Different Battery Length in Different Locations?

I recently got a new battery for my MacBook Pro and it has been lasting around 2:30 hours.  When I went home to my parents house for the holidays, I notced my battery was lasting 3:30 or more instead the entire time I was there!  Is there any explanation for this?  I didn't change any settings and now that I'm back home, my battery ife has returned to 2:30.  Obviously, I'd love that extra hour back if possible!

ComputerFixer wrote:
From what i understand,  there is a check period (every hour) that time capsle will search through your HDD for files that are not backed up.   I think it is supposed to stop while the laptop is in battery mode, but there is always the possibility that it is checking anyway, which would contribute to some battery drain.
Time Machine has an option called "Back up while on battery power." I have that option turned off.
I don't think Time Capsule is a significant contributor to this. The check is simply a quick poll over the network. The network traffic and energy use for this check is probably a lot less than whatever power the CPU and radio consume checking email and loading up whole web pages.
The wifi signal strength may be a factor, but on the whole it's hard to say what's really causing the difference without inventorying the specific settings and applications in use and the CPU loads of the applications.

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    ComputerFixer wrote:
    From what i understand,  there is a check period (every hour) that time capsle will search through your HDD for files that are not backed up.   I think it is supposed to stop while the laptop is in battery mode, but there is always the possibility that it is checking anyway, which would contribute to some battery drain.
    Time Machine has an option called "Back up while on battery power." I have that option turned off.
    I don't think Time Capsule is a significant contributor to this. The check is simply a quick poll over the network. The network traffic and energy use for this check is probably a lot less than whatever power the CPU and radio consume checking email and loading up whole web pages.
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    The fact that you are both working on multi-gigabyte
    files, the statement BDAqua made about network speed
    is a big issue.  Small incremental changes in a single
    multi-gigabyte file still require that entire file to be transferred.
    There in lies the big issue with network speeds.
    Basically, it seems idea 1 will probably not work well and
    besides, RAID is for local drives and not for over networks.
    One solution to the synchronization issue is have a single
    computer that has the application and the data and log into
    it and work remotely.  However, it sounds like these are image
    files and working and any kind of graphics over a remote
    connection is problematic unless there is a very high speed
    network connection.
    Second idea is the simple solution.  As for the backup, that
    can be automated with backup software and the backup could be
    put any where.

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    IMAP means that your messages are stored on the server and both of you will see exactly the same set of messages. And therein lies the contradiction; you will both see changes made by the other so you are inherently interfering with one another.
    Caveats: some providers may not permit you both to access the account concurrently, and even if they do, things may become interesting if you both choose to work on the same message simultaneously.
    Note that all of this is about email servers and protocols; your choice of Thunderbird as your email client has little bearing on the situation.

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    We have servers at both locations but there are different files at each location. I'm able to remote from my computer into a computer at the other location, but if everyone were to do that we would need double the number of CC subscriptions and computers, and it would bog down the internet connection that the entire company uses. I'm also connected to the server at the other location (again, over the internet) and have opened InDesign files that reside on the server there and tried to work on them here (over the internet) but that is much slower than remoting in.
    One tiny thing bothers me about your setup. And you said it above, you would need double the number of CC subscriptions and computers. Are you using two people to access under the same CC subscription. Even if they are working in two different time zones, it is technically violating the rules and spirit of the rules of being able to install on two machines at the same time.
    You're allowed to install for two machines for one person working at the office and then at home. One person wouldn't be in two different locations at the same time.
    Meanwhile, regards your problem, I remember reading about a system many years ago that was pretty simple. It was based on an old newspaper/magaizine system of "who has the folder." (Created before computers) In the old days, if someone was working on a file, they left a folder with their name in its place.
    In the computer age, one person, working on a file, would move it to their desktop. Then, they would leave an empty folder with that document's name where it had been as well as their initials. So if I took "Shoes and Socks Fall 2015.indd" out, I would leave a folder named "Shoes and Socks Fall 2015_smsc" in its place.
    And if it was necessary for me to have the images, I would make a copy of them onto my machine so I wouldn't tax the network. Then when I was finished, I would copy the file back to the server. The links should show up. If not, we could relink later.
    With the empty folder on the server, anyone could tell who is working on a project. So if they were late getting it back, you could email them.
    It relies on the people being disciplined enough to make the folders, move the docs, etc. But since you've ruled out all the systems for companies with dumb employees, you're going to have to make them follow the rules.

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    A reset may help. Tap and hold the Home button and the On/Off buttons for approximately 10-15 seconds, until the Apple logo reappears. When the logo appears, release both buttons.
    No content is affected by this procedure.

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    OK it depends.
    If you have a finished movie, you can SHARE/EXPORT MOVIE and create your final movie. Then, depending on the size of the finished movie, you can transfer via dropbox or similar service. Ninety minutes is a very long movie for iMovie, but it may work for you. I would suggest 720P to keep the size down.
    If you need to transfer the entire iMovie Project so it can be edited in iMovie at the other end, then you need to transfer the project and event assets to an external hard drive and get the hard drive to the other location.
    Directions are here. Follow the directions for 1) Moving or copying Project to external drive. Then 2) Consolidate Media.

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    How do I move 37 picture files in a sub folder to a parent folder in a different location?

    In the library select the subfolder in the left hand panel; then select the 37 thumbnails either using shift-click or ctrl+click on individual files if they are not consecutive.
    When all 37 are highlighted, click in the center of one thumbnail and drag and drop to the parent folder in the left hand panel.
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  • Hello, I use photoshop cc 10 days and I did a lot of files with layers and channels. For two days in two different locations that only happens in some documents when you reopen the job done no more .. Example 6 channels on the facts I see only one .. Than

    Hello, I use photoshop cc 10 days and I did a lot of files with layers and channels.
    For two days in two different locations that only happens in some documents when you reopen the job done no more .. Example 6 channels on the facts I see only one ..
    Thank you for your attention.

    Don't understand what you writing here.  Screen shoots would be most helpful.
    Supply pertinent information for quicker answers
    The more information you supply about your situation, the better equipped other community members will be to answer. Consider including the following in your question:
    Adobe product and version number
    Operating system and version number
    The full text of any error message(s)
    What you were doing when the problem occurred
    Screenshots of the problem
    Computer hardware, such as CPU; GPU; amount of RAM; etc.

  • A lot of my music is on an external Hard Drive, currently "H" drive.  When I try to play a song in the Library in Itunes I get the message that it can't find the music.  Info says it's in a different location "G" Drive.  But it's not. it's in "H" Drive.

    A lot of my music is on an external Hard Drive, currently "H" drive.  When I try to play a song in the Library in Itunes I get the message that it can't find the music.  Info says it's in a different location "G" Drive.  But it's not. it's in "H" Drive.  How do I tell it where to go?

    What if you take this same topic of an external hard drive with music but instead of directly attached to the computer the music is on a Network Attached hard drive(NAS)? Will I be able to add music to my ipod without any problem? Step that up a notch, will the two computers on my network be able to recognize the music on the NAS? Will the two users be able to create their own playlists and update their ipods independently? Now step up that up one more notch, will I be able to do this with one PC running XP and my macbook with OS X?
    Before I run out and buy a NAS I want to be certain. I also would like to convert my DVD library in the future and put it on the network available to an AppleTV or other UpNp media player in the future, because I love having power at my finger tips.

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