Disabling predictive text function

Hi, I just bought a new laptop and downloaded the latest Firefox v 4.
How do you disable the predictive text function (?) ... so that I am not typing words in the search bars and then what I typed historically comes up as a suggestion?
I would rather have nothing other than just what I want to type.

For the location bar choose "Nothing":
* Firefox (Tools) > Options > Privacy > Location Bar: When using the location bar, suggest: Nothing
For the search bar and forms on web pages see:
* Tools > Options > Privacy > History: [ ] "Remember search and form history"
* https://support.mozilla.com/kb/Form+autocomplete
See also:
* http://kb.mozillazine.org/Deleting_autocomplete_entries

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    Yes go into Options,(wrench) and go to either typing or keyboard and untik predictive text.

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    Hey emailruty,
    I have tested and have this option available. If you go to Options - About what is the version of BlackBerry device software that you are currently using? I would like to test this and get back to you.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

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    Hi there,
    It did indeed come with predictive text. To make sure you have it, go to Options > Keyboard. The fourth entry down should be "Show predictions and suggestions" and it should be on.
    Do you see that, or not?
    If you want to thank someone for their comment, do so by clicking the Thumbs Up icon.
    If your issue is resolved, don't forget to click the Solution button on the resolution!

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    You can't turn it off, but if you tap the (x) next to the suggestions, after 3 or so times, it will no longer make that suggestion.
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    Hope this helps,
    Nathan C.

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    12:06 AM
    aubs wrote:
    Give Club Nokia a call, they'll be able to help you with this, especially as you have a network independent (sp!) model... btw, where did you get it from?
    hi aubs,
    i live in holland, and i got my 6280 from a store that specialises in their own deals with subscriptions with network providers. i don't know if such stores exist in the UK, but there are many here in holland. their offers are often much better than any of the network providers (e.g. vodafone, t-mobile,e tc.).
    thanks for the suggestion. i'll get in touch with them and post my findings here. just too busy lately.

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    You can write a code in PAI of main screen. there by using loop at screen you can make that field editable or disabled.
    Code sample:
    loop at screen.
    ****condition for value check
    if screen-name = 'TEXT_EDIT_NAME'
    screen-output = 1.
    screen-input = 0.
    modify screen.
    Hope this will help you.

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    Please help.
    I actually type my mother tongue in english alphabets and most of the time it auto changes it. i have to backspace it and then type again ..
    Any solutions.
    Go to Solution.

    Try this:
    Settings > Keyboard > Typing Settings > Press where it says "English" > Disable the top two options.

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    This is a user to user forum tech help forum. It doesn't have anything to do whether Apple cares or not. We are users like you.
    Post in the feedback area. I'm sure you are not the only one who has had the predictive text suggestion.

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    I have created a text input area. I havent used the flash
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    button. I dint get any help from the flash help.
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    input from the user when the button is ON, once the button is off,
    the cursor should be at the point where the user left and he can
    type thru.
    Is this possible? I have achieved this functionality using
    the textarea component of Flash, but not using the input text area
    created using the TEXT TOOL.
    Can anyone help me.

    use the type property of textfields to change your textfield
    to "dynamic "when you want to disable input and assign it to
    "input" when you want to enable input.

  • C3-01 lost predictive texting

    I know the answer must be on here somewhere, but I'm blowed if can find it.
    I always use the predictive text but suddenly it's started generating rubbish, and I can't get it back.
    I tried switching off and on, removing and replacing battery, etc. Have debated re-installing factory settings but sounds a bit drastic after 15 months of use.
    Any suggestions welcome.

    During writing text check if the writing language is set as your language. If it is, then restoring the phone may be the only option.
    You may want to update the phone to new firmware. The changes mentioned in the link below-
    Connect your phone to a computer & select Nokia Suite mode. If you do not have Nokia Suite on your pc you can download it from here. Now open the Nokia Suite & click on the “green icon of arrow pointing downwards”.
    If any updates are available they will be shown in ‘green’. If not you may reinstall the current version. Reinstall option is shown in ‘blue’. If no option to reinstall is shown, please wait for sometime it will become visible.  Then the Nokia Suite will download the new software version of the phone. After it you will be prompted to take a complete back up of the device content. Please do not skip this step as reinstallation will erase all the personal data from the phone like contacts, messages, calendar entries etc.
    Please note that if you have set a memory card password & you have forgotten its code then take a backup of the card data also as the card will be locked after update and can only be unlocked if you enter the correct code or by ways mentioned in this thread.
    Also note that while updating the device ensure the following things-
    The device is full charged.
    The internet connection Is of good speed & has a backup in case of power loss.
    The PC should also be connected to back up power source as if the process is interrupted the phone may go dead. More on update failure & its remedies here.
    Please do not run any resource intensive programs in the background while updating as it may freeze the PC which in turn will lead to a dead device.
    Ignore all the windows pop-up notifications about device being disconnected.DO NOT DISCONNECT THE PHONE UNTIL UPDATE IS COMPLETED.
    It will be better if you disable security keyguard & PIN code request before proceeding with Update/Reinstallation.
    Sometimes the device may show Test Mode. Do not panic & DO NOT remove the cable. Let the process complete.
    Also check out this video on YouTube with instructions for update.
    If problem persists, please visit the nearest authorised Nokia Care Centre.
    Please mark the post as solution if it solves your problem.
    Current Device - Nokia Lumia 1020/920

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