Display rotated in XP

I've helped friends set up Windows XP in Boot Camp on their new 20 inch iMac. After their toddler played some Windows game, the display was rotated in XP (not in Mac OS X). A reboot does not work. I've seen screens rotated in XP boxes before when users accidently hit a key sequence (ctrl-alt-uparrow fixed those) but I can't see any settings anywhere in the XP Displays control panel. I've done a search of these discussions and had no joy.
Any suggestions?

The best way, in my opinion, to tackle this is to boot up in Safe Mode and then uninstall the video driver. Reinstall the video driver immediately after and that should take care of the issue.
Axel F.

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    Your notebook uses the Intel graphic card and pressing the certain key combination you could rotate the display to a different position.
    As Im not mistaken you can use this key combination
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    Hi All,
    after spending some hours of searching in the internet for a solution for my problem I actually found a solution for it.
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    best regards

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    I reposted this over in OS Tiger 10.4 Settings and got a response for how to fix the problem.
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    First of, did you reboot after running .reg file?It is related to .reg registry file, yes.I have Miix3 830  with 8" display, maybe you have 10" version?You can just edit that .reg file with notepad, run it and reboot so it could take effect.It is related to how accelerometer chip is attached to motherboard, so mine is like it was ment to be, this is as far as I could figure it out!So it should look like this, but maybe I'm wrong...First two values are for turn left= 01 01  - maybe 00 01 is for chip that is on the back of the motherboard...etc...Third and fourth value is start position 00 00Fift and sixth values are for turn right 01 01Seventh 02 is for 180 degrees - upside down...

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    You might check the following link for help in this matter.
    I can't make my screen rotate using Vista within Parallels. From the link, it appears that this is only an XP option.
    [ROTATE|http://internetducttape.com/2006/08/01/stupid-windows-features-monitor-d isplay-turns-sideways-or-upside-down>

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    You may have rotation lock on to check open control center buy swiping up from the button if the lock icon with a arrow around it is displayed white then just tap it then you should be able to rotate freely ounce again!

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