Difference between Changed,changed_Salesordere,Change_event

Hi All,
i am workin gon workflow where the scenario is like whenever sales order get changed it will display sales order and send a mail to user.
now the mail is workin gfine but in SBWP when i click on workflow. it is only giving me VA02 transaction and giving error that enter sales doc no.
how to solve this problem so that by clicking wf in inbox i can disply the so detail.

Hi soni,
provide some more infor on this..
I think you have to do the right binding for the step to display sales order.
check if you have give the binding from workflow to task to method, BUS2032
Sandeep Josyula

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    HI All,
    Can any body tell me the actual difference between Change request and Service Request. Does it have any difference ? Or they are same.

    Are you referring to the project Specific Terms ??? If yes, then following are the differences.
    Change Request - Suppose user is using a Sales Report which displays Revenue by Customer. Now the user wants to see the same by Product as well which is not available in the current report. So the user raises a Change request and the development team works on it to include the same and make it avaialable for the user.
    Service Request - These kind of requests are more likely raised when the user needs access to some system (raise service request to Security team), wants to move a transport to the Production box (raise Service request to Basis Team)..etc.

  • Difference between "change auth data " and "expert mode" in pfcg

    Gurus ,
    i need to know , what is the difference between
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    "expert mode for profile generation" in PFCG .
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    Hi Susin,
    To change the authorization data for the transactions assigned to the role, choose Change Authorization Data or Expert Mode for Profile Generation.
    If you are generating the profile for the first time, there is no difference between the two modes.
    When you change a role, you must regenerate the authorization profile. In this case, the status of the profile generation is displayed red or yellow at the top of the Authorizations tab page.
    If the status display is red, you must perform an authorization data comparison, since the menu was changed since the last profile generation or no authorization data exists.
    If the display is yellow, the authorization data for the role was changed and saved after the last generation. The generated profile is no longer current. You need to regenerate it.
    The significance of the three options that we get when we choose expert mode is as follows:
    Choose one of the options to maintain the authorization values (in normal mode, the correct option is automatically set):
    1> Delete and recreate profile and authorizations
    All authorizations are recreated. Values which had previously been maintained, changed or entered manually are lost. Only the maintained values for organizational levels remain.
    2> Edit old status
    The last saved authorization data for the role is displayed. This is not useful, if transactions in the role menu have been changed.
    3> Read old status and compare with new data
    If you change transactions in the role menu, this option is the preconfigured. The profile generator compares the existing authorization data with the authorization default values for the menu transactions. If new authorizations are added during this process, they receive the status New. Authorizations that already existed receive the status Old.
    Note the following during the comparison:
    Values for organizational levels that are no longer required are deleted, all others are retained. If new organizational levels are added, you need to maintain them.
    The standard authorization for the object S_TCODE is always automatically filled with the current transactions from the role menu. It cannot be copied or manually changed, only deactivated.

  • ECM-Difference between Change Unnecessaryand Change Impossible

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    Becasue result both are not allowing to use the change number.
    Then what could be the difference between these two statuses.

    The difference is as below
    Usually the change request is comming from user.
    After studying the request and modification required, you can go for
    change possible
    Change unnecessary
    chnage impossible.
    if chnage is okay- then first option, if change is not okay thne we have 2 options
    Change unnecessary
    chnage impossible.
    If change is rejected then you have to be clear that what requested by user is unnecessary or it is not possible in the system.
    To indicate this these two options are used. We can take the report of such cases.
    Hence wheever new request is comming first this will be chceked with these cases then only taken up for change.
    please come back if u have any question
    Ex- design change is requested, but it is unnecessary as value it is going to add is very less even those change is possible.
    Some times design change is requested, but not possible to impliment-such cases go with - change impossible.

  • Difference between changes in OM/PA infotype records

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    Thanks for ideas.
    Best regards,

    Hello Romano,
    As mentioned in the earlier posts that all entries have a UNAME attached to it in the Infotypes which tell us the owner who marked/initiated the change.
    There are options to achieve the type of design which you want. Lets say we maintain a Custom Table which would store the UNAME , T-CODE and DATE fields.
    In the PA User Exits we develop the copy that in each PAI action update the Custom Table. It should solve your case.
    It is not a very staright forward solution , but it would serve your cause.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Rohit Sharma

  • Difference between Change Authorization Data / Display Authorization Data

    My question is wrt to implementation of "principle of treble control" i.e three SAP administrators i.e.
    1. Authorization data administrator
    2. Authorization profile administrator
    3. User Administrator
    I have created a role & added a transaction to it e.g. "FAGLL03" or "FF67".
    No authorization data is displayed in the authorization tab unless I enter authorization tab with change button and provide inputs for org level field & generate profile. Even when I save the profile with the proposed name, it status still says "No authorization data exists". Since no authorization data is available, administrator 2 is unable to generate profile. If administrator 1 has to generate profile then why is administrator 2 required.
    Definition of Administrator 1 is:
    The authorization data administrator creates the roles, selects transactions and
    maintains the authorization data. He or she simply saves the data in the Profile
    Generator since he does not have the necessary authorization for generating the
    profile. He or she accepts the proposed profile name “T-...”. The authorization data
    administrator may not change users, nor generate profiles.
    Definition of Administrator 2 is:
    The authorization profile administrator starts transaction “SUPC” and chooses All
    Roles. He or she then restricts his selection, for example by entering the ID of the
    role to be edited. On the next screen, he or she chooses Display Profile to check
    the data. If all the data is correct, he or she generates the authorization profile. The
    authorization profile administrator may not change users, change the data for roles,
    nor generate profiles containing authorization objects beginning with S_USER*.

    Hasan Saeed Khan wrote:
    Actually I started off my question with the "implementation of treble control" that SAP course AD940 suggests.
    I had never heard of this treble control and the added value of splitting rolebuilding and profile generation doesn't make much sense to me but that's my personal opinion.
    On the technical side of things: in your first post you state "No authorization data is displayed in the authorization tab unless I enter authorization tab with change button and provide inputs for org level field & generate profile."
    It is also possible to change the data and save this but not generate the profile yet. I just tried this by doing the following:
    Create role
    Add transactions to menu
    Edit profile, org levels & authroization data.
    Hit 'save'.
    Accept proposed profile name.
    Go back to PFCG main screen and ignore message of profile not being generated. (Click 'continue')
    And this leaves me with a role with yellow traffic light on the authorization tab an the profile status is: "Current version not generated"
    So it should be possible to maintain roles and profiles separately.

  • Difference between CHANGING and USING

    explain the concept of formal and acutal parameters... when we use changing
    and when we use value with simple easy examples...
    Message was edited by:
            balaji velpuri

    PROGRAM form_test.
    DATA: a1    TYPE p DECIMALS 3,
          a2    TYPE i,
          a3    TYPE d,
          a4    TYPE spfli-carrid,
          a5(1) TYPE c.
    PERFORM subr USING a1 a2 a3 a4 a5.
    PERFORM subr CHANGING a1 a2 a3 a4 a5.
    PERFORM subr USING a1 a2 a3
                 CHANGING a4 a5.
    FORM subr USING
                value(f1) TYPE p
                value(f2) TYPE i
                f3        LIKE a3
                value(f4) TYPE spfli-carrid
    This example defines a subroutine subr with a parameter interface consisting of five formal parameters, f1 to f5. The subroutine is called internally three times. The actual parameters are the data objects a1 to a5. The three subroutine calls are all equally valid. There are further PERFORM statements that are also equally valid, so long as the sequence of the actual parameters remains unchanged. In each call, a1 is passed to f1, a2 to f2, and so on. When the subroutine ends, a3, a4, and a5 receive the values of f3, f4, and f5 respectively. The third of the subroutine calls documents in the program what the parameter interface of the subroutine shows, namely that only a4 and a5 are changed. In the case of reference parameter f3, it depends on the programming of the subroutine whether a3 is changed all the same.
    REPORT demo_mod_tech_describe.
      date1      TYPE d,             date2      TYPE t,
      string1(6) TYPE c,             string2(8) TYPE c,
      number1    TYPE p DECIMALS 2,  number2    TYPE p DECIMALS 0,
      count1     TYPE i,             count2     TYPE i.
    PERFORM typetest USING date1 string1 number1 count1.
    PERFORM typetest USING date2 string2 number2 count2.
    FORM typetest USING now
                        txt TYPE c
                        value(num) TYPE p
                        int TYPE i.
      DATA: t(1) TYPE c.
      WRITE: / 'Type of NOW is', t.
      WRITE: / 'Length of TXT is', t.
      WRITE: / 'Decimals of NUM are', t.
      WRITE: / 'Type of INT is', t.
    This produces the following output:
    Type of NOW is D
    Length of TXT is 6
    Decimals of NUM are 2
    Type of INT is I
    Type of NOW is T
    Length of TXT is 8
    Decimals of NUM are 0
    Type of INT is I

  • Difference between Delta "Change Log" and "Active Table (Without Archive)"?

    In BI7.0 environment, we perform our Delta loads (the DTP settings under the Extraction tab, there is a field called Extraction Mode and it's value is selected as "Delta") every day among all our DSOs.
    There is a section called "Delta Init. Extraction From..." under the same tab in DTP, there are four radio buttons:
    Active Table (With Archive)
    Active Table (Without Archive)
    Archive (Full Extraction Only)
    Change Log
    Then what is the difference between "Change Log" and "Active Table (Without Archive)" if both Extraction Mode is "Delta" for two Delta loads?

    Hi ,
    The new options SP16 has are:(Chk Note 1096771)
    Active Table (with Archive)
    The data is read from the active table and from the archive or from a near-line storage if one exists. You can choose this option even if there is no active data archiving process yet for the DataStore object.
    Active Table (Without Archive)
    The data is only read from the active table. If there is data in the archive or in a near-line storage at the time of extraction, this data is not extracted.
    Archive (Only Full Extraction)
    The data is only read from the archive or from a near-line storage. Data is not extracted from the active table.
    Change Log
    The data is read from the change log of the DataStore object.
    Delta will always be picked from change log table.Only during intialization you can choose between getting data from change log or active table.If you are doing the load first time and are initializzing delta in subsequent data targets, then pulling data from active table will get lesse volume of data then it would have got from change log table....All subsequent deltas will be picked up from the change log.  And when we need to reload data into the data target (which would be a full load) - we use active table.
    From change log : you can take below ones as targets
    1) Cube 2) DSO with Addition as the update for the Keyfigures
    From Active table: you can take below ones as targets
    1) Cube ,if and only if, the records are never changes in the source once after creation
    2) DSO with Addition as the update for the Keyfigures ,if and only if, the records are never changes in the source once after creation
    3) DSO with Overwrite as the update for the Keyfigures ( incase deletions is not happening in the source system)
    Pls check this link
    CSM Reddy

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    Please refer to this link :
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    Change request and task request are same.But generally change request is generated during newly created objects or reports that are transported and task request is used when u regenerate the change request by modifying that object again and transporting it in new change request.
    A particular change request may contain multiple number of task request but that number depends upon number of objects u transfer during generation and transportation.
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    What are the differences between the Time Capsule MC344LL/A and MD032LL/A, do both have the same make of server grade hard drive, also any changes in WiFi coverage or networking abilities?  Thanks
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    ; >}

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    I want to know what are the differences between activity authorization between display and display document change?

    Dear Mr Robert,
    thanks for replying me. actually, it is to prevent user from other dept to change the PO even print/message. when i check inside authorization the configuration is only for their own dept by putting dept code at pur org field of change. but still can change. it is because of the me22 layout screen?

  • Difference between At-new and on change of

    Can anyone send me the exact difference between At-new and On change of
    Thank You

    Hi anjali,
    I just entered your subject "difference between At-new and on change of" as search terms in the SEARCH FORUM input field.
    Please check the results and come back after.
    Difference between At new and On change of?
    Posted on: 28.09.2006 19:01, by user: subhash soni -- Relevance: 100% -- Show all results within this thread
    Hi What is the difference between At new and On change of? Thank You
    difference between At-new and on change of
    Posted on: 09.03.2007 20:16, by user: anjali nalluri -- Relevance: 89% -- Show all results within this thread
    Hi, Can anyone send me the exact difference between At-new and On change of Thank You Santosh
    Diff between AT new and on change of
    Posted on: 30.11.2006 16:06, by user: Pavan Ravikanti -- Relevance: 53% -- Show all results within this thread
    hi, can any one tell me what is the exact difference between <b>AT new</b> and <b>on change of</b> thanks pavan ...
    Diff. between At New and On Change Of
    Posted on: 05.10.2005 08:58, by user: surya mamtha -- Relevance: 48% -- Show all results within this thread
    Hi, Could anybody exlain the difference between At New event and On Change Of event in detail? And how can we avoid the inner loops ...
    Major Diff. Between On change of and At New
    Posted on: 24.05.2006 12:48, by user: IFF -- Relevance: 46% -- Show all results within this thread
    Hi Experts, Could you please let me know that what is the major difference between the control break statements On change of and At new. Which one is best to used ...
    diff between at new and on change of
    Posted on: 08.03.2007 16:27, by user: saroja ponnam -- Relevance: 44% -- Show all results within this thread
    Hi all, what is the main diff between at new and on change of statements. Regards Saroja.
    Differnce between AT NEW AND ON CHANGE OF
    Posted on: 06.05.2006 10:55, by user: Raja Sekhar T -- Relevance: 44% -- Show all results within this thread
    Hi, Differnce between AT NEW AND ON CHANGE OF Iam waiting foryour reply Thanks & Regards Raja Sekhar.T ...

  • Difference between At new and on change statement?

    What is the difference between at new and on change statement? Please explain with an example.

    on change of differs from at new in the following respects:
    It can be used in any loop construct, not just loop at. For example, it can be used within select and endselect, do and enddo, or while and endwhile, as well as inside get events.
    A single on change of can be triggered by a change within one or more fields named after of and separated by or. These fields can be elementary fields or field strings. If you are within a loop, these fields do not have to belong to the loop.
    When used within a loop, a change in a field to the left of the control level does not trigger a control break.
    When used within a loop, fields to the right still contain their original values; they are not changed to contain zeros or asterisks.
    You can use else between on change of and endon.
    You can use it with loop at it where . . ..
    You can use sum with on change of. It sums all numeric fields except the one(s) named after of.
    Any values changed within on change of remain changed after endon. The contents of the header line are not restored as they are for at and endat.

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