Device Central Certificate

Hi there - everytime time the Adobe Updater attempts to
update the Device Central Certificate, get the following error:
Adobe Updater
c:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Device Central
CS#\AMT\AUMProduct.cer failed to install'.
Any suggestions?
This is on WinXP - fully updated

Whenever I change the permission to all users > total control for all the folder containing the file AUMProduct.cer, I still obtain the same error message : Installation of C:\Pro [...] \AUMProduct.cer has failed... I am working under windows XP Pro 32b SP3 FR.
I tried to delete all files from temp folders and then apply the upgrade without any success. Same thing by uninstalling and installing again adobe, the update still finish by an error.
Any advice ?

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  • Getting .swf into to Device Central.

    Hi all,
         I'm using flash CS5.5 (trail version) and want to export a movei file out to device central to test acceleromoter settings.
    When creating the file I : selected air fro andiod, made these changes to the publish settings : set upa  certificate, tick all permission (as it kept telling me they hadn't been set) and then click ok.
    For some reason under control > test movie > device central is greyed out. If i try to open the .swf file directly in device central it just tells me the device has the wrong version of flash.
    Any ideas? I selected the file type as andriod?, preferably would like just to be able to click on test moving in device central.
    Thanks for any advice. Rob
    Used this code :
    import flash.sensors.Accelerometer;
    import flash.utils.Timer;
    var Acc:Accelerometer = new Accelerometer();
    Acc.setRequestedUpdateInterval(50); // Set the time interval to check for acc update
    // VARIABLES //
    var startapp:int;
    // MAIN CODE //
    Acc.addEventListener(AccelerometerEvent.UPDATE, onAccUpdate);
    function onAccUpdate(event:AccelerometerEvent):void{
    test1.x -= (event.accelerationX*10);

    Don't choose AIR for android, Just with the player targeted to FP 10 and ActionScript3 as the scripting version you can test with the device central

  • Creation of flash file from Device Central failing

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    For anyone who has this problem in the future, I have managed to get it working again by doing a complete reinstall of Master Collection.

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    You are saving maybe 600 MB and Bridge is an integral part of Photoshop as is Camera RAW which is a whopping 23MB.

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    Device Central was discontinued April 23, 2012.
    And replaced with Adobe Edge Inspect CC (for Cloud subscribers)
    Nancy O.

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    Please forgive me.  This is working.  I didn't notice because the page changed so smoothly & I  couldn't see the part of the page that indicated it changed.  Yeah it works!

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    Can anybody clue me in?

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    Just looking for some general "you might try this" tips.  I've built a very basic game app for Android so I can start learning not only how to develop for Android, but also how to publish and distribute Android apps to users.
    My game works fine when I test in Device Central from Flash.  And I've been able to upload my app to the Android Market. But when I install and run on my Android phone (I've actually tested on two separate devices), I just get a light yellow screen with a series of tiny dots that move across the screen, almost like a loading indicator, but nothing happens after that.
    I've tried publishing as both an Air (Air 2) file and a Flash (Flash 10) file.  In device central, I tested the app on a Droid Incredible emulation.  The devices I've tested on are an HTC Inspire (AT&T) and an HTC Thunderbolt (Verizon).
    So, I know there's no way for someone to take my limited description above and say "this is your problem".  Again, I'm just hoping for some general tips along the lines of "try publishing in a different version of Flash".
    Any suggestions for where I should start digging? 
    Thanks in advance!

    Sign out of the store on your phone, then sign back in. Note having content from more than one country's store may complicate the process of updating apps and downloading past purchases.

  • Flashlite 3 - cs3 device central update crashing :(

    Hi all,
    I've just installed flash9_en_us_9_0_2_update and
    AdobeDeviceCentralAll_Patch.dmg (osx). So I can now publish to
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    begins to run in device central but then device central crashes
    (quit unexpectedly) :(
    I don't suppose anyone here has any ideas what might be going
    some of the gumf from osx is below.
    Date/Time: 2008-01-12 19:51:36.283 +0000
    OS Version: 10.4.10 (Build 8R2218)
    Report Version: 4
    Command: Device Central
    Path: /Applications/Adobe Device Central CS3/Device Central
    Parent: WindowServer [56]
    Version: 1.1.0 (???)
    PID: 19071
    Thread: 0
    Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
    Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS (0x0001) at 0x726f4446
    Thread 0 Crashed:
    0 Player.FlashLite21 0x07fe3b1d mALLOc(void*,
    unsigned long) + 2831
    1 Player.FlashLite21 0x07fe3f2d dlmalloc + 21
    2 Player.FlashLite21 0x07ff371b
    MemoryAllocator::Alloc(unsigned long) + 31
    3 Player.FlashLite21 0x07f7415c
    DisplayList::PlaceObject(SObject*, PlaceInfo*) + 140
    4 Player.FlashLite21 0x07fb1465
    ScriptThread::PlaceObject2or3(bool) + 1221
    5 Player.FlashLite21 0x07fb234d
    ScriptThread::DoTag() + 3243
    6 Player.FlashLite21 0x07fb2973
    ScriptThread::DrawFrame(int, int) + 109
    7 Player.FlashLite21 0x07f750f6
    DisplayList::PlaceObject(SObject*, PlaceInfo*) + 4134
    8 Player.FlashLite21 0x07fb1465
    ScriptThread::PlaceObject2or3(bool) + 1221
    9 Player.FlashLite21 0x07fb234d
    ScriptThread::DoTag() + 3243
    10 Player.FlashLite21 0x07fb2973
    ScriptThread::DrawFrame(int, int) + 109
    11 Player.FlashLite21 0x07f750f6
    DisplayList::PlaceObject(SObject*, PlaceInfo*) + 4134
    12 Player.FlashLite21 0x07fb1465
    ScriptThread::PlaceObject2or3(bool) + 1221
    13 Player.FlashLite21 0x07fb234d
    ScriptThread::DoTag() + 3243
    14 Player.FlashLite21 0x07fb2b37
    ScriptThread::DrawFrame(int, int) + 561
    15 Player.FlashLite21 0x07fb31cd
    ScriptThread::Seek(int) + 109
    16 Player.FlashLite21 0x07f80dbe
    CorePlayer::DoActions2(int, bool) + 16204
    17 Player.FlashLite21 0x07f82f36
    CorePlayer::DoActions(int, bool) + 162
    18 Player.FlashLite21 0x07fd218d
    CorePlayer::DoPlay(bool, bool) + 4385
    19 Player.FlashLite21 0x07f4511d
    FI_HandleDoPlay(PlatformPlayer*, unsigned short) + 61
    20 Player.FlashLite21 0x07f46753 FI_DoPlay + 117
    21 ...e.devicecentral.application 0x000f4fe5
    MCFlashLitePlayer::FI_DoPlay(unsigned short) + 53
    22 ...e.devicecentral.application 0x0005230e
    MCFlashLite20Client::NextTick(unsigned char) + 1022
    23 ...e.devicecentral.application 0x0000a08f
    MCEmulatorHandler::NextTick() + 399
    24 ...e.devicecentral.application 0x0009c37d
    MCSkinHandler::DoIdle(SCLMessage*) + 47
    25 com.adobe.SCL 0x01295917
    SCLMessageHandler::HandleNullMessage(SCLMessage*) + 41
    26 com.adobe.SCL 0x01296820
    SCLMessageHandler::TakeMessage(SCLMessage*) + 208
    27 com.adobe.SCL 0x011cb2bc SCLApplication::CheckIdle() + 120
    28 com.adobe.SCL 0x011c8311 SCLApplication::MainEvent() + 33
    29 ...e.devicecentral.application 0x0000493c
    MCApplication::Run() + 326
    30 com.adobe.SCL 0x011cc3b6 SCLMain(int, char**) + 232
    31 ...e.devicecentral.application 0x00002f71 main + 389
    32 ...e.devicecentral.application 0x0000277a _start + 216
    33 ...e.devicecentral.application 0x000026a1 start + 41
    Thread 1:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x900248c7 semaphore_wait_signal_trap + 7
    1 0x9284b26c -[NSConditionLock
    lockWhenCondition:] + 39
    2 ...e.devicecentral.application 0x0017652d
    AMTConditionLock::LockWhenCondition(int) + 43
    3 ...e.devicecentral.application 0x001692a1
    AMTPCDWorkerThread::HandleRequests(void*) + 87
    4 ...e.devicecentral.application 0x00174058 -[AMTThreadHelper
    threadWorker:] + 70
    5 0x927f52e0 forkThreadForFunction + 123
    6 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90024227 _pthread_body + 84
    Thread 2:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90037b57 mach_wait_until + 7
    1 ...e.devicecentral.application 0x0014e66d
    ScObjects::Thread::sleep(unsigned) + 79
    2 ...e.devicecentral.application 0x0013d98f
    ScObjects::BridgeTalkThread::run() + 153
    3 ...e.devicecentral.application 0x0014e757
    ScObjects::Thread::go(void*) + 167
    4 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90024227 _pthread_body + 84
    Thread 3:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x900248c7 semaphore_wait_signal_trap + 7
    1 0x915a96cf
    pthreadSemaphoreWait(t_pthreadSemaphore*) + 35
    2 0x915c3de0 CMMConvTask(void*) + 60
    3 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90024227 _pthread_body + 84
    Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit):
    eax: 0x726f443e ebx: 0x07f740e1 ecx: 0x00002008 edx:
    edi: 0x08106e10 esi: 0x00001f40 ebp: 0xbfffefa8 esp:
    ss: 0x0000001f efl: 0x00010202 eip: 0x07fe3b1d cs:
    ds: 0x0000001f es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x00000000 gs: 0x00000037
    Binary Images Description:
    0x1000 - 0x332fff com.adobe.devicecentral.application 1.1.0
    (???) /Applications/Adobe Device Central CS3/Device Central
    0x705000 - 0x74cfff com.adobe.adobe_caps adobe_caps ( /Applications/Adobe Device Central CS3/Device
    0x1008000 - 0x1084fff AdobeScCore /Applications/Adobe Device
    Central CS3/Device
    0x10da000 - 0x115ffff AdobeExtendScript /Applications/Adobe
    Device Central CS3/Device
    0x11c1000 - 0x132bfff com.adobe.SCL 6.0.4
    /Applications/Adobe Device Central CS3/Device
    0x7528000 - 0x755dfff com.adobe.epic adobe_epic
    ( /Applications/Adobe Device Central CS3/Device
    0x7736000 - 0x7baefff AdobeLM_libFNP.dylib
    /Applications/Adobe Device Central CS3/Device
    0x7f0b000 - 0x8015fff com.adobe.Flash Player.FlashLite21
    "8.1" /Applications/Adobe Device Central CS3/Device
    0x10400000 - 0x10429fff libcurl /Applications/Adobe Device
    Central CS3/Device
    0x8fe00000 - 0x8fe4afff dyld 46.12 /usr/lib/dyld
    0x90000000 - 0x90171fff libSystem.B.dylib

    See this technote:
    Flash Lite 3 update for Device Central CS3 failed to install

  • Does Device Central accepts input from Flash Catalyst?

    I'm a newby, and thinking of buying CS5. But I first want to know if I can check in Device Central if the SWF's and RIA's from Catalyst function properly on all kinds of phones.
    Is that possible??
    Gr Willem

    Flash Catalyst produces content based on Flash Player 10. So only phones that are capable of displaying Flash Player 10 or higher content could run the project in their phone's browser. Currently the Flash Player 10.1 plugin for mobile is in beta. For more information on that visit
    My Android phone has not been upgraded to FroYo, so I can not test this. Given the nature of mobile development and the current weight of the Flex Framework, I would not recommend this as a solution for anything other than initial proof of concepts.
    Hope that helps!

  • Flash to Device Central issue

    In Flash CS3 I am testing an animation by sending it to
    Device Central. When I do, I am getting an “Output”
    window with error messages that repeat the same issue:
    “Enhanced stroke not supported in this player”. I am
    not clear as to what this complaint refers to. Most of my art has
    been imported from Illustrator CS3. I have attempted to convert all
    my lines to fills. True, I have some blends. Any ideas how to
    correct this problem, if in fact, it is one?

    Don't choose AIR for android, Just with the player targeted to FP 10 and ActionScript3 as the scripting version you can test with the device central

  • Adobe device central cs5 has stopped working

    I am using cs5 on windows 7. When I tried to browse for new devices using Browse Devices, the progress window
    displayed "processing 0 from 587" and then the window with the above title popped up and just prompted me to
    close the program.
    I noticed that the Devices options were all greyed out and not selectable.
    I tried reinstalling the whole CS5 suite but the problem still exist.
    Anybody can help me with this?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Michaelw_sg
    you could try deleting the cache in your user folder ( .... AppData\Local\Adobe\Adobe Device Central CS5 ) by deleting (or renaming) the whole "Adobe Device Central CS5" folder and then restarting Device Central.
    If you are interested (we definitely are ), we wouldn't mind having a look at your user folder to be able to investigate what caused the problem, that is if our suggestion does solve your problem.

  • Device Central won't work for any Apple devices

    I know I probably have a setting wrong somewhere, but I've Googled this to no avail.
    I have a flash file and I'm trying to view it in the iPad emulator in Device Central. I have it as a project, Flash Player 10 & 10.1, ActionScript 3.0, but when I click Control -> Test Movie -> In Device Central, and choose iPad, iPhone 3GS, or iPhone 4 profiles created by Adobe, it says that "The file type is not supported on this device!"
    I'm sure I'm exporting it wrong or something but I can't figure out what settings I'm supposed to be using. What am I doing wrong?

    Hi Amber,
    That is because the devices you mentioned do not support Flash and also have not been profiled to support Flash emulation.

  • How to uninstall old versions of CS3, CS4, CS5 of Bridge, Device Central, and Extension Manager

    I have the following files:
    Adobe Bridge CS3
    Adobe Bridge CS4
    Adobe Bridge CS5.1
    Adobe Device Central CS3
    Adobe Device Central CS4
    Adobe Device Central CS5
    Adobe Device Central CS5.5
    Adobe Extension Manager CS4
    Adobe Extension Manager CS5
    Adobe Extension Manager CS5.5
    I want to delete the old versions of these files, but Adobe says I need to use the installers in Applications/Utilities/Adobe Installers, but there are no relevant files in that folder. Any ideas on how to do this properly on a Mac.

    That is correct Dancingjewel.  Migrating/transferring/copying Adobe applications is not supported and often leads to unexpected behavior.  To resolve this you will want to attempt to completely remove the current installations utilizing the CC Cleaner Tool and then reinstall.  If you need a fresh copy of the installation files they are available at Other downloads.

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    when i try to open a .swf file, it goes to adobe device central as default.  i can't seem to open it in adobe flash????

    You likely need to change the default application(s) assigned for opening files to point to the new ones.  HOw you do that depends on which operating system you have. If you search Google you should be able to find out how to change the default programs for different files.

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