Design Capture of Package

I'm using Designer 9i and have tried to capture from the server model a package.
It appears to work okay but I get the warning that the package does not appear to have a body. The package does contain a body. Any ideas why I'm getting this?

Although you eventually want to use JHeadstart, reverse engineering forms to Designer is not an issue within the scope of this forum.
Could you please post this issue in the Designer forum, or log a Metalink issue?
Thank you,
Steven Davelaar,
JHeadstart Team.

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    Hi Andrew,
    My initial advice is to perform the design capture in
    stages: Designer won't lose sight of the relationships
    etc you are capturing. Breaking it up into a few more
    manageable stages helps to reduce potential problems.
    We often get similar questions and there are a few old
    postings here on the forum with some good advice. The
    Designer online help also contains a lot of topics on
    each stage of the process.
    Try searching the forum. I also hope some of our other members out ther can offer some tips. Anyone..!?
    I'll see if I can find any useful posts too.
    Designer Product Management

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    thanks for response.
    yes i use des 6i rel 2. I try'd this, and it work's no much better. When I use the scripts as files and create Packages with OS-File , the designer try to analyze the files when generating. This gives error's , but there is no mistake in code.I have to execute the sql-scripts in a sqlplus environment and all is fine. I'm not very happy about this, because there is no good solution known to me, to have a complete design and administration environment.

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    Repository connected successfully
    Server Generator, Wed Jun 09 17:24:33 2004
    Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1995, 2002. All rights reserved.
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    First of all put an exception block and see what exact exeption it is throwing and then post that exception. You also have to check wheather you have created a directory and it has sufficient privileges.
    create or replace procedure verify as
    log varchar2(600);
    ACTIVITY_FILE := UTL_FILE.fopen('/dacscan/Mani',log,'W');
    WHEN others THEN

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    > last question I promise (lol): What is the difference
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    > and the Upgrade Version?
    Functionally, nothing but from a licensing point of view:
    A Full version of the software is a brand new license so the
    software can be
    installed on a computer which does not already have the
    software installed.
    e.g. CS3 Full version + CS3 Full version = CS3 (2 licenses; 1
    on each
    An Upgrade version is merely an upgrade to an existing
    license. i.e. can
    only be used to upgrade an existing, qualifying installation
    of the software
    on a computer. An upgrade cannot be installed on a computer
    which does not
    already have an earlier qualifying version of that software
    CS2 Full version + CS3 Upgrade = CS3 (1 license)
    CS Full version + CS3 Upgrade = CS3 (1 license)
    Version 7 Full version + CS3 Upgrade = CS3 (1 license)
    But Version 6 Full version + CS3 Upgrade = cannot be done
    because Version 6
    does not qualify for a CS3 upgrade license (Adobe policy).
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    Please see the following links:
    Hope this helps.
    Alberto Morillo

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    to achieve the above scenario am following the below steps
    In my CO,
    with in try catch i called the am method which will invoke the XX_CUSTOM_PKG.
    so, from the catch it is giving me the message as shown below.
    ((OAApplicationModule)localObject1).invokeMethod("insertData", personParam);--which will call the am method which in turn call the package.
    catch(Exception exception)
    throw new OAException("Review Error: "+ exception);
    Assume there are 2 possiblity of error inside this package one for Date field and another one for Employee field. we don't know which validation the user will encounter.
    For Employee field validation it is giving messag as below
    Review Error: oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: Exception in insertData:java.sql.SQLException: ORA-20500: Employee field is required. ORA-06512: at "APPS.CUSTOM_UTIL_PKG", line 702 ORA-06512: at line 1
    for Date field as below.
    Review Error: oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: Exception in insertData:java.sql.SQLException: ORA-20500: Date field should always greater than sysdate. ORA-06512: at "APPS.CUSTOM_UTIL_PKG", line 702 ORA-06512: at line 1
    But i need to display only the message "Employee field is required" or "Date field should always greater than sysdate" in the screen.. as information.
    Could you please help me to achive the above message? any sample code will be great help for me.
    Edited by: thiru_apps on Mar 13, 2012 11:13 AM

    ((OAApplicationModule)localObject1).invokeMethod("insertData", personParam);--which will call the am method which in turn call the package.
    catch(Exception exception)
    //throw new OAException("Review Error: "+ exception);
    /*Try this code*/
    String exception = null;
    exception = exception.toString();
    throw new OAException("Employee field is required");
    else if(exception.contains("Date")){
    throw new OAException("Date field should always greater than sysdate");
    throw new OAException(exception.toString());
    I hope this might help

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    Adobe CC 2014 Design & Web Premium:
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    – Adobe Illustrator CC
    – Adobe InDesign CC
    – Adobe Dreamweaver CC
    – Adobe Flash Professional CC
    – Adobe Fireworks
    – Adobe Acrobat Pro
    – Adobe Muse CC
    – Adobe Edge Animate CC
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    Exchange Panel
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    Edge Code

    Hello InquiringMind,
    Ray is absolutely right (thanks Ray!). Something that I would encourage you to do since it sounds like you are starting to dive into TestStand is take one of our customer education classes. We have TestStand I and TestStand II available at many different locations throughout the US and World. To sign up please visit or call 866-ASK-MYNI and we can help you out.
    With warm regards,
    David D.

  • Design Capture of Oracle Forms

    I can successfully capture an Oracle Form built by Forms Builder into a Module in Designer 9i. When I generate the Form based on the reversed Module Data Diagram, the generated Form does not have the same user-interface at run-time. For example, the tool-bar for records navigation does not appear.
    Can any one tell me whether it is possible to capture application logic as well as exact layout from a Form?
    Is it possble to capture Oracle menus?
    Any help is appreciated.

    "...the tool-bar for records navigation does not appear"-I think that you have to create a template form and put toolbar there.
    I hope this will be a little help for you.

  • Designer failed using batch design capture

    running Oracle 10g on Solaris server release 9, and Designer on Windows XP SP1.
    I tried to capture the current database model but it always failed with a windows error.
    The report contains the following data:
    AppName: dwzrun61.exe     AppVer:     ModName: domdll61.dll
    ModVer:     Offset: 00013b4a.
    Do anybody knows the reason of such error ?
    Do I need special patch to my service pack ?

    Designer 10gR2 ( is certified with Windows XP SP2. [Check metalink for complete certification information] Assuming that your installation is not corrupt and other Designer tools are working correctly, you could try installing SP2.
    - Suresh

  • Design capture of hash partitioned tables

    Designer version
    I am trying to capture from a server model where the tables are hash partitioned. But this errors because Designer only knows about range partitions. Does anyone know how I can get Designer to capture these tables and their constraints?

    I have tried all three "current" Designer clients 6i, 9i, and 10g, at the "current" revision of the repository (I can post details if interested). I have trawled the net for instances of this too, there are many.
    As stated by Sue, the Designer product model does not support this functionality (details can be found on ORACLE Metalink under [Bug No. 1484454] if you have access), if not, see excerpt below. It appears that at the moment ORACLE have no urgent plans to change this (the excerpt is dated as raised in 2001 and last updated in May 2004).
    Composite partitioning and List partitioning are equally affected.
    >>>>> ORACLE excerpt details STARTS >>>>>
    CDS-18014 Error: Table Partition 'P1' has a null String parameter
    'valueLessThan' in file ..\cddo\cddotp.cpp function
    cddotp_table_partition::cddotp_table_partition and line 122
    *** 03/02/01 01:16 am ***
    *** 06/19/01 03:49 am *** (CHG: Pri->2)
    *** 06/19/01 03:49 am ***
    Publishing bug, and upping priority - user is stuck hitting this issue.
    *** 09/27/01 04:23 pm *** (CHG: FixBy->9.0.2?)
    *** 10/03/01 08:30 am *** (CHG: FixBy->9.1)
    *** 10/03/01 08:30 am ***
    This should be considered seriously when looking at ERs we should be able to
    do this
    *** 05/01/02 04:37 pm ***
    *** 05/02/02 11:44 am ***
    I have reproduced this problem in
    *** 05/02/02 11:45 am *** ESCALATION -> WAITING
    *** 05/20/02 07:38 am ***
    *** 05/20/02 07:38 am *** ESCALATED
    *** 05/28/02 11:24 pm *** (CHG: FixBy->9.0.3)
    *** 05/30/02 06:23 am ***
    Hash partitioning is not modelled in repository and to do so would require a
    major model change. This is not feasible at the moment but I am leaving this
    open as an enhancement request because it is a much requested facility.
    Although we can't implement this I think we should try to detect 'partition by
    hash', output a warning message that it is not supported and then ignore it.
    At least then capture can continue. If this is possible, it should be tested
    and the status re-set to '15'
    *** 05/30/02 06:23 am *** (CHG: FixBy->9.1)
    *** 06/06/02 02:16 am *** (CHG: Sta->15)
    *** 06/06/02 02:16 am RESPONSE ***
    It was not possible to ignore the HASH and continue processing without a
    considerable amount of work so we have not made any changes. The existing
    ERROR message highlights that the problem is with the partition. To enable
    the capture to continue the HASH clause must be removed from the file.
    *** 06/10/02 08:32 am *** ESCALATION -> CLOSED
    *** 06/10/02 09:34 am RESPONSE ***
    *** 06/12/02 06:17 pm RESPONSE ***
    *** 08/14/02 06:07 am *** (CHG: FixBy->10)
    *** 01/16/03 10:05 am *** (CHG: Asg->NEW OWNER)
    *** 02/13/03 06:02 am RESPONSE ***
    *** 05/04/04 05:58 am RESPONSE ***
    *** 05/04/04 07:15 am *** (CHG: Sta->97)
    *** 05/04/04 07:15 am RESPONSE ***
    <<<<< ORACLE excerpt details ENDS <<<<<
    I (like I'm sure many of us) have an urgent immediate need for this sort of functionality, and have therefore resolved to looking at some form of post process to produce the required output.
    I imagine that it will be necessary to flag the Designer meta-data content and then manipulate the generator output once it's done its "raw" generation as a RANGE partition stuff (probably by using the VALUE_LESS_THAN field as its mandatory, and meaningless for HASH partitions!).
    An alternative would be to write an API level generator for this using the same flag, probably using PL/SQL.
    If you have (or anyone else has) any ideas on this, then I'd be happy to share them to see what we can cobble together in the absence of an ORACLE interface to their own product.

  • CS6 design & web premium package

    I currently have CS6 however I require CS6 design and web premium package for a course I've enrolled in.
    Can you please advise if I can simply upgrade to this package or do I need to purchase the whole package?
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    You've got CS6 Master Collection?
    If so, why do you need to upgrade to another CS6 suite? That would be downgrading.
    The Master Collection contains every CS6 app. The other suites are subsets of the Master Collection.

  • Design Capture of AS400 "Database" Files

    I would like to know if anyone has any experience with the Desaign Capture of AS400 file information. We are using Designer 6/6i and we have the Transparent Gateway running on the AS400. We can access and download data from the AS400 easily because the the Transparent Gateway makes files look like ORACLE tables. But we cannot seem to connect using Designer.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    I read some place that sql loader doesn't support filemaker. You might have to export FMP to access than to Oracle. PowerDesigner might help also.
    Sorry not much help.

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