Displaying file from text item after browsing

hi, how would i display the directory of the file in the text item after i browsed it in windows?

This works...
filename VARCHAR2 (200);
:SYSTEM.message_level := 25;
filename :=
GET_FILE_NAME (directory_name => 'D:\My STAFF\My Pictures\',
file_filter => 'jpg'
MESSAGE ('Unable to read file(The problem may be the format ) "' || filename || '"');
RAISE form_trigger_failure;
:SYSTEM.message_level := 0;
Just simplify little bit the code....

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    Hi Linc,
    my back-up data is managed by Time Machine; the actual data is on a second internal Hard Drive with a capacity of 1TB - not partitioned. I am using Time Machine and have access to all data backed up since Mavericks Clean Install but not the data prior to this date.
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    Blue screen/Computer shuts down is almost always a hardware malfunction or a driver problem.
    Make sure your video driver is up to date.
    If it is, then the next suspect, in my mind, is overheating, make sure all of the fans in your CPU case are working properly.

  • Getting the local full path name of a file from an item File Browser

    Hi all,
    I would like to get the local full path name, of a file selected from an item 'File browser'.
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    Anyway, thanks all for reading.

    Hello, thank you for the answer.
    Please understand that I searched before posting, and not ony 15 min.
    What i mean is that the value of a File Browser in an Apex applocation is something like 'F1542335/myFile.gif', but what I need is the local path location.
    And 'F1542335/' is not the local path location, i can't use it. Or maybe there is a way to convert it in a proper path name, such as "C:\Documents and Settings\....", but I don't think so.
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    I'll answer if I find some good things.
    Edited by: user12945874 on 06-avr.-2010 3:59

  • Screen data entry box that displays data from text file AND write back to file.

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    I have created this example for your reference.
    I modified the Configuration File Examples in LV Examples, together with a few file check & create functions.
    Hope this will help.
    Note: The Configuration File Example from LV are COOL, indeed.
    Ian F
    Since LabVIEW 5.1... 7.1.1... 2009, 2010
    iFunc_Setup_Config_File.zip ‏102 KB

  • New lines created in excel when displaying multi-line text item value

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    I put the value of a multi-line text-item into a csv file :
    file_filter VARCHAR2(256) := 'Export Files (*.csv)/*.csv/All Files (*.*)/*.*/';
    fExp VARCHAR2(256);
    in_file Text_IO.File_Type;
    linebuf VARCHAR2(4000);
    fExp := get_file_name ( directory_name, file_name, file_filter, NULL, SAVE_FILE, TRUE);
    in_file := Text_IO.Fopen( fExp, 'W');
    linebuf := NVL(:com_bnc_possibles.LIBEL_TRAITE,'') || ';' ||
    NVL(:com_bnc_possibles.NUM_ANFR_ID,'') || ';' ||
                             NVL(:com_bnc_possibles.ver_fiche,'') || ';' ||
                             NVL(:com_bnc_possibles.titre,'') || ';' ||
    NVL(to_char(:com_bnc_possibles.date_creat, 'dd/mm/yyyy'),'') || ';' ||
    NVL(to_char(:com_bnc_possibles.date_valide, 'dd/mm/yyyy'),'') || ';' ||
    NVL(:com_bnc_possibles.LIBEL_STATUT,'') || ';' ||
    NVL(:com_bnc_possibles.label_reg,'') || ';' ||
    NVL(:com_bnc_possibles.nom,'') || ';' ||
    NVL(:com_bnc_possibles.prenom,'') || ';' ||
    NVL(:com_bnc_possibles.nom_societe,'') || ';' ||
    NVL(:com_bnc_possibles.comp_bnc,'') || ';' ||
    NVL(:com_bnc_possibles.motifs,'') || ';' ;
    Text_IO.Put_Line( in_file, linebuf);
    Text_IO.Fclose( in_file);
    END IF;
    And when I opened the csv file then the remaining lines , that is from the second line , of the column "motifs" are displayed through the column A of excel. The "motifs" multi-line text-item has 500 as its Maximum Length property value, and has a Char Data Type property value.
    So how to display all the motifs' lines through the same column M without displaying the remaining lines in column A ?
    Or are there tips to remove CHR(13) characters from a multi-line text-item ?
    Thank you very much indeed.
    Message was edited by:

    I tried to do it in different way. What i did is I have created a item of type formattted text and set its text like:--
    <html>User authentication failed. <br*> Cause: Invalid password.</html> --remove *
    So I am able to see the prompt like :-
    User authentication failed.
    Cause: Invalid password.
    Hope this helps you...

  • Problem in display file in java applet embeded browser

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    Exception loading file from path:java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.util.PropertyPermission user.dir read)
    i think it should be the java security problem and i have try to get the solution from internet. i try to solve by using the fllowing method:
    keytool -genkey -keyalg rsa -alias yourkey
    keytool -export -alias yourkey -file yourcert.crt
    javac yourapplet.java
    jar cvf yourapplet.jar yourapplet.class
    jarsigner yourapplet.jar yourkey
    but the command prompt ask me to enter the keystore password. i try to enter any password. but i show me the error:
    keytool error: java.io.IOException: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect.
    So may i know what is the problem actually?Thanks a lot.

    here is the sample coding :
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.ColorCube;
    import com.sun.j3d.utils.applet.MainFrame;
    import com.sun.j3d.utils.universe.*;
    import com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.mouse.MouseRotate;
    import com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.mouse.MouseZoom;
    import com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.mouse.MouseTranslate;
    import javax.media.j3d.*;
    import javax.vecmath.*;
    import java.net.URL;
    import java.net.MalformedURLException;
    import org.web3d.j3d.loaders.VRML97Loader;
    import com.sun.j3d.loaders.Scene;
    public class SimpleVrml extends Applet implements ActionListener {
    String           location;
    String           initLocation;
    Canvas3D     canvas;
    SimpleUniverse     universe;
    TransformGroup     vpTransGroup;
    VRML97Loader     loader;
    View          view;
    Panel          panel;
    Label          label;
    BranchGroup     sceneRoot;
    TransformGroup     examineGroup;
    BranchGroup     sceneGroup;
    BoundingSphere     sceneBounds;
    DirectionalLight     headLight;
    AmbientLight     ambLight;
    TextField      textField;
    Cursor          waitCursor;
    Cursor          handCursor;
    public SimpleVrml() {
         setLayout(new BorderLayout());
         GraphicsConfiguration config =SimpleUniverse.getPreferredConfiguration();     
         setLayout(new BorderLayout());
         canvas = new Canvas3D(config);
         panel = new Panel();
         panel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
         textField = new TextField(initLocation,60);     
         label = new Label("Location:");
         waitCursor = new Cursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR);
         handCursor = new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR);
         universe = new SimpleUniverse(canvas);
         ViewingPlatform viewingPlatform = universe.getViewingPlatform();
         vpTransGroup = viewingPlatform.getViewPlatformTransform();
         Viewer viewer = universe.getViewer();
         view = viewer.getView();
         loader = new VRML97Loader();
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
    void gotoLocation(String location) {
         if (sceneGroup != null) {
         Scene scene = null;
         try {
         URL loadUrl = new URL(location);
         try {
              // load the scene
              scene = loader.load(new URL(location));
         } catch (Exception e) {
              System.out.println("Exception loading URL:" + e);
         } catch (MalformedURLException badUrl) {
         // location may be a path name     
         try {
              // load the scene
              scene = loader.load(location);
         } catch (Exception e) {
              System.out.println("Exception loading file from path:" + e);
         if (scene != null) {
         // get the scene group
         sceneGroup = scene.getSceneGroup();
         // add the scene group to the scene
         // now that the scene group is "live" we can inquire the bounds
         sceneBounds = (BoundingSphere)sceneGroup.getBounds();
         // set up a viewpoint to include the bounds
    void setViewpoint() {
         Transform3D viewTrans = new Transform3D();
         Transform3D eyeTrans = new Transform3D();
         // point the view at the center of the object
         Point3d center = new Point3d();
         double radius = sceneBounds.getRadius();
         Vector3d temp = new Vector3d(center);
         // pull the eye back far enough to see the whole object
         double eyeDist = 1.4*radius / Math.tan(view.getFieldOfView() / 2.0);
         temp.x = 0.0;
         temp.y = 0.0;
         temp.z = eyeDist;
         // set the view transform
    private void setupBehavior() {
         sceneRoot = new BranchGroup();
         examineGroup = new TransformGroup();
         BoundingSphere behaviorBounds = new BoundingSphere(new Point3d(),
         MouseRotate mr = new MouseRotate();
         MouseTranslate mt = new MouseTranslate();
         MouseZoom mz = new MouseZoom();
         BoundingSphere lightBounds =
         new BoundingSphere(new Point3d(), Double.MAX_VALUE);
    ambLight = new AmbientLight(true, new Color3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
    headLight = new DirectionalLight();
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    new MainFrame(new SimpleVrml(), 780, 780);
    cylinder.wrl :
    #VRML V2.0 utf8
    # A cylinder
    Shape {
    appearance Appearance {
    material Material { }
    geometry Cylinder {
    height 2.0
    radius 1.5
    <applet code="SimpleVrml.class" width=600 height=600>
    error msg that i get :
    Exception loading file from path:java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.util.PropertyPermission user.dir read)
    i can display the wrl file in applet itself but i can't display in the browser.is it any problem with my code?Urgent, please help me. Thanks.

  • Open a pdf file from a item of the menu

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    Most folks use Java. Here is code for a Word doc:
    package oracle.forms.demos.ole;
    import com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent;
    import java.awt.Panel;
    import com.jacob.com.*;
    public class wordbean extends Panel
    private ActiveXComponent MsWordApp = null;
    private Dispatch document = null;
    public void openWord(boolean makeVisible)
    //Open Word if we've not done it already
    if (MsWordApp == null)
    MsWordApp = new ActiveXComponent("Word.Application");
    //Set the visible property as required.
    Dispatch.put(MsWordApp, "Visible",
    new Variant(makeVisible));

  • Displaying files from a local filesystem not in Webserver Root

    I have been attempting to display a file from a local filesystem with no luck. Is there any way, with something like UTL_FILE, to read in a file (A pre-generated report from Funnel Web) and display it through a custom portlet? I have created a provider/portlet to use, however, I cannot seem to find the right combination of PL/SQL to accomplish this task. I am by no means a PL/SQL guru. Any suggestions would be welcome.

    You can use URL component in the applications tab,for this purpose.
    (Create a URL component with URL pointing to ur local file system, which is under web server directory.)

  • Restore files from time machine after new install

    In my office one of my iMac's suffered a complete system crash.  I am reinstalling OS X Lion as I write this post.  The iMac was backed up to an external hard drive using time machine.  After the new install of Lion how do I grab my user files from the machine backup?
    I appreciate in advance your help.

    When you complete the installation and boot into the Setup Assistant use the opportunity to restore from a TM backup which will appear in the Assistant. Just have the backup drive connected. You can then restore from the most recent backups of your Home folder, third-party applications and support files, and system preferences.
    Restore will take a while, but when done just restart.

  • Display Files with API in web-browser

    I'm trying to display display files (not reports).
    The download currently completes, but the file is blank.
    I am getting the file as an
    IInfoObject obj = TraversalLogic.getInstance().getInfoObject(iStore, Integer.parseInt(objIdStr), "SI_PROGID, SI_FILES");
    That being: com.crystaldecisions.client.logic.TraversalLogic
    Then trying to print it out with com.crystaldecisions.ePortfolio.plugin.crystalenterprise.content.ContentUtil by
    ContentUtil.displayContent(request, response, obj);
    It compiles, it runs, but then the output document is blank.  The user can see the objects in infoview.  What am I missing here?

    After abandoning ContextUtil and casting these as IContent objects and trying to use: getContent on them, I get the error starting:
    The exception originally thrown was: Server Input% not found or server may be down at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.g.a(Unknown Source)
    This lead to the following solution on page 89 of http://help.sap.com/businessobject/product_guides/crs2008V1/en/crs_08_v1_releasenotes_en.pdf:
    Users attempting to access a BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 system
    using BusinessObjects XI R2 SDK applications may receive the following
    system message: "Err: "Server Input% not found or server may be down".
    This is caused by a change to the formatting of File Repository Server (FRS)
    names between the two versions. To resolve this issue, go to the Central
    Configuration Manager and rename your Input FRS to Input.<host
    name>.fileserver and Output FRS to Output.<hostname>.fileserver.
    Making this change resolved the problem.

  • Restore Password Manager .pwd File from Backup Image after HDD crash

    After a HDD crash i try to recover my Password Manager pwd File from a Backup Image. In the Image the file is located in "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\XXX\Anwendungsdaten\Lenovo\Client Security Solution"
    But if i try to import it the PW-Manager asks for a Password. But no PW works. Not the Windows PW (same as before) or not the Sec-Chip PW works. I tryed to copy the pwd File into the same folder but it´s not recordniced from the PW Manager.
    Can somebody help me please to get my Passwords back?

    that saved passwords were stored also in TPM chip, so if Password maanger can not find them there , what is obvious, then I dont think, that this will work.
    However it would be a test to install CSS withtou TPM recognision. Uninstall CSS and install CSS with EMULATIONMODE =1, this will install CSS in software emulation mode and do not need to contact with hardware TPM.
    To be honest I never tried this scenario, but in if I would be in your situation, then I would test it just to see.
    However I don't give it a big chance, that this will work.
    Sorry for bad news

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    comfile succesfully complete...
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    What is the problem --; Help me ~~

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  • Premiere Pro v6.0.3 won't accept drag & dropped files from Sony's XDCAM Browser v2.1

    Premiere Pro reports a "generic file import" error when I try to drag & drop my video files (.mxf) from Sony's XDCAM browser directly into Premiere Pro project window.  However, I can drag & drop the same file(s) directly from a file folder on my computer and I can also use the "file import" from Premiere Pro drop down menu to import the same files with no problems.
    Also, I can successfully drag & drop video files (.m2ts) from Sony's Content Management Utility into Premiere.
    But why can't I drag and drop the same files (.mxf) directly from my Sony XDCAM Browser.   It appears to me that my issue is related specifically to XDCAM Browser & the .mxf files it supports (note:  Sony's Content Management Utility does support .mxf files so I can't simply use that Utility).
    Windows 7, 64bit
    Sony XDCAM Browser v2.1

    I try to drag & drop my video files (.mxf) from Sony's XDCAM browser directly into Premiere Pro project window.
    You need to use the Media Browser within Premiere
    to import these files.
    Copy the entire contents of the media card to an internal drive first.

  • How to play .wav file from URL in web browser embed

    I want to play a .wav sound file in embed default media player in IE. Sound file is on some HTTP location. I am unable to sound it in that player.
    Following is the code.
    URL url = new URL("http://www.concidel.com/upload/myfile.wav");
            URLConnection urlc = url.openConnection();
            InputStream is = (InputStream)urlc.getInputStream();
             fileBytes = new byte[is.available()];
             while (is.read(fileBytes,0,fileBytes.length)!=-1){}
    BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(response.getOutputStream());
             out.write(fileBytes);Here is embed code of HTML.
    <embed src="CallStatesTreeAction.do?ivrCallId=${requestScope.vo.callId}&agentId=${requestScope.vo.agentId}" type="application/x-mplayer2" autostart="0" playcount="1" style="width: 40%; height: 45" />1. If I write in FileOutputStream then it plays well
    2. If I replace my code of getting file from URL to my local hard disk. then it also works fine.
    I don't know why I am unable to play file from HTTP. And why it plays well from local hard disk.
    Please help.

    You'll have to ask the devleopers of sencha and phonegap.

Maybe you are looking for