Do you use test repository?

I am wondering how many users are really using test repository when upgrading. It's not the first repo by default (current will be the first).

I wanted to test evolution 2.0 but the trouble caused when trying to install, I am concluding testing is for those who plan to do it, not for "I use it when there's a specific package i want".
For one or two individual packages its fine, but not when required many dependency packages. Option -S requires to tag both current and extra thereby not accessible to install any dependency packages if required by the test package.  Also option -Su doesn't work... confused by testing's own dep. packages.
I don't know if there is a way how to go around having both current and testing without having more trouble configuring pacman than doing the actual testing. :?: The testing configure in pacman has to be changed if we want to engourage users to test. Would it be possible to have in pacman script some kind of "IF and ELSE" detecting if a package is in both current/extra and testing?

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    Or what in common sense do You use to stress test sharepoint? Any links or better there is a book?
    Best regards,
    Разработчик под SharePoint,,

    >>You can use Visual Studio to create performance and stress testing projects.
    Yes I know that I can use VS, it's in the link of my first post.
    >>Check out my articles at:
    Margriet, thank You very much! I see that You analyzed more than a hundred of tools and dived very deep into this question! Thank You for
    the tool, it works for me!
    1) But what You use to monitor server behavior, do You use Resource monitor? By example I can see some network and cpu activity during test, but how can I analyze this data..
    or I'd use some video-capture tools(like 'camtasia studio'), record this system monitor and then analyze?
    2) I understand correctly, that this tool covers "WFE test", mostly IIS, like pages generation; SQL database should be tested by other methods.
    p.s.:Sorry for bad english)
    upd.: added all Your counters, the picture looks impressive :-D
    Best regards,
    Разработчик под SharePoint,,

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    i use jmeter for without issues..
    first make sure that the system from where you are doing load testing is in the same lan(without firewall) to that of server. Here you are testing the capacity of server and not the network bandwith.
    So assuming very good network connection what is the servers performance level...
    If u have to decide which tool is decent enough to load testing,
    i would suggest go for jmeter. its reliable and i have used it without problems.
    Here is my quick tutorial for jemeter which i made for my teams reference.
         For Getting Started refer to any tutorial for Jmeter
         You can refer to introduction on
         Extract in c:
         install jdk-1_5_0_12-windows-i586-p.exe
         Run C:\jakarta-jmeter-2.3RC4\bin\jmeter.bat
         In Test Plan add Thread Group
         Right Click Thread Group -> Add->Sampler->HTTP Request
         Select HTTP Request added fill details
              Use KeepAlive: Checked
              Retrive All Embeded images from HTML: Checked(For geting images inside html)
         Right Click Thread Group -> Add->Listner->Graph Results
         Click on Thread Group Fill details
              No of Threads:3(This means no of simultaneous users)
              Ramp Up Period:1(3 Request will be made in 1 second period)
              Loop Count:5(Above process should be repeated how many times)
         Save TestPlan
         Run -> Clear All
         Run -> Start
              Click on Graph Results for Output
         Try adding different listener in Thread Group
              Thread Group -> Add->Listner->Summary Report
         Listeners coud be added at thread group level or HTTP Request Level
         Add a HTTP proxy server in workbench by right clicking on it and selecting Add->Non test Element->HTTP Proxy Server.
         In Test Plan Add Thread Group
         In HTTP proxy server select Target Controller as Test Plan > Thread Group.
         Go to Internet Explorer and go to internet settings and set proxy server as localhost and the port
              which is configured in Jmeter proxy server.Save Settings.
         In Jeter proxy server start by Clicking on Start button in the HTTP Proxy Server Flap.
         In browser navigate the application which you want to test.
         The nodes will be added in the Thread Group.
         Once Navigation is done stop the proxy server and save the test plan from file menu.
         When we have to login into system and then navigate the system
              we need a cookie to be tracked after login. This could be achieved
              simply by Add -> Config Element -> HTTP Cooie Manager.
         After adding the HTTP Cooie Manager simply run the test.
         When a request is made multiple parameter is sent to server.
         Parameters are sent from the HTTP Request node added in the Thread Group
              in "Send Parameter with the request" table.
         If we run the loop count 10 times the parameters will be sent same in every request.
         If you have to send parameters like user1,user2,user3,user4....
              then add -> Pre processor -> Counter.
         Put start as 1 and and Maximum as 10 or whatever required.
         Put Referene name as iCtr or whatever.
         In the "Send Parameter with the request" in value column put user${iCtr}

  • Use testing branch but not on all packages.

    I use testing branch w/o no problem but I want to disable some packages being fetched from testing in favour of core/extra. For example openoffice-base (I want stable oo). Is there some way to select packages that are not get from testing?

    Hi there.
    I don't have a general solution to this, but for one package you might want to try the following:
    If a package name exists in more than one repo, the repo can be explicitly specified to clarify the package to install: pacman -S testing/qt
    Taken from the manpage of pacman.
    So if you want to explicitly install openoffice from the "stable" repositories you might want to do this with
    pacman -S extra/openoffice-base
    I don't know whats happening when updating, unfortunately, but I guess pacman will try to update the package from the same repository it was installed.

  • ODI, restoring version in Test Repository - Missing Reference

    Hi all,
    In my Development repository I removed a column from a table, to do that I was forced to remove any mapping to that column in my interfaces. After that I created a new version of my Models and Project folder. I restore the newest version (Model and Project) into my Test Repository and I saw that the Interfaces that use the table I have changed had the exclamation mark, this means that I have missing references. The problem is that I don't have the column on the source/target tables in any of them and in the table neither.
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    But after that, I ran the Interface's Scenario and it's all ok!
    Anyone knows why this happens?
    Thank you,

    That is about architecture....
    why to have 2 codes? You will take the risk of distincts versions of code to the same process.
    Unfortunately I never saw ODI working with 2 dev repository with the same code... only with distinct process.
    In thery, the code at test couldn't be changed. Only at development instance.

  • [SOLVED] pacman & test repository

    I have two questions:
    1) Where should the testing repository be added in the pacman config? Right now the order of my repositories is default:
    61 [core]
    62 # Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
    63 Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    65 [extra]
    66 # Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
    67 Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    69 [community]
    70 # Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
    71 Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    Where in this order would [testing] go? I'm not sure where it should be placed.
    2) Is there a way to specifically tell pacman which packages I want to be updated in the testing repository? For example, I do not want Apache to be updated from [testing] but I may want Subversion to be updated from that repository.
    Last edited by void.pointer (2008-09-23 18:14:36)

    skottish wrote:Testing is listed first in makepkg.conf. On the rare occasions that I've used testing this has worked fine. As far as the second request, I would enable testing, update the database, install the package I was looking for (with its dependencies), then disable testing. You could go through all of the work of IgnorePkg =, but I wouldn't bother.
    How about an EnablePkg= ? That would pretty much solve my problem I believe. Why do you mention makepkg.conf? Doesn't it need to be in pacman.conf? I'm confused...
    Adding/Removing stuff from a config file everytime I want to update isn't really something I want to do. I'd rather not use [testing] at all in that case. Gentoo can do this, I was hoping Archlinux could as well.
    Last edited by void.pointer (2008-09-23 15:49:24)

  • [gambas2] Splitted package and testing repository available!

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    The purpose of these packages is that it will allow the possibility to add an archlinux package generator to the gambas2 ide, avoiding to add the full list of gambas2 packages, for only installing a graphical application.
    The packages are built from a default archlinux installation, so no need to get testing repository enabled, i686 and x86_64 packages are available. Just add the following lines to your pacman.conf file:
    Server =
    Server =
    I hope you will find these useful. I will take a look to add gambas3 splitted svn packages.

    zodmaner wrote:
    neotuli wrote:I'm not so sure what you're talking about. It's up and running smooth
    Wow! The migration is finish? Great job guys! The migration from CVS to SVN is a very large undertaking and it's great to see that you guys have finally made it. Congrats guys.
    This is great news indeed! Thanks for informing us about this, neotuli.
    neotuli wrote:And yeah... we see the out of date flags, we even get a little spam every time you click one of them... but we're only human.
    Don't worry, we understand you.
    not quite..its seems community is going to take a bit longer got left behiend

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    This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

    >>You can use Visual Studio to create performance and stress testing projects.
    Yes I know that I can use VS, it's in the link of my first post.
    >>Check out my articles at:
    Margriet, thank You very much! I see that You analyzed more than a hundred of tools and dived very deep into this question! Thank You for
    the tool, it works for me!
    1) But what You use to monitor server behavior, do You use Resource monitor? By example I can see some network and cpu activity during test, but how can I analyze this data..
    or I'd use some video-capture tools(like 'camtasia studio'), record this system monitor and then analyze?
    2) I understand correctly, that this tool covers "WFE test", mostly IIS, like pages generation; SQL database should be tested by other methods.
    p.s.:Sorry for bad english)
    upd.: added all Your counters, the picture looks impressive :-D
    Best regards,
    Разработчик под SharePoint,,

  • Problem creating unit testing repository (and workaround)

    I tried to create the unit testing repository with a user that had all the required system privileges granted through a different role other than RESOURCE and CONNECT roles, and who wasn't explicitely granted CREATE VIEW, but inherited it through the custom role. However the check in SQL Developer is explicitely for the RESOURCE and CONNECT roles (regardless of what privileges they have granted to them in whichever database version past, present or future) and for CREATE VIEW privilege granted direct to the user:
    SELECT DECODE (roles.required_role_count + privs.required_priv_count,
                   3, 1,
              AS basic_privs_granted
      FROM (SELECT COUNT (*) AS required_role_count
              FROM user_role_privs
             WHERE granted_role IN ('CONNECT', 'RESOURCE')) roles,
           (SELECT COUNT (*) AS required_priv_count
              FROM USER_SYS_PRIVS
             WHERE privilege IN ('CREATE VIEW')) privsI found this SQL contained within the sqldeveloper/extensions/oracle.sqldeveloper.unit_test.jar in an XML file: oracle/dbtools/unit_test/manage_user/UserSql.xml and replaced the SQL with one that actually checks for the specific system privileges:
    SELECT DECODE (required_sys_priv_count,
                   10, 1,
              AS basic_privs_granted
           (SELECT COUNT(*) AS required_sys_priv_count FROM
             (SELECT privilege
                FROM role_sys_privs
              SELECT privilege
                FROM user_sys_privs
               WHERE privilege IN ('CREATE CLUSTER','CREATE INDEXTYPE','CREATE OPERATOR','CREATE PROCEDURE','CREATE SEQUENCE','CREATE SESSION','CREATE TABLE','CREATE TRIGGER','CREATE TYPE','CREATE VIEW')))This enabled me to bypass that check when creating the respository. I don't know if all these privileges are actually required by the unit testing repository or not, so maybe the above list can be reduced...
    Edited by: RDB on Mar 1, 2013 2:24 PM

    Hi Sai Vineeth,
    First of all, I appreciate your elaborate way of framing the question. That itself helps others to comment.
    On the first two questions, I am sure you'll be able to follow the answers provided and take care of your concerns.
    On your question 3), an additional piece of information that should bring smile to you
    Whether the Test is to happen in DEV or QAS or whatever 'System Role' is dependent on the Test Plan.
    So, if you have two distinct Test Plans, one for Unit Tests and the other for Integration Tests, which should be the case, as usual, you can certainly point the System Role to DEV or QAS as required.
    Feel free to pose any other query as well.
    Best regards,

  • How do you use wEB DVD? in PRE9

    I do you use the web DVD on a HTML file. I created hyperlink but that does not work.
    Any Ideas?

    You can test your WebDVD by opening the Index.html file in your internet browser. When you open it, it should work just like a DVD, assuming you've added menus and scene links to it.
    The WebDVD files can be uploaded to your account. Otherwise, you can use them to create a web site (although you may not be able to add them to an existing web site.) the index.html file will serve as your home page.

  • How do you use the bluetooth VIs with a Microsoft Bluetooth Driver?

    How do you use the LabVIEW Bluetooth VIs with the Microsoft Bluetooth driver?  I have been trying with no such luck.
       I want to use 2 computers to talk to each other using the bluetooth VIs.  Eventually, I think we would like a PDA/phone to talk to a custom built electronics board with Bluetooth.  But for now, I would just like 2 computers to talk and then eventually talk to our own device. 
    One is a desktop w/ the Belkin F8T012 USB adapter.  It installs fine with the Belkin driver (but I know I need to use the Microsoft Driver in order to use the LabVIEW VIs, but I have tried to get Windows to install its own but it says it is a BCM92045DG-Flash.  It says it cannot install it because it cannot find the necessary hardware.  I thought this USB adapter was on the approved Bluetooth devices list?  What else should I try?  Another Bluetooth USB adapter? 
    The other computer is a Dell Latitude 820.  It has a built in Bluetooth module which I believe is the Dell 350 Bluetooth Module.  On this machine I have been able to setup a COM port with a bluetooth device (blood glucose meter).  It came with a serial port interface which we modifed to go through a bluetooth interface.  It comes up as COM40. We have been able to communicate to it using their program originally designed to talk through a serial port.  But we would like to use the Bluetooth VIs in LabVIEW.  I can't even use the Discover VI.  Perhaps it is not using the Microsoft Driver as well.  Do I just uninstall the driver and then try to have Windows install its own driver?  Do you have any other recommendations?

    Hi Javi,
    This sounds like an issue with Windows and your specific Bluetooth devices.  As you mentioned, the LV Bluetooth VI's do require that the devices use the Windows drivers.  Take a look at this link for specific requirements for using Bluetooth with LabVIEW.  Also, you can take a look at our Developer Zone tutorial on designing Bluetooth applications a found here.  Regarding your device drivers, sometimes it is as easy as uninstalling the driver and then letting Windows discover the device and fine its own driver.  You could check out the Microsoft Knowledgebase for more information.  Thanks and have a great day!    
    Stephen S.
    National Instruments
    1 Test is worth 1000 expert opinions

  • How to run multiple CodedUI Ordered Tests over multiple Test Agents for parallel execution using Test Controller

    we are using VS 2013, I need to run multiple Coded UI Ordered Tests in parallel on different agents.
    My requirement :
    Example:   I have 40 Coded UI Test scripts in single solution/project. i want to run in different OS environments(example 5 OS ).  I have created 5 Ordered tests with the same 40 test cases. 
    I have one Controller machine and 5 test agent machines. Now I want my tests to be distributed in a way that every agent gets 1 Ordered test to execute. 
    Machine_C = Controller (Controls Machine_1,2,3,4,5)
    Machine_1 = Test Agent 1 (Should execute Ordered Test 1 (ex: OS - WIN 7) )
    Machine_2 = Test Agent 2 (Should execute Ordered Test 2 (ex:
    OS - WIN 8) )
    Machine_3 = Test Agent 3 (Should execute Ordered Test 3
    (ex: OS - WIN 2008 server)  )
    Machine_4 = Test Agent 4 (Should execute Ordered Test 4 (ex:
    OS - WIN 2012 server) )
    Machine_5 = Test Agent 5 (Should execute Ordered Test 5 (ex:
    OS - WIN 2003 server) )
    I have changed the  “MinimumTestsPerAgent” app setting value
    as '1' in controller’s configuration file (QTController.exe.config).
    When I run the Ordered tests from the test explorer all Test agent running with each Ordered test and showing the status as running. but with in the 5 Test Agents only 2 Agents executing the test cases remaining all 3 agents not executing the test cases but
    status showing as 'running' still for long time (exp: More then 3 hr) after that all so  its not responding. 
    I need to know how I can configure my controller or how I can tell it to execute these tests in parallel on different test agents. This will help me reducing the script execution time. 
     I am not sure what steps I am missing. 
    It will be of great help if someone can guide me how this can be achieved.
    -- > One more thing Can I Run one Coded UI Ordered Test on One Specific Test Agent?
    ex: Need to run ordered Test 1 in Win 7 OS (Test Agent 1) only.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Divakar,
    Thank you for posting in MSDN forum.
    As far as I know, we cannot specify coded UI ordered test run on specific test agent. And it is mainly that test controller determine which coded UI ordered test assign to which test agent.
    Generally, I know that if we want to run multiple CodedUI Ordered Tests over multiple Test Agents for parallel execution using Test Controller.
    We will need to change the MinimumTestsPerAgent property to 1 in the test controller configuration file (QTControllerConfig.exe.config) as you said.
    And then we will need to change the bucketSize number of tests/number of machines in the test settings.
    For more information about how to set this bucketSize value, please refer the following blog.
    You can refer this Jack's suggestion to run your coded UI ordered test in lab Environment or load test.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • How to use a repository in a new report

    I am starting to learn OBIEE and installed it in my home environment. I installed OBIEE, and used the RCU to install a repository in an Oracle database.
    Then, I used the BI Administration tool to make a 'repository' which connects to my data (also in an Oracle database).
    In the BI Administration tool I now have a physical layer, a business model and mapping, and a presentation layer. I saved this as a rpd file on my harddisk.
    Then, in the Oracle BIEE Home I choose 'New report'. But I cannot find how I can choose my 'repository' with my data. I also tried to make a new datamodel, but here I am also not able to choose my repository.
    How can I connect to my data in a report ? How does it work ?
    Many thanks in advance,
    Best Regards,

    You are totally getting Confused..
    Have these understanding first.
    You have DB installed.
    You will create schema(Two users) in DB using RCU(Repository Creation Utility:Basically stores metadata required for OBIEE).
    You will install OBIEE and use these schema there.
    Above installation installs weblogic and then deploy BI files to weblogic to make them work.You should remember weblogic password.
    Now when you open up Admin tool --Repository password should be 'Admin123' (A in capital)  and username is weblogic and password should be weblogic password.
    You will be able to open up the RPD in online mode.
    I suggest you to first go through the Architecture of OBIEE and then start installation and start exercises.
    mark correct or helpfull if it helps.Also let me know if you were able to open RPD and answers.
    Veeresh Rayan

  • Professional monitor a neccesity ?  if so, what do you use ?

    As a beginner , i've just learnt that what i see on my computer monitor is no indication of how it may look on a TV screen . If i wish to make a commercial quality DVD , i gather that a professional video monitor is neccesary .Have i understood correctly ?
    What would be a least expensive monitor to do the job ?
    When using such a monitor does it mean that the content shown would be the acceptable broadcast quality ?
    Is it relatively simple to calibate these monitors ?
    Does this ensure that the film will not appear over or underexposed when viewed on different TV sets and that the colours will be fairly as i see them on the monitor ?
    Would such a monitor play the audio as well ?
    Any imput is most appreciated ! Thankyou

    you have some very good advice here, but some of Steve's comments worry me a lot.
    These are important issues you should understand correctly-sorry for the lengthy reply:
    I gather that a professional video monitor is necessary
    - definitely
    What would be a least expensive monitor to do the job ?
    second hand is a great idea, but be careful what you buy and only from a well respected dealer
    grade 1:
    preview LCD:
    preview CRT:
    When using such a monitor does it mean that the content shown would be the acceptable broadcast quality ?
    - No.
    Only if the video was exposed correctly, free from errors and post processing was made to broadcast spec. Bad video on a Grade 1 monitor is still bad video. A video monitor only tells part of the story, it must be used with a waveform monitor, a vectorscope, plenty of skill.
    is it relatively simple to calibrate these monitors ?
    - No!
    Many people confuse calibration with daily operational set up. The link to videouniversity uses the term 'properly adjusted video monitor' it does not explain calibration.
    It is very difficult to calibrate a broadcast monitor. This is not a TV set, it is a precision piece of engineering. Calibration is performed by a trained broadcast engineer using specialist test and measurement equipment with a lot of skill. If the monitor displays cross curves or the drive is set wrong, no amount of adjusting brightness will magically calibrate the monitor.
    *Daily operational set up* is relatively easy - it uses test signals such as colour bars to adjust the video, gain and saturation of the picture.
    Does this ensure that the film will not appear over or underexposed when viewed on different TV sets the colours will be fairly as i see them on the monitor ?
    - No
    If it is the wrong exposure which is a camera issue, you can't get good pictures, some post processing can help a lot to improve bad images but they will not be the quality they should be.
    Every TV will be adjusted differently by each user and will look good, bad or awful as appropriate.
    The idea of monitoring is to get the best picture you can with the signal you have and what it looks like when you perform post processing ie changing levels or colour correction, it is not to degrade the picture quality so it can fall in line with domestic equipment.
    Would such a monitor play the audio as well ?
    - you must use separate professional sound monitoring, a powered speaker or separate amplifier and speakers. Some portable pro colour monitors do have cheep and nasty inbuilt sound cards, but this is strictly for temporary sound tests, not for professional sound monitoring.

Maybe you are looking for

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