE_V2 ' ,
                  c_error_msgv3 TYPE rslogparms-msgv1 VALUE ' MESSAGE_V3 ' ,
                  c_error_msgv4 TYPE rslogparms-msgv1 VALUE ' MESSAGE_V4 ' ,
                  c_error_msgno TYPE rslogparms-msgno VALUE 999            ,
                  c_alias(2)    TYPE c                VALUE 'A~'           ,
                  c_vbfa        TYPE dntab-tabname    VALUE 'VBFA'         .
    * Maximum Database Lines, Data Package Counter and Cursor
      STATICS : s_s_if              TYPE srsc_s_if_simple ,
                s_counter_datapakid TYPE sy-tabix         ,
                s_cursor            TYPE cursor           .
    * Select Ranges
      RANGES : r_erdat FOR vbfa-erdat ,
               r_aedat FOR vbfa-aedat ,
               r_vbelv FOR vbfa-vbelv ,
               r_posnv FOR vbfa-posnv ,
               r_vbeln FOR vbfa-vbeln ,
               r_posnn FOR vbfa-posnn .
    *& Processing Logic
    * Refresh Internal Table and Clear work area
      REFRESH: t_vbfa   ,
               e_t_data .
    * Check the Extraction Mode (Delta Initialization Or Delta)
      IF i_initflag EQ sbiwa_c_flag_on.
    *   Determine DataSource Validity
        IF i_dsource NE 'YSDDS_DOCU_FLOW'.
    *     Call Function to Write Log
              i_msgty = c_error_msgty
              i_msgid = c_error_msgid
              i_msgno = c_error_msgno
              i_msgv1 = c_error_msgv1
              i_msgv2 = c_error_msgv2
              i_msgv3 = c_error_msgv3
              i_msgv4 = c_error_msgv4.
    *     Raise Exception
          RAISE error_passed_to_mess_handler.
        ENDIF.                  " IF i_dsource NE 'YSDDS_DOCU_FLOW'.
    *   Append the Selection Criteria
        APPEND LINES OF i_t_select TO s_s_if-t_select.
    *   Fill parameter buffer for data extraction calls
        MOVE : i_requnr  TO s_s_if-requnr  ,
               i_dsource TO s_s_if-dsource ,
               i_maxsize TO s_s_if-maxsize .
    *   Append Fields to be Selected
        APPEND LINES OF i_t_fields TO s_s_if-t_fields.
    *   Add the Alias to Fields
        LOOP AT s_s_if-t_fields
          ASSIGNING <fs_fields>.
          CONCATENATE c_alias
                 INTO <fs_fields>-fieldnm.
          CONDENSE <fs_fields>-fieldnm NO-GAPS.
        ENDLOOP.                " LOOP AT s_s_if-t_fields..
      ELSE.                     " IF i_initflag EQ sbiwa_c_flag_on
    *   For First Data Package, Open Cursor
        IF s_counter_datapakid EQ 0.
    *     Clear Ranges
          CLEAR : r_erdat ,
                  r_aedat ,
                  r_vbelv ,
                  r_posnv ,
                  r_vbeln ,
                  r_posnn .
    *     Fill Selection Ranges
          LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select
            INTO l_s_select.
    *       Determine Selection Range Field Name
            CASE l_s_select-fieldnm.
    *         Created On Date
              WHEN 'ERDAT'.
                MOVE : l_s_select-sign   TO r_erdat-sign   ,
                       l_s_select-option TO r_erdat-option ,
                       l_s_select-low    TO r_erdat-low    ,
                       l_s_select-high   TO r_erdat-high   .
                APPEND r_erdat.
    *           Fill the change date too
                MOVE r_erdat[] TO r_aedat[].
    *         Predecessor Document Number
              WHEN 'VBELV'.
                MOVE : l_s_select-sign   TO r_vbelv-sign   ,
                       l_s_select-option TO r_vbelv-option ,
                       l_s_select-low    TO r_vbelv-low    ,
                       l_s_select-high   TO r_vbelv-high   .
                APPEND r_vbelv.
    *         Predecessor Document Line Item
              WHEN 'POSNV'.
                MOVE : l_s_select-sign   TO r_posnv-sign   ,
                       l_s_select-option TO r_posnv-option ,
                       l_s_select-low    TO r_posnv-low    ,
                       l_s_select-high   TO r_posnv-high   .
                APPEND r_posnv.
    *         Successor Document Number
              WHEN 'VBELN'.
                MOVE : l_s_select-sign   TO r_vbeln-sign   ,
                       l_s_select-option TO r_vbeln-option ,
                       l_s_select-low    TO r_vbeln-low    ,
                       l_s_select-high   TO r_vbeln-high   .
                APPEND r_vbeln.
    *         Successor Document Line Item
              WHEN 'POSNN'.
                MOVE : l_s_select-sign   TO r_posnn-sign   ,
                       l_s_select-option TO r_posnn-option ,
                       l_s_select-low    TO r_posnn-low    ,
                       l_s_select-high   TO r_posnn-high   .
                APPEND r_posnn.
            ENDCASE.            " CASE l_s_select-fieldnm.
          ENDLOOP.              " LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select..
    *     Open Cursor on View to Fetch data
    *     If full load with Selection on Fiscal Year
          IF r_aedat[] IS INITIAL.
    *       Full Extraction
            OPEN CURSOR
            WITH HOLD s_cursor FOR
          SELECT (s_s_if-t_fields)
            FROM vbfa      AS a
            JOIN pnwtyv    AS b
              ON a~vbelv   EQ b~sdvbeln
           WHERE a~vbelv   IN r_vbelv
             AND a~posnv   IN r_posnv
             AND a~vbeln   IN r_vbeln
             AND a~posnn   IN r_posnn
             AND a~rfmng   NE 0
             AND a~erdat   IN r_erdat
             AND b~sdvbeln NE space.
    *       Delta Extraction Using ERDAT and AEDAT
            OPEN   CURSOR
            WITH   HOLD s_cursor FOR
          SELECT   (s_s_if-t_fields)
            FROM   vbfa      AS a
            JOIN   pnwtyv    AS b
              ON   a~vbelv   EQ b~sdvbeln
           WHERE   a~vbelv   IN r_vbelv
             AND   a~posnv   IN r_posnv
             AND   a~vbeln   IN r_vbeln
             AND   a~posnn   IN r_posnn
             AND   a~rfmng   NE 0
             AND ( a~erdat   IN r_erdat
              OR   a~aedat   IN r_aedat )
             AND   b~sdvbeln NE space.
          ENDIF.                " IF r_aedat[] IS INITIAL
        ENDIF.                  " IF s_counter_datapakid..
    *   Fetch Records into Interface Table
        FETCH NEXT CURSOR s_cursor
              OF TABLE t_vbfa
          PACKAGE SIZE s_s_if-maxsize.
    *   No More Data, Raise Exception
        IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    *     Close the Cursor
          CLOSE CURSOR s_cursor.
    *     Raise Exception
          RAISE no_more_data.
    *     Move Extracted Data to Output Structure
          MOVE t_vbfa[] TO e_t_data[].
    *     Release Memory
          FREE t_vbfa.
    *     Sort Output Structure
          SORT e_t_data BY vbelv
    *     Delete Duplicate Records from Output Structure
            FROM e_t_data
       COMPARING vbelv
    *     Increment Data Package Number
          s_counter_datapakid = s_counter_datapakid + 1.
        ENDIF.                  " IF sy-subrc NE 0
      ENDIF.                    " IF i_initflag EQ sbiwa_c_flag_on
    Edited by: Dennis Scoville on Jul 16, 2009 8:29 AM
    Edited by: Dennis Scoville on Jul 16, 2009 8:29 AM

  • Delta extraction for COPA generic datasource

    I have created generic datasource for COPA with timestamp as delta.I have initialized the delta in BW and was able to extract the same number of records which I had in RSA3.To test the delta created couple of records and when tried to extract it was giving me 0 records with Info doc status 8 in the status tab.The processing is red and it does not drop down. I checked in the the roosource table in R3 and it shows delta process as AIE and safety interval is 120 for the timestamp(will change it later).

    The safety interval is just 120 seconds. One more thing is when I initialized the delta on the R3 side in RSA7 I can find my datasource but under the status tab it shows some other datasource and also the delta field and current status are empty. So do u think I have to add the UPMOD field to my generic datasource or any of your suggestions for creating delta are welcome.

  • Delta-Specific Field for Generic DataSource

    I have defined a Generic DataSource for Transaction data on R/3-Side.
    This DataSource is based on View/Table EKKO (Purchasing Document Header) for some specific customer requirements. Delta-Specific Field is AEDAT (Calend. Day). Safety Interval Upper Limit is set 1 Cal. Days. No Safety Interval Lower Limit has been defined. "New Status for Changed Records" has been marked.
    When we see this DataSource in Extractor Checker (RSA3), this data source
    Extracted all delta data where AEDAT is not blank.
    When I see the content of table EKKO, I can find few records where AEDAT is blank.
    These records are missing in Extractor Checker.
    How I can solve this problem? Which delta-specific field can be used in
    this generic Datasource? Should I define an additional Generic DataSource with
    Delta-Specific Field BEDAT (as BEDAT is filled when AEDAT is blank in table EKKO)?
    Thanks for the answer.

    Delta based  on calday wont pick all the records  which are recently posted and you can not run the delta more than one time in a day ,end of the day only you can run the delta.
    Set the delta as Tme Stamp and specify the Upper  limit to 5 minuts.
    We can run the delta no. times and pick the documents posted in short interval of time.
    With Regards,

  • Delta issues in Variant Classification Datasource

    Hi All,
    I have created the datasource 1CL_OLIS001 for Sales Order variant characteristics through CTBW and linked it to 2LIS_11_VAITM.. It works fine with full or intial load. but doesnt collect deltas. Cant see any LUWs collected in RSA7 for it nor infopackage in BW Extract any deltas.
    Am I missing something here or is it a know issue.
    I am on ECC 6.0 and BI 7.0.
    Promise to award point to all useful answers.

    Dear Amit ,
    Which Datasource are you using .. ..
    Check in the base table whether the new entries are there..because as you know delta only flows when there are new entries or changed entries ,some extractors can pick delta on a calender day probably u might get some data if you extract tomorrow..
    Hope it helps.

  • Generic datasource with Delta queue

    Hi All,
    I 've created a generic datasource on prices tables A* and KONP. Next, I used HowTo document "create generic datasource that uses delta queue", finding the right BTE that could catch prices modification. Up to this point, everything works fine.
    I've extracted an Init delta to BW and now, on R/3, in RSA7, I can see a delta queue for my generic datasource.
    When I modify price conditions in VK12, BTE works fine and I can see the counter in RSA7 increasing. I also can see new entries in table TRFCQOUT with status READY. (either in SE16 or in SMQ1 )
    The problem is :
    - in RSA7, if I want to display the posted data, system returns an empty list (whereas the counter is different from 0)
    - when I run a delta InfoPackage, no data is sent to BW, but in table TRFCQOUT, status has been changed to READ for entries that previously had status READY (and old entries that had status READ due to a previous delta upload are deleted)
    Does anyone has any idea about the reason of the issue ?
    Thanks for any help

    Sure, I can.
    The problem was in the specific coding that update the delta queue : not all the fields were updated and some of these fields were used as selection criteria in th delta infopackage...
    in RSA7, when you try to see the data in the queue, the system only shows you the records that match the selection criterias of your delta in our case, because of those empty fields, no records were selected...

  • Generic Datasource on table IMRG in R/3- delta on timestamp is it ok ?

    I am creating Generic datasource based on table IMRG in R/3, This has stoppages related data. which we need in BI report. There is a field for Time-stamp in the table, i have checked values in table IMRG, but in R/3 it shows no data for the time-stamp.
    Now i want to create delta basis for this generic datasource based on table, so shall i create delta based on time-stamp or date field.  
    If I create delta based on time-stamp will it create problem in delta extraction subsequently? Please share your experience in such a cases.

    There is a field for Time-stamp in the table, i have checked values in table IMRG, but in R/3 it shows no data for the time-stamp.
    Delta specific field should be something which defines changes in your table, not something which is blank always.Based on the change in this delta specific field only delta will be pulled.Having it blank will never pull you delta.
    Hope this helps.

  • I am using generic datasource first time init sucessful, next time deltas

    Hai ALL,
    I am using Generic Datasource first time i run init next time i want to run the delta, delta is sucessful but 0 records. i am taken date field and new status fileds(DSO) for DSO. R/3 side table values chaging but not replicate to BI. Can any suggest how to run the delta for Generic Datasource.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Have you set delta pointers in your Generic datasource? if yes then what it is ? try to see if its logically related with your changes in records or you need to use any other type of delta pointer.

  • Delta method preferable for generic data source

    Hi All,
    I'm working on APOBW ,i need to pull primary sale data into apobw .So ABAP er created a program to pick the data from tables vbrp,vbrk,knvv,mara,marc,t179 and populating into a transparent table.I have created a generic data source using that ztable and then loading data to infocube in APOBW.I need to pull data daily twice.I have fields data and time in the Z table.
    Please suggest me how to pull the delta data and let me know if DSO is needed in between before loading to Infocube.

    For Enabling Delta, while creating the Generic Datasource you have an option of Enabling it to be Delta capable. Select Generic delta at the top and then you would see 3 options of how you want to get your delta records.
    It is based on
    1) Timestamp
    2) Numeric Pointer
    3) Calendar Day
    Depending what you have in your Table, you can select on what your delta would be based.

  • Generic Datasource Delta upload Issue

    Hi all,
    I have created a Generic Datasource for Solution Manager ODS 0crm_process_srv_h which contains the userstatus, transaction number, transaction desc and GUID of CRM Order Object (ods key field),only these fields.
      I have taken transaction number as delta field and it is as timestamp. But delta upload is not happening. If I give GUID or Status also delta upload is not happening . Please suggest which is the best way to give to delta upload.
    Thanks and Regards,

    in your case you need to create a function module as a extractor. Create a extract structure as well and add a timestamp field (lets call it zdeltahelp) to be used as the delta relevant field of the datasource. After successful init the last extraction timestamp will be passed to the fm and you can start selecting all resb entries for orders created and/or changed from that time on as well as the ones deleted (but therefore you need to read the change documents as well). For more information about generic extraction using fm search the forum or check out my business card. There you will find a link to a weblog about that issue.

  • Delta Issue in Generic data source

    HI all ,
        I have a HR generic data source .which extracts only two records ffrom the source for so many days during delta.
       I checked in RSA3 .It shows 16000 records nearly. I did init without data transfer and then delta,still it picks onlys same 2 records .
       Delta setting in RSO2 is Numeric pointer with new status for changed records with field name as"cheque number"
       In BWdatasourceExtraction tab--Deltaprocess is AIE After Image by extractor.Iam not able to choose any other delta process type as it is built from R/3 .I think because of this process type.
    anybody faced the same problem ..  I tried many ways..  please guide me how to solve. this issue.

    HI Prashanth,
                        I checked RSA7 now and I found  the problem .In RSA7 the pointer for cheque number is 991749. The delta record created has cheque number 005409 which is lesser than the pointer ,thats why the record is not picking i guess.
           now ,If this is the case ,How can I give delta field.The generic datasource is built on only one table PAYR ,and having cheque number and other fields  as keys in the table PAYR.Date is not a key in the table. Please help how to proceed

  • How to deal with delete record in generic delta of generic datasource

       Anyone can give me suggestion about the delete record in generic delta  of generic data. I need extract data with a generic datasource and hope deleted record in datasource also can be "delete" in next delta extraction. I do a test with generic delta. It seem that the delete record can not be updated in ODS. but updated record can be updated in next delta extraction.
    How dose BW generic delta deal with the deleted record with generic delta mechanisim? Or how can I use generic delta mechanisim to realize that BW "delete" the deleted record of source system in ODS with delta extraction?
    Thanks in advance!

    Delete is not supported in delta mechanism of generic delta extractor. You will need to add a workaround for that.
    - Capture the deleted records somewhere (maybe enhance the txn deleting the record so the key is written to a Z table). Take these records to BW and manipulate the recordmode to affect deletion of corresponding record from ODS.
    - If your generic delta is based on FM, and if the 'delete' is captured in change document tables, add the logic to check change document tables whether any records are deleted, and if yes, send those to BW with appropriate recordmode to achieve deletion.

  • Delta in Generic datasources.

    For the generic datasource. I have to run Delta multiple times per day. In this case I hope that, TIMESTAMP is the suitable option to run delta. Here, to set up TIMESTAMP, I have to select the field name for Delta, based on that field name the delta will work and pick the records into BW side.I have 2 fields DATE and TIME to set up delta. I have given field DATE for delta.
    For example.The data in the source system is
          IC            DATE                    TIME
          XX           22/03/2009           09:30:41
    I will run delta on 22/03/2009, 10 AM , then the above record will go to BW successfully.
    At 11 AM one more record will be added into the source sytem on the same date 22/03/2009. Now the data in the source system is
    IC            DATE                    TIME
    XX           22/03/2009           09:30:41
    YY           22/03/2009           11:00:00
    Again, at 11:30, I will run delta to pick the 2nd record. Here my doubt is, will that 2nd record be picked into the BW?. I doubt that, as we have set up delta based on the field DATE, Will the 2nd record will be picked into the BW side or not?.  If  the 2nd record will not be picked into the BW side.
    How can I achieve this. But, I need to run multiple times per day and need all records.
    Please let me know if you dont understand.

    I  understand your requirement, as you are using date as delta specific field you would not get another record created on the same day. To solve it you have two options,
    1) Field with date and time combination. - e.g 20090317164909. 
    2) Or can you use time field as delta field.
    Any of above can solve your problem.
    Hope this helps.
    Edited by: Viren Devi on Mar 22, 2009 9:11 PM

  • Delta in generic datasource

    Hi all,
    In case of standard datasource, the document posted in R/3 is written to BW delta queue. Generic datasources don't support delta update directly but support generic delta. Can you pleasce clarify what exactly happend in case of generic datasoure.
    Thanks in advnce,

    based on timestamp or values of certain field generic datasource shall manage delta. Check this please - Generic Delta-

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