Destructive iTunes upgrade

I very stupidly and inadvertantly allowed Apple to "upgrade" my old iTunes software. All I have on my iPod is music and Podcasts. My music, playlists, and podcasts all show up on iTunes, but only the music shows up on my iPod. Since the so called upgrade, all my playlists and podcasts have been deleted from the iPod.
When I try to synch my computer to my iPod, I get a message that my iPod "cannot be synced because there is not enough free space to hold all of the items in the selected playlists (39.33 GB required, 8.21 GB available)." iTunes claims my podcasts occupy 49 items, 19.5 hours, 62 Gigabytes, which is clearly nonsense. I have a 30 GB iPod, and before the upgrade, all of it fit neatly within 20 occupied GBs. Geez, I only have a 37 GB drive on my computer!
This makes no sense, and Apple's only solution -- its solution for everything -- is to reinstall. Does anybody have any ideas how this can be fixed?

It doesn't find the "iTunes.msi" file.
Unfortunately, this sort of trouble has gotten more complicated to deal with ever since Microsoft pulled the Windows Installer CleanUp utility from their Download Center on June 25. First we have to find a copy of the utility.
Let's try Googling. (Best not to use Bing, I think.) Look for a working download site for at least version 3.0 of the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. After downloading the utility installer file (msicuu2.exe), scan the file for malware, just in case. (I use the free version of Malwarebytes AntiMalware to do single-file scans for that.)
If the file is clean, to install the utility, doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file you've downloaded.
Now run the utility ("Start > All Programs > Windows Install Clean Up"). In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any iTunes entries and click "Remove".
Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC and try installing iTunes again. Does the install go through properly now?
(If you do find a clean download site for the correct version of CleanUp, please don't tell me where it is. Without wishing to sound paranoid (although I grant it does sound paranoid), there is a non-zero chance that posting links to download locations for the utility here at Discussions leads to that download location being shut down.)

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    From the OP: "My old computer got a virus and when that happened all my music was lost. "
    They don't have the music on their computer so they cannot transfer the iTunes folder, from the computer to their iPod and then to the new computer. And if they try to enable disk use on the iPod it will erase all the music that is on it. The method you cited is moving the files in a data format using the iPod as a flash drive. It doesn't work if they are in music format. That is why I suggested Yamipod.

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    Hi MomjiDoll!
    I have an article for you that will help you troubleshoot your ability to use the Home Sharing feature:
    Troubleshooting Home Sharing
    Thanks for being a part of the Apple Support Communities!

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    If you didn't do a restart after upgrading, follow the steps under "Fix iWeb" here...
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    Good news
    I had no problems updating my ipod and iphone to iOS4. But all I wanted was the folder option, I knew that my 3G does not support multitasking due to the slower CPU and build in memory.
    Here's a little help to decide about your update, in case you haven't see this yet.
    Enjoy your ipod.
    The iOS 4 Software Update works with the second- and third-generation iPod touch. Not all features are compatible with all devices.
    Not all features are compatible with all devices. For example, multitasking, custom wallpaper, and Bluetooth keyboard support are available only with iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and the third-generation iPod touch (32GB and 64GB models from late 2009).
    Multitasking is available with apps that have been developed to work with iOS 4.
    Books are available on the iBookstore. Title availability is subject to change.
    Faces works only with iPhoto on the Mac.
    copied from:

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    What does this mean?
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    imac   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    Well, I thought that the iTunes upgrade had something to do with my inability to burn CDs. I can't say for sure that was the case but I do know that what fixed my problem (if you can believe this) was installing the QuickTime update. I'm thinking that the iTunes update corrupted something, but installing the QT update corrected the problem. Now I can burn with no problems whatsoever. You may want to give it a try.

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    Hi, I've managed to get my CD & ipod working now but it wasn't easy. Maybe this will help you fix it.
    This is what I did:
    The problem: OS Windows 8.1  - was working ok with itunes (not sure which version). Upgraded to and my old ipod stopped being recognised by itunes. As I had just bought a new ipod touch 5G I didn't pay too much attention however I soon realised that the new ipod wasn't recognised either. I uninstalled iTunes & reinstalled but that didn't fix it. I found a technote (see below) that says how to get get your ipod reconised. That worked but on a a reboot I realised that there was no CD drive appearing in windows.
    It now works & this is what I did to fix it:
    Went through the apple technotes on CD issues & looked a the Gear website
    Looked for afs.sys file but didn't have that
    The registry settings for device filters looked the same as the technotes
    Device manager for CD said there were problems in the registry
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    I uninstalled itunes but that made no difference
    I rolled back to the a system restore point that had been created not long before the upgrade to
    The CD drive was now OK again
    I went into Windows update and ran the updates that were available - one was for intel chipsets
    I created a system restore point as a precaution
    I found the registry key that is mentioned in the technotes to do with CD problems and device filters and backed it up separately as a precaution
    I ran itunes (x64)
    itunes asked me if I wanted to repair or uninstall - I uninstalled
    I rebooted
    I ran install for itunes
    itunes installed ok & the CD was still there
    ipods were not recognised
    I followed the instructions to update the driver
    5. Verify that the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver is installed - For Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8
    Update the Apple Mobile Device Driver
    I now have a CD drive & iTunes recognises my ipod again - phew
    Good luck

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    I have had similar issues with mine, happens mainly if I transfer songs and then decide to disconnect my iPod to listen to them with my IEMs (I use Interenet Explorer in my case and it is not neccessarely up when this happens, so I seriously doubt it is an issue conencted to the web browser). I have no patience for this so my trick is I try to eject it from iTunes, if that does not work, then I bring Windows explorer up, right mouse click on the iPod mounted drive and select Eject. It gives me the same warning but there is a third button selection called Continue. When I choose that it just disconnets the drive anyway and the iPod is finally disconnected. It seems to work each and every time I do it so this solution is fine for me. Would be intersting to see what the real root cause of this is because I started getting this problem with the newer iTunes 11.

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    Starting tonight, after upgrading my OS and iTunes I am no longer able to use Home Sharing between my iMac and Apple TV. Apple TV is logged in to my network and Home Sharing is on, on both devices (signed in to the same account), but Apple TV says Home Sharing is not connecting to my iMac. My iPhone 5 is also not showing a Home Sharing connection.
    I've restarted both my iMac and Apple TV several times. Logged in and out several times. Turned Home Sharing off/on several times, power cycled and reset my network modem once.
    While trouble shooting my Home Sharing connection I noticed that under my Network settings, Wi-Fi is yellow instead of green and reads "Self-Assigned IP... Wi-Fi has the self-assigned IP address and will not be able to connect to the Internet.".
    When I go back to Apple TV I've found that althought it's connectted to my iMac through WiFi and I can see my purchased movies I can't view them becasue there is no connection to the iTunes Store (no internet coinnection through WiFi). But my actual network connection on my iMac is just fine.
    So it seems that my new OS or iTunes upgrade has caused my WiFi to no longer allow an internet connection across teh wireless network.
    Can anybody here tell me why that would happen and how can I fix it?
    Any help is greatly appreciated,

    Back up all data before making any changes.
    Step 1
    Take all the applicable steps in this support article.  
    Step 2
    If you're running OS X 10.8.4 or later, run Wireless Diagnostics and take the remedial steps suggested in the summary that appears, if any. The program also generates a large file of information about your system, which would be used by Apple Engineering in case of a support incident. Don't post the contents here.
    Step 3
    If you're not using a wireless keyboard or trackpad, disable Bluetooth by selecting Turn Bluetooth Off from the menu with the Bluetooth icon. If you don't have that menu, open the Bluetooth preference pane in System Preferences and check the box marked Show Bluetooth in menu bar. Test. Continue if you find that Wi-Fi is faster with Bluetooth disabled.
    From that same menu, select Open Bluetooth Preferences. If the box labeled Discoverable is checked, uncheck it. Click the Advanced button, and in the sheet that opens, uncheck the top three boxes, if any are checked. Click OK. Enable Bluetooth and test again.
    If the application called "Bluetooth Setup Assistant" is running, quit it.
    Step 4
    This step will erase all your settings in the Network preference pane. Make a note of them before you begin, and recreate them afterwards. It may be helpful to take screenshots of the preference pane.
    Triple-click the line below on this page to select it:
    Right-click or control-click the highlighted line and select
    Services ▹ Reveal
    from the contextual menu.* A folder should open with an item named "SystemConfiguration" selected. Move the selected item to the Trash. You may be prompted for your administrator password.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C). In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar, paste into the box that opens (command-V). You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.
    Step 5
    Reset the System Management Controller.
    Step 6
    Make a "Genius" appointment at an Apple Store, or go to another authorized service center.
    Back up all data on the internal drive(s) before you hand over your computer to anyone. There are ways to back up a computer that isn't fully functional — ask if you need guidance.
    If privacy is a concern, erase the data partition(s) with the option to write zeros* (do this only if you have at least two complete, independent backups, and you know how to restore to an empty drive from any of them.) Don’t erase the recovery partition, if present. 
    Keeping your confidential data secure during hardware repair
    *An SSD doesn't need to be zeroed.

  • I have recently moved all of my files to a larger external hard drive, but when I am reminder of an itunes upgrade it's still attempting to go to the old drive.  How can I change the settings so it automatically goes to my new hard drive?

    I have recently moved all of my files to a larger external hard drive, but when I am reminder of an itunes upgrade it's still attempting to go to the old drive.  How can I change the settings so it automatically goes to my new hard drive?

    lisacooney wrote:
    I have recently moved all of my files to a larger external hard drive
    How did you move these files?

  • ITunes upgrade restarted my computer when I told it not to !?!?!

    iTunes upgrade restarted my computer when I told it not to !?
    I've just lost my work in progress when I told iTunes to upgrade (what a mistake!) to version, then at the end it asks me if I want to reboot, to which I said NO, and then it rebooted anyways (!?!!?!) and didn't ask me to save and close my data, so I lost all my work in progress(!?!?!?!?!!?!?!!?!?!?!???)

    Hi Why do you need to use a PC since iOS 7 you can download updates Apps everything Over wifi I have iPhone 5 s & 2 ipads in over a year I have never connected them to My Apple pc Try a wifi update If you have problems Try a Reboot press & hold power button & menu button hold both Down until You see Apple Logo you will not last any data. Cheers Brian

  • OS-X won't restart after iTunes upgrade

    Installed the upgrade of iTunes and QT7 last night and now on re boot my system freezes while in the "loading OSX" screen (reminiscent of Windows blue screen of death >:O), and I have to hold to power button to shutdown the system.
    Haven't seen anyone else experiencing this issue yet with the iTunes upgrade.....suggestions?

    Initially this didn't work (at least not by itself).
    Disk repair came back with no errors, with repair permissions reporting several. Upon re-booting, the system froze at the same spot and had to be hard booted to get out of its' locked state.
    I had read other threads about people not being able to re-boot after upgrading iTunes, if they had USB peripherals attached. I figured WTH, and disconnected everything but Mouse and Keyboard and did another re-boot and "Whalla!".
    I have yet to try it again with all my "stuff" connected to the iMac, so it still is unclear if the disk utilities took care of the problem, or if it was unplugging some of the devices connected. I'll test that this weekend when I have time to trouble shoot the system if it crashes again.
    Thanks for your assistance!

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