Difference Serl Number and Betche

Hi Experts,
Can somebody please explain what is the difference between batch and Serial number and thier use?

Batch  Number is used mainly in Pharma  industry ,Food Industry,
For a  particular medicine the production is in Batches  but the quantity produced is in Bulk qty
For a particular -Biscuit you can see the Batch No
Traceability is done through the Batches if any thing goes  wrong
In Batches right from Purchasing to End Product they will maintain the batch Number
Serial Number is used in Engineering Industry,Manufacturing Industry
For Eg: Automobile . Engine Serial Number ,Chassis Number
             CAR NO, Tractor Number Etc.
Application is different in differnet industry
G.Ganesh Kumar

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    NUMBER Datatype
    The NUMBER datatype stores zero as well as positive and negative fixed numbers with absolute values from 1.0 x 10-130 to (but not including) 1.0 x 10126. If you specify an arithmetic expression whose value has an absolute value greater than or equal to 1.0 x 10126, then Oracle returns an error. Each NUMBER value requires from 1 to 22 bytes.
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    I guess a good example would be a disk. Each disk you have would be a different instance. To use a disk it is divided into slices, each of which has a different minor number.
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    Hi Basavraj,
    Quote Number is the value that the end user will see from the screens or on any printed document.
    Quote Header Id is the identifier that is user in the back end to uniquely identify the record and link for example the header table to the line table.
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    There's an easy way to investigate this - using the SQL DUMP() function.
    For example:
    SQL> create table testtab( i integer, n number(5,2) );
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into testtab values( 100, 100.00);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into testtab values( 100, 100.01);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into testtab values( 99999, 999.99);
    1 row created.
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    SQL> col n_dump format a30
    SQL> select i, n, dump(i) as i_dump, dump(n) as n_dump from testtab;
             I          N I_DUMP                         N_DUMP
           100        100 Typ=2 Len=2: 194,2             Typ=2 Len=2: 194,2
           100     100.01 Typ=2 Len=2: 194,2             Typ=2 Len=4: 194,2,1,2
         99999     999.99 Typ=2 Len=4: 195,10,100,100    Typ=2 Len=4: 194,10,100,100

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    The Dynamic bin number means that SAP will create the number 'Dynamically. the requirement number is free text and is a reference number
    If you create an outbound delivery and create a TO to pick it the stock moves to st type 916 and the bin is the delivery number but the delivery number does not exist at this point as a bin and when the delivery has shipped ypu no lomger require that bin number and so SAP creates the bin dynamically and then it disappears when the delivery is shipped
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    pebaker2 wrote:
    Could someone please clarify the differeces between having an Online number and having calls forwarded?
    An Online # is for your contacts to call you. (You can't make calls from it).
    Call forwarding is simply forwarding a received call to another phone of your choice.
    To receive calls from your contacts you will need an Online #.
    I recommend that you always run the latest Skype version: Windows & Mac
    If my advice helped to fix your issue please mark it as a solution to help others.
    Please note that I generally don't respond to unsolicited Private Messages. Thank you.

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    BAPI are RFC enabled function modules. the difference between RFc and BAPI are business objects. You create business objects and those are then registered in your BOR (Business Object Repository) which can be accessed outside the SAP system by using some other applications (Non-SAP) such as VB or JAVA. in this case u only specify the business object and its method from external system in BAPI there is no direct system call. while RFC are direct system call Some BAPIs provide basic functions and can be used for most SAP business object types. These BAPIs should be implemented the same for all business object types. Standardized BAPIs are easier to use and prevent users having to deal with a number of different BAPIs. Whenever possible, a standardized BAPI must be used in preference to an individual BAPI.
    The following standardized BAPIs are provided:
    Reading instances of SAP business objects
    GetList ( )  With the BAPI GetList you can select a range of object key values, for example, company codes and material numbers.
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    GetDetail()  With the BAPI GetDetail() the details of an instance of a business object type are retrieved and returned to the calling program. The instance is identified via its key. The BAPI GetDetail() is an instance method.  BAPIs that can create, change or delete instances of a business object type
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    Create( ) and CreateFromData! ( ) 
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    Change( ) 
    The BAPI Change() changes an existing instance of an SAP business object type, for example, a purchase order. The BAPI Change () is an instance method. 
    Delete( ) and Undelete( )  The BAPI Delete() deletes an instance of an SAP business object type from the database or sets a deletion flag.
    The BAPI Undelete() removes a deletion flag. These BAPIs are instance methods.
    Cancel ( )  Unlike the BAPI Delete(), the BAPI Cancel() cancels an instance of a business object type. The instance to be cancelled remains in the database and an additional instance is created and this is the one that is actually canceled. The Cancel() BAPI is an instance method. 
    Add<subobject> ( ) and Remove<subobject> ( )  The BAPI Add<subobject> adds a subobject to an existing object inst! ance and the BAPI and Remove<subobject> removes a subobject from an object instance. These BAPIs are instance methods.

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    Thanks in Advance
    Venkata Suresh

    At MIRO stage, after entering PO number system will automatically populate the GRN value for selection. Here if you found that invoice value, which you have received from the vendor, is more than the system proposed amount, then you can adjust that diff amount in the GL account tab, which is next to PO reference tab in MIRO.
    There enter the exch loss GL account and enter the diff amount.

  • Difference between billing and invoice?

    Hi all
    can anybody say Difference between billing and invoice?

    Hi Ipsit,
    Invoice is document indicating to delivery goods and Billing is a receipt of payment
    Tables are VBRK & VBRP. For flow, go to transaction VF03, enter document number and hit 'Display Document Flow' button on toolbar
    VBRK and VBRP holds billing/invoice details..
    Billing Document:
    Generic term for invoices, credit memos, debit memos, pro forma invoices and cancellation documents.
    The tables are VBRK and VBRP.
    2) -- once u do PGI the delivery document will be created. There is no way to stop it.. The thing u can to do go to the list of created deliveries in VL09. Select the delivery doc which u created. There u have the option of reversing the goods or canceling it.
    Billing is generic term and u can say invoice is a type of billing document.
    After PGI only way left is to cancel it by Using TCODE MBST as this Tcode is used to cancel any material document.
    Please Reward If Really Helpful,
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Difference between Pgi and Invoice verification

    good receipt=100
    invoice verfication=110
    how u can find out price differences

    During Goods receipts values floes from Purchase order as there will no invoice of vendor.
    At gate security will just enter PO number and qty. system internally will generate
      to GRIR
    based on po value
    later when final invoice is received from vendor in Finance. Finance wil carry out MIRO and enter Gr number or PO number and MIgo enter will appear. At that point difference in value between PO and final invoice will appear.
    Hope it is clear

  • Difference between billing and invoice?  How to stop PGI?

    can u please help me in these questions.
    Difference between billing and invoice?  How to stop PGI?

    Invoice is document indicating to delivery goods and Billing is a receipt of payment
    Tables are VBRK & VBRP. For flow, go to transaction VF03, enter document number and hit 'Display Document Flow' button on toolbar
    vbrk and vbrp holds billing/invoice details..
    Billing Document:
    Generic term for invoices, credit memos, debit memos, pro forma invoices and cancellation documents.
    The tables are VBRK and VBRP.
    2)-- once u do PGI the delivery document will be created . there is no way to stop it  .. the thing u can to do go to the list of created deliveries in VL09.. select the delivery doc which u created.there  u have the option of reversing the goods or canceling it.
    let me know if i am wrong...
    Message was edited by:
            madhan n

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