Dialing problem

i have an asterisk server, and i have made an number such as 10* to dial and then i can set up some features on the asterisk.
my cisco phone 7960 is doing it fine, but my wrp400 and pap2t don´t.
any help ?
Go to Solution.

Lunatic, and what exactly hapens when you dial 10* and wait ?
Do you get any dialtone at beginning, any beep or tone during or after dialing 10*, any tone after waiting let's say 10-15s (after you dial 10*) ?
Does the Asterisk indicate any way that "feature set" mode is activated ?
The dialplan of PAP2T shall include one of those like :
(if you use "random" two digits)
(if you use numbers 10*-19*)
(if you always dial 10* only and you want it to get sent immediatelly)

Similar Messages

  • Freetalk-1200 Connect.Me speed dial problem

    Just received my long awaited Connect.Me and it's been working just as I expected. The only problem I encountered was that I couldn't assing speed dial numbers to 2 of my contacts. Others work perfectly, when I click them, box of information appears to the middle of the screen, but when I click one of the two with the problem, nothing happens.
    I have tried everything like resetting from the button and from the web UI, deleting and adding them again to my contacts but nothing helps. Adding new contacts works fine. I would not rather create a new Skype account for my self - nor ask these two friends to make a new account for themselves - just because of this problem. Any kind of advice is welcome
    Cheers from Finland!

    Skype hasn't supported speed dials in it's software for some time.  It's considered a legacy feature. The use of speed dials is configured through the Freetalk Connect Me web interface, not the Skype client.  You need to sign into your Connect Me device via your web browser and click on "Contacts and Speed Dials".  Once there all your contacts will be listed on the left pane.  Select any one of those contacts and click "ADD TO SPEED DIAL".  It will assign a speed dial number incrementally on the right pane.  You can change that number to a number of your choosing (0-99) at any time.  That's all it takes to set up.  If you recently add a contact it my not show on that list.  If it doesn't sign off the client in which you added the contact or contact changes, then power cycle the Connect Me box and log back in.  It should update.  If it does not, the only other alternative is to do a factory reset on the unit so that it will purge the list and updated it with the latest copy.  Below I attached an image of the screen, though it may take some time until it gets approved and displayed to the general public.

  • UCCX 7 outbound dialing, problem with area codes

    Hello all,
    I'm just testing the outbound dialing feature in a lab, and have run into the following problem:
    I have following:
    outbound configuration:
    Customer dialing time: start (9:00) end (21:00)
    dialing prefix - 9
    international prefix - 00
    Local Area Code: 44
    Area Codes:
    44 -> Europe/London
    34 -> Europe/Madrid
    86 -> GMT-10 (for testing purposes, does not correspond to real China time).
    Then, I upload a .CSV file into a campaign with the following information:
    The dialing works, the agent receives the call, accepts it, and then the call is made.
    if anyone is interested, although it has nothing to do with the question itself, the calls are translated to other extension on CUCM to be able to make a call.
    The problem is that, they are all treated as in the same AREA CODE, although I have clearly defined area codes for each of those countries.
    when the call appears it shows on the CAD as BAAreaCode: +00060
    Therefore the calls are made through to China even when it's midnight there!!!???
    I know I must be doing something wrong, but I don't know what?
    Many thanks for your help,

    Hi Aaron,
    Sorry for being so late to answer you. But I've done quite a few tests last weekend and have couple traces as well.
    Apparently, the first time I added area codes, I did something incorrect, although I do not know what exactly, because now I've added area codes and it partially worked.
    Area code: 4420 - Europe/London with Daylight saving
    Area code: 3498 - Europe/Madrid with Daylight saving
    Area code: 8661 - GMT/+7 NO Daylight saving
    The first two Area codes (Spain and London) were correctly identified, In traces I could even see:
    this one is for Spain:
    type=com.cisco.executor.QueuedExecutor,Thread=MIVR_CFG_MGR_INVOKE_NOTIFICATION-33-189,Thread priority=7,Original Thread=null,Original thread priority=5,Time=null,Exception=null 358035:
    Jul 03 10:56:40.390 BST %MIVR-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:configStubImpl-replace() notified with DialingListConfig,time=2010-07-03 10:56:40.373,recordId=0,impl=class com.cisco.crs.outbound.DialingListConfig,desc=,key[137],columns[137,1,,Jacky,Chan,0086611115002,,,377,0,424,1,424,1,,1278150825843,6,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] 358036:
    Jul 03 10:56:40.390 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: getPhoneNumber: callStatus=2callResult=0lastNumDialed=0 358037:
    Jul 03 10:56:40.390 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: getUnformattedPhoneNumber: dlcID:138 358038:
    Jul 03 10:56:40.390 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: getFormattedPhoneNumber: phoneNum=0034981114001 0034981114001 358039:
    Jul 03 10:56:40.390 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: getFormattedPhoneNumber: intPrefix=00 localAreaCode=004420 lenAreaCode=6 include lac=true 358040:
    Jul 03 10:56:40.390 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:numToDial=0034981114001 0034981114001 358041:
    Jul 03 10:56:40.390 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: getUnformattedPhoneNumber: dlcID:138 358042:
    Jul 03 10:56:40.390 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: isValidLocalTime: timezone=sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo[id="Europe/Madrid",offset=3600000,dstSavings=3600000,useDaylight=true,transitions=165,lastRule=java.util.SimpleTimeZone[id=Europe/Madrid,offset=3600000,dstSavings=3600000,useDaylight=true,startYear=0,startMode=2,startMonth=2,startDay=-1,startDayOfWeek=1,startTime=3600000,startTimeMode=2,endMode=2,endMonth=9,endDay=-1,endDayOfWeek=1,endTime=3600000,endTimeMode=2]] 358043:
    Jul 03 10:56:40.390 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: isValidLocalTime: DST observed=true 358044:
    Jul 03 10:56:40.390 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: isValidLocalTime: localTimeMins=716 globalStartTime=480 globalEndTime=1410 358045:
    Jul 03 10:56:40.390 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: isValidLocalTime: isValidTime=true 358046:
    Jul 03 10:56:40.390 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CampaignMgr.getContactsFromMemory: no more in-memory contacts left for campaignID 1 358047:
    As we can see, localTimeMins is 716 which is: 11:56AM.  That was correct time, and in between min/max globalstart times.
    And this one is for London:
    getPhoneNumber: callStatus=2callResult=0lastNumDialed=0 276065:
    Jul 03 10:27:41.687 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: getUnformattedPhoneNumber: dlcID:130 276066:
    Jul 03 10:27:41.687 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: getFormattedPhoneNumber: phoneNum=00442081114002 276067:
    Jul 03 10:27:41.687 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: getFormattedPhoneNumber: intPrefix=00 localAreaCode=004420 lenAreaCode=6 include lac=true 276068:
    Jul 03 10:27:41.687 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:numToDial=00442081114002 276069:
    Jul 03 10:27:41.687 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: getUnformattedPhoneNumber: dlcID:130 276070:
    Jul 03 10:27:41.687 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: isValidLocalTime: timezone=sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo[id="Europe/London",offset=0,dstSavings=3600000,useDaylight=true,transitions=242,lastRule=java.util.SimpleTimeZone[id=Europe/London,offset=0,dstSavings=3600000,useDaylight=true,startYear=0,startMode=2,startMonth=2,startDay=-1,startDayOfWeek=1,startTime=3600000,startTimeMode=2,endMode=2,endMonth=9,endDay=-1,endDayOfWeek=1,endTime=3600000,endTimeMode=2]] 276071:
    Jul 03 10:27:41.687 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: isValidLocalTime: DST observed=true 276072:
    Jul 03 10:27:41.687 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: isValidLocalTime: localTimeMins=627 globalStartTime=480 globalEndTime=1410 276073:
    Jul 03 10:27:41.687 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: isValidLocalTime: isValidTime=true 276074:
    As we see, localTimeMins is 627 which is: 10:27AM which is correctly between min/max globalstart times too.
    But the problem started with GMT+7.
    Jul 03 10:28:41.859 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CampaignMgr.getContactsFromMemory: for campaignID=1 280255:
    Jul 03 10:28:41.859 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CampaignMgr.getContactsFromMemory: campaignID=1;#of DLC=2 280256:
    Jul 03 10:28:41.859 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: getPhoneNumber: callStatus=2callResult=0lastNumDialed=0 280257:
    Jul 03 10:28:41.859 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: getUnformattedPhoneNumber: dlcID:131 280258:
    Jul 03 10:28:41.859 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: getFormattedPhoneNumber: phoneNum=0086611115002 280259:
    Jul 03 10:28:41.859 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: getFormattedPhoneNumber: intPrefix=00 localAreaCode=004420 lenAreaCode=6 include lac=true 280260:
    Jul 03 10:28:41.859 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:numToDial=0086611115002 280261:
    Jul 03 10:28:41.859 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: getUnformattedPhoneNumber: dlcID:131 280262:
    Jul 03 10:28:41.859 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: isValidLocalTime: timezone=sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo[id="Etc/GMT+7",offset=-25200000,dstSavings=0,useDaylight=false,transitions=0,lastRule=null] 280263:
    Jul 03 10:28:41.859 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: isValidLocalTime: DST observed=false 280264:
    Jul 03 10:28:41.859 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: isValidLocalTime: localTimeMins=148 globalStartTime=480 globalEndTime=1410 280265:
    Jul 03 10:28:41.859 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: isValidLocalTime: isValidTime=false 280266:
    Jul 03 10:28:41.859 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CampaignMgr.getContactsFromMemory: cannot dial at this time, will be marked RETRY
    It correctly identifies Etc/GMT+7 but then it calculates the localtime wrongly... It came up with 148 which is 2:28AM... and the time I was making a call GMT+0 time was around 9:28AM so GMT+7 should've been 4:28PM...
    Then I tried GMT-7 too:
    Jul 03 11:25:40.843 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CampaignMgr.getContactsFromMemory: for campaignID=1 433346:
    Jul 03 11:25:40.843 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CampaignMgr.getContactsFromMemory: campaignID=1;#of DLC=2 433347:
    Jul 03 11:25:40.843 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: getPhoneNumber: callStatus=2callResult=0lastNumDialed=0 433348:
    Jul 03 11:25:40.843 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: getUnformattedPhoneNumber: dlcID:140 433349:
    Jul 03 11:25:40.843 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: getFormattedPhoneNumber: phoneNum=0086611115002 433350:
    Jul 03 11:25:40.843 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: getFormattedPhoneNumber: intPrefix=00 localAreaCode=004420 lenAreaCode=6 include lac=true 433351:
    Jul 03 11:25:40.843 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:numToDial=0086611115002 433352:
    Jul 03 11:25:40.843 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: getUnformattedPhoneNumber: dlcID:140 433353:
    Jul 03 11:25:40.843 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:OutboundContactInfo:isRequestingContacts() for CSQ 2 returns true 433354:
    Jul 03 11:25:40.843 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:OutboundContactInfo:setNrGetContactsReqSent() for CSQ 2 to 1 433355:
    Jul 03 11:25:40.859 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:OutboundContactsRequestor before sleep 433356:
    Jul 03 11:25:40.859 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:Dialer:printLicenses() working_resources for CSQ:2 is 0 433357:
    Jul 03 11:25:40.859 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:Dialer:printLicenses() total_working_resources:0, OB_contacts_in_progress:0 433358:
    Jul 03 11:25:40.859 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: isValidLocalTime: timezone=sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo[id="Etc/GMT-7",offset=25200000,dstSavings=0,useDaylight=false,transitions=0,lastRule=null] 433359:
    Jul 03 11:25:40.859 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: isValidLocalTime: DST observed=false 433360:
    Jul 03 11:25:40.859 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: isValidLocalTime: localTimeMins=1045 globalStartTime=480 globalEndTime=1410 433361:
    Jul 03 11:25:40.859 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CMgrUtil: isValidLocalTime: isValidTime=true 433362:
    Jul 03 11:25:40.859 BST %MIVR-SS_OB-7-UNK:CampaignMgr.getContactsFromMemory: remaining # of in-memory contacts for campaignID 1:1 433363:
    and this time it did all the way around, instead of early morning, it was 1045: 5:25PM...
    I do not understand what am I doing bad... but I'm starting to think it's some kind of a bug...
    and the other problem is: outbound dialer does not even take contacts out of the campaign for calling if the server's local time is not between global start time and global end time. which should not be the case, as I understand campaign times should be applied to area code local time not to server local time.
    Many thanks to all,

  • E65 Speed dial problem

    Just got a new E65 after dumping my i-mate SP5 Windows Mobile device. I seem to have a bug/problem with the speed dial functionality. The speed dials work fine when using the kepad long press method, but if I select from the on screen application I just get "Invalid phone number". Can anyone help

    I managed to resolve this myself throguh trial and error. It seems that the speed dial application doesn't like spaces and brackets in the phone number (as often happens when the number is first entered in Outlook for example), whilst the long key press method doesn't care about this sort of number punctuation. Using +country-code doesn't seem to be a problem in either mode. So I just edited my stored numbers and it works fine.
    Also note that the same problem exists with the number used for conference calls, and using the hot key for conference call dialing.

  • EOS 70D - Mode Dial problem...

    Hi ... I'm Patricio from Argentina.
    One week ago I received from the U.S. a Canon EOS 70D.
    It worked ok until yesterday.
    Since today, when I want to choose different modes with the dial mode, the camera just sets: P or A+ (auto).
    - If I select A+ mode (Auto mode) or "Disabling Flash mode" or "Manual mode" .... the camera sets as A+ (Auto mode).
    - If I select modes: CA, SCN, C, B, AV, TV, or P ... the camera sets as "P mode".
    I have read some similar cases in other models of EOS cameras ... they recommen do a "hard reset" by removing the main battery and clock battery.
    I tried to do that, but this model (EOS 70D) seems to have a battery for the date and clock ... but it is internal, It`s a rechargeable battery.
    I guess as a new model, there is no more than the actual firmware, that comes from factory ... so I can`t try to update, since there is no other firmware available.
    Anyone have any suggestions before taking it for service?
    you can see what's wrong with my 70D here: (the mode selected by the dial, it's not the same on the screen)

    Have you tried powering off the camera, removing the battery, waiting a minute, re-inserting the battery, and powering it back on?
    The on/off switch is really puts the camera into an extended power-saving sleep mode.  The camera still technically has power.  When you turn on the camera again, the camera really just wakes up -- it does NOT actually re-start or reload the firmware.
    If, however, you remove the batteries from the camera, you (mostly) deprive it of power.  When you insert the battery and power it up it actually forces the camera to load the stored firmware again... you are in effect "rebooting" the camera when you do this -- the camera does not "reboot" simply by turning the power swtich off and on again.
    I did say "mostly" deprive power when you remove the battery because there is a technicality.  Depending on the camera body, most cameras have a 2nd battery used to store settings and also maintiain the date/time clock.  That battery is either a removable coin size battery OR it's a built-in rechrageable battery which recharges off the regular battery.  If you store the camera without a battery for too long, it will prompt you for the date & time when it powers up -- but this means the internal battery was depleted of power.
    I *think* your 70D has an internal rechargeable battery.  Simply leaving the batteries out over-night will not be enough.  Hopefully just re-started the firmware by ejecting and re-inserting the main battery will be enough to fix the problem.
    Tim Campbell
    5D II, 5D III, 60Da

  • BB curve 8900 dialing problem

    i am facing a problem with my blackberry which was previously being used on Vodafone uk and i am in pakistan, when ever i dial a number from my contacts it adds +44 to the dialed number. how ever i have not saved any contact with +44, these all are pakistan number

    Open your Call Log > press the Menu key > Options > Smart Dialing, and edit your settings there to correctly reflect your location and dialing preferences.
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
    2. Please resolve your thread by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!
    3. Install free BlackBerry Protect today for backups of contacts and data.
    4. Guide to Unlocking your BlackBerry & Unlock Codes
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  • Cronic voice dialing problem, PLEASE help

    Hey everyone,
    I'm new to posting on these forums but have been browsing for about two weeks. I recently got a Curve 8330 and loved it until this problem arose. I have researched it and cannot find a solution, and it is really starting to drive me crazy. I hope someone can help, and I would be very grateful.
    Anyway, I have a Seidio Extended Battery, and a 16 gig microSD card in the phone, but I don't think either one has anything to do with the problem (it still occurs with them removed). A lot of times when the phone is idle or I am trying to make a call, the voice dialing screen pops up. At the top it says Voice Dialing, under that it says "Say a command", and then it says Listening. I believe this is the regular voice dialing screen. However, I do NOT want to use voice dialing at all. I have the side convenience keys set to lock and camera, so it does not have to do with them. This screen randomly pops up and repeats itself over and over to the point where I must remove the battery and reload. A few minutes later, it happens again. Also, when this screen is up and I'm in the middle of the call, I cannot hear the opposite party which causes further issues. 
    Does anyone else have this problem and/or a solution? Is there a way I can just eliminate voice dialing altogether from the phone? This thing is driving me nuts and ruining an otherwise fantastic piece of technology. Thank you very much for your responses! 
    Message Edited by dparker313 on 07-02-2009 05:30 PM

    my phone is doing the exact same thing with the voice command popping up intermittently throughout the day.  I have reinstalled the software back to the factory specs and this worked for a week or so.  I have also pulled battery, changed side buttons, etc and nothing has seemed to actually fix the problem...all just patches.  I have already had the motherboard replaced in this phone once and now this.  I have only had the phone for maybe 2 months!  Thank you for your input.

  • EOS Rebel SL1 Mode Dial Problems

    Hi, I don't know much about cameras, but I have always wanted a nice one like this and a friend of mine told me that the SL1 was good for beginners. It arrived in the mail today and I just started to experiment and play around with it. I don't know if it's something I did by mistake or it's just an issue with the camera, but I realized the Mode Dial is not programmed correctly. To elaborate if I were to spin the dial to the A+ symbol (I'm sorry if that's not what it's called), the camera will go to the sports function. I'm sorry, but I really do no understand this and I would love it if someone could help me. Thanks!

    On that camera the Sports mode is directly across from the A+ (Auto) mode position.  There is a little pip as the indicator on the camera on the left side of the dial.
    Are you sure you are looking at the white pip and not the power on lever as the indicator?
    If so, that is the problem.
    If not:
    Do ALL the modes register as the one directly across from the correct one, or are they all Sports or are they random or something?
    The modes are printed on a thin metal "cap" that is literally glued on top of the knob.  I know because mine fell off once and I had to glue it back on.  I suppose it is possible that they put it on backwards at the factory, but I don't think so because there was a little slot in thge knob and a tab in the cap that have to line up or else you can't set the cap in flush.
    If you are reading it right and the knob is wrong you need to return the camera.

  • Voice dialing problem

    I just activated a new Blackberry World Edition  Model RBK41CG
    Everything was great for the first 3 days but now the voice dialing won't
    work.  Everytime I push the "convenience button" I get a message that says,
    "Unable to allocate audio channel.  Close other applications and try
    again".   I can't find any info relative to this problem.
    Please help.   I really need voice dialing as I have failing sight.
    Thanks in advance for your assistance.

    I got it fixed when I found the rebbot suggestion from another posting - I gave appropriate KUDOS!! 

  • E65 voice dialing problem

    I realized that not all the contacts has a voice tag. Is this normal?

    Dear François,
    We should shout all together : ANY BODY FROM NOKIA THERE!!!
    I had this problem once again after having discussed with you. I am in Turkey. I experienced the problem completely the same as you described in your post both with English and Turkish languages on the phone.
    I think this is a problem of comptability of any of the following combinations; Phone Software / PC suite / Windows Vista / and, maybe, the silly Toshiba bluetooth stack I am bedly experiencing since I have changed my laptop for about 15 days ago. Before, it was a heaven with XP + Vidcomm bluetooth drivers.
    I will try to describe my environment parameters and what happens when, just expecting that somebody from Nokia may read and bring a solution to this problem as soon as possible.
    The voice dialing is dieing when you synchronize is with PC suite and try to reach text messages and calender on the phone through PC suite. The way I found to solve the problem is to turn off the synthesiser. Swicth the phone off and then swicth it on again and finally turn the synthisiser on. Here you are. It works and also with contacts. This feature is very important for me because I use this feature with my car kit since a while and I was really happy until I had this problem. It was a big comfort.
    My environment, if anybody from Nokia will be interested in:
    I synchronize my E65 with one Vista laptop, one XP laptop, one car kit (Parrot CK 3000) and one GPS device.
    E65 software version is 3.0633.69.00 06.02.2008 RM208
    PC suite versions I keep using and

  • Voice Dialing problems with Galaxy S3

    One of the critical safety features of any phone is the ability to place a call by voice command while driving.
    The Samsung Galaxy S III has two major failings in supporting this basic need.  Problems with S Voice and problems placing calls from a locked phone using a bluetooth headset.
    S Voice supports voice dialing, although rather poorly.  S Voice is slow to process what I've said (unlike voice typing in every other app) and frequently fails due to "network error".
    But worst of all, if I set S Voice to never auto-dial (because I want to confirm that it hasn't misrecognized who I am trying to call), rather than reading me the name it matched and asking me if I want to dial, it only displays the match on-screen, which is useless when driving.
    Even if I am willing to trust S Voice to auto-dial, there is still a fatal flaw in voice dialing that I haven't found a way around.
    In the phone app, under call settings, Accessory settings for call, Outgoing call conditions, you are able to set whether, when using a bluetooth headset, you are able to use the headset's call button to place a call when the phone is locked.
    The problem is the phone's definition of "locked".
    If the phone's security is set to only need to swipe the screen to unlock, this feature works as you would expect.  However, anyone who is concerned about security of their data would never consider this setting as locked.
    If you have your phone's security set to require anything other than a swipe, be it face recognition, PIN, pattern or password, you are unable to place a call using your bluetooth headset's call button.
    In other words, there is no safe way to place a call while driving unless you leave your phone with no security.
    Ignoring for the moment the significant shortcomings of S Voice for dialing, as delivered to the customer you can not safely use your Galaxy S3 to place a call while driving.
    Has anyone found a way to place a call when the screen is locked with a PIN?
    Better yet, has anyone found a voice dialing app that works on the Samsung Galaxy S3 as a replacement for S Voice?
    Any suggestions on how to get the Galaxy S III to match the capabilities of every other phone I've ever owned will be greatly appreciated.

    THANK GOODNESS, someone to feel my pain! LOL On some other forums, I have been attacked for complaining about S-Voice. All of you just described what I am going through. And like Adamant, I am probably going to take the phone back tomorrow. And, also, like Adamant, I don't want to! Dang it! I just want to use my phone HANDS FREE! I have contacted Verizon, Samsung and Jawbone and am more confused than before. Samsung said my phone was too smart for my bluetooth! And that there was nothing they could do about my phone not recognizing my sister's name. This is my favorite example: I say 'Call Rite Aid Pharmacy'  simple enough.  Phone says 'I can do an internet search for 'Call Rite Aid Pharmacy' !!!!!!!! About enough to make me want an iPhone! not really. But I am going to trade 'down' for a Razr Maxx, I think?
    I had no problems with my MOTO Razr! oh yeah, one more thing...S VOICE <Comment deleted per the Verizon Wireless Terms of Service.> ...I could go on; but won't
    Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

  • [NX | XTRA] 'Jog Dial problems' or 'So I am waiting for my third Zen.

    ...since returning my Zen NX, because the Jog Dial acted randomly instead of as I wanted it to act. I got upgraded to a Zen XTRA and now I am returning it because of the same problem. Will I get a Touch now...
    Has anyone else had this problem? The Jog Dial randomly pauses my music when I press it to choose a new album or whatever.
    It is a shame really, since the sound quality of the XTRA is top notch. Customers should not have to return two faulty players - it really sucks having to be without the player... Then again, Creative have been most obliging. Good support to complement faulty players, so to speak.

    ...since returning my Zen NX, because the Jog Dial acted randomly instead of as I wanted it to act. I got upgraded to a Zen XTRA and now I am returning it because of the same problem. Will I get a Touch now...
    Has anyone else had this problem? The Jog Dial randomly pauses my music when I press it to choose a new album or whatever.
    It is a shame really, since the sound quality of the XTRA is top notch. Customers should not have to return two faulty players - it really sucks having to be without the player... Then again, Creative have been most obliging. Good support to complement faulty players, so to speak.

  • 8830 voice dialing problems

    I have the world edition phone and use a Jawbone, and the phone hangs on voice dialing.  I have to reset the phone every day.  Jawbone says its a BB issue.  Trying to get BB to help is like getting troops out of Iraq.  Does anyone know how to solve this problem without the daily reset?

    Go to OPTIONS, SCREEN/KEYBOARD and scroll down to Right and Left side conviniance keys.  Click the menu and choose CHANGE OPTION.  I changed both my buttons to be Keyboard Lock.

  • Smart dialing problems Colombia

    I am a BB 8320 user in Colombia, with COMCEL as my service provider. In Colombia, each cellular service provider has a unique carrier code which must be used to dial internationally. The COMCEL code is 00444, which means that the code 00444 must be dialed before entering the country and city code when dialing internationally. 
    There are two problems that I am faced with; 1) all my contacts have been entered in my previous contacts data base (which I would like to import into my current BB) using the internally accepted + for international dialing, which will work in most countries without the unique carrier code system, and 2) If I enter my international contact numbers using the 00444 in my contacts database, I will have to manually redial them when I am outside of Colombia. If I enter them using +, the number cant be dialed when within Colombia.
    I have activated Smart Dialing and this does no do the trick, as I still must enter 00444 before any international phone number.
    The only work around I could think of is to enter two numbers for each of my contacts, one for use in country, and one for use when outside the country. This would not appear to be the most efficient way to do things.
    Can anyone suggest a work around that would allow me to use the + symbol in my contacts, and one have to enter the number once and not have to manually redial? Are there any other countries where these carrier codes cause a similar problem?

     I would suggest what you mentioned as blackberry can support multiple numbers in one contact, so you would only have one contact for say John Smith... but a contact for in country and out of country. Aside from that, I dont believe there has been an app developed for this specific issue.
    1). Please thank those who help you by clicking the beside the 'Reply' button.
    2). If your issue has been solved, please resolve it by marking "Accept as Solution" on the correct post!
    3). Remember to have fun! We are all in this together!
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  • Droid X2 Dialing Problems?

    When my DX2 has been at rest, or when I reboot my phone, I can maybe make one phone call.  After that when I try to either dial a number or select from my contacts it takes on average 30 seconds to a minute to dial the number (in that span of time I have probably hit the dial button seven to ten times because I am frustrated . . . much like the Power Point scenario when you slides are not advancing and when the computer finally catches up you get the 20+ slides advancing ; - )  ).  My question is this . . . what is causing this and what can I do to get this revolutionary funtion called (wait for it) making a call, back?  I thought it might have something to do with the number of apps a person has, or what they have running on their phone, e.g. Skpe, Weather Apps that run all the time, etc.  I consider this a high priority problem and would think there is solution.  As an aside, this is the very reason why I complained to Verizon when I had my HTC Droid Eris.  It too, was having the exact same issue with not dialig the call immediately.  So, I do not believe it is a Motorola problem.  So, the question still stands, what can I do to be able to make phone calls?

        Hi there loleee71. I am sure that can be quite frustrating to have this issue. Did this problem just start? A hard reset may fix this issue. First, back up your contacts either using the Backup Assistant or by using Google contacts. Usually they backup automatically to Google if sync is checked. You can check if the contacts are backed up by logging on www.google.com/contacts . Pictures are saved on SD card. After ensuring your items are backed up, perform the hard reset. Here is how: http://bit.ly/oV4Meh .
    Let us know if the issue persists after the reset.
    Thank you,
    Lena A.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • Volume dial problems on Satellite A110-162

    When I turn the volume dial on my laptop all the way down, the sound will mute as expected. But after 10 seconds or so the sound will slowly start to creep up, to the point where it becomes very loud. But this only happens when the dial it turned all the way down. If the dial is at any other position the sound is fine. Does anyone know what the problem is?
    Thank you.

    Hi Sam
    The sound problem described in your message confuses me I have never heard about such issues and I really cannot find a plausible explanation why this happens I can provide only some suggestions and I suppose a sound volume controller on the motherboard could malfunctions.
    Firstly I would recommend recovering the notebook with the delivered Toshiba recovery CD and if this doesnt help to solve this issue you should contact the ASP in your country for a notebook check and help!
    Good luck

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