Dhclient: wmaster0: unknown hardware address type 801

How can i solve this situation?
lo no wireless extensions.
eth0 no wireless extensions.
wmaster0 no wireless extensions.
wlan0 IEEE 802.11g ESSID:""
Mode:Managed Frequency:2.412 GHz Access Point: Not-Associated
Tx-Power=27 dBm
Retry min limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr=2346 B
Encryption key:off
Link Quality:0 Signal level:0 Noise level:0
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0
lo no wireless extensions.
eth0 no wireless extensions.
wmaster0 no wireless extensions.
wlan0 IEEE 802.11g ESSID:""
Mode:Managed Frequency:2.412 GHz Access Point: Not-Associated
Tx-Power=27 dBm
Retry min limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr=2346 B
Encryption key:off
Link Quality:0 Signal level:0 Noise level:0
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0
I also use gnome-network-manager

When you connect to a wired network, there's two things you do:
1) plug cable in
2) get an IP
On wireless, it's the same principle
1) associate with wireless network
2) get an IP
Just like a wired network, you must do them in that order. If you try to get an IP before associating, that's like trying to get an IP on a wired connection without plugging the cable in.
So first, you need to tell it to connect to your wireless network. There's lots of ways, netcfg2, wicd, networkmanager, etc.
take a look at the Arch wiki!
Last edited by iphitus (2008-03-29 21:46:56)

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  • Bluetooth "unknown" hardware address showing up as Network Sharing address

    On a brand new out-of-the-box iMac (27-inch, Mid 2011) OS 10.7.3, the Bluetooth "unknownxxxxxxxxxxxx" hardware address showing up in Network Sharing preferences as shared name under File Sharing, Remote Login and Remote Management. the first portion is the same as the Bluetooth hardware address for the Apple Wireless Keyboard and Apple Magic Mouse that came with and is connected to this computer. I have an existing Magic Trackpad connected that has a completely different hardware address.
    I have never seen this before, and it does not do this on my iMac (27-inch Late 2009) OS 10.7.3.
    Any ideas? Is this an indication of a potential hardware/networking issue? Would a clean install perhaps clear it up? I would like to know if I should exchange the machine or if it's really nothing.

    On each of your machines, use
    Applications -> Utilities -> Network Utility -> Info
    and cycle through all the *Network Interfaces* checking the *Hardware Address*, which will be of the form nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn
    and see if it matches 00:0d:93:b0:ef:be.
    You will have to click on the *Network Interfaces* pop-up menu to select alternate interfaces to check their MAC addresses.
    Alternately, you can look in
    System Preferences -> Network
    Select each interface, and click Advanced and look at the Ethernet tab. Repeat for each interface. Actually a lot more clicking.
    Or from Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal use the ifconfig command. It will list all your network interfaces at once. You then have to dig through the output to find the MAC addresses.
    ifconfig | grep ether
    If you have VMware or Parallels installed it will create a virtual ethernet interface.
    And of course you have an ethernet MAC address as well as an Airport MAC address.
    However, if you have in intruder, change your WAP2 password. That would knock the intruder off the LAN for a little while. If you did that and the address stayed, you could fairly sure that it was one of your systems as only you could get the new WAP2 password to your systems so quickly.
    NOTE: It is not easy to crack WAP2. They would have to do some serious computing and or be very lucky guessing to crack it quickly.

  • Snooping problem - Hardware Code Type 0

    Hi all ,
    I would like to ask you do you know or did someone meet whit this issue on CMTS 7246VXR  IOS : ubr7200-ik9su2-mz.123-23.BC10.bin
    Issue is that CMTS sends DHCP packet with Hardware Code Type 0  and it should be 1 , so that huawei router reports this  error message.
    Line 24887: Sep 11 2014 01:24:47+02:00 DST PG-NPE1 %%01SNOOPING/4/HTYPEERR(l)[342123]:Slot=5,Vcpu=0;The type of hardware address in DHCP packet received from interface GigabitEthernet5/0/1.1001 VLAN 1001 was wrong!
    RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
       DHCP clarifies the interpretation of the 'siaddr' field as the
       address of the server to use in the next step of the client's
       bootstrap process.  A DHCP server may return its own address in the
       'siaddr' field, if the server is prepared to supply the next
       bootstrap service (e.g., delivery of an operating system executable
       image).  A DHCP server always returns its own address in the 'server
       identifier' option.
       op            1  Message op code / message type.
                        1 = BOOTREQUEST, 2 = BOOTREPLY
       htype         1  Hardware address type, see ARP section in "Assigned
                        Numbers" RFC; e.g., '1' = 10mb ethernet.
       hlen          1  Hardware address length (e.g.  '6' for 10mb
    Is this already know bug ?

    Debug from CMTS :
    *Nov  4 04:33:26.959: DHCPD: forwarding BOOTREPLY to client 0021.27e3.4deb.
    *Nov  4 04:33:26.959: DHCPD: validating relay information option.
    *Nov  4 04:33:26.959: DHCPD: broadcasting BOOTREPLY to client 0021.27e3.4deb.
    *Nov  4 04:33:26.967: DHCPD: cannot load local addresses for Bundle1.1.
    *Nov  4 04:33:26.967: DHCPD: cannot load local addresses for Bundle1.1.
    *Nov  4 04:33:26.967: DHCPD: cannot load local addresses for Bundle1.1.
    *Nov  4 04:33:26.971: DHCPD: setting giaddr to
    *Nov  4 04:33:26.971: DHCPD: adding relay information option.
    *Nov  4 04:33:26.971: DHCPD: BOOTREQUEST from 0100.1cea.8077.ad forwarded to x.x.x.x.
    *Nov  4 04:33:26.975: DHCPD: forwarding BOOTREPLY to client 001c.ea80.77ad.
    *Nov  4 04:33:26.975: DHCPD: validating relay information option.
    *Nov  4 04:33:26.975: DHCPD: creating ARP entry (, 001c.ea80.77ad).
    *Nov  4 04:33:26.975: DHCPD: unicasting BOOTREPLY to client 001c.ea80.77ad (
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.031: DHCPD: setting giaddr to
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.031: DHCPD: adding relay information option.
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.031: DHCPD: BOOTREQUEST from 0100.1cea.7cb5.b2 forwarded to x.x.x.x.
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.031: DHCPD: forwarding BOOTREPLY to client 001c.ea7c.b5b2.
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.031: DHCPD: validating relay information option.
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.031: DHCPD: creating ARP entry (, 001c.ea7c.b5b2).
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.031: DHCPD: unicasting BOOTREPLY to client 001c.ea7c.b5b2 (
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.039: DHCPD: setting giaddr to
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.039: DHCPD: adding relay information option.
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.039: DHCPD: BOOTREQUEST from ff26.ec78.5200.0300.01c8.fb26.ec78.52 forwarded to x.x.x.x
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.043: DHCPD: forwarding BOOTREPLY to client c8fb.26ec.7852.
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.043: DHCPD: validating relay information option.
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.043: DHCPD: creating ARP entry (, c8fb.26ec.7852).
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.043: DHCPD: unicasting BOOTREPLY to client c8fb.26ec.7852 (
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.051: DHCPD: cannot determine client hardware address.
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.051: DHCPD: excessive retransmissions from client .
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.051: DHCPD: switching to relay address
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.051: DHCPD: setting giaddr to
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.051: DHCPD: adding relay information option.
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.051: DHCPD: BOOTREQUEST from  forwarded to x.x.x.x.
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.051: DHCPD: invalid opcode (0).
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.063: DHCPD: setting giaddr to
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.063: DHCPD: adding relay information option.
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.063: DHCPD: BOOTREQUEST from 0100.1cea.4a3e.64 forwarded to x.x.x.x.
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.067: DHCPD: forwarding BOOTREPLY to client 001c.ea4a.3e64.
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.067: DHCPD: validating relay information option.
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.067: DHCPD: creating ARP entry (, 001c.ea4a.3e64).
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.067: DHCPD: unicasting BOOTREPLY to client 001c.ea4a.3e64 (
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.075: DHCPD: setting giaddr to
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.075: DHCPD: adding relay information option.
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.075: DHCPD: BOOTREQUEST from 0100.1cea.7cbc.3f forwarded to x.x.x.x.
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.079: DHCPD: forwarding BOOTREPLY to client 001c.ea7c.bc3f.
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.079: DHCPD: validating relay information option.
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.079: DHCPD: creating ARP entry (, 001c.ea7c.bc3f).
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.079: DHCPD: unicasting BOOTREPLY to client 001c.ea7c.bc3f (
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.103: DHCPD: setting giaddr to
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.103: DHCPD: adding relay information option.
    *Nov  4 04:33:27.103: DHCPD: BOOTREQUEST from 0100.1cea.7cbf.1b forwarded to x.x.x.x
    x.x.x.x is the DHCP server.
    Is this bug ?

  • How to filter mail from an unknown ip address?

    I keep getting spam from different email addresses, and different ip addresses that have a common look and feel.  They generally are sent from some made up name, from some made up host, and have a one line description like "Save Money today, just go to this link: http://BLAH.com".  What I find is that the in the long header "received from" usually identifies "unknown" as part of the host.  I use dreamhost and they generally mark ip addresses that they don't know as 'unknown'.  Can I use this in a email filter to eliminated all received email from an unknown IP address?

    Yes, absolutely!  But this particular message not only fails the junk mail tests, but I also have spam sieve installed and it fails spam sieve.  Remember that it has a made up return path, so it's only the intermediate receiver that knows it's from an unknown IP address, I've taken out the to: and CC:
    From:                                              Enlargement pils Free trial<[email protected]>
                                             Subject:   Jamie Lynn is a bigger **** thanBritney
                                                   Date:   April 21, 2011 8:13:23 PM PDT
                                    Return-Path:   <[email protected]>
                                    Delivered-To:   [email protected]
                                           Received:   from abcf9819d8d314 (unknown [])by homiemail-mx12.g.dreamhost.com (Postfix) with SMTP id 3056B2780F1; Fri, 22Apr 2011 11:53:47 -0700 (PDT)
                                           Received:   (qmail 6083 by uid 083); Fri, 22 Apr2011 11:51:32 +0800
                                      Message-Id:   <002801cc01b1$7e83d570$7b8b8050$@org>
                                  Mime-Version:   1.0
                                 Content-Type:   multipart/alternative;boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0027_01CC01B1.7E83D570"
                                            X-Mailer:   Microsoft Office Outlook 12.0
                                   Thread-Index:   AcjidAFNNjWFusN8Rk+HXMZApSrL/w==
        Content-Language:   en-us
    The Key for all of these (I get about 20 a day which fail all spam filters and junk mail filters is that the RECIEVED: says 'unknown' that's what I'd like to filter on and I can't seem to get it to work

  • WARNING:IP: Hardware address '02:bf:0a:d0:00:2a' trying to be our address

    When my system boots up the following error message is prompted:
    WARNING:IP: Hardware address '02:bf:0a:d0:00:2a' trying to be our address
    I perused documentation and it states that this occurrs when the ATM lane device is set to promiscuous mode by running snoop -d lane0. The corrective action to be taken should be to not ket the ATM lane device rin in promiscuous mode & not to ignore the warning.
    What I want to know is how to implement the resolution?

    Ok, my mistake.
    So that PC is also trying to use
    And it must be doing arp broadcasts on the LAN.
    Solaris should probably be ignoring them since it has an 10.x.x.x address on the lan. So it shouldnt care about 192.168.0.x addresses on the LAN.
    Only on the crossover network.
    But apparently it cares anyway.
    So I suggest you change the cluster heartbeat addresses to something else thats less likely to be chosen by random computers on your lan.
    Or figure out why the PC is trying to use It could be someone running vmware or virtual box.
    Or vlan you lan, so your critical servers arent sharing a network with random poorly configured PC's.

  • PL/SQL Network Address Type Functions

    I'm wondering if anyone knows of a PL/SQL package(s) that provides similar capabilities as the following postgreSQL network address type functions:
    I don't see anything in the standard Oracle 10g packages, so I'm wondering if anyone else has dealt with this problem and posted the package.
    - Greg.

    I think the easiest way of getting some of this functionality would be to write a PL/SQL wrapper to a Java Stored Procedure that implements calls to the Java InetAddress class. It doesn't haven't the full set of operators but I'm not sure what 'less than' actually means in the context of an IP address . If you really need them you could always extend the InetAddress class to implement such tests.
    Cheers, APC

  • Sun Trunking 1.& kern Warning Hardware address trying to be our IP addresse

    Using Sun Trunking 1.3 on a solaris 10 11/06 V490 server.
    setenv local-mac-address? is set to true
    Obviously server Aggregate MAC address corresponds to first NIC local MAC address. Second NIC has its specific MAC address.
    Aggregate seams OK (traffic continues undisrupted when unplugging a card)
    but :
    1) Should I worry kernel is logging from toime to time messages such as :
    WARNING: IP: Hardware address '00:14:4f:3b:60:f4' trying to be our address IP_address !
    2) There is no load balancing between the 2 NIC interfaces as reported by nettr -stats 0 interval=2
    Traffic always flows using NIC 2.

    That depends on the switch.
    SunTrunking 1.3 is compatible with Cisco EtherChannel for example. I believe there's a manual configuration on the switch to say that these two ports are participating in an etherchannel linkage. SunTrunking is an 802.11ad protocol. If they haven't done that, then the switch is just assuming the two ports are normal and have separate hosts behind them.
    If instead of SunTrunking you were using Solaris 10 Link Aggregation, then you'd ask the networking guys to turn on LACP, which sets up a communication so the devices can describe their trunk/network setup. SunTrunking doesn't let you do that.
    What interfaces do you have on the Solaris box?

  • Hardware address trying to be our address

    We get this kern.warning approximately every 3/4 of an hour.
    WARNING: IP: Hardware address '08:00:20:c4:1f:e8' trying to be our address
    I found a description on sunsolve. What confuses me with this is the fact, that not only is our address but 08:00:20:c4:1f:e8 is our hardware address too.
    Has anyone made some experiences with this?
    Thanks in advance

    If you are trying to use SunTrunking or link aggregation, yes, the switch or network device must be configured to support it as well.
    Otherwise one link sends a packet, the switch doesn't realize the links are to the same logical interface and returns the packet on the other link. The host sees the return packet and complains about an IP conflict.
    For SunTrunking you probabaly have to configure etherchannel (or the equivalent) manually. For link aggregation you probably want to configure LACP to get the link correct.

  • WARNING: IP: Hardware address '08:00:20:c4:1f:e8' trying to be our address

    WARNING: IP: Hardware address '08:00:20:c4:1f:e8' trying to be our address
    I have 2nodes of Sun solaris9 and both are configured in Veritas Cluster. The cluster nodes have 2 heartbeats connected cross.
    The cross cables are connected with the below IP's
    LAN1 of node1
    LAN2 of node1
    LAN1 of node2
    LAN2 of node2
    All the above LAN are connected with cross but still there is ip conflict message in the dmesg. The error is mention above

    Ok, my mistake.
    So that PC is also trying to use
    And it must be doing arp broadcasts on the LAN.
    Solaris should probably be ignoring them since it has an 10.x.x.x address on the lan. So it shouldnt care about 192.168.0.x addresses on the LAN.
    Only on the crossover network.
    But apparently it cares anyway.
    So I suggest you change the cluster heartbeat addresses to something else thats less likely to be chosen by random computers on your lan.
    Or figure out why the PC is trying to use It could be someone running vmware or virtual box.
    Or vlan you lan, so your critical servers arent sharing a network with random poorly configured PC's.

  • "Unknown list item type 'list'" error

    Hi Friends,
    I am facing a problem while creating a listbox (in inDesign JScript). I have written the following syntax to create the same:
    var myDialog1 = app.dialogs.add({name:"Simple Dialog"});
    var styleList = new Array("Part Num","Part Title","Chap Num","Chap Title","Chap TOC");
    var submenuItems = new Array("Style Formatting","Indents and Spacing","Paragraph Rules","Keep Options","Hyphenations","Nested Styles","Bullets and Numbering");
    var styles = dropdowns.add({stringList:styleList,selectedIndex:0,minWidth:133});
    var submenu = ListBox.add("list",submenuItems);
    But it is showing the following error message:
    "Unknown list item type 'list'"
    I want to know that what I should write in the parameter list. Please help me in this regard.
    Thanks a lot in advance

    Hi Adithi,
    dialogColumns don't know a child called 'ListBox'.
    You can use 'dropdowns' instead as you did in 'var styles = dropdowns.add({stringList:styleList,selectedIndex:0,minWidth:133});':
    var submenu = dropdowns.add({stringList:submenuItems, selectedIndex:0});

  • Javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException: No provider for Address type: rfc822

    Use JavaMail 1.2 send Mail Errors:
    "javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException: No provider for Address type: rfc822"
    Can you supply a stmp server name?

    Honestly, I am not very sure where the JVM is located for the WebLogic 5.1 application server. You probably need to contact your local BEA rep office for support.
    The jar file for the JavaMail API is either mail.jar (contains the API libraries) or mailapi.jar (contains the API libraries and all the providers), so I guess if you search the WebLogic directories, you might be able to locate it.
    It also depends on the OS platform that you are working on and the WebLogic installation documentation may give a clue or two where the .jar files for optional Java packages are found.
    Allen Lai
    Developer Technical Support
    SUN Microsystems

  • Is it possible to use HTTPS in HTTP recv adapter using Address type as URL

    Hi All,
    If some one who has tried HTTPS communication using HTTP receiver adapter using URL address as Address type can you please guide me what are the steps need to be done.
    Address type is a parameter in HTTP adapter setup .

    Use the below code to get the reference of EntityManagerImpl and get the reference of Session from EntityManagerImpl and then you can call the Stored Procedure.
    private EntityManagerImpl emImpl;
    emImpl = (EntityManagerImpl)Persistence. createEntityManagerFactory("TFDModel").createEntityManager();
    Session session= emImpl.getActiveSession();
    StoredProcedureCall call = new StoredProcedureCall();
    "LENGTH", // procedure parameter name
    new Integer(100), // in argument value
    "LENGTH", // out argument field name
    Integer.class // Java type corresponding to type returned by procedure
    ValueReadQuery query = new ValueReadQuery();
    Integer metricLength = (Integer) session.executeQuery(query);

  • HTTPS communication using HTTP receiver adapter URL address as Address Type

    Hi All,
    If some one who has tried HTTPS communication using HTTP receiver adapter using URL address as Address type can you please guide me what are the steps need to be done.
    Note : Address type is a parameter in HTTP adapter setup .

    Check this,
    Configurations in Integration Directory
    The plain HTTP adapter gives the receiver system the following specifications:
    &#151; Specifications for addressing using a URL address:
    Target host, service number, and path prefix including query string:
    You can identify the target host (HTTP port) of a SAP Web Application Server using
    ICM monitor
    Host and port of the HTTP proxy (optional if there is a firewall between the plain
    HTTP adapter and the receiver system)
    Authentication data for the receiver system.
    See also: transaction Display and Maintain RFC Destinations (SM59).
    &#151; Specifications for addressing using an HTTP destination:
    HTTP destination
    &#151; Parameters from the communication channel for technical routing
    Content type (the entry text/XML is expected as default)
    Specifies the format that the message contents (the payload) should have.
    Optional header fields for the receiver-specific protocol
    Attributes for the query string
    1. Sender party
    2. Sender service
    3. Receiver Interface
    4. Message ID
    5. Quality of service
    6. Queue ID
    All attributes are selected except for the queue ID. If you do not want a value to be
    transferred to the receiver, deselect it. The queue ID is only required if the quality of
    service is EOIO.
    Specifications for payload manipulation
    XML code (default UFT-8)
    Specifies the character set.
    URL escaping
    Presents the XML in a URL-enabled format. Special characters that could be
    interpreted as control characters are replaced with escape characters (masked).
    Enhances the payload for particular servers (optional, see below).
    Enhances the payload for particular servers (optional, see below).
    Enhancing the Payload

  • Unknown Device Event Type from a router

    I just included my first router within the reporting devices and decided to take a look at the raw events coming in to the MARS. To my surprise I see just two types of events :
    - Generic IOS syslog
    - Unknown Device Event Type
    This second one looks like SNMP because every message begins with "SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises." and seems to contain OIDs and data. Is this normal or am I having some kind of problem? The syslog messages seem to be interpreted correctly; in fact they generated a few incidents when there were some problems on one of the interfaces. I'm worried that the SNMP messages (traps?) are not being understood.
    Thanks for your help,

    Yes, I realize that. Unfortunately I don't have access to the router and I'll have to ask what has been configured. I was wondering why MARS sees this data as raw events, if indeed they are SNMP traps. Does MARS listen on port 162 UDP?

  • Hardware Address error/warning

    anyone ever see this during a setup?
    WARNING: Hardware address cc:cc:cc:dd:dd:dd trying to be our address
    I'm setting up a T2000 and going through newtwork setup, but on boot up I get that error/warning.
    any thoughts?

    That's a network configuration issue.
    A generic IP address conflict.
    As it states, there's another computer on your subnet that's already using that IP.
    A Google search with "hardware address trying to be " keywords gets you 4,180,000+ results on this issue.
    Pick a different IP for your new system,
    or find that other system and have it use a different IP.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • "show ip flow top-talkers" output question

    Hello all, I have a question about the "show ip flow top-talkers" command. The top enry for this 1841 router with a T1 connection is always this line: SrcIf            SrcIPaddress    DstIf         DstIPaddress    Pr SrcP   DstP  Bytes Se0/1/0