Diff in  is-u/ccs version

   Please  let  me  know,  What is  difference  is   is-c.ccs (4.7)  and is-u/ccs(ecc6.0).

Release Notes for SAP ERP 6.0[Release Notes for SAP ERP 6.0|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_erp60/helpdata/en/43/68805bb88f297ee10000000a422035/frameset.htm]
Check the relese note for IS-Utilities in ECC 6

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  • Diff Results for Different Flash Versions

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    I recently made a flash movie with Adobe Flash CS3. The
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    designed it to ( runs once ) on Internet
    Explorer ( Flash Player 9 ) using stop( ) in ActionScript.
    Was I upgraded Flash 8 to Flash 9 on Firefox,
    it worked great.
    My question is I didn't think there should be these kind of
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    Flash 9? I was never prompted to upgrade, I just happened to figure
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    Thanks for any help.

    If you published to Flash Player 9, then yes, you need to
    have Flash Player 9. You can always publish down to Flash Player

  • Revert to default 3.0 type versions

    I'm having some type version conflict issues and hoping someone can let me know what the best way is to revert everything in the TestStand type palette back to default for TestStand 3.0.  (The version of each type that I'm supposed to have appears to be, but many of the versions somehow have been incremented to
    I'm not really sure how this happened, but I'm more concerned with how to get everything back to default in the type palette as well as in all of my sequences.  I managed to get some of the type versions back to the right version in the type palette by performing the following steps:
    1) Change the affected types in the global type palette to "Always prompt the user to resolve conflict"
    2) Open up a sequence with the correct versions of the types.
    3) Tell TestStand to use the sequence file's version of the type.
    4) Save all the type palette ini files.
    One problem with this is that as soon as I open another sequence file that has version of any of the types, TestStand immediately replaces the newly repaired global type palette.  Also, when going through the above resolution procedure, I noticed that I have some version copies of type definitions that have a time-stamp of todays date!  So even if I do manage to get all the sequence files repaired, I have no idea if I've managed to modify a type and save it as version
    I'm beginning to wonder if I should just re-install TestStand, but I can't shake the feeling that there's probably a better way to do this.  (There certainly should be.)  Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks, -Rob

    Unwanted Type Propogation can be nasty to clean up.  Since the Type Differ tool only works for versions 3.1 and higher,  you will have to do something a little more crude to solve the issue.
    The first step is to make sure your Type Palettes are clean.  It sounds like you have done this.  Once you have done this, one way to prevent accidental type propogation is to make the files Read Only.  This will make it more difficult to "infect" these files, since you can't overwrite them.  There are also some other files that are loaded automatically, such as the FrontEndCallbacks sequence, and your Process Model.  Make sure all of these files are clean.  If you can start TestStand, and observe all the types are at the proper value, you probably have done this correctly.
    The next step is to find the source of the problem.  If you are ever prompted to save your Type Palette files, this usually means that you have opened a file that has a newer version of the Type than you want.  If you know which file(s) you opened, this will help you track down the source of the problem.  One trick that you can do is to change the version of the incorrect type to 0.  Save the sequence file causing the problem, but not the type palettes or Process Model.  If you shut down TestStand, then start it back up, the correct version of the Type should be loaded in your sequence file.  Save the file again.
    If you know that a particular version number is incorrect, you can always search in files for the text (for example, if you know you have version somewhere, search for that text in Windows Explorer).  It should give you a list of any file that uses that type.  This will help you narrow it down.  I still recommend you revert any changes by going through the Sequence Editor, rather than manually editing the files in a text editor.
    For others that run into this issue, the Type Differ, located in NI Labs at http://www.ni.com/labs under the TestStand Large Application Toolkit, will help solve these issues.  In the future we are looking at other solutions to solve unwanted type propogation as well.
    Allen P.

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    Que puis-je faire pour palier à ce problème.
    Pièces jointes :
    Call_vi.vi ‏12 KB
    Lab8.vi ‏14 KB
    Lab2010.vi ‏7 KB

    Merci d'avoir posté votre question sur les forums de National Instruments.
    J'ai pu regarder vos VIs et tout porte à croire que le problème que vous rencontrez vient du connecteur que vous utilisez.
    En changeant de connecteur pour vos VIs et en mettant un connecteur autre, le problème n'apparait plus.
    Votre connecteur n'est pas un connecteur par defaut de LabVIEW, il faut effectuer une rotation pour l'obtenir et je pense que c'est la source du problème.
    Est ce que la solution de modifier votre connecteur vous parait quelque chose d'envisageable ? 
    Guillaume H.
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    >> NIDays 2011, le mardi 8 février au CNIT de Paris La Défense

  • Version differences were generated in structure KOMP.

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    Answer me how version differences were not generated.

    I think it was added in 4.6B version.You can do one thing.
    Go to SE11>KOMP table->system->status>Component version->one search icon is there,click that.
    There you can find out whatever modifications are done with the table.
    Shout me again if any other clarification is required.
    And also don't forget to reward points

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    The best tool to do this is Forms Mate, and it's very inexpensive. It logs the differences/comparisons of forms.

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    Pls can anyone guide how to see all the differences between 2 same forms in terms of code. I would like to know if there is any method or an tool availaible for this.

    Besides the methods suggested by Stefan, you could also try :-
    1) Generating text .FMT files and the using UNIX utility
    DIFF to compare the 2 versions of the forms
    2) Write a small code to read the FMT files using
    TEXT_IO package (Using Forms) and compare the files
    i.e The idea here is to read line by line the
    2 FMT files

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    9iFS allows you to save different versions of a file for later
    comparison. However, it does not provide a diff tool. 9iFS's
    versioning model is pretty flexible for you to implement an
    application with versioning capabilities. For an overview of the
    versioning feature provided by 9iFS, see chapter 14 of the
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  • Binary Diffs for Pacman, a detailed proposal + evidence

    The other week I was thinking about how much server/user bandwidth could be saved, and how many dialup users placated (possibly not so many, but they still exist!), by offering binary diff package updates alongside the full downloads. I know this has been discussed before, but I think previous discussions got lost because implementation details were either not really discussed or involved a new server-based scripts/software. I reckon it should be done by adding a little logic, and use of, say, xdelta, to pacman and makepkg. I came up with two slightly different systems, and the following is the one that seems simpler.
    My system puts the decision of whether or not to make deltas with the packager and the decision of whether or not to use them with the user (where they should be), and degrades gracefully to the normal system if:
    e.g. The packager can't be bothered to keep old versions / take the cpu time to make the diffs in some cases.
    Now, it does depend on the user having a previous version of a package in the cache, but I think this is a rather common situation, and probably something dial-up users (or the otherwise bandwidth constrained) would be happy with.
    So, without further delay, here it is seperated into sections depending on what part of the existing package system gets changed (note 'delta' is used as equivalent to 'bdiff':
    In this version diffs of the full (tar.gz) packages are made using xdelta (see below). Single-space indents in numbered lists represent optional behaviour.
    1. makes package as normal
    2. checks for previous tgz versions in the PKGBUILD dir
    3. makes delta(s) using xdelta to available previous versions (these deltas will offer a direct upgrade from each of the available versions)
    - tries to keep a few previous (repo) versions in the build dir when making a final package
    - uploads these to the repo with the package (all existing diffs for that package are cleared)
    - has binary diff from the two (or so) previous .tgz files as well as the current tgz
    - bdiffs have a name that reveals 'from - to' info: e.g. application-1.2-1_to_1.2-3.pkg.tar.gz.delta
    - when an upgraded pkg is added to a repo. all existing deltas are removed
    1. checks existing version in cache
    2. checks repo for available delta against this version
    -could be as simple as a download attempt based on the naming rule (repo db doesn't need to change, no extra metadata)
    3. download and attempt to use this delta (xdelta automatically verifies result using embedded metadata, inc. md5)
    4. if patch fails eg. due to the result not matching the output md5 in the delta then abort/fall back to regular download
    5. upgrade
    Ok. Now xdelta gunzips gzipped files before making a diff, so since we are diffing between tar.gz files, we are really making diffs between tar files. On smaller packages the results are speedy, but big ones like openoffice are, of course, the real test. Here is what I found..
    time to create patch:
    time xdelta delta openoffice-base-2.0.0-1.pkg.tar.gz /var/cache/pacman/pkg/openoffice-base-2.0.2-2.pkg.tar.gz openoffice-base-2.0.0-1_to_2.0.2-2.pkg.tar.gz.delta
    real 8m31.279s
    user 1m37.318s
    sys 0m13.201s
    time to patch:
    time xdelta patch openoffice-base-2.0.0-1_to_2.0.2-2.pkg.tar.gz.delta openoffice-base-2.0.0-1.pkg.tar.gz result.pkg.tar.gz
    real 1m29.460s
    user 0m58.208s
    sys 0m3.034s
    Disk space:
    openoffice-base-2.0.2-2.pkg.tar.gz: 117.7 mb
    openoffice-base-2.0.0-1.pkg.tar.gz: 102.5 mb
    openoffice-base-2.0.0-1_to_2.0.2-2.pkg.tar.gz.delta: 61.9 mb
    ..that's less than 60% of the full download!
    Diskspace requirements for patching:
    uncompressed original (temp) ~ about 212mb for OOo2 example
    current compressed size ~ 117.7 mb for OOo2 example
    [+ original compressed package in cache 102.5 mb + delta file 61.9 mb]
    disk space req. for creation of patch:
    space for uncompressed current version (temp)
    space for uncompressed prev. version (temp)
    space for patch
    [+space for compressed versions]
    It should be pointed out that for most packages, which are under 10mb, the time is generally less than a few seconds at both ends and the space requirements are (obviously) much less. If large packages like this are too resource-hungry then this should at least be considered for everything below abround 20mb, since this would still save a lot fo bandwidth. Of course, if it's optional this is very easy to do.
    Important: since xdelta gunzips the tgzs and makes a delta from the tars the md5 of the file resulting from the patch may not be the same as for the current package.
    But xdelta embeds md5 info in the patch file - the result is automatically verified and this
    is just as secure checking the md5 for the current package.
    here's the xdelta patch metadata, for good measure..
    xdelta info openoffice-base-2.0.0-1_to_2.0.2-2.pkg.tar.gz.delta
    xdelta: version 1.1.3 found patch version 1.1 in openoffice-base-2.0.0-1_to_2.0.2-2.pkg.tar.gz.delta (compressed)
    xdelta: generated with a gzipped FROM file
    xdelta: generated with a gzipped TO file
    xdelta: output name: openoffice-base-2.0.2-2.pkg.tar.gz
    xdelta: output length: 317757440
    xdelta: output md5: c54596755567c827936a349bec74f23c
    xdelta: patch from segments: 2
    xdelta: MD5 Length Copies Used Seq? Name
    xdelta: 6aac82b146e21cf2d200b547a8c58f95 105482062 1730318 105482062 no (patch data)
    xdelta: eb065df0621f1a25a73b41fea2c90312 283832320 2323310 212275378 no openoffice-base-2.0.0-1.pkg.tar.gz
    Important2: xdelta uses /tmp for working space by default, which may not be big enough for huge packages if tmpfs is used... Another dir can be specified.
    cat /proc/cpuinfo
    processor : 0
    vendor_id : AuthenticAMD
    cpu family : 6
    model : 10
    model name : AMD Athlon(tm) XP 3200+
    stepping : 0
    cpu MHz : 2199.465
    cache size : 512 KB
    fdiv_bug : no
    hlt_bug : no
    f00f_bug : no
    coma_bug : no
    fpu : yes
    fpu_exception : yes
    cpuid level : 1
    wp : yes
    flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 mmx fxsr sse syscall mmxext 3dnowext 3dnow ts
    bogomips : 4400.67
    PS: The other system involves the packager just making a diff to the previous repo version, and pacman chaining diffs together. Of course, this would make large packages like OOo considerably more tortuous to update for the user.
    PPS: Although I'd love to provide patches, learning C is rather too much of a step for me at the moment... I'm rather busy learning PHP for work-experience reasons and am currently working a full week anyway. Implementation, I hope, shouldn't be too difficult for those who work on these apps.  :oops:

    Well I have a benchmark for OpenOffice.org 2 in my first post. It takes about 1m30s to apply the patch, but the most costly part is the disk space requirement - the old tar.gz needs to be decompressed to a tar (about 200mb for OOo) before it can be patched. Of course, for smaller packages the time and disk space is much less.
    So, I've dug out some packages from an out-of-date mirror. Some mior version updates, some major. Some bigger, some smaller. have a butcher's:
    Acroread 7.0.1 to 7.0.5
    patch creation:
    time xdelta delta acroread-7.0.1-1.pkg.tar.gz acroread-7.0.5-1.pkg.tar.gz acroread-7.0.1-1_to_7.0.5-1.pkg.tar.gz.delta
    real 0m42.607s
    user 0m35.018s
    sys 0m1.365s
    uncompressed size of full pkg ~ 100mb
    pkg compressed size ~ 37mb
    delta size ~ 25mb
    patching time:
    time xdelta patch acroread-7.0.1-1_to_7.0.5-1.pkg.tar.gz.delta acroread-7.0.1-1.pkg.tar.gz
    real 0m21.611s
    user 0m19.105s
    sys 0m0.863s
    Mono to 1.1.15-1
    patch creation:
    time xdelta delta mono- mono-1.1.15-1.pkg.tar.gz mono-
    real 0m28.449s
    user 0m23.946s
    sys 0m0.918s
    uncompressed pkg size ~ 67mb
    pkg compressed ~ 24mb
    delta ~ 17mb
    patching time:
    time xdelta patch mono- mono-
    real 0m19.062s
    user 0m16.985s
    sys 0m0.638s
    MySQL 4.1.13-2 to 5.0.22-1
    patch creation:
    time xdelta delta mysql-4.1.13-2.pkg.tar.gz mysql-5.0.22-1.pkg.tar.gz mysql-4.1.13-2_5.0.22-1.pkg.tar.gz.delta
    real 0m6.828s
    user 0m6.117s
    sys 0m0.327s
    uncompressed pkg ~25mb
    pkg compressed: old 10.8 mb, new 14.4mb
    delta: 4.9mb
    patching time:
    time xdelta patch mysql-4.1.13-2_5.0.22-1.pkg.tar.gz.delta mysql-4.1.13-2.pkg.tar.gz
    real 0m6.423s
    user 0m5.852s
    sys 0m0.226s
    mplayer pre7 to pre8
    patch creation:
    time xdelta delta mplayer-1.0pre7-6.pkg.tar.gz mplayer-1.0pre8-1.pkg.tar.gz mplayer-1.0pre7-6_to_1.0pre8-1.pkg.tar.gz.delta
    real 0m5.679s
    user 0m5.239s
    sys 0m0.182s
    uncompressed pkg ~ 12mb
    pkg compressed: old 5 mb, new 6.5 mb
    delta: 5.3mb
    patching time:
    time xdelta patch mplayer-1.0pre7-6_to_1.0pre8-1.pkg.tar.gz.delta mplayer-1.0pre7-6.pkg.tar.gz
    real 0m3.290s
    user 0m2.799s
    sys 0m0.111s
    sylpheed 2.0.4 to 2.2.6
    patch creation:
    time xdelta delta sylpheed-2.0.4-2.pkg.tar.gz sylpheed-2.2.6-1.pkg.tar.gz sylpheed-2.0.4-2_to_2.2.6-1.pkg.tar.gz.delta
    real 0m1.506s
    user 0m1.213s
    sys 0m0.057s
    uncompressed pkg ~ 4mb
    pkg compressed: ~ 1.5mb
    delta: ~1mb
    patching time:
    time xdelta patch sylpheed-2.0.4-2_to_2.2.6-1.pkg.tar.gz.delta sylpheed-2.0.4-2.pkg.tar.gz
    real 0m1.217s
    user 0m0.917s
    sys 0m0.036s
    Check out mysql!
    Conclusion, you'd need a much slower system than mine or a very fast connection for the full DL to be quicker than the patch.
    PS: I should point out this is using my tmpfs /tmp dir for scratch space, which is a little faster, esp. for big pkgs, than a purely disk based tmp.

  • Download FREE NI TestStand Type Differ at NI Labs!

    In hopes of giving you a sneak peek of what we're thinking about adding to NI TestStand in the future, we have added the NI TestStand Type Differ to NI Labs!
    The NI TestStand Type Differ tool compares and merges differences between types and helps you manage type conflicts easily.  We are considering adding this feature to NI TestStand and want get your feedback.
    Download the Type Differ at NI Labs and tell us what you think!
    Note: The TestStand Type Differ has a minimum TestStand version of 4.0.
    Allen P
    Message Edited by Support on 11-08-2007 02:42 PM

    Hi It looks interesting. But what about putting a little effort in the "View > Sequence File > Display File Hierarchy" that I think is a cool small tool. But When you print the hierarchy, the legend i missing. Alternative is to include the names of the sequence files in the hierarcy view. /Christian  

  • Requirement-Diff

    Hello developers,
    do you have plans to implement a diff-view for different Versions of the same reqif file?
    For developers it might be very interesting to see what has changed in which way in different Versions of requirement-specs, especially for agile development. A requirement might have been deleted or several might be new. Also the Content of a requirement might be subject to changes.
    Are there any plans to support this, e.g. by making use of EMF Diff/Merge?
    Best regards!

    Hi Peter,
    > do you have plans to implement a diff-view for different Versions of the same reqif file?
    Yes. In fact, we implemented it and wrote about it at http://www.formalmind.com/en/blog/comparing-reqif-files-pror-essentials-diff
    Having said that, the version described in the blog only works up to ProR 0.9.0, as it is based on a very old EMF Compare version.
    We're developing a new version, based on EMF Compare 3. While it has not yet been announced officially, it is part of the latest formalmind Studio (http://www.formalmind.com/studio). Be warned, it works, but the diff view is not very user-friendly yet. If you find issues, please provide feedback via https://formalmind.zendesk.com/
    - Michael

  • Error while creating webservice from function module in ECC

    while creating a web service out of a function module in ECC, in the configure service section we get a message saying ' Remember that the service does not have any runtime configuration and therefore cannot be used. Create the Web service configuration in the NetWeaver Admninistrator (transaction WSADMIN2).'
    instead of check box 'release for runtime'.
    Our ECC at release 7 patch level 22.
    Checked in SCICM, SICF teh service and the folder are active.
    Please suggest if we are missing on anything

    In new version on ECC, the runtime configurations needs to be performed in transaction SOAMANGER.
    On executing the transaction, it opens a browser. The important configurations to be performed are:
    1. Configure J2EE server and host. You can choose to provide the ECC server and host
    2. Administration of the service in "Single Service Administration". The navigation path may differ depending of the ECC versions. But it is related to administration of the services.
    Once done, check the WSDL generated.
    Use this WSDL in the NWDS.

  • SRM-MDM 3.0 SP10 Patch 1 - logon failed

    Hello there,
    we have a urgend problem after upgrading the SRM-MDM Components and the MDM Server.
    Problem is, that we are not able to logon to the app ui or the search ui. It's not a Problem with the user. When logon to the app ui we receive the message "logon failed".
    Connection to the Repository via MDM Clients works very well. Only the Web UI is not accessable.
    To be sure we are having the right SPs for the Components we downloaded the latest Support Stack that includes all components versions that fits to each other (thats what i think).
    At least we have now
    MDM Server SP06
    MDM Catalog SP10 Patch 1
    Java API SP10 Patch 0
    MDM Connector SP10 Patch 7 (?)
    Here's the information from the connection test via mdm utilities
    Host-Adresse =
    Host Name = mpgmdms
    Repository-Port = 2000
    MDM-Server-Ports werden geprüft...
    Verbindung ok (Port 59950, Zeit = 0 ms)
    Repository-Ports werden geprüft...
    Verbindung ok (Port 2000, Zeit = 0 ms)
    Verbindung ok (Port 2001, Zeit = 0 ms)
    Verbindung ok (Port 2002, Zeit = 0 ms)
    JAVA-API-Version von MDM ermitteln
    Admin Version =
    Build Version =
    Content Version =
    Meta Version      =
    Verbindung zu MDM-Server wird hergestellt
    MDM-Server-Version wird ermittelt...
    Version = Version 7.1 ( Win64)
    Installierte Repositories werden ermittelt...
    -> MPG_DEV_SLAVE2 (S36/ORCL)
    From the visua administrator we get the following releaseinformation:
    MDM_Connector 1000.710.700.7.1.201105150802
    MDM_JAVA_API 1000.710.
    SRM_MDM_CAT 1000.
    Within the MDM Console we get a some log entries when trying to log in.
    Hope you can help me.
    Thank your
    Edited by: Rico Stoll on May 25, 2011 6:31 PM

    ur API / connector and MDS are on diff SP levels :
    JAVA-API-Version von MDM ermitteln
    Admin Version = Interface CRC=0x7d50b0cf
    Build Version =
    Content Version = Interface CRC=???
    Meta Version \t= Interface CRC=0x3a0a3732
    Verbindung zu MDM-Server wird hergestellt
    MDM-Server-Version wird ermittelt...
    Version = Version 7.1 ( Win64)
    upgrade the MDS to SP 07 and things should start working !

  • Debug BPS web application interface

    DEar All,
    Would you please let me know how to active a debug in a BPS web applicatin interface.
    I heard that something could be done under transaction se80, but what ?
    Many thanks for your big help !

    Here are the steps for activating the debugging,
    The <b>B</b>usiness <b>S</b>erver <b>P</b>age name is same as the name of the web interface
    Goto SE80 on the left side dropdown select BSP application and give the name of the BSP = interface name.
    Click on utilities->settings select tab ABAP Editor. Within this there are 4 tabs select the last one named Debugging. Select the check box named Actv and key ur user name (it should default to it). Hit Ok.This step is little diff depending on the WAS version.
    Click the display icon on the left side this will display the componenets of BSP. In the tree open the node Pages with Flow logic. There will be a component called PM_PAGE.HTM double click on it. Click on a line that's executable (blue) and then click on the STOP button on the application toolbar.
    This should do the job. let me know if you need more information

  • DSP Test Integration Toolkit doesn't work with CCS4

    After good experience with CCS2 & DSP Tollkit I've got CCS4 from TI.
    There is no connection from the toolkit to this CCS version.
    Is there is new version of the toolkit or some support ?

    What Version of LabVIEW and the DSP Module are you using?
    This document in the LabVIEW help may provide some help:
    Using the TI Code Composer Studio Toolchain with the DSK6713 Example Target (Microprocessor SDK)
    This Tutorial on our website also talks quite a bit about the Code Composer Studio:
    Connecting to Texas Instruments DSPs Using the LabVIEW DSP Test Integration Toolkit
    Ben Sisney
    FlexRIO V&V Engineer
    National Instruments

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  • How to apply outbound link tracking code in Adobe Muse?

    Using Adobe Muse v6 to build my website and want to set up outbound URL tracking on a number of links. I have the correct code snippets from https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1136920?hl=en <script type="text/javascript"> function trackOutbo

  • Help registering driver mysql-connector-j

    Error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver Hello Everyone, I keep on getting a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver exception when I attempt to register the mysql-connector-j. I'm just using the code from it's d

  • Using Safari on iPad Links Redirect

    My ipad is fairly new, Dec 31. I didn't have any problems at first. I don't know if the problem is apps or internet. When I try to click on links in Safari, sometimes it redirects. Not every single time, but enough to be a big problem. I click on nor

  • OSB asynchrnous proxyservice (pipeline pairs)

    Hi, can you make a hint or tutorial how to make a asynchronous proxyService (proxyService content based routing to/from asynchronous web service). Thank you