Determining width of loaded clip

Hi all,
Is there a way I can get and set the width and height of a
loaded movie clip? I have created an empty movie, and then loaded a
small swf file into the empty movie with loadClip. I now want to
determine the width and height of this loaded clip, and scale it to
the size of my movie dimensions. Can this be done? Although the
movie loads fine, and I can position its x and y coordinates, the
width and height show as zero.
Can anyone help me with this one? I'm using Flash
Professional 8.

you must wait until loading is complete to access the loaded
swf's _width and _height. and then you'll see the _width and
_height of the on-stage objects in the first frame if you access
those properties as soon as the swf is initialized.

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    myLoader_mc._y = 5;
    th2_mc.onRelease = function(){
    myLoader_mc._x = 282;
    myLoader_mc._y = 5;
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    var mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); // create a
    new MovieClipLoader object
    _root.loader2_mc._visible = false; // make the container MC
    var lis = new Object(); // create an event listener object
    lis.onLoadInit = function() {
    mc._x += (Stage.width - mc._width) /2;
    mc._y += (Stage.height - mc._height) /2;
    _root.loader2_mc.visible = true; // make the loaded content
    _root.loaderfx.initEffect(); // initialize the effect
    _root.loaderfx.startEffect(); // start the effect
    mcl.addListener(lis); // add the listener object to the
    mcl.loadClip(img, mc); // load the image
    th1_mc.onPress = function() {
    th2_mc.onPress = function() {
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    You need to wait until the image is loaded before you can try to ffind its width.  To do that you need to use the contentLoaderInfo property of the Loader class
    imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, manageImage);
    The manageImage event handler function is where you can check things since it is triggered after the object is loaded.

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    Did you drop your footage in a PAL widescreen sequence with the fields set default to lower or did you set up a sequence with the fields set to upper
    because that is what the mpeg files are: TFF
    Sequence should match the footage.

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    Select Bars and Beats as your current timescale on the Display Time Format menu. Then in the same menu you can use the Edit Tempo page to calculate your Tempo (see the Help file for use of all the options).

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    In the project, double-click on the clip to open the Clip Inspector. In the Clip tab you will see an item about two thirds down labelled "Stabilization". If checked, uncheck the box "Smooth clip motion".
    Stabilizing clips causes a zoomed in effect, with the extent of the zoom dependent upon how shaky the footage is. There is a slider beneath the check-box labelled "Maximum Zoom" - this can be draggged back and forth to adjust the zoom effect if desired, once the clip has been stabilized.
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    Message was edited by: John Cogdell

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    Look in the "install.log" file in /var/log on one of you backups, it should have a line that contains the information you require.
    This is from my MacBookPro running Mavericks but I don't think the file will be much different for other versions of OS X.
    Hardware: MacBookPro7,1 @ 2.40 GHz (x 2), 4096 MB RAM
    Unless you have changed the memory since the install.

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    Replacing currentPic.width with Holder.width should work.
    Also you have to update the
    Holder.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadComplete);
    onLoadComplete); as 'dzedward' said.

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    250 1-jan-2010 10-jan-2010
    500 1-feb-2010 10-feb-2010
    400 1-mar-2010 15-mar-2010
    350 1-apr-2010 15-arp-2010

    I closed this because I got a note from SAP.
    thanks for reading.

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    must agree that I MUST enable the functionality of the flash on
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    listeners=new Object();
    //things that I should recognize it this is called
    //the progress report
    mcl=new MovieClipLoader();
    So many buttons call the "addSection()", like...
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    works like that... on the Flash it doesn't
    presents any syntax error, so, it's not like that the posible
    error, but a logical planning, I guess... or
    simply the plugin for firefox doesn't works properly, or I'm
    missing something... dont know.

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    Any idea? Thanks,

    in FC choose only one sequence as a test and then go on file export to QT and save the .dv file. Within iMovie, choose import from the menu and locate the .dv file and open it. It should open as a clip into your clip pane. Hope that helps. iMovie should not hang itself in this scenario. What you cannot do is to import the sequence directly from FC into iMovie.

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    So who do I believe?
    James King

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    As of now I've been waiting an hour and it's only 30% done.
    This started with the recent 6.02 update.
    I'm using OS 10.7.4 32gbs of RAM dual Xeon processors with 10 TBs of drive space.
    Any suggestions as to how to get this back to normal?
    Thanks in advance.

    lasvideo, thanks but that's not the same problem I am having. Appreciate you chiming in though!
    Stephen, thanks for writing. It's a pretty massive project and because clips often criss-cross between segments I have been working everything inside the same edit. I also wanted to see just how hard I could push Premiere (I've been using Premiere for 7 years now). Mind you once everything loads it still does just fine. Edits like a champ. Just was a bit frustrating with the load time.
    On #1, I don't have time machine set-up anymore as I ate up all my space.
    On #2 this is an interesting suggestion. I'm letting project manager analyze my project right now. I've never used project manager to break off individual edits so this should be interesting. Yes, just me on one machine. I'm shooting and editing at the same time and also doing graphics so I reckon by December. I have two full backups of all footage and edit files and save to a new edit file every couple of days (plus I have auto-save rolling).
    And for whatever reason, today when I opened a different project and then went back to the large project, suddenly the problem dissappeared. Weird but there it is. All 20,000 clips now load again under 4 minutes.
    Thanks for the assistance.
    Best, Dare

  • Loading clips into loadmovienum.. trying to make load in background

    I swear that this was working earlier but i must have changed something because now it isnt. I have a few clips that im trying to have load in the background without actually being visible upon initial load. To accomplish this i was going with something like this on the first frame of the main clip:
    _level4._visible = false;
    I SWEAR this same code was working just fine about 30 mins ago and now ive been playing with some other stuff and its not working anymore- the illustration clip just loads right over top of the main clip, basically ignoring my call for it to be invisible. Does anyone have ANY clue what is going on here?

    you have to preload _level4, not _root:
    on frame 1:
    var lb:Number=_level4.getBytesLoaded();
    var tb:Number=_level4.getBytesTotal();
    var loaded:Number = 100*bl/bt
    fill._xscale = loaded;  // assuming there's something on-stage with instance name fill
    prcnt_done.text=loaded+"% Loaded"; // assuming there's a textfield with instance name prcnt_done on-stage
    delete this.onEnterFrame
    // loading is complete.  do whatever
    p.s.  the _visible property is reset in load-targets so it's not usable to hide loading swfs/images.  you can use the _alpha property because that's not reset in load-targets.  but, again, the target has to exist before you can reference it.  your best solution, if you want to use _level4, is to place an empty keyframe in your external swf in frame 1 and attach a stop() to that frame.  after loading is complete, apply a play() method to _level4 when you want it to play.

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