Disk utility to make raid 10 on an external HDD?

I have a MacPro 3.0Ghz but use a 3.75TB SataMax external tower HDD. (i.e 5x 750GB)
At the moment it is Raid 0, but I want to make it a Raid 10 format. Can Disk Utility do this and if so, what's the process?
Any thoughts? Thanks

You're going to kick yourself...
Go to Disk Utility > Help, then type "raid".  You should see an option for "Combining RAID sets".

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    These are system folders that the OS needs to operate. DO NOT delete them.
    They are normally invisible which is why you don't see them.
    You should simply leave them alone. If they bother you visually and you want to hide them, open terminal and run the following command
    *sudo chflags hidden /Volumes/"Nameoftheexternaldrive"/dev /Volumes/"Nameoftheexternaldrive"/home /Volumes/"Nameoftheexternaldrive"/net*
    Put the name of your external in the above.
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    To answer your last question, a bootable clone does not rely on the internal drive in any way. You can boot from the clone and do whatever you like to the internal. However, it's not recommended to run your computer from an external for everyday use. Bootable clones should be mainly used for backups. If you hose your system on an internal, boot from the clone and clone it back to the HD.

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    you should be able to use Back to my Mac to access the time capsule correct?
    Message was edited by: RonPaul08

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    If you have a external boot drive and you can't access the internal non-booting drive though the typical Finder and windows to transfer your files via drag and drop methods, then you need to install Data Rescue on the external boot drive and it will do as best as it can to recover your files. (works on non-encrypted/non-Filevaulted drives only)
    .Create a data recovery/undelete external boot drive
    Are you sure you have hard drive failure, or that OS X isn't merely not booting?
    Because if the drive is working physically, then there is a host of fixes
    ..Step by Step to fix your Mac

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    Size: 2 GB
    Type: DDR2 FB-DIMM
    Speed: 800 MHz
    Status: ECC Errors
    ECC Correctable Errors: 1
    Manufacturer: 0x7F61
    Part Number: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000
    Serial Number: 0x00000000
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    Hi Kappy<
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    The problem is that the new Mac cannot read the old Mac disk, it never shows up on the desktop, or comes up as available when trying to use Migration Assistant. Then, if I go into Disk Utility, the external RAID slice shows up briefly with a locked yellow padlock beside it, then I suddenly get the window shade of death, and have to hold down the power button to reset/restart my MacBook.
    Why can my new computer not read my old computers disk, and how can I change permissions, or make the old drive readable by the new mac.
    Regrettably I am away from the original Desktop, and cannot load the old drive back into it, connect the two machines and migrate that way. My only option for reaching my necessary data is to retrieve it off the drive I have with me.
    Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

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    Thanks in advance,

    Windows will neither install on nor boot from external drives.

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    Hi Tom,
    Of course, that makes perfect sense! When I made my last disk image backup, my PowerBook had a serious, undiagnosed problem and I had booted from the startup disk to have a current backup of everything before I sent it off for repair.
    Thanks for your help.

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    You will not be splitting existing partitions. Instead, you will be creating a new partitions from scratch.
    Run Disk Utility. Select the hard drive to be partitioned. Make sure you select the hard drive in the sidebar, not the volume indented below the drive. Go to the Partition tab. If you want one or more of the partitions to be MS-DOS, you must first click on the Options... button. Select the Master Boot Record option and OK. Select Volume Scheme of 3 Partitions. Now set up your three new partitions as you want them, in terms of size and format. For the Mac partition, select Mac OS Extended (Journaled) as the format.

  • Disk utility can't repair a partition on external hard drive

    I have a 1TB Western Digital external FW drive that's only a couple years old (2 or 3, probably). I have it split into partitions, one of which I'm using for Time Machine. The non-Time Machine partition checked out fine with DIsk Utility, but when I ran Disk Utility on the Time Machine partition, I received this message:
    Disk Utility stopped reparing "Time Machine." Disk Utility can't repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.
    Does this mean the drive itself is failing? I erased the Time Machine partition and recreated it through Disk Utility, and then I verified it. Everything checked out okay, but I want to make sure, especially since I'm hosting my iTunes music in the other partition (it's backed up to a 2nd external drive, so if the drive does die, at least I don't lose everything).
    Before this problem happened, both partitions dropped off the Finder and the light on the drive went off. I unplugged the drive and plugged it back in again a couple times, but nothing happened. Finally, the light went back on after plugging it back in for the 3rd or 4th time, but I'm wondering if the drive could be going bad, which would surprise me since it isn't very old.

    Brad Cook wrote:
    Disk Utility stopped reparing "Time Machine." Disk Utility can't repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.
    Does this mean the drive itself is failing?
    Possibly, but not necessarily.  The File System on the disk was so badly corrupted that Disk Utility couldn't fix it.  That might indicate a problem with the drive.  It's not unusual for consumer-quality (ie, inexpensive) drives to fail after 2-3 years, although many will run for several years.  It's a bit of a crapshoot.
    Before this problem happened, both partitions dropped off the Finder and the light on the drive went off.
    Whatever caused that is another good possibility -- if a drive is improperly disconnected, OSX can't "close it out" properly, and that can cause damage to the file system.  Sometimes Disk Utility can fix it, sometimes it can't.  And sometimes heavy-duty 3rd-party disk repair apps like DiskWarrior can fix things Disk Utility can't.
    A power dip or spike could have caused it, or an overheated electronic component, etc.  If it has it's own power supply, be sure it's on a good (ie, not cheap) surge protector or U.P.S. system.
    Otherwise, keep an eye on it.  If you don't have "secondary" backups, this would be an excellent time to get another drive for that purpose.  See #27 in Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions for some suggestions.
    Bottom line:  personally, I'd not trust my only backups to that drive.
    (But then, I'd never trust my backups to any single drive, no matter how new or high-quality.)

  • "Disk Utility has lost its connection with the Disk Management Tool and cannot continue. Please quit and relaunch Disk Utility."  Trying to format my iomega external HD for use with Mac

    Hi. Trying to connect iomega ext. HD. i have to reformat for Mac. When i plug in & go to Disk Utility,the external shows up and i'm supposed to click "partition". When i do, a box comes up saying ""Disk Utility has lost its connection with the Disk Management Tool and cannot continue. Please quit and relaunch Disk Utility." I quit and relaunched, same results. After googling my question, i came up with this:
    "Disk Utility has lost its connection with the Disk Management Tool and cannot continue. Please quit and relaunch Disk Utility."
    (Quitting and reopening Disk Utility does not help.)
    The following also appears in Console log:
    *** malloc[419]: Deallocation of a pointer not malloced: 0x290a410; This could be a double free(), or free() called with the middle of an allocated block; Try setting environment variable MallocHelp to see tools to help debug : for architecture i386 object: ./Applications/iTunes.app/Contents/MacOS/iTunes malformed object (unknown flavor for flavor number 0 in LC_UNIXTHREAD command 27 can't byte swap it)
    Quit Disk Utility.
    From the Finder's Go menu, choose Go to Folder....
    Type the following, then click OK: /Library/Receipts
    Temporarily remove these iTunes receipts from /Library/Receipts (sort the folder alphabetically as a list):
    You can put them on the desktop, for example. Do not remove iTunesX.pkg or iTunes Phone Driver.pkg.
    Open Disk Utility and repair disk permissions again.
    Quit Disk Utility.
    Put the removed iTunes receipts back in /Library/Receipts.
    Note: This issue does not affect Disk Utility's verify or repair disk features.
    All seemed good, for a moment, until, upon going back to Disk Utility after removing itunes4.pkg and putting on desktop (i did not have itunes.pkg to remove) the same thing was happening. When i highlite my iomega ext. on left of page, disk perrmissions is grayed and does not allow me to click on it. Same problem from the start. Can somebody please help me out here? That would soooo awesome. Thanx!

    i'm just scared i will do something wrong on my own and lose my data.
    You shouldn't be scared of that, because you should already have backups. If you don't have backups, then backing up is the first priority.
    Insert the Snow Leopard DVD and restart. When you hear the chime, hold down the C key and keep holding it until the Apple logo appears on the display. You should now see the language selection screen. Select your language, then choose Utilities > Disk Utility from the menu bar. In the Disk Utility window, select the external drive (not the internal). The drive may already have a data partition, in which case there will be another icon below the drive icon. Choose the drive icon, then select the Partition tab. Create a single partition with the default options (GUID partition table, Mac OS X Extended Journaled).
    When the partitioning is done, select the startup volume on your internal drive in the DU window. Select the Restore tab. Drag the icon of the startup volume to the "Source" field. Then drag the icon of the newly-created volume on the external drive to the "Destination" field. Make sure you have this right. Then click the Restore button, and the data on your startup volume will be copied to the external drive.

  • Disk utility recovery of files after deleting from external hard drive?

    I had downloaded some files to add to an external hard drive, the hard drive was assigned to a pc before adding these files so it wouldn't let me add files from my MacBook..
    Had a look around online and made some changes (well thats what I thought) and I was able to transfer files form my MacBook onto the external hard drive.
    What I then figured out was that there was nothing left on the hard drive except for the two file sI just transferred..
    It turns out I deleted everyting without noticing.
    The stpes I followed was to go to disk utility then select the hard drive and click erase (not knowing this would erase evrything).
    So now I have two files on my hard drive and no idea how to recover the 'delted' files.
    I tried using Disk Drill, which found the files but then it said I need to buy the full version to recover them.
    I am wondering if there is any free methods to recover these files at all, any help is appreciated.

    The files are still on the drive, and will remain unless and until you overwrite them with new data. So don't write anything more to the drive in addition to the two files you added after reformatting it, and do download the free trial version(s) of one or more data recovery utilities:
    Data Rescue 3: http://www.prosofteng.com/products/data_rescue.php
    FileSalvage 7: http://subrosasoft.com/OSXSoftware/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id= 1
    Each is offered in a free demo version that will show you exactly what the full version could recover before you have to pay for anything. There are others on the market, but these are the ones I'm familiar with.
    To recover data using any such utility, you must have another drive available on which to save the recovered files. Saving them on the same drive they're being recovered from would just overwrite other files that haven't yet been recovered.

  • Disk Utility hangs attempting to erase SimpleTech 100gb external USB disk

    I'm attempting to erase and format a SimpleTech 100gb external USB disk. Disk Utility hangs. The system error log says:
    "AppleUSBEHCI[0x1d59000]::Found a transaction past the completion deadline on bus 91, timing out!
    Jul 21 17:30:35 Kari-Hohnbaums-Computer-2 kernel[0]: USBF:"
    The console log (and Disk Utility log) shows:
    Preparing to erase : “PBEX1”
    Creating Partition Map
    error writing partition map: Device not configured (6)
    Disk Erase failed with the error:
    What is the problem? This disk is recognized by Tiger but only as read-only as it ships as an NTFS volume and must be erased and reformatted before it can be used by a MAC.
    All help appreciated.

    I tried the partition approach and it unfortunately failed as well. The same "hung" symptoms as before. The green light (disk activity) on the disk flashed several times at the initial request, but that was all. I eventually interrupted it after a hourn which generated the same system log message: AppleUSBEHCI[0x1d59000]::Found a transaction past the completion deadline on bus 91, timing out!
    The disk utility log says:
    Preparing to partition disk: “SAMSUNG HM100JC Media”
    Partition Scheme: Apple Partition Scheme
    Mac OS 9 Disk Drivers installed
    1 partitions will be created
    Partition 1
    Name : “PBEX1”
    Size : 93.2 GB
    Filesystem : Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    Creating Partition Map
    Partition failed for disk SAMSUNG HM100JC Media Device not configured
    Partition complete.
    I don't have easy access to a Window's box. I do have access to a Linux system. Perhaps I can configure it there and it will work on my PB.

  • Disk Utility unable to burn discs on an external

    I recently bought a Pioneer DVR-K05 (I accidentally broke my SuperDrive). So far, I have used it to open a CD in iTunes and run StarCraft, yet when I insert a blank disc (I've tried both CD-R and DVD+RWs), and try to show them on Finder, a popup appears, saying "The disc could not be used because the disc drive is not supported. (Error code 0x80020025)".
    Disk Utility notices the blank discs exist, yet, I can't burn an image onto the discs. Clicking the Burn button takes me to the burn options screen, saying the only optical drive available is my SuperDrive. Also, nothing in the First Aid, Erase, or Partition tabs can be clicked, and the only thing clickable in the Restore tab is the Source text box and the "Image..." button.
    I've been trying to burn images for several days, and yesterday, somehow, I finally got Disk Utility to burn an image. Then I quit Disk Utility, and today, I can't burn anything again. Anyone have a solution on how I got it to work yesterday, or how to fix the problem altogether?

    Have you tried using the Patchburn utility?
    BTW, welcome aboard!

  • My HD needs to be reformatted according to Disk Utility, but even when I use an external device for startup, Disk Utility cannot reformat the HD

    I have a Macbook with a 500 GB Hard Drive. A routine check on Disk Utility told me the disk needed to be reformatted. I restarted from an external USB drive, but when I try to use Disk Utility to repair the HD or to reformat it, Disk Utility is unable to do anything with the HD (cannot repair, cannot erase,cannot reformat the HD).  Is there a utility App that can help me with this, or is the HD unrecoverable?

    Thanks very much for your reply. We have been starting up from a backup (USB) drive and use the disk utility that is on the backup drive so the internal (problem) HD is not being used for anything (except for wanting to repair it). Still Disk Utility cannot reformat or repair the drive. I have also run Onyx but it tells me everything is OK on the drive.
    But I have made a little progress. Using my old install disk for Snow Leopard (10.6.3) I have managed to do a fresh install of the system on the internal HD. Unfortunately, I also asked the install disk to transfer/migrate the settings and documents from the backup drive back onto my internal HD. The install appeared to work, but then it got hung up on copying the documents from my backup drive to the HD. After letting it sit for 2 days without going anywhere, I stopped the install process. I am going to try again, just using my Snow Leopard  CD to install Snow Leopard, and nothing else. If that works, I will then get on to the problem of copying the rest of the settings and documents from my backup.
    But since the Mac works OK off the USB  backup, and will also run off the install CD, I am guessing the problem is with the HD and the only solution might be to replace it if I can't repair it. But the macbook is several years old, and I am not sure it is worth buying a new HD for it.

  • Can I set disk utility to make it impossible to erase my main drives?

    Just wondering if there's a way to do that. It never hurts to have more safeguards in place. I am erasing CDs and DVDs daily and would like to set it so that erasing my main drive or my La Cie isn't even an option.

    I don't know what to suggest because I don't have any idea what your needs are.  If you work with video and graphics you probably need a fast drive (if your computer supports FW800 that would be the best choice for externals.)  An internal hard drive would be best if you have expansion room internally.  Single drives are available up to 750 GBs capacity.  Your best choices both for speed and size would be Western Digital's Caviar series, Seagate's Barracudas, or the Maxtor Maxlines.
    For externals you can purchase a bare drive and install it in a separate enclosure.  The enclosure should support FW800 if your computer has FW800 ports, use the Oxford 922 or 924 chipset, and support a drive of the size you intend to purchase (some enclosures will not support large drives.)
    If you think you will need future expansion then you may consider getting an external case that supports multiple drives in RAID configurations.

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