Disable 2 finger accidental ZOOMING in maps?

I got used to the new two-finger scroll using the track-pad very quickly. HOWEVER, both Google Maps and Mapquest/Yahoo maps interpret the two-finger vertical motion as a zoom -- and very profound zoom for very little finger motion. This is, of course, because these long pre-existing applications used a click-hold-down and drag to do horizontal and vertical moving. It is very annoying and often results in a Safari hang while my erratic internet connection tries to download the appropriately scaled map for the new, accidental zoom level. (BTW: this was even more disatorous when coupled with two-fingered page flipping often blasting completely out of page and requiring some minutes of window rebuild; I turned that off in Preferences.)
Has anyone found a fix for this yet?
It would seem that the solution would be to:
- disable two-fingered scrolling completely -- but that does not appear to be possible and even if it were, would be less preferred.
- have the map vendors alter their map interaction scheme to match the Lion scrolling scheme. Then, the only way to gesture zoom the map would be using the two-fingered open/close gestures. (That does not seem very likely, especially from Google.)
- have Safari somehow recognize, intercept, and translate applications that use other interaction schemes to zoom and scroll.
- or has some found a hack that addresses this until one of the above happens?
Many thanks.
With all of the other posts that seem to be show-stoppers for others (NAS and various printers not working, the surprizing  -- at least to the average user -- loss of PPC apps, performance issues, etc.) this falls into the category of "very annoying problem that negatively colors my opinion of Lion".

Wanted to reboot this discussion.
It's been two years since this post which describes an important problem and haven't found any solution out there.  this is a very annoying thing.  i'm so so about the two finger scrolling to begin with, and would just as soon go back to the scroll bars.  of course when they foisted the new operating system on me because of incompatability with new programs - that used to be an apple no-no but now they don't seem to care to keep older machines compatible with new functions and or allow older software to be used with new operating system - nobody told me i would loose the standard scroll interface.
i use map functions all the time and even when i try to keep it in mind it is hard not to zoom the map by accident. and scrolling the map without scroll bars is an enormous PIA.
whats up with this.  they are so focused on having laptops be like iphones that they leave a glaring problem festering for those of us who wish the touch screen had never been invented.

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    Wanted to reboot this discussion.
    It's been two years since this post which describes an important problem and haven't found any solution out there.  this is a very annoying thing.  i'm so so about the two finger scrolling to begin with, and would just as soon go back to the scroll bars.  of course when they foisted the new operating system on me because of incompatability with new programs - that used to be an apple no-no but now they don't seem to care to keep older machines compatible with new functions and or allow older software to be used with new operating system - nobody told me i would loose the standard scroll interface.
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    whats up with this.  they are so focused on having laptops be like iphones that they leave a glaring problem festering for those of us who wish the touch screen had never been invented.

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    You can use a CHANGE event handler function to set the enabled property of the nonselected checkboxes to false.
    cb1.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, handleCBs);
    cb2.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, handleCBs);
    cb3.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, handleCBs);
    function handleCBs(evt:Event):void {
         // change the status of all
         for (var i:int = 1; i<4; i++){
              this["cb"+String(i)].enabled = !this["cb"+String(i)].enabled;
         // enabled the selected checkbox
         evt.currentTarget.enabled = true;
    That example will toggle the checkboxes from enabled to disabled and back again, so if one was to uncheck a checkbox, the rest would be enabled again.
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    Dynamic control of widths and heights are unfortunately not available in the 10g versions. There are some very cool enhancements to displaying charts in 11g so check these out.
    What you could do is have the Chart View with multiple column and height widths. Here's what I mean:
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    2) Duplicate this view to create Chart:2 and in this view change the width and height using the General Chart Properties button.
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    You want to add some mobile specific meta tags within the header
    <meta content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0' name='viewport' />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
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    Hello Amine01,
    If you want disabled for that you have to go Settings-Wallpapers & Brightness- after you will see your lockscreen wallpaer and your home screen wallpaper, you need to tap on it, After you will see one option PERSPECTIVE ZOOM: ON , Just tap on it it will turn off.

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