Dialog thats prompts to either open or save

My .chm file has been implemented into a GUI. When you click the link in the GUI for the Help, I get a dialog asking me to either open or save. This has never happened before (usually the help justs opens). I am using RoboHelp 7.

Hi there
From what you posted it would seem that maybe the application linking to your help is a Web Based application and runs inside the browser? If so, CHM probably isn't your best choice for the help format. You might investigate using WebHelp, FlashHelp or even Web based AIRHhelp.
Cheers... Rick
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    However opening a CSS file does not prompt that it is already open on or from any machine which is causing code edits to be lost.
    What we found from out testing:
    - The file can be saved from one user to the server and WILL NOT PROMPT on other machines until the saving machine has the Dreamweaver program closed completely
    - The file can be closed and  Dreamweaver minimised to the launch bar but it still will not register on other machines that it has been changed.
    - Also, until the  Dreamweaver program is closed on the machines, it will continue to open it's saved version of the file. 
    Example Scenario:
    - User 1 opens test.css (which is 2000 lines) and adds some code to the end of the file to bring it up to 2500 lines
    - Meanwhile User 2 opens test.css as well (opens as 2000 lines as User 1’s edits have not yet been saved) and adds in code to bring it to 2300 lines
    - User 1 saves his file and closes it - but  Dreamweaver is still open.
    - User 2 also saves his file and leaves  Dreamweaver  open.
    - The server will report the size and last edit of the file the same as User 2 as he was the last person to save it (and if you open from the Win7 Machine it will show as User 2’s 2300 line version)
    - If User 1 then open's the file again (from either the 'recent' in Dreamweaver OR clicking on the file directly in Finder...which version opens.... The version that User 1 saved! Not the true version on the server, but the version that User 1 edited and saved with 2500 lines in it.
    - Same for User 2, he will open 'his' version with 2300 lines in.
    Other information:
    - Files are opened directly from the server
    - Sometimes the users will save incrementally and re-open
    - Most of the time users will save incrementally and keep the files open
    - The users will never not save incrementally and just save when closing the file once finished
    - The users are usually working on the files all day
    - It is always the bottom lines of code that are lost. It could be a case of the two versions being mixed up and cutting off the newly added lines based on the line count (possibly).
    It is as if Dreamweaver is holding a cache of the version locally and then only properly looking back to the server when it has been completely closed. It is very difficult to see how the server is causing such an impact on these files, there are very few logs which are giving any indication to the root cause of the problems.
    Anyone know if this is a known issue?
    Is there a way that there can be a featured implemented on the server that doesn't allow another user to open a file if it is already open on another machine?

    Your server file handling has nothing, and really nothing to do with Adobe software. If files don't get locked for (over-)writing and/or lose connection to the program opening them, then your server is misconfigured. It's as plain and simple and that. Anything from "known file types"/ file associations not being set correctly, MIME types being botched, crooked user privileges and file permissions, missing Mac server extensions, delayed file writing on the server, generic network timeout issues and what have you. Either way, you have written a longwinded post with no real value since you haven't bothered to provide any proper technical info, most notably about the alleged server. Either way, the only way you can "fix" it is by straightening out your server and network configuration, not some magic switch in Adobe's software.

  • My "Open" and "Save" dialog boxes in Logic Pro...

    Wondering if you've have had this issue. My Open / Save as well as any Import dialog boxes in Logic Pro have oddly spaced columns. I resize them accordingly (I prefer Column view BTW), get them looking right by holding the "Option" key while resizing to have all columns the same width...you know, the same procedure you'd use in the finder.
    Anyway, each time a dialog box appears my "Sidebar" column along the left-hand side is like 5 inches wide, and each column to the right of that is very narrow despite my setting it up the way I'd like it to look during the previous Open/Save/Import.
    Is there a preference for this that I'm missing?
    Thanks in advance for any help.
    P.S. I'm running Logic Pro 9.1.5 in 64bit mode (32bit mode also exhibits the same behavior).  I'm running OSX Lion, 10.7.2

    I posted a similar post regarding this observation.  It appears that only you and I are the only ones getting this behavior from Logic and Lion.  In all honesty, I don't think anybody cares or no one installed Lion for use with Logic yet.  In either case, it has been widely ignored.
    I too tried resizing, but get the same result every time.  Its not just open and save windows, its the same with all windows.  This gets especially annoying when ad    ding samples to EXS24.  Some people have different work arounds for adding samples to most things, such as the browser side window.  Regardless of any workaround, nothing solves the remaining window space problem.  This window bug is something that should not exist within Logic.  It makes Logic look like freeware.
    For many, Logic Pro X might be the ultimatum.  It might be time to jump ship.

  • Click a Link and open the save-as dialog box instead of browser opening it

    Basically, i have a link to an image and when i click it the browser opens the image. I would prefer that when i click the link to the image that i get some sort of save functionality to occur.
    I created a link to the Google logo so it looks like Google image when clicked the browser opens the image. What i would like to do is click the link and then have the save-as dialog pop up (or something similar). Currently I would either have to right click the opened image and save image as or right click the link and then save-as that way. In this instance the file doesn't reside on the database but an external source so is there a way to save-as dialog once the link is clicked?

    Sorry, I have no idea what you are doing; can you give us some details?

  • All Office 2010 Applications Slow To Produce "OPEN" or "SAVE AS" Dialog Box ONLY When PC Connected To Network

    Hello all,
    Frustrating problem: ALL Office 2010 apps require a 45 second delay to produce an "open" or "save as" dialog box when the computer is connected to a LAN (wireless or wired, domain or workgroup). When the computer is NOT connected to a LAN (wireless or wired,
    domain or workgroup), then Office 2010 "open" or "save as" dialog boxes open normally (and quickly).
    I suspect a network search/survey function internal to MS Office is at fault.
    This is NOT the infamous mapped network drive problem associated with Office 2007/2010. There are no mapped drives (nor have there ever been) on the PC, although there might exist a related solution. Additionally, there is no 45 second delay when opening
    a file by double-clicking on the file itself which will launch the application.
    Other information:
    1. PC runs Windows 7 Pro 32 bit - PC is a relatively new Lenovo T400 laptop, all updates from Lenovo and MS installed, running clean and nicely otherwise, no spyware, no viruses, no previous software or hardware issues requiring assistance. Event log is
    2. Absolutely fresh installation of Office 2010 Pro Plus (MS Action Pack)
    3. Running Office apps in safe mode does not alter problem behavior (ie, "windword.exe /a" or use CTRL key and double-click to launch app)
    4. Running Windows 7 in safe mode with networking and then subsequently testing Office apps is not possible: "license not able to validate" issue. This is a known problem and is not related to the slow dialog box response behavior.
    5. A desktop PC with the same MS Office 2010 installation, same volume license key, on the same network does NOT produce this problem.
    6. Full uninstall, reboot, and re-install of Office 2010 does not alleviate problem
    7. Disabling ALL startup items and services (including, of course, ALL Lenovo management software) does not alleviate problem
    8. SMB v2 bug is not the problem: ie, disabling mrxsmb20 service does not alleviate symptoms.
    9. I have isolated "Client for Microsoft Networks", "QOS Packet Scheduler", "Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper I/O Driver" (and Responder), and "Printer and File Sharing for MS Networks" in the network adapter properties are NOT causing the issue.
    10. Using Sysinternals Registry Monitor, I was able to determine that Office apps evaluate certain properties of your Internet Explorer settings before attempting to launch the "open" or "save as" dialog box. Altering the way intranets are detected, for
    example, does not alleviate the symptoms.
    11. Turning off Antivirus software (Avira Personal) does not alleviate the issue.
    This issue is causing a huge loss of work efficiency. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you for your time.

    Hello Rick,
    Through all the research I have done so far and talking with a few other coworkers what the common issues that cause this are is:
    1. Antivirus: disabling the antivirus is not good enough it needs to be totaly uninstalled and retested.
    2. startup programs: these need to be disabled through either Safe mode with networking or the start menu or MSconfig.
    3. Office addins: Disable all of them see if that helps. Then turn them back on one by one to see which addin is causing the issue.
    To disable addins: 1. open up regedit and navigate to this key. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Word\Addins and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Word\Addins
    Then change the LoadBehavior to 0 this will disable the addin. 3 lets it run. Since this affected only one user HKEY_LOCAL_USER might be your best bet but don't rule out the other location.
    To verify there are no addins running go to the File tab>options>Add-Ins make sure nothing is listed under Active Application Add-ins.
    I hope this helps
    Paul Slaathaug Sr. Support Engineer - Microsoft Word

  • Whenever a user opens a document shared our SharePoint intranet he is prompted if he wants to open or save the file

    We have a SharePoint intranet we use to share documents.  I have a user that every time he tries to open an Office document from this site, he receives the prompt: "Do you want to Open or Save this file?".  If he opens the file and updates it,
    the changes are saved locally on his computer and not onto the website.
    The issue doesn't seem to be the site or his permissions because if he tries to do this using my computer instead, he is able to open the file, update it and the updates are saved directly onto the website.  It only happens from this specific PC.
    The PC is running Win7, IE9 and Office 2010 (same as mine).  I also compared the configuration for the different security zones between the 2 PCs and they look the same (internet, intranet and trusted sites).  I'm thinking there must be a setting
    configured differently somewhere in his IE but I'm not sure what else could be causing his computer to behave differently than mine when performing this task.  Any advice would be appreciated...

    Did you mean that you wanted to pop up the dialog of "You are about to open: <Name:file name><From:web site>,How would you like to open this file:Read Only, Edit", update the file and save it back to the current SharePoint library ?
    Please check two points below,
    Check and make sure add-on "SharePoint OpenDocuments Class" is enabled via IE9(32-bit version) Tools->Manage add-ons from your user's PC. if it doesn't appear, please repair or change the Office 2010 from Control
    Panel, make sure to install Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Support within
    Office Tools per this
    If add-on "SharePoint OpenDocuments Class" has beed enabled, you need to check and disable the the Word
    Protected View per this
    article, then check result again.
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Open and Save Dialog Boxes Appear Briefly then Close

    Open and save dialogs on my MDD 867 flash briefly and then close themselves in my administrator account. All the other accounts are fine. This makes me suspect something in the Library. I just did a wipe and install plus Migration Assistant to no avail--which furthers my suspicion of Library problems.
    Anyone have any suggestions which file(s) could be the culprits?

    More than likely it's a conflict/corrupted amongst the various preference (plist) files. Log into a good admin account, backup the bad account's folder, delete the bad account, selecting the save data option (which is stored in /Users/Deleted Users/ as a disk image), recreate the bad account using the same username/password combo, log out and back into the recreated original account. If the problem's solved, open the saved data dmg file in /Users/Deleted Users/, open the /Library/Preferences/ folder from the saved data, open the current /Users/restored account/Library/Preferences/ folder, and slowly copy plist files from the saved data folder to the current one that don't exist in it. Log out and back in to ensure there's no conflict and things still work correctly. Resolving conflicts or identifying corrupt plist files is a laborious process. Good luck.
    See http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=4703015 for more details on this process.

  • Open and Save dialogs are painfully slow. Is there a solution?

    Open and Save dialogs are painfully slow. Is there a solution?

    I pulled this part out of one of the topics Barney-15E linked to. It absolutely works! The glacially slow Finder response has been driving me batty in Mavericks. Each time I restarted, it would take forever to list the startup drive when I opened it. Open and Save dialogues were also painfully slow to respond. Now they all snap open and list instantly. I used TextWrangler to comment out the line in the file auto_master, then ran the automount command in Terminal.
    Working workaround:
    Use the following statements in Terminal.
    sudo vi /etc/auto_master
    In this file comment out /net with #  (#/net .....)
    sudo automount -vc
    Confirmed here too both for Preview.app Open file sluggishness and Finder window population. Thanks Snaggletooh_DE!
    Couple of notes:
    (1) Some folks may be more comfortable using a GUI editor like TextWrangler instead of vi
         a) in the Finder use the GO menu and select Go to Folder
         b) type  '/etc' ( without single quotes ) in the Go to folder dialog box and press the Go button
         c) Right ( Control  ) click the auto_master file in the resulting Finder window. Select "Open with...." and use TextWrangler ( your choice )
         d) Comment out the line by inserting a '#' ( pound sign ) as noted in Snaggletooth_DE's instructions
         e) Save the file  ( probably need to authenticate with your admin password  )
         f) Do the 'sudo automount -vc' per Snaggletooth_DE's instructions. Will need to authenticate again.
    (2) Notice Snaggletooth_DE described this as a "workaround" because it bypasses an Apple bug. Presumably most people have not changed their auto_master file and it worked fine in Mountain Lion and prior. In other words: If you haven't done so already, please continue to submit feedback and bug reports to Apple for this issue.
    Kudos to Snaggletooth_DE for figuring out code is trying to look at network ( NFS ) volumes that maybe don't exist.

  • Open and Save dialog boxes are sorted reverse alpahbetically by default

    I have a user that experiences the same frustrating experience every time she restarts Apple Mail. All of her open and save dialog boxes in Mail are sorted from Z to A. She can click the name field to change the sort, but it will return to Z-A if she quits and reopens the program. The Finder is set (and stays) at A-Z. Other applications do not exhibit this problem. I am loathe to reset the preferences since that means having to set up accounts again. Restarting the computer and removing user caches made no difference. Any suggestions?  This is an iMac Mid 2008 running Mac OS X 10.6.8.

    I solved my own question through trial and error.
    Just select "None" on the dropdown selector (see screen capture, above) and the Open/Save dialog will revert to the older version.

  • Open and Save Dialogs Slow to Open and Populate

    In all of my apps, the Open and Save dialogs have become very slow to open and populate since installing Snow Leopard, when the machine is connected to a Windows server. Disconnecting from the server solves the problem; reconnecting causes it to reappear.
    This only happens on some of my machines, and not others
    Any thoughts on what this could be. The delay is significant (about 10 seconds in all).

    I've got the same problem. I've been charting the slowness, i.e. the time until the app responds and opens the save dialog box, and most apps hover around 2 minutes of waiting.
    My home network consists of a belkin n+ router (running only with the N radio, and WPA2 security), one ethernet-connected powerbook with a USB-connected hard disk (640GB+), and my MBP connecting by wireless. The USB HD is used as a Time Machine backup disk, and the backups are extremely slow, on the order of 2 GB's per hour at most.
    That said, I called up Apple Tech Support and they had me flash my PRAM, restart the machine, and Reset Safari (since that was the app I called about). These efforts, unfortunately, did not fix the issue.
    I will be passing on the fact that Tech Support's efforts did not solve the problem--maybe they'll get back to me on the issue. If so, I'll post it here.

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