Determine if a date is active within a database?

Hey all. I'm trying to figure out a way to determine for 10 days if there was an active service on each day.
The service history data I have to look at is like so:
1234     1234     IN       12/23/2007
1234     1234     READ     2/21/2008
1234     1234     READ     4/22/2008
1234     1234     OUT      6/23/2008
2345     1244     IN       3/6/2008
2345     1244     OUT      3/10/2008And what I want to do is determine if a customer was active from say 3/1/2008 - 3/10/2008. My current method was to query for dates on each day I'm trying to find out if service was active, and then building a string I can later run through a loop, but it seems like I'm making this way too complicated.
      , fq.PREM
      , fq.SRAT
      , fq.PKUPDAY
      , fq.START_DAY
        || (DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.IN_DAYS,1,1),'I',DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.OUT_DAYS,1,1),'O','O','I'),DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.OUT_DAYS,1,1),'O','O','X')))
        || (DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.IN_DAYS,2,1),'I',DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.OUT_DAYS,2,1),'O','O','I'),DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.OUT_DAYS,2,1),'O','O','X')))
        || (DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.IN_DAYS,3,1),'I',DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.OUT_DAYS,3,1),'O','O','I'),DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.OUT_DAYS,3,1),'O','O','X')))
        || (DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.IN_DAYS,4,1),'I',DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.OUT_DAYS,4,1),'O','O','I'),DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.OUT_DAYS,4,1),'O','O','X')))
        || (DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.IN_DAYS,5,1),'I',DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.OUT_DAYS,5,1),'O','O','I'),DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.OUT_DAYS,5,1),'O','O','X')))
        || (DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.IN_DAYS,6,1),'I',DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.OUT_DAYS,6,1),'O','O','I'),DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.OUT_DAYS,6,1),'O','O','X')))
        || (DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.IN_DAYS,7,1),'I',DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.OUT_DAYS,7,1),'O','O','I'),DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.OUT_DAYS,7,1),'O','O','X')))
        || (DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.IN_DAYS,8,1),'I',DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.OUT_DAYS,8,1),'O','O','I'),DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.OUT_DAYS,8,1),'O','O','X')))
        || (DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.IN_DAYS,9,1),'I',DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.OUT_DAYS,9,1),'O','O','I'),DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.OUT_DAYS,9,1),'O','O','X')))
        || (DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.IN_DAYS,10,1),'I',DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.OUT_DAYS,10,1),'O','O','I'),DECODE(SUBSTR(fq.OUT_DAYS,10,1),'O','O','X'))) SVC_MAP
          , bq.PREM
          , bq.SRAT
              CASE WHEN (bq.D_IN1 IS NOT NULL AND bq.D_OUT1 IS NOT NULL AND bq.D_IN1 <= bq.D_OUT1) THEN 'O' ELSE
                CASE WHEN (bq.D_IN1 IS NOT NULL AND bq.D_OUT1 IS NOT NULL AND bq.D_IN1 > bq.D_OUT1) THEN 'I' ELSE
                  CASE WHEN (bq.D_IN1 IS NOT NULL AND bq.D_OUT1 IS NULL) THEN 'I' ELSE
                    CASE WHEN (bq.D_IN1 IS NULL AND bq.D_OUT1 IS NOT NULL) THEN 'O' ELSE
                      CASE WHEN (bq.D_IN1 IS NULL AND bq.D_OUT1 IS NULL) THEN 'X'
            ) START_DAY
              CASE WHEN bq.D_IN2 IS NOT NULL THEN 'I' ELSE 'X' END
              || CASE WHEN bq.D_IN3 IS NOT NULL THEN 'I' ELSE 'X' END
              || CASE WHEN bq.D_IN4 IS NOT NULL THEN 'I' ELSE 'X' END
              || CASE WHEN bq.D_IN5 IS NOT NULL THEN 'I' ELSE 'X' END
              || CASE WHEN bq.D_IN6 IS NOT NULL THEN 'I' ELSE 'X' END
              || CASE WHEN bq.D_IN7 IS NOT NULL THEN 'I' ELSE 'X' END
              || CASE WHEN bq.D_IN8 IS NOT NULL THEN 'I' ELSE 'X' END
              || CASE WHEN bq.D_IN9 IS NOT NULL THEN 'I' ELSE 'X' END
              || CASE WHEN bq.D_IN10 IS NOT NULL THEN 'I' ELSE 'X' END
            ) IN_DAYS
              || CASE WHEN bq.D_OUT3 IS NOT NULL THEN 'O' ELSE 'X' END
              || CASE WHEN bq.D_OUT4 IS NOT NULL THEN 'O' ELSE 'X' END
              || CASE WHEN bq.D_OUT5 IS NOT NULL THEN 'O' ELSE 'X' END
              || CASE WHEN bq.D_OUT6 IS NOT NULL THEN 'O' ELSE 'X' END
              || CASE WHEN bq.D_OUT7 IS NOT NULL THEN 'O' ELSE 'X' END
              || CASE WHEN bq.D_OUT8 IS NOT NULL THEN 'O' ELSE 'X' END
              || CASE WHEN bq.D_OUT9 IS NOT NULL THEN 'O' ELSE 'X' END
              || CASE WHEN bq.D_OUT10 IS NOT NULL THEN 'O' ELSE 'X' END
            ) OUT_DAYS
          , bq.PKUPDAY
              db1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE CUST
              , db2.UCRSERV_PREM_CODE PREM
              , db2.UCRSERV_SRAT_CODE SRAT
                    URRSHIS sdb1
                    sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTN_CODE = 'IN'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE = db1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_PREM_CODE = db2.UCRSERV_PREM_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_SERV_NUM = db2.UCRSERV_NUM
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_STYP_CODE = 'GRES'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTION_DATE <= TO_DATE('12/17/2007 23:59:59','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                ) D_IN1
                    URRSHIS sdb1
                    sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTN_CODE = 'IN'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE = db1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_PREM_CODE = db2.UCRSERV_PREM_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_SERV_NUM = db2.UCRSERV_NUM
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_STYP_CODE = 'GRES'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTION_DATE BETWEEN
                      TO_DATE('12/18/2007 00:00:00','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                      AND TO_DATE('12/18/2007 23:59:59','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                ) D_IN2
                    URRSHIS sdb1
                    sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTN_CODE = 'IN'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE = db1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_PREM_CODE = db2.UCRSERV_PREM_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_SERV_NUM = db2.UCRSERV_NUM
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_STYP_CODE = 'GRES'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTION_DATE BETWEEN
                      TO_DATE('12/19/2007 00:00:00','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                      AND TO_DATE('12/19/2007 23:59:59','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                ) D_IN3
                    URRSHIS sdb1
                    sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTN_CODE = 'IN'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE = db1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_PREM_CODE = db2.UCRSERV_PREM_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_SERV_NUM = db2.UCRSERV_NUM
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_STYP_CODE = 'GRES'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTION_DATE BETWEEN
                      TO_DATE('12/20/2007 00:00:00','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                      AND TO_DATE('12/20/2007 23:59:59','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                ) D_IN4
                    URRSHIS sdb1
                    sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTN_CODE = 'IN'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE = db1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_PREM_CODE = db2.UCRSERV_PREM_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_SERV_NUM = db2.UCRSERV_NUM
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_STYP_CODE = 'GRES'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTION_DATE BETWEEN
                      TO_DATE('12/21/2007 00:00:00','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                      AND TO_DATE('12/21/2007 23:59:59','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                ) D_IN5
                    URRSHIS sdb1
                    sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTN_CODE = 'IN'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE = db1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_PREM_CODE = db2.UCRSERV_PREM_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_SERV_NUM = db2.UCRSERV_NUM
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_STYP_CODE = 'GRES'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTION_DATE BETWEEN
                      TO_DATE('12/22/2007 00:00:00','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                      AND TO_DATE('12/22/2007 23:59:59','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                ) D_IN6
                    URRSHIS sdb1
                    sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTN_CODE = 'IN'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE = db1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_PREM_CODE = db2.UCRSERV_PREM_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_SERV_NUM = db2.UCRSERV_NUM
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_STYP_CODE = 'GRES'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTION_DATE BETWEEN
                      TO_DATE('12/23/2007 00:00:00','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                      AND TO_DATE('12/23/2007 23:59:59','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                ) D_IN7
                    URRSHIS sdb1
                    sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTN_CODE = 'IN'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE = db1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_PREM_CODE = db2.UCRSERV_PREM_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_SERV_NUM = db2.UCRSERV_NUM
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_STYP_CODE = 'GRES'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTION_DATE BETWEEN
                      TO_DATE('12/24/2007 00:00:00','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                      AND TO_DATE('12/24/2007 23:59:59','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                ) D_IN8
                    URRSHIS sdb1
                    sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTN_CODE = 'IN'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE = db1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_PREM_CODE = db2.UCRSERV_PREM_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_SERV_NUM = db2.UCRSERV_NUM
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_STYP_CODE = 'GRES'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTION_DATE BETWEEN
                      TO_DATE('12/25/2007 00:00:00','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                      AND TO_DATE('12/25/2007 23:59:59','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                ) D_IN9
                    URRSHIS sdb1
                    sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTN_CODE = 'IN'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE = db1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_PREM_CODE = db2.UCRSERV_PREM_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_SERV_NUM = db2.UCRSERV_NUM
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_STYP_CODE = 'GRES'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTION_DATE BETWEEN
                      TO_DATE('12/26/2007 00:00:00','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                      AND TO_DATE('12/26/2007 23:59:59','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                ) D_IN10
                    URRSHIS sdb1
                    sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTN_CODE = 'OUT'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE = db1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_PREM_CODE = db2.UCRSERV_PREM_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_SERV_NUM = db2.UCRSERV_NUM
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_STYP_CODE = 'GRES'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTION_DATE <= TO_DATE('12/17/2007 23:59:59','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                ) D_OUT1
                    URRSHIS sdb1
                    sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTN_CODE = 'OUT'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE = db1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_PREM_CODE = db2.UCRSERV_PREM_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_SERV_NUM = db2.UCRSERV_NUM
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_STYP_CODE = 'GRES'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTION_DATE BETWEEN
                      TO_DATE('12/18/2007 00:00:00','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                      AND TO_DATE('12/18/2007 23:59:59','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                ) D_OUT2
                    URRSHIS sdb1
                    sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTN_CODE = 'OUT'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE = db1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_PREM_CODE = db2.UCRSERV_PREM_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_SERV_NUM = db2.UCRSERV_NUM
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_STYP_CODE = 'GRES'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTION_DATE BETWEEN
                      TO_DATE('12/19/2007 00:00:00','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                      AND TO_DATE('12/19/2007 23:59:59','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                ) D_OUT3
                    URRSHIS sdb1
                    sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTN_CODE = 'OUT'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE = db1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_PREM_CODE = db2.UCRSERV_PREM_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_SERV_NUM = db2.UCRSERV_NUM
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_STYP_CODE = 'GRES'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTION_DATE BETWEEN
                      TO_DATE('12/20/2007 00:00:00','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                      AND TO_DATE('12/20/2007 23:59:59','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                ) D_OUT4
                    URRSHIS sdb1
                    sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTN_CODE = 'OUT'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE = db1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_PREM_CODE = db2.UCRSERV_PREM_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_SERV_NUM = db2.UCRSERV_NUM
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_STYP_CODE = 'GRES'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTION_DATE BETWEEN
                      TO_DATE('12/21/2007 00:00:00','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                      AND TO_DATE('12/21/2007 23:59:59','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                ) D_OUT5
                    URRSHIS sdb1
                    sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTN_CODE = 'OUT'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE = db1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_PREM_CODE = db2.UCRSERV_PREM_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_SERV_NUM = db2.UCRSERV_NUM
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_STYP_CODE = 'GRES'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTION_DATE BETWEEN
                      TO_DATE('12/22/2007 00:00:00','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                      AND TO_DATE('12/22/2007 23:59:59','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                ) D_OUT6
                    URRSHIS sdb1
                    sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTN_CODE = 'OUT'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE = db1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_PREM_CODE = db2.UCRSERV_PREM_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_SERV_NUM = db2.UCRSERV_NUM
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_STYP_CODE = 'GRES'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTION_DATE BETWEEN
                      TO_DATE('12/23/2007 00:00:00','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                      AND TO_DATE('12/23/2007 23:59:59','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                ) D_OUT7
                    URRSHIS sdb1
                    sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTN_CODE = 'OUT'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE = db1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_PREM_CODE = db2.UCRSERV_PREM_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_SERV_NUM = db2.UCRSERV_NUM
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_STYP_CODE = 'GRES'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTION_DATE BETWEEN
                      TO_DATE('12/24/2007 00:00:00','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                      AND TO_DATE('12/24/2007 23:59:59','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                ) D_OUT8
                    URRSHIS sdb1
                    sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTN_CODE = 'OUT'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE = db1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_PREM_CODE = db2.UCRSERV_PREM_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_SERV_NUM = db2.UCRSERV_NUM
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_STYP_CODE = 'GRES'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTION_DATE BETWEEN
                      TO_DATE('12/25/2007 00:00:00','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                      AND TO_DATE('12/25/2007 23:59:59','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                ) D_OUT9
                    URRSHIS sdb1
                    sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTN_CODE = 'OUT'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE = db1.URRSHIS_CUST_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_PREM_CODE = db2.UCRSERV_PREM_CODE
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_SERV_NUM = db2.UCRSERV_NUM
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_STYP_CODE = 'GRES'
                    AND sdb1.URRSHIS_ACTION_DATE BETWEEN
                      TO_DATE('12/26/2007 00:00:00','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                      AND TO_DATE('12/26/2007 23:59:59','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                ) D_OUT10
                  || (CASE WHEN db2.UCRSERV_DAY_M IS NOT NULL THEN 'P' ELSE 'X' END)
                  || (CASE WHEN db2.UCRSERV_DAY_TU IS NOT NULL THEN 'P' ELSE 'X' END)
                  || (CASE WHEN db2.UCRSERV_DAY_W IS NOT NULL THEN 'P' ELSE 'X' END)
                  || (CASE WHEN db2.UCRSERV_DAY_TH IS NOT NULL THEN 'P' ELSE 'X' END)
                  || (CASE WHEN db2.UCRSERV_DAY_F IS NOT NULL THEN 'P' ELSE 'X' END)
              URRSHIS db1
              , UCRSERV db2
              db2.UCRSERV_SRAT_CODE IN
                    UTVSRAT gr
                      SUBSTR(gr.UTVSRAT_CODE,1,1) IN ('3','1')
                      AND SUBSTR(gr.UTVSRAT_CODE,-2) IN ('AB','BB','XB','AM','BM','XM')
                      SUBSTR(gr.UTVSRAT_CODE,1,1) IN ('N','C')
                      AND gr.UTVSRAT_CODE != 'COFN'
              AND db1.URRSHIS_SERV_NUM = db2.UCRSERV_NUM
              AND db1.URRSHIS_ACTION_DATE <= TO_DATE('12/26/2007 23:59:59','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
              AND db1.URRSHIS_STYP_CODE = 'GRES'
            GROUP BY
              , db2.UCRSERV_PREM_CODE
              , db2.UCRSERV_NUM
              , db2.UCRSERV_STATUS_IND
              , db2.UCRSERV_SRAT_CODE
                  || (CASE WHEN db2.UCRSERV_DAY_M IS NOT NULL THEN 'P' ELSE 'X' END)
                  || (CASE WHEN db2.UCRSERV_DAY_TU IS NOT NULL THEN 'P' ELSE 'X' END)
                  || (CASE WHEN db2.UCRSERV_DAY_W IS NOT NULL THEN 'P' ELSE 'X' END)
                  || (CASE WHEN db2.UCRSERV_DAY_TH IS NOT NULL THEN 'P' ELSE 'X' END)
                  || (CASE WHEN db2.UCRSERV_DAY_F IS NOT NULL THEN 'P' ELSE 'X' END)
                  || (CASE WHEN db2.UCRSERV_DAY_SA IS NOT NULL THEN 'P' ELSE 'X' END)
          ) bq
      ) fq

Okay, so there's a bit more detail needed to understand what I'm trying to output.
There are also seven additional columns in the database for each day of the week, to indicate which day the customer has items picked up by the company. Ex:
CUST ...     SU     M      TU     W      TH     F      SA
1234 ...     X
1223 ...                   XWhat I want to do is pull this information, and then determine if the customer had service during a set time period (ex: 3/1 - 3/10), and then also determine if they had service on the pickup date. The goal is to charge accounts based on if they had an active pickup date during the time period (as some accounts might have been opened on 3/8, but because of the day of the week their pickup is on, they didn't actually have any service during that time and shouldn't be charged).
So in the end I just want the Customer # for the ones that should be charged.

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    if you are using BI 7.0 than you use RSA1.
    Select the infoprovider you want to check.
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    Hi, basically this calculation would solve your initial question, though, it does not match the requested results:
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    blogging @
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    Gerhard's approach is a nice clean solution.
    The only thing I would add is that we could use LASTDATE and FIRSTDATE instead of the MIN/MAX functions:
    FIRSTDATE(Calendar[Date]) -1)
    In order to achieve the overall outcome described in the uploaded Excel workbook, changes to the how the [Financial Year] and [Financial Year Key] are calculated will also need to be made (so that the slicer filters the correct data ranges).
    This can be done by using the suggested calculated column changes above or something similar.
    Having reviewed the requirement again, the logic behind the [Last Visit Last Year] measure that I proposed is slightly different from what is required because it only looks at the last visit date
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  • How can we upload questionnaire to CRM 2007 during data migration activity?

    Hi all,
    I have an requirement where i have to upload questionnaires from an existing CRM system to SAP-CRM 2007 during data migration activity.
    i just go through what are questionnaires, how we can create them and how we can assign them to transactions.
    how can i upload during data migration activity ?
    Thanks & Regards
    Raman Khurana

    According to your post, my understanding is that the 'Upload.aspx' page was missing or corrupted from many document libraries after migration to 2010 from 2007. 
    Per my knowleadge, the upgrade process sets the SPWeb.CustomUploadPage property for upgraded sites to a custom upload page titled
    uploadex.aspx, as opposed to upload.aspx which is the default page for file uploads. And this custom upload page contains the “Destination Folder” field.
    To removes the custom upload page (uploadex.aspx) from SPWeb, and reverts back to the default upload page (upload.aspx), we can use PowerShell script to loop through all Web sites that are contained within the site collection, including the top-level site
    and its subsites, and checks to see if the SPWeb.CustomUploadPage property is not equal to blank. If true, then it sets the SPWeb.CustomUploadPage property to blank.
    Here is a great blog for your reference:
    Destination Folder field in site upgraded from MOSS 2007 to SharePoint Server 2010
    More information:
    What’s This Destination Folder Field On My File Upload Page?
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • DSO upload and no data in Active data table

    Hi Experts,
    I have a strange problem.I have loaded data to DSO from DS in BI7. It has the further uplaod to cube.I have activated the DSO and it went sucessfull and had Request ID generated. It has added and transfer records available like 150000 records as I have done full upload. strangly I cannot see any data in Active data table.
    Pls advise how can I check the data I am doing some mistake.I have data mart status for this DSO. the deletion of the DSO and reloading could that create the data not visible in DSO even after activation
    Pls advise.

    I believe this got something to do with the display setting.. After displaying the data, get into the settings menu and look for Layout option --> display --> see if there is any default setting applied.. change this setting to something else.. create a setting with all the columns dragged & dropped.. These are the options you can try..
    If this did not resolve.. please try displaying the data from SE16 transaction and post us the results..

  • Determination of First Date in Sales Order

    Hello SAP Friends, 
    Below is the issue we realised during the testing. The issue is with First date in the Sales Order which is not updated as per Unloading Point Calendar .
    As per details I received, it should refer Unloading Point Calendar for ShiptoParty and populate the next working day as First date into Sales Order.
    How is First Date determined in the sales order?  Is there any config settings which is based on Route to do this? Or Is it controlled purely based on settings done in Tcode: VOV8, Leadtime days? I do not think VOV8 settings is controlling that in our APO system.
    I have checked MAD, Pick/Pack, GI date all are populated correctly, But First Date did not follow the logic Unloading Point Calendar of ShiptoParty.
    Please let know your inputs in this regard.
    Thank you
    Satish Waghmare

    I unfortunately don't have a solution for you.  However, here are a few observations, and a question.
    My experience is that 'First Date' in R/3 is not determined.  In every sales order I have ever seen, First Date is proposed (matches the requested delivery date in the Sales order header) by the system, but can be overridden by any changes that the user may elect to make.
    Generally, then, after First Date is entered, the R/3 system then may be configured to determine certain master data:  Shipping Point, Unloading Point, Route, Route Schedule.  From this master data, if you are performing ATP in R/3, the system will then also calculate various dates (if configured) for the confirmed schedule proposal:  Normally these calculated dates are Delivery Date, Goods Issue Date, Loading Date, Material Availability date, Transportation Planning Date.  If you have configured Route Schedules in R/3, other dates may be determined.
    If you are performing ATP in APO, then any such scheduling must be performed in APO.  Relevant Master data that was determined in R/3 is carried across to APO during the ATP check and is then used to calculate appropriate durations.  This does not happen automatically, you have to configure the scheduling technique you wish to use in APO.
    So, my first question:  Are you performing ATP in APO?  If not, then you should probably close this post, and re-enter in one of the SD forums, since it is an SD issue.  If you are performing ATP in APO, then what scheduling technique are you using?
    Best regards,

  • Automatic determination of billing date on order related billing

    Dear all,
    Some background:
    We are using resource related billing: create standing sales order with WBS as reference.
    Costs are posted to the WBS (serves as a bucket to collect costs).
    Whenever needed, the costs on the WBS are billed. This is done via transaction DP91, creating a billing request for the standing sales order which generates a new sales order which takes the amount from the WBS element. This sales order can then be billed.
    In other words: Each period, the standing sales order can be billed (based on the WBS element it contains) in a new sales order.
    The billing date is derived from the 'requested delivery date' on the sales order.
    We would like to have by default proposed by the system as billing date: the date when the (2nd) sales order and/or billing document is generated. So either date of billing should be the billing date or the requested delivery date (which will then automatically determine the billing date)
    How can this be achieved?
    What I tried:
    1). I have ticket the flag "Propose delivery date", but this doesn't seem to be the solution.
    2). Factory calender is only to be used in case a specific date should be used (e.g. last day of the week/month). I don't think we need this, as we could just go for "todays date" during (2nd) sales order/billing document creation.
    3). I checked the copy control properties, but this is not really an option I think.
    Many thanks!

    HI, Boiler 
    I suggest you to check the copy control again.
    As I known, there is a Routin setting for data transfer (Data VBRK/VBRP) in the item level. And you can use standard routin 11 means Bill. date= Today.
    Hope it can help you.
    Wink Young

  • Exchange rate determination on Billing Date

    We have a problem with respect to exchange rate re-
    determination - on billing date at the invoice level.
    Currently in our system the Exchange rate is being determined on the
    pricing date at the sales order level. When we create the invoice the
    exchange rate at the header level (VBRK-KURRF) is getting re-determined
    on the billing date.
    However the problem is the exchange rate at the item level (VBRP-KURSK)
    & exchange rate with respect to amount currency level (KOMV-KKURS).
    In order to re-determine exchange rates at item level (KOMV-KKURS) - we have done the
    configuration for exchange rate type field in Copy control settings at
    VTFL/VTFA should be u201CCu201D.
    But however, the system is determining the pricing exchange rate (KOMV-KKURS) on the pricing date, and not on the billing date.
    We have also applied the note 92613. In spite of making the changes the pricing date is not being re-
    determined to u201Cbilling dateu201D for exchange rate calculation at conditioncurrency level.
    Can you please let us know, how can we have the pricing exchange rate (KOMV-KKURS), be determined on the billing date and not on the pricing date. Do we have a configuration for this? Or is some change in any user exit is required. Please suggest.
    Best Regards,
    Priya Gor.

    Hi All,
    I am having the same kind of issue.
    My requirement is if the condition currency is different than Document currency (which is also local currency) the system should re-determine the exchange rate in billing as per current date.
    Could you please suggest me how KOMV-KKURS will be redetermined in billing as per current date?
    As you know copy control TVCPFLP-PFKUR filed will be applicable for VBRP-KURSK but for my requirement it is not needed.
    Is there any copying requirement required or any user exit in Billing document ?
    Please share if anyone having any info for this.

  • Buffer busy waits on UNDO data in Active Dataguard

    Oracle Version:
    Active Dataguard
    Statspack has been configured for Active Dataguard on Primary database.
    We got an spike of Buffer busy waits for about 5 min in Active Dataguard, this was causing worse Application SQL's response time during this 5 min window.
    Below is what i got from statspack report for one hour
    Snapshot       Snap Id     Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess Comment
    ~~~~~~~~    ---------- ------------------ -------- --------- -------------------
    Begin Snap:      18611 21-Feb-13 22:00:02      236       2.2
      End Snap:      18613 21-Feb-13 23:00:02      237       2.1
       Elapsed:               60.00 (mins)
    Top 5 Timed Events                                                    Avg %Total
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                   wait   Call
    Event                                            Waits    Time (s)   (ms)   Time
    buffer busy waits                                2,359       2,133    904   76.2
    reliable message                                 7,210         179     25    6.4
    parallel recovery control message reply          8,831         109     12    3.9
    CPU time                                                       100           3.6
    latch free                                          13          85   6574    3.1
    Host CPU  (CPUs: 16)
    ~~~~~~~~              Load Average
                          Begin     End      User  System    Idle     WIO     WCPU
                           1.07    0.82      0.68    0.39   98.88    0.00Since this is 11g version I was able to drill down on the segment on which buffer busy waits were occurring by using v$active_session_history on Active Dataguard.
    SQL> select count(*),p1,p2 from v$active_session_history where event='buffer busy waits' and sample_time between to_date('21-FEB-2013 21:55:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') and to_date('21-FEB-2013 22:09:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') group by p1,p2
      COUNT(*)         P1         P2
          2136          3      99405
            17          3       7293
    SQL> select owner,segment_name,segment_type from dba_extents where file_id = 3 and 99405 between block_id AND block_id + blocks - 1
    OWNER                          SEGMENT_NAME              SEGMENT_TYPE
    SYS                            _SYSSMU14_1303827994$     TYPE2 UNDO
    SQL> select owner,segment_name,segment_type from dba_extents where file_id = 3 and 7293 between block_id AND block_id + blocks - 1;
    OWNER                          SEGMENT_NAME              SEGMENT_TYPE
    SYS                            _SYSSMU11_1303827994$     TYPE2 UNDOThought to check the SQL_ID which were waiting on this buffer busy waits.
    SQL> select count(*),sql_id,session_state from v$active_session_history where event='buffer busy waits' and sample_time between to_date('21-FEB-2013 21:55:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') and to_date('21-FEB-2013 22:09:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') group by sql_id,session_state order by 1;
             1 cvypjyh0mm56x WAITING
             1 02dtz82as4y42 WAITING
             1 80gz2r4hx1wrj WAITING
             2 6tfk1t4mwt7hu WAITING
             9 0q63qhsbqmpf0 WAITING
            12 0jgnx96ur0bmb WAITING
            12 7pguapqcc6372 WAITING
            14 4t6hqk5r2zbqs WAITING
            18 1qwt0qkd59xj3 WAITING
            23 5phgg8btvhh6p WAITING
            23 banp2v6yttym7 WAITING
            30 a1kdmb1x084yh WAITING
            30 8hxuagk22f8jz WAITING
            30 9r0nysyp360hn WAITING
            31 cackx62yu477k WAITING
            32 40zxqg1qrdvuh WAITING
            32 0jqrd56ds1rbm WAITING
            32 7009zmuhvac54 WAITING
            38 1jb37ryn1c871 WAITING
            60 aum74caa623rs WAITING
            63 cr8mv0wawhak9 WAITING
            63 3xgk3vsh3nm08 WAITING
            86 3k9cq3jv0c3rg WAITING
            95 0sy9vjuutgwqu WAITING
           122 bhn2kk76wpg12 WAITING
           134 4pkfqgyt7rh34 WAITING
           139 1sbzsw7y88c7t WAITING
           146 92y0ha2nqd6zj WAITING
           163 djjqcp1sg2twb WAITING
           173 arxq6au12zazw WAITING
           256 fa0gzxmgyyxj2 WAITING
           282 2f17qywcgu751 WAITINGSo top 10 sql_id's were on tables TAB1 and TAB2 under schemas SCHEMA1 to SCHEMA8.
    Checked DML's occurred on Primary using dba_tab_modifications view since last stats job ran on these was about 10 hours ago from when the issue occurred on Active Dataguard.
    SQL> select TABLE_OWNER,TABLE_NAME,INSERTS,UPDATES,DELETES from dba_tab_modifications where TABLE_NAME='TAB1' order by 3;
    TABLE_OWNER               TABLE_NAME              INSERTS    UPDATES    DELETES
    SCHEMA1                    TAB1                     4448          0       3728
    SCHEMA2                    TAB1                     4547          0       4022
    SCHEMA3                    TAB1                     4612          0       4152
    SCHEMA4                    TAB1                     4628          0       3940
    SCHEMA5                    TAB1                     4719          0       4258
    SCHEMA6                    TAB1                     4809          0       4292
    SCHEMA7                    TAB1                     4853          0       4356
    SCHEMA8                    TAB1                     5049          0       4536
    SQL> select TABLE_OWNER,TABLE_NAME,INSERTS,UPDATES,DELETES from dba_tab_modifications where TABLE_NAME='TAB2' order by 3;
    TABLE_OWNER               TABLE_NAME                  INSERTS    UPDATES    DELETES
    SCHEMA1                    TAB2                        25546          0      26360
    SCHEMA2                    TAB2                        26728          0      27565
    SCHEMA3                    TAB2                        27403          0      27763
    SCHEMA4                    TAB2                        27500          0      28149
    SCHEMA5                    TAB2                        28408          0      30440
    SCHEMA6                    TAB2                        30453          0      31906
    SCHEMA7                    TAB2                        31469          0      31988
    SCHEMA8                    TAB2                        32875          0      34670 But confused about Why there could sudden spike of demand on UNDO data in Active Data Guard ? Could any one please shed some lights on finding the reason for this issue ?

    But confused about Why there could sudden spike of demand on UNDO data in Active Data Guard ? Could any one please shed some lights on finding the reason for this issue ?It's been interesting, The job runs only on ADG?
    Even it is only reporting purposes, Which runs only select statements. Are you sure that issue is only because of this job?
    Moreover am interested to know, How you able to monitor at the same time? Using EM?
    What all are the jobs ran on primary at the same time?
    Then, is it possible to run the job on primary and see whats the response?
    I suggest you to run the same job again on standby and see the ET of the job and also gather the statspack to check whether you got same buffer busy waits or not.
    What storage you are using for primary and standby? In terms of I/O and performance all are same?
    You got chance to take statspack even on primary database?
    What are the parameters differ in primary and standby?
    Also check this note, Heresome work around provided.
    *Resolving Intense and "Random" Buffer Busy Wait Performance Problems [ID 155971.1]*

  • How to save HR data in Active Directory using ABAP i.e thru LDAP Connector

    Hi All,
           Can any one please help me out how
           to save HR data in Active directory
           using LDAP Connector ?             
           Please help ASAP as it is very urgent .

    There are 100 of such scripts are there online.
    here are few tips and codes. you will get more.
    Please mark this as answer if it helps

  • How to save hr data in Active directory  using abap

    Hi all
    can any one please help me out how to save hr data in Active directory using LDAP connector
    please help as this is very urgent requirement
    thanks in advance

    What form do you have the user's name in ?
    ANTIPODES\alberteString searchFilter = "(&(objectClass=user)(samAccountName=alberte))";[email protected] searchFilter = "(&(objectClass=user)(userPrincipalName=[email protected]))";Albert EinsteinString searchFilter = (&(objectClass=user)(givenName=Albert)(sn=Einstein))";or using Ambiguous Name Resolution (anr)String searchFilter = "(&(objectClass=user)(anr=Albert Einstein))";or it's even clever enough to useString searchFilter = "(&(objectClass=user)(anr=Einstein Albert))";

  • How to determine the creation date/time for a file?

    The important operating systems maintain both a creation date/time and last modified date/time for files. But in the File class there is only a lastModified() method. How does one determine the creation date/time for a file?

    As far as i know, there is no way to know creation time, since it is a OS dependant information.

  • DB link problem between active Data Guard and report application database

    My database version in and OS is Oracle Solaris 10 9/10.
    I am facing a problem in my Active data guard Database for reporting purpose. Active Data guard information is as below.
    SQL> select name, database_role, open_mode from v$database;
    Problem detail is below
    I have created a db link (Name: DATADB_LINK) between active data guard and report application database for reporting purpose.
    SQL> create database link DATADB_LINK connect to HR identified by hr using 'DRFUNPD';
    Database link created.
    But when I run a query using db link from my report application database I got this below error.
    ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 10 with name "_SYSSMU10_4261549777$" too small
    ORA-02063: preceding line from DATADB_LINK
    Then I check Active Data Guard database alart log file and get below error
    ORA-01555 caused by SQL statement below (SQL ID: 11yj3pucjguc8, Query Duration=1 sec, SCN: 0x0000.07c708c3):SELECT "A2"."BUSINESS_TRANSACTION_REFERENCE","A2"."BUSINESS_TRANSACTION_CODE",MAX(CASE "A1"."TRANS_DATA_KEY" WHEN 'feature' THEN "A1"."TRANS_DATA_VALUE" END ),MAX(CASE "A1"."TRANS_DATA_KEY" WHEN 'otherFeature' THEN "A1"."TRANS_DATA_VALUE" END )
    But the interesting point if I run the report query directly in Active Data Guard database, I never got error.
    So is it a problem of DB link between active Data Guard and other database?

    Fazlul Kabir Mahfuz wrote:
    My database version in and OS is Oracle Solaris 10 9/10.
    I am facing a problem in my Active data guard Database for reporting purpose. Active Data guard information is as below.
    SQL> select name, database_role, open_mode from v$database;
    Problem detail is below
    I have created a db link (Name: DATADB_LINK) between active data guard and report application database for reporting purpose.
    SQL> create database link DATADB_LINK connect to HR identified by hr using 'DRFUNPD';
    Database link created.
    But when I run a query using db link from my report application database I got this below error.
    ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 10 with name "_SYSSMU10_4261549777$" too small
    ORA-02063: preceding line from DATADB_LINK
    Then I check Active Data Guard database alart log file and get below error
    ORA-01555 caused by SQL statement below (SQL ID: 11yj3pucjguc8, Query Duration=1 sec, SCN: 0x0000.07c708c3):SELECT "A2"."BUSINESS_TRANSACTION_REFERENCE","A2"."BUSINESS_TRANSACTION_CODE",MAX(CASE "A1"."TRANS_DATA_KEY" WHEN 'feature' THEN "A1"."TRANS_DATA_VALUE" END ),MAX(CASE "A1"."TRANS_DATA_KEY" WHEN 'otherFeature' THEN "A1"."TRANS_DATA_VALUE" END )
    But the interesting point if I run the report query directly in Active Data Guard database, I never got error.
    So is it a problem of DB link between active Data Guard and other database?
    Check this note which is applicable for your environment
    *ORA-01555 on Active Data Guard Standby Database [ID 1273808.1]*

  • Determination of due date

    Hi Exeperts,
    Please correct me if I am wrong.
    After posting the bill document or generation of Invoice, the due date for the customer would be:
    Due date = Posting date or Document date + No. of days define in payment terms (Using SPRO)
    The no of days defined in payment terms counts sunday and holiday.
    If this is correct then please let me know how can we ignore for counting of sunday and holiday.
    Thanks in advance
    Girdhar A.

    Hi Girdhar,
    in event 1330 is deposit the FM ISU_DUE_DATE_DETERMINE in a IS-U system, this FM read, checks
    the payment conditins from TE052 and determine the due date, after this occurs a correction regarding factory calendar.
    After this the due date should be filled, but attend the event R417!
    Best regards.


    dear all
    i get this error when calculating production order cost
    control data for activity type 1000\4230\1420 not maintained for fiscal year 2007
    i hv maintained data in kp26
    can any one pl help. i am learnign sap pp and hv 4.7 version
    thanks and regards

    Dear Anshuman
    my prob. started during cost cal. in prod. order first error was version 0 not maintained for fiscal year 2007, THEN i maintained it in the path as told by you T code OKEQ.
    but after that error changed to CONTROL DATA FOR ACTIVITY TYPE NOT MAINTAINED ( 1000/4230/1420)
    i maintained data in kp26, but the error is still coming
    pl. suggest some solution as i am not able to proceed further.
    Thanks and regards

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