Discoverer eul version

been using discoverer 4.1.37
i'm testing the upgrade to 4.1.48 but when i connect to the EUL i'm not getting any "EUL needs upgrading" messages.
can you confirm what the eul version should be for discoverer 4.1.48
when i look at the eul4_versions table it says 4.1.14

Going back a bit in my memory, but I'm sure I remember that the 4.1.48 upgrade did indeed need a new EUL as many changes were made - a way better version.
Once you're on 4.1.48, I believe you can't go back down to the lower version either, due to the same reason; new features, etc. added that weren't supported before.
The key issue for you is not that it needs a new EUL, but when you upgrade your existing EUL, is it a destructive upgrade or not? In otherwords, does it create a entirely different brand spankin' new EUL, or does it alter the old one.
Alter the old one and you've got problems if people are using the old one. A new one and you can test it to your hearts content and migrate reports into the new one before turning off the old one.
I'm 99% sure it's not a destructive upgrade and indeed, creates an entirely new EUL. Maybe someone can add in if they're 100% certain.

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    well ... I hope they got their solution as it was over a year ago according to the original date of the post 8-)
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    Hi Russ
    How are you doing?
    I'm afraid Oracle considers that to be proprietary information and is concerned over folks being able to reverse engineer the product hence they won't give away the inner workings of the EUL.
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    Best wishes

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    I agree it boils down to ease of use and ease of maintenance, but proficiency with a development tool also has a big part to play in it. Where I would choose reports or even Disco, you chose Infocaptor, and others would use yet another tool. Client requirements also play a part in it as well - mine wanted a PDF available from their intranet. So I am pushing the pdf out of OR, and making it available on the web. If they had wanted a dashboard, or something a bit more interactive, then OR was not going to be the appropriate tool.
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    Best wishes

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    The ICX profile settings is in your E-Business profile settings."
    Where can I find and modify my ICX profile settings ?
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    Authentication Failed.
    (Default or specified schema containing EUL tables is inaccessible )
    Where do I make the mistake ?

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