Displaying foreign language

i have a question, can Java display chinese font on an application that is running on an English Operating system?

It requires that you have a font that has the chinese characters though.
You can load a font from a chinese.ttf true type font if you have one handy (there are a few free ones).
After you have loaded the font you set your window/label/button/... to use it.
This is what I do when I have to test chinese from my applications (swedish/english normally, but also have finish, polish, spanish and chinese to various degree)
Note: it is bad for accessability to set fonts programatically....

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    uk_aus wrote:
    Hi Tom,
    Thanks very much for your comment. Here are 2 web sites I normally go.
    Thanks for the links.  These are non-Unicode sites that use 1990's Windows-only technology to embed custom .eot fonts in the web page.  As far as I know, no Mac could ever view them without the user finding a copy of the special "sandaru" font and installing manually on the machine.   That's totally impossible for any iOS device.
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    Hi @Seagul ,
    I see by your post that you would like to know how to change the language on the printer's display.
    I would be happy to help you.
    Select the Setup icon on the printer. (should be the first one or top one on the display)
    Select the third option in the list. (Language)
    Then select your desired language.
    If you are still not able to change the language, I can send the reset in a private message.
    In the forum beside your handle name just click on the envelope to view it.
    Have a great day!
    Thank You.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP

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    Thanks in advance

    rikslovein wrote:
    Better suggestions are welcome.You have a number of places where data corruption could occur. You have not yet identified where it occurs. When you know where it occurs it would be much easier to determine a solution.
    Do NOT display the characters to determine the problem. Instead take a small sample and print the numeric values. And do that at each stage/layer until they do not match.

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    That is Bengali ([http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all.html]). Firefox 4 no longer has the language setting in the user agent and in your case it doesn't seem to work to detect the language.
    You can change the bn-BD in the link(s) to en-US on the Mozilla sites.

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    Try Adobe Reader instead of Preview.
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    Thank you for the screenshot.  The text in the message says
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    Before viewing PDF documents in this browser you must launch Adobe Reader and accept the End User License Agreement then quit and relaunch the browser.
    Do it, and the message will disappear.

Maybe you are looking for

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