Disable bonjour

does anyone know how to disable bonjour as i have just installed the latest version of itunes and now i am unable to stream music, i understand this may be down to a conflict between itunes, any help

at the moment, we've just got workarounds.
reinstall BonJour and do your printer discovery.
once you've got that organised, there's a couple of options.
1. if you use Bonjour way more than Airtunes
when you want to listen to airtunes, use the instructions in my post earlier in the thread to temporarily close the BonJour Service.
2. if you use Airtunes way more than BonJour
try using MSCONFIG to disable loading of the BonJour Service on Startup. (this procedure involves a restart of the PC.)
go "Start > Run", type MSCONFIG and hit enter.
click on the "Services" tab.
find the BonJour Service and uncheck it. hit OK.
restart the PC when asked to do so.
BonJour Service will no longer load on startup. to activate the service on those occasions when you need it, head back into the Services screen in your Computer Management and restart the BonJour Service.

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    The only sign that its had any activity was last night when I tried to shut down my computer I got a "Not responding" window about itunes store...
    Hmmm. with that one, perhaps try the following document:
    Apple software on Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store
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    If you are using an Airport or Airport Express base station: go to Utilities>Airport Utility. When it's found the Airport, click on 'Manual Setup'. In the next pane, click on the 'Wireless' tab; when that pane opens click on 'Wireless Network Options...'. Check 'Create a closed network'.
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    Thanks a lot,

    I set up a test account to try this and had problems with iChat Logging in full stop.
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    The only sign that its had any activity was last night when I tried to shut down my computer I got a "Not responding" window about itunes store...
    Hmmm. with that one, perhaps try the following document:
    Apple software on Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store
    (A LSP issue in theory could affect an iTunes launch via the Bonjour Service, although the symptom isn't mentioned in the document.)

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    Wow I really didn't expect this post to be heard let alone be responded to in such detail!  Thanks so much for listening to my frustrations.. 
    Most of all I feel iTunes Match falls just short of what in needs to be because its missing a few minor features. With a minor update to how it works these issues could be completely resolved.  
    The cloud, in my opion, could act as more of a background operation.   If it was just a way to access music not already synced manually, it would allow for users to still control what music gets synced and the rest goes to the cloud.. in the background.  Instead of removing the features that allow users to check with playlist, songs, albums and artists they want to sync, instead keep this option.  The cloud would hold the complete library.
    This minor difference would make it something that would not remove any existing functionality while still enjoying all the benefits of the cloud. 
    Until I get to have control of the sync manually and use the cloud I will have to cancel my itunes match because its causing more problems than it solves.   
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    May G4 and G5 systems   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Greg is right!
    Removing mdns from /usr/libexec/cups/backend/ works for the most part. After that users can still "see" Bonjour printers from the dialogue box but if they try to add them they get an error and it tried to open the printer system preference; which we have locked down from non-administrators.
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    May G4 and G5 systems   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

  • How to disable "bonjour"

    Everytime I start up iChat, Bonjour tries to log in. Whenever I log into iChat for the first time Bonjour also tries to log in, even if I don't have the the "use Bonjour Instant Messanging" or "When iChat Opens, Automatically Log In" boxes checked.

    I deleted the "com.apple.ichat.plist" and it still didn't work, ...Did you Log out and stop iChat from running (no small black triangle adjacent to the iChat iCon in your Dock) BEFORE you deleted the .plist?
    Did you then restart and check to see whether iChat works?
    Did you try launching iChat from the Dock (if you keep iChat's iCon in your Dock) or from the icon in the Finder > Go > Applications folder?
    <hr> ... it only happpens at the one time or everytime I resart the computer.Are you sure you are logged out of all connections and that iChat is not running (no small black triangle adjacent to the iChat iCon in your Dock) ?
    Perhaps you have only closed all iChat windows? If that is the case, you may find some useful information on iChat actions and terminology in iChat status after quit?

  • ITunes crashes when Bonjour is disabled

    To use the companies VPN I have to disable Bonjour. When I disable Bonjour, iTunes launches, then stops working.
    Windows 7 machine
    Anyone have any thoughts?

    In order to get it out of this cycle, I put it in disc mode, where it was recognized by the computer. At this point, iTunes crashed immediately.
    Okay ... that seems to be a connection thing rather than a syncing thing. It doesn't sound like a preferences problem either (given the way that the preferences seem to "stick" in iTunes.
    It might be worth checking her for any disk damage. Put her into disk mode and attach her to the PC. (Don't open iTunes.) Now try running a disk check over the iPod as per the instructions in the following document. (Select both Automatically fix file system errors and Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors.)
    [Check your hard disk for errors|http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/Check-your-hard-disk-fo r-errors]
    Does the chkdsk find/repair any damage? If so, are you able to connect her to iTunes without crshing iTunes now? (iTunes may suggest a restore at this point in time, though.)

  • WAP371 - Bonjour Enable / Disable (mDNSResponder ERROR: getOptRdata - unknown opt 65002)

    Dear All,
    we have some WAP371 WLAN installations at customer and ourselves. Always in Single Point Setup.
    The smallest installation has 2 points, the largest has 6 Points.
    All installations have the latest Firmware Version (
    We have tried several times to set up Bonjour. Whenever we have enabled Bonjour there are masses of error Messages (at each access point - SinglePointSetup). In Addition almost all clients have Problems - sign permanently on the SSID on and off.
    If we look at the logfile, we see the following error message (many):
    Feb 25 2015 08:44:13
    ERROR: getOptRdata - unknown opt 65002
    Feb 25 2015 08:44:13
    ERROR: getOptRdata - unknown opt 65002
    Feb 25 2015 08:44:03
    ERROR: getOptRdata - unknown opt 65002
    Only when we turn off the Bonjour error message disappears.
    Somebody has an idea which has to be done?

    My name Eric Moyers. I am an Engineer in the Small Business Support Center.
    I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing this issue. 
    This is actually related to a problem that originates within something that Apple changed in their Bonjour Sleep Proxy. Customer can read more about the Bonjour Sleep Proxy here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_Proxy_Service
    For those that are interested there is a page for helping troubleshoot the issue located here: http://stuartcheshire.org/SleepProxy/index.html
    Here is another article: http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r27042506-any-one-know-what-this-error-is
    Normally the error message that I see is " mDNSResponder: ERROR: getOptRdata - unknown opt 4"
    I personally have only recently started seeing the "ERROR: getOptRdata - unknown opt 65002".
    I would also make sure that WMM is enabled on your Wireless routers and or Access Points.
    What I usually tell customers is that if they experience this issue they should disable bonjour on the WAP. You can also follow-up with Apple on this issue.
    Eric Moyers
    .:|:.:|:. CISCO | Cisco Presales Technical Support | Wireless Subject Matter Expert
    Please rate helpful Posts and Let others know when your Question has been answered.

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    -disable Green ethernet mode
    -Fix Multicast rate
    -Fix channel
    -Disable Bonjour
    The bonjour discover still not working after 2 days ...
    Thanks for your help

    What do you mean with bonjour discover exactly? airplay?
    We have Bonjour enabled on all access points and airplay devices show up fine (though sometimes it can take a bit).
    Try upgrading to the latest firmware and re-enable bonjour on the access point and leave Green ethernet disabled.

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