Discoverer web deployment

Hi all, I have recently installed 9iAS on my machine and was able to successfully implement forms on the web. But, I couldn't do it for discoverer. I am able to create EUL and work books. Could any one tell me what do I need to do? Thanks a lot.

"gInstall Corp." <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]..
... is the best way to deliver software to the end user. Web
deployment saves bandwidth by downloading only the necessary
components and makes sure the user is installing the latest of your
And most important: it shows the user that she's dealing with a
serious, state-of-the-art software product!
The only question that remains is: how can I make my software
web-deployable without too big effort? Ghost Installer 2.0 might be
the answer. With its integrated WebDeploy Plug-In, Ghost Installer
installs your software from the web as easy as from a CD. It's really
very simple!
Have a look at (or more precisely

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    Thank You,

    I recently found this presentation on Discoverer Webi. This might guide you in the right direction.

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    Yes you need to license Oracle9iAS if you are using any part of it (either Forms or Discoverer).
    I'm not aware of such a licensing option. The fact that you have a development license for Oracle Forms doesn't mean that you get a Web deployment license for free.
    In any case I would urge both of you to take advantage of the new pricing promotion that we are now offering to Oracle Forms customers looking to upgrade to the Web, see more details in the headline of the Forms Upgrade Center or at
    For any pricing and licensing questions please contact your Oracle account manager and they will be happy to help you

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    I downloaded D2KWUtil from the link suggested by you. It has very nice example demo form. But the documentation provided says following
    Using D2KWUTIL in Web Deployed Applications
    The use of this library is not supported with Web deployed applications.
    In a web deployment scenario not all functions within D2KWUTIL will work. Any function that interacts with the User Interface (such as those in the WIN_API_DIALOG package) will fail.
    Any interaction with the O/S by other functions will all be executed on the NT server and will act within, or return information pertinant to, the environment on that machine. For instance GET_COMPUTER_NAME will return the Server’s name, not the name of the computer that the Client browser is running on. Likewise COPY_FILE will copy files in the Forms Server not on the Client.
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    so this will not work in web deployed application.
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    file1 text_io.file_type;
    filename1 varchar(256);
    linebuf varchar2(100);
    file1 := TEXT_IO.FOPEN(:CSV.CSV_PATH, 'r');
    Text_IO.Get_Line(file1, linebuf);
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    else msg('Line is wrong!');
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    Thanks in advance

    With Forms Server deployments. TEXT_IO writes the file on the Forms server not the local PC as it did in client-server mode.
    Here are some workarounds
    1) Download the WEBUTIL add-on from Oracle and use its TEXT_IO package to write to the local file.
    WebUtil is an essential add-on loaded with goodies such as a file browse dialog for local files. Its easy to use and is designed to be compatible with other oracle routines like TEXT_IO.
    Kudos to Duncan Mills at Oracle for this top add-on - dont leave home without it. Use the original TEXT_IO (as you are now) to write to a file on the Forms Sever , then display it in a browser window using WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT
    3) I remember seeing some some old Java scripts on OTN to write to local PC.
    MY APOLOGIES for #3. Most forum posts can be solved with that little gem of an answer. "My sink is blocked" ... "yeah I saw some java code to fix that"

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    can anybody help me out here ????

    Yes. Use the host command from forms and call the command rexec.

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    C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(4253, 5): error ERROR_DESTINATION_INVALID: Web deployment task failed. ( Could not connect to the remote computer (""). Make sure that the remote computer name is correct and that you are able to connect to that computer.  Learn more at: 
    or (from vs)
    Error 4
    Web deployment task failed. ( Could not connect to the remote computer (""). Make sure that the remote computer name is correct and that you are able to connect to that computer.  Learn more at:
    0 0
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    it is not only internal Azure DNS but your DNS provider as well. Since DNS records are propagated and cached (and negative cached as well) you need to wait for some time for negative cache to expire.
    I see no good reason to go through the cycle of creating new site every time unless this is your scenario. If so you can delete the old one and create always sites with new name.
    Galin Iliev [MCSD.NET, MCPD],

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    process are as follows:
    /p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:DeployTarget=MsDeployPublish /p:MSDeployPublishMethod=WMSVC /p:MsDeployServiceUrl=https://<server>:8172/msdeploy.axd /p:DeployIISAppPath="<>" /p:username=<username> /p:password=<password>
    /p:IncludeIisSettingsOnPublish=false /p:AllowUntrustedCertificate=True /p:OutputPath=bin\ /p:SkipExtraFilesOnServer=True /p:VisualStudioVersion=11.0
    The error message I receive at the point the build reaches the deployment activity is:
    Web deployment task failed. (Could not complete the request to remote agent URL 'https://<server>:8172/msdeploy.axd?site=<>'.)
    Could not complete the request to remote agent URL 'https://<server>:8172/msdeploy.axd?site=<>'.
    The request was aborted: The request was canceled.
    This method is not supported by this class.
    We've found
    this StackOverflow post which describes the same error we're experiencing, however the suggested solution is something we already do in our server configuration, so this doesn't resolve the issue for us.
    Has anyone seen this error before, or is able to make any suggestions why it is happening?

    Hi Matt,
    You have to have a look in the build log then copy the command that is under Run MSBuild node and executed it on the build agent.
    You should find something like below:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe /nologo /noconsolelogger "C:\Builds\....sln" /nr:False /fl /flp:"logfile=C:\Builds\...log;encoding=Unicode;verbosity=normal" /p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true /p:CreatePackageOnPublish=true /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:SkipExtraFilesOnServer=True /m /p:OutDir="C:\Builds\...\bin\\" /p:Configuration="DEV" /p:Platform="Any CPU" /p:VCBuildOverride="C:\Builds\....sln.Any CPU.DEV.vsprops" /dl:WorkflowCentralLogger,"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 12.0\Tools\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Server.Logger.dll";"Verbosity=Normal;BuildUri=vstfs:///Build/Build/31630;IgnoreDuplicateProjects=False;InformationNodeId=14;TargetsNotLogged=GetNativeManifest,GetCopyToOutputDirectoryItems,GetTargetPath;LogProjectNodes=True;LogWarnings=True;TFSUrl=http://...-tfs:8080/tfs/...;"*WorkflowForwardingLogger,"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 12.0\Tools\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Server.Logger.dll";"Verbosity=Normal;" /p:BuildId="aa2d3857-27e9-4854-b44f-4ca625ccd786,vstfs:///Build/Build/31630" /p:BuildLabel="..._2015.02.27.2" /p:BuildTimestamp="Fri, 27 Feb 2015 11:16:41 GMT" /p:BuildDefinition="..."


    We have developed some forms using Forms 6.0 on Win NT and now
    wish to deploy that on Web. We have installed Developer Server
    (For Forms, Reports and Graphics) in one of our UNIX boxes.
    What steps are needed to get the Forms run on our Intranet as
    HTML documents?
    Thanks for reply in advance

    Karthi (guest) wrote:
    : Hi
    : We have developed some forms using Forms 6.0 on Win NT and now
    : wish to deploy that on Web. We have installed Developer Server
    : (For Forms, Reports and Graphics) in one of our UNIX boxes.
    : What steps are needed to get the Forms run on our Intranet as
    : HTML documents?
    : Thanks for reply in advance
    : Karthi
    Hi Karthi,
    Forms is not a HTML web deployment. The deployment is based on
    generic Applets. This means that we are transferring the UI to a
    browser by simply replacing Motif (in your case) with Java on the
    server side. If you want to deploy a Forma application in the web
    just create s static HTML file (example files can be viewed after
    installing JInitiator) with a reference to your Forms Module that
    you use as a starting point. Start the Forms Server on the
    command shell with f60ctl start port=9000 (if yiou want to use
    port 9000). Via the web you access the Forms Server by calling
    the static HTML File. In this HTML there is a request for the
    Forms Listener.
    Hope this short answer will give you a hint.


    We have been using forms-6i with OLE container (to use MS-Word document) under the client side deployment of the application . Now We want to use this application under the WEB (using Forms Server) , as under WEB deployment OLE is not supported , so what is the solution for the same . In case only solution for this problem is BEAN based solution then can any body help me with a sample code for doing the same .
    I am looking any suitable solution for this problem with a sample code if possible .
    Please help me
    Babhru Vahan Mittal
    try this one, if you got a solution please mail me.
    Thank you very much

  • Drag and Drop with web deployed Forms.

    If you are interested in drag and drop features of web deployed Forms you may want to check out this:

    Hi ,
    I think this is similar to a .pll library in Forms 6i which was called drag_drop.pll-something like that.......Isn't it...?????
    However , it seems very attractive and helpful to our clients.....
    Thanks and congratulations,

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    Why don't you use the web.show_document(url, '_blank') built-in?

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    what code are you using to open new forms (call_form, open_form, new_form).
    I have a similar application (custom login module and custom menu), and I run my modules from the menu using
    This hides the custom login module and displays the called module.
    Hope this helps
    Gerald Krieger

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    I noticed that there are some mentions of the ability to dynamically update deployment descriptors, but it appears that the general facility has been deprecated, and they've incorporated all of the WebLogic-specific descriptor information directly into the console.
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    Can anybody help on above urgently???

    I was on a call with Cisco tech support and I found out that the ASA does not support IE 11 according to tech support.  He was using firefox and was able to VPN, so I downloaded firefox and it did not work, so I asked what version of Java he was using. He was using 6.23 and I was using 7.51. So I went to a test computer that still has IE 8 and java 7.51, and to my suprise, I was able to get VPN to work.
    I spoke with one of my customer who has to use our VPN about using downgrading to previous version of IE.  His tech support said it was not possible, so he tried a plug in for chrome and firefox called IE-Tab.  It worked great because it allows you to use an IE tab in a previous version of IE. All my customer are happy, but they want Cisco to solve the issue.

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