Dodgy temperature readings

Hello, I'm running a K8N Neo Platinum board with an Athlon 64 3200+.
Using Bios revision 1.3 (the latest)
I am very happy with everything except the temperature readings.  I was concerned to see that both core center and nvidia system utility reported that my CPU was idling around 60 C +.  I was highly suspicious about this as the heatsink was not very hot and the temp seemed to be the same whether I was playing Doom3 or it was totally idle.
I am using the stock AMD heatsink and fan, I know I could shave a few degrees off the core temp by using arctic silver and a better heatsink but frankly I am not interested in overclocking and can't be bothered.  I have one PCI exhaust fan and the two fan PSU pulling air out the case and a standard 8cm case fan pulling air in.  System temperature varies from 35-40 C depending on room temp and pc activity.
I have noticed a few times that core center suddenly starts to report the true (or what seems to be the true) temperature which is 40-45 C.  I have no idea what prompts it to work or not to work.  When the cpu temp is reported incorrectly it seems to also prevent cool n quiet from kicking in.  I’ve just noticed now that when my system was idling and the temp correctly reported that corecenter reported it had underclocked to 1 ghz - I've never seen it do this when the cpu temp is reported in the 60s.
Is this fixable in future bios upgrade or do I have a dodgy temp sensor?

Originally posted by Kurgan666
Originally posted by tazman2
Ambient temp is 77F (25C) and the CPU temp is 48C at idle. I have a fan blowing in by the harddrives and a fan blowing out in the back of the case plus the Enermax PSU with dual fan blowing out.  No more room to add any more fans.  The exhaust fan is blowing pretty good amount of warm air, no sure if the intake fan is blowing in enogh air though.  I put one with a thermal sensor and maybe it is not blowing enough.  
I don't know waht else you can try, your set up sounds very similar to mine and my system temp under heavy load reaches only 45/7 and idles around 40/2.
I just flashed to 1.45 and it seems like I am getting the low low temps again, we'll see if this lasts any longer than  1.44.
I am going to replace the fron fan with a non thermally controlled fan and see if I can get more airflow (maybe the existing fan is running too slow).  Other than that I am not sure as to what to do.  Are your case fans thermally controlled or are they running at max speed all the time?  How about your CPU fan, is it setup for a particular temp in the BIOS or is it setup to run at max all the time?

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    Hello all,
    Done some temperature testing with my MacBook Pro, 15", 2.2ghz Intel Core Duo 2, 2GB Ram, MacOS 10.5.7
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    As I said, until recently the fans seemed to be normal, they did kick in now and then for a few minutes, normally though only if I opened Photoshop or Quark at the same time as the programs above - This I understand. Since very recently there has been a change, the fans run almost constantly now when I have the programs running, after about 10mins after start up, they run at 6000rpm and don´t stop until I put it to sleep. Sometimes it does this even with only Mozilla open. Not only does the noise of the constant 6000rpm get on my nerves, I am worried this is going to reduce the lifespan of the computer, and also worried there may be a hardware problem now that needs to be dealt with.
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    Really annoying. Have reset PRAM, done the recent "Fan Hardware Upgrade" (which I thought helped at first, but did not help at all), have checked in Activity Monitor to make sure there is nothing sucking up CPU, there isn´t... I have also reset the SMC . It seems ludicrous to me that the 10.5.7 update has caused this, but it seems it must have. Everything was fine before, now I feel like chucking the computer out the window and buying a new one, although I am worried I will get the same problem with a new 2009 MBP and considering this is only just over 1 year old, I can´t afford it anyway ....
    I have taken some temperature readings via iStat. I wonder if any of you can help me to try and resolve this problem ?
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    1 / 2 / 3 / 4
    HD 27 / 45 / 31 / 38
    CPU 37 / 76 / 41 / 74
    Airport 34 / 61 / 38 / 60
    Enclosure 24 / 42 / 28 / 35
    GPU Diode 48 / 84 / 52 / 83
    GPU Heatsink 36 / 69 / 38 / 69
    Heatsink A 35 / 65 / 38 / 65
    Heatsink B 27 / 51 / 32 / 47
    Degrees Celcius.
    1 - Totally cold, standing overnight in ambient temperature. 2000rpm fan speed.
    2 - Temperatures when Fans have been on constantly for an hour or so. Mostly at 6000rpm.
    3- Temperatures when computer put to sleep for 10 minutes after fans have been constantly on. Fans back to 2000rpm upon wakeup.
    4- Temperatures after wake from sleep, 7-8 minutes after wake-up, fans on constantly again. At 3500rpm.

    Hi again Paul,
    Unfortunately SMC fan control has not worked. I was wondering how it would help to be honest, because my fans run at full speed all the time anyway (10 minutes after turning on anyway)...
    All this little program does it allow me to speed the fans up from normal, which is what I want to get away from to be honest - The fans never used to run all the time ! Using this program has increased the time that it took to get up to 6000 max, but only because I set a default at 3500rpm from startup so that it took longer to get up to its overheating temperature (as it normally starts from 2000rpm).
    Unless I am not using the program right ?

  • G41M-P25 / HW monitor F71889F - incorrect CPU temperature readings?

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    I went back to the store and complained and got a stronger cooler. The system runs stable now, but the CPU temperature readings are still quite high: ca. 50°C in idle, up to 68°C with full load. I double-checked the values in the BIOS monitor and it shows the same temperatures. But the heat sink is cool (way below body temperature) and when I touch the spot where it is sitting on the CPU it is cool, too.
    So... what are the chances that the HW monitor is reporting an incorrect CPU temperature? Is there any known issue with the mainboard G41M-P25 and the built in HW monitor Fintek F71889F? SpeedFan also reports quite high temperatures for "temp2" under full load (up to 80-90°C), which seems to be the mosfet temperature - but I know that SpeedFan is not completely to be trusted. I just worry about the CPU temperature, according to the Intel datasheet it should be ca. 63°C at most.
    My system:
    Mainboard MSI G41M-P25
    CPU Intel Pentium D 2.8GHz
    The Pentium D is known for getting hot fast, but on the other hand the cooler is already pretty strong and like I said a touch test revealed that the area near the CPU is way below body temperature, so nowhere near 68°C. In comparison the temperature reported for my graphics card is 50-60°C which seems to be correct because it actually is hot and the air surrounding it is warm, too. Should I just ignore the temperature readings? Or is this a problem which can possibly be fixed with a BIOS update? Or maybe complain again and have the mainboard replaced?

    Well, I used Speedfan. Problem is when under load temp2 hits about 80°C thermal throttling occurs which makes my processor useless for gaming. Because of that, I changed processor for my old P4 3,0GHz and OC'ed it a little (@3,27GHz). Temps are similiar, but lower than 80°C. Here is log from Speedfan after 2 mins CPU torture:
    Seconds   GPU   CPU   Temp1   Temp2   Core
    61244   51,0   43,25   50,0   50,0   51,0
    61247   51,0   43,25   51,0   51,0   51,0
    61250   51,0   43,25   53,0   54,0   51,0
    61253   51,0   43,25   54,0   54,0   51,0
    61256   51,0   43,25   53,0   54,0   51,0
    61259   51,0   43,0   54,0   55,0   51,0
    61263   51,0   43,25   54,0   56,0   51,0
    61265   51,0   43,25   54,0   56,0   51,0
    61269   51,0   43,0   54,0   56,0   51,0
    61272   51,0   43,25   54,0   57,0   51,0
    61275   51,0   43,25   53,0   57,0   51,0
    61278   51,0   43,25   51,0   56,0   51,0
    61281   51,0   43,25   50,0   55,0   51,0
    61284   51,0   43,25   50,0   54,0   51,0
    61287   51,0   43,25   50,0   54,0   51,0
    61290   51,0   43,25   49,0   53,0   51,0
    61293   51,0   43,0   49,0   53,0   51,0
    61296   51,0   43,25   49,0   53,0   51,0
    61299   51,0   43,25   49,0   53,0   51,0
    61302   51,0   43,25   50,0   53,0   51,0
    61305   51,0   43,25   49,0   53,0   51,0
    61308   51,0   43,0   49,0   52,0   51,0
    61311   51,0   43,25   50,0   52,0   51,0
    61314   51,0   43,25   49,0   52,0   51,0
    61318   51,0   43,0   50,0   52,0   51,0
    61321   51,0   43,0   50,0   53,0   51,0
    61324   51,0   43,25   52,0   53,0   51,0
    61327   51,0   43,25   56,0   56,0   51,0
    61330   51,0   43,25   56,0   57,0   51,0
    61333   51,0   43,25   58,0   60,0   51,0
    61336   51,0   43,25   58,0   61,0   51,0
    61339   51,0   43,25   58,0   63,0   51,0
    61342   51,0   43,25   59,0   67,0   51,0
    61345   51,0   43,5   59,0   65,0   51,0
    61348   51,0   43,5   59,0   65,0   51,0
    61351   51,0   43,25   59,0   66,0   51,0
    61354   51,0   43,5   60,0   67,0   51,0
    61357   51,0   43,25   59,0   68,0   51,0
    61360   51,0   43,25   59,0   69,0   51,0
    61363   51,0   43,5   59,0   70,0   51,0
    61367   51,0   43,5   60,0   71,0   51,0
    61370   51,0   43,25   60,0   71,0   51,0
    61373   51,0   43,5   60,0   73,0   51,0
    61376   51,0   43,5   60,0   73,0   51,0
    61379   51,0   43,5   60,0   73,0   51,0
    61382   51,0   43,5   60,0   73,0   51,0
    61385   51,0   43,5   60,0   74,0   51,0
    61388   51,0   43,5   60,0   74,0   51,0
    61391   51,0   43,5   60,0   75,0   51,0
    61394   51,0   43,5   60,0   75,0   51,0
    61397   51,0   43,5   60,0   76,0   51,0
    61400   51,0   43,5   60,0   76,0   51,0
    61403   51,0   43,5   60,0   76,0   51,0
    61406   51,0   43,5   60,0   77,0   51,0
    61409   51,0   43,75   60,0   77,0   51,0
    61412   51,0   43,5   60,0   77,0   51,0
    61416   51,0   43,75   60,0   78,0   51,0
    61419   51,0   43,75   60,0   78,0   51,0
    61422   51,0   43,5   60,0   78,0   51,0
    61425   51,0   43,5   60,0   78,0   51,0
    61428   51,0   43,5   60,0   79,0   51,0
    61431   51,0   43,75   61,0   79,0   51,0
    61434   51,0   43,75   61,0   79,0   51,0
    61437   51,0   43,75   60,0   79,0   51,0
    61440   51,0   43,75   60,0   79,0   51,0
    Also, my CPU cooler is Scythe Katana III and it's installed properly.

  • Ambient CPU Temperature readings don't change until reboot

    Hi everyone,
    It's been a good while since I last posted on this forum and much has changed since...
    I have recently bought a second hand "Early 2005" DP 2.7 Ghz G5 Powermac and everything has been working perfectly for the last couple of months - no traces of liquid coolant spills or odd fan behaviour so far (fingers crossed). I was just hoping to compare experiences with other users concerning the following behaviour though:
    When I boot the machine from cold, both "iStat" or "Temperature Monitor" agree and correctly show the ambient temperature readings for both CPUs at actual room temperature as expected, which is usually 23ºC. This value doesn't get updated after hours of use until I reboot no matter into which OS. It will then show an updated value - usually ~40ºC which seems reasonably accurate.
    I can replicate this in Tiger (10.4.11) and Leopard (10.5.8) using the same versions of both apps so it would seem as though the ambient temperature sensors only get read once at boot time rather than being polled at intervals like the the remaining sensors (HDD, CPU core, Backside and Drive Bay).
    Has anyone else ever noticed this behaviour?
    These are my usual temperature readings and fan speeds in "Reduced" processor performance, for future reference:

    Hello The hatter,
    (WARNING: long post!)
    As previously mentioned, when I set this machine up I decided to have all three Operating Systems on it, since some apps may be compatible with one but not the other, and with 2TB of available space I couldn't see a reason why not to, so I proceeded with a fresh install of Panther, Tiger and Leopard.
    I use Leopard for web and email, and Panther for audio recording. Tiger remains largely unused. Ok, I confess to have played Call of Duty 2 once - for testing purposes, of course
    As the described behaviour occurs for both CPU Ambient Sensors, I'm ruling out any hardware defects. It could be something at a lower hardware level, Open Firmware, or limited OS API support. (i.e - AppleAD741x .kext)
    Quite possibly, fan/pump thermal management doesn't care about readings from CPU ambient sensors. They may be there merely for informational purposes. For example, there is also a 3rd room temperature ambient sensor placed at the front of the tower, right beneath the front speaker/fan assembly that I've not seen it listed in either "Temperature Monitor" or "iStat", hence my reasoning that it is possible that the OS is actually polling these sensors on wake and bootup, but there may be no way of polling them manually on runtime due to the aforementioned API limitations or else.
    I could contact the developers of iStat and Temperature Monitor to find out what they may know about it, as they are probably best placed to answer queries like these apart from Apple themselves, of course. But I hesitate about bothering them, as I haven't made any contributions and they have already given so much to the community for free.
    I really wish that someone could test this to confirm it is expected behaviour. i.e. CPU ambient sensors only get polled at system boot or wake from sleep.
    I've run iostat -l using the terminal and something caught my eye.
    I'm guessing this should be the main object definition for all CPU B's hardware sensors. There's an interesting "platform-do-reset-on-wake" parameter:
    (output clipped to 80 lines width)
    | | | +-o supply-monitor@5a <class PPCI2CInterface, registered, matche$
    | | | | | {
    | | | | | "#address-cells" = <00000001>
    | | | | | "hwsensor-zone" = <0000000000000000000000000000000000000000$
    | | | | | "hwsensor-type" = <","adc","adc","adc">
    *| | | | | "platform-do-reset-on-wake" = <0000000010000000000000000000$*
    | | | | | "hwsensor-location" = <"hwsensor-id" = <0000000f00000010000000110000001200000013>
    | | | | | "AAPL,phandle" = <ff989230>
    | | | | | "hwsensor-polling-period" = <0000000a0000000a0000000a000000$
    | | | | | "built-in" =
    | | | | | "hwsensor-params-version" = <00000001>
    | | | | | "name" = <" = <">
    | | | | | "compatible" = <" = <0000005a>
    | | | | | "#size-cells" = <00000000>
    | | | | | }
    Presumably, AMB stands for "Ambient" and ADC for "Analog Devices" Controller, the sensor manufacturer, most likely.
    AD1 looks like this, and AD2,3,4 look the same:
    | | | | +-o adc-sensor <class IOService, registered, matched, active$
    | | | | | | {
    | | | | | | "zone" = <00000000>
    | | | | | | "location" = "CPU B AD7417 AD1"
    | | | | | | "name" = <" = <">
    | | | | | | "polling-period" = <0000000a>
    | | | | | | "compatible" = <" = <00000001>
    | | | | | | "type" = "adc"
    | | | | | | "sensor-id" = <00000010>
    | | | | | | }
    | | | | | |
    | | | | | +-o IOHWSensor <class IOHWSensor, registered, matched, act$
    | | | | | {
    | | | | | "IOProbeScore" = 0
    | | | | | "current-value" = 575
    | | | | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = "$
    | | | | | "polling-period-ns" = 18446744073709551615
    | | | | | "IOPropertyMatch" = {"device_type"="adc-sensor"}
    | | | | | "IOMatchCategory" = "IODefaultMatchCategory"
    | | | | | "version" = 1
    | | | | | "type" = "adc"
    | | | | | "IOPowerManagement" = {"CurrentPowerState"=1}
    | | | | | "IOProviderClass" = "IOService"
    | | | | | "zone" = <00000000>
    | | | | | "location" = "CPU B AD7417 AD1"
    | | | | | "polling-period" = 18446744073709551615
    | | | | | "IOClass" = "IOHWSensor"
    | | | | | "sensor-id" = 16
    | | | | | }
    | | | | |
    Interestingly, after parsing "ioreg -l" output further, I can find objects for every sensor available to "iStat" when looking for its exact name, for example "Backside", "U3 Heatsink", "Drive Bay":
    | | | +-o temp-monitor@98 <class PPCI2CInterface, registered, matched,$
    | | | | | {
    | | | | | "platform-do-set-conversion-rate" = <0000000090000000000000$
    | | | | | "#address-cells" = <00000001>
    | | | | | "hwsensor-zone" = <0000000400000004>
    | | | | | "hwsensor-type" = <">
    *| | | | | "hwsensor-location" = <">*
    | | | | | "external-high-limit" = <00000055>
    | | | | | "hwsensor-id" = <0000000600000007>
    | | | | | "AAPL,phandle" = <ff9794f8>
    | | | | | "internal-high-limit" = <00000055>
    | | | | | "hwsensor-polling-period" = <0000000a0000000a>
    | | | | | "built-in" =
    | | | | | "hwsensor-params-version" = <00000001>
    | | | | | "internal-low-limit" = <0000000a>
    | | | | | "platform-do-set-limits" = <0000000010000000000000000000000$
    | | | | | "name" = <" = <">
    | | | | | "compatible" = <" = <00000098>
    | | | | | "external-low-limit" = <0000000a>
    | | | | | "#size-cells" = <00000000>
    | | | | | }
    | | | | |
    | | | +-o temp-monitor@94 <class PPCI2CInterface, registered, matched,$
    | | | | | {
    | | | | | "#address-cells" = <00000001>
    | | | | | "hwsensor-zone" = <00000001>
    | | | | | "hwsensor-type" = <" = <">*
    | | | | | "hwsensor-id" = <00000004>
    | | | | | "AAPL,phandle" = <ff978b90>
    | | | | | "hwsensor-polling-period" = <0000000a>
    | | | | | "built-in" =
    | | | | | "hwsensor-params-version" = <00000001>
    | | | | | "name" = <" = <">
    | | | | | "compatible" = <" = <00000094>
    | | | | | "#size-cells" = <00000000>
    | | | | | }
    | | | | |
    These PowerPC machines are amazing! Looks like there's fun to be had studying the IOKit framework. I'll post any findings.

  • Calling All NX6600GT-VTD128 AGP Users -- Post your temperature readings

    Hi to all MSI  NX6600GT-VTD128 AGP Users,
    I've recently purchased a  NX6600GT-VTD128 AGP card and have done some testing for a few days now. I read about the BIOS temperature modification and got it done with my card. To my surprise, the temperature reading is way above most of the temperature reading i see from you guys here. Here is my temperature reading :
    Idle : ~70C
    Load : ~90C
    so far, i've only seen 1 or 2 users with the same overheating problem and i couldn't figure out what is wrong with my card. i can run 3dmark, games and everything else i throw at it without any system instability, but the temperature reading is making me nervous. 90C at full load is way too high and not acceptable. i've changed the thermal compound to ArticSilver Ceramique, tighten the screws to make sure the GPU Core and the HSF are making good contact. In fact, i did all that twice to make sure i get everything right. Other components on the board, including the PCB are equaly hot during full load. In fact, during full load, the heat is so intense that i couldn't put my fingers on the PCB or the HSF for more than 1 sec without getting my fingers burnt.
    Problems i've given thoughts about are
    1. bad contact between the GPU core and the HSF
    2. faulty built-in temperature
    As for problem 1, like i've mentioned above, i've double checked and reapply ArticSilver on the GPU and RAM chips. Just to be sure, the HSF itself is really hot during full load and quite warm during idle (tested using my fingers . so that means the heat is being transfered to the HSF correctly. (correct me if i'm wrong). As for problem 2, i couldnt tell because i don't have any reference tempearture monitoring device to compare the readings.
    Im new to this card so i'm really hoping that more experience users will post something here, including your temperature reading for this card, to help me address this issue. If possible, I don't wish to change the onboard HSF. I'm using a 450Watt power supply. Please advice. thanks in advance.

    I have two AGP MSI 6600GT's.
    1) Idles 46, load around 62
    2) Idles 52, load around 68
    Both heatsinks were removed and Arctic Silver Ceramique added. Number 2 above is actually in a colder section of the house, yet has higher idle and load temp. I think the sensors are fairly accurate, but not if you have a faulty one which might be the case.
    I suggest you get one of these which I use with one of my 6600GT's.
    It's accurate to within 1C.  It is being used with card #1 above, at 46C idle the display is showing around 36 which makes perfect sense because the internal temperature can be higher by around 10-15C or even more.
    If you suspect bad contact with the heatsink. Turn the lights down low, and shine a flashlight at the edge of the card. Look at the space between the heatsink and the GPU from the opposite side of the flashlight. If it's not making good contact you should see light between the heatsink and GPU. Another thing you can try is take the heatsink off and clean off all the compound. Put a piece of newspaper between the GPU and heatsink with no thermal compound. See if you can pull out the newspaper with no resistance. If you can't it's making contact. Make sure to re-apply thermal compound before using the card.

  • Is it possible to transfer the temperature readings through "Serial I/O" port of Lakeshore temperature monitor?

    With this monitor, you can have 2 analog outputs that you can transfer to the computer by using DAQ boards. In my case, I need temperature measurements at 3 different locations so I need 3 analog outputs, which is not possible with this device.
    However, the monitor can also store temperature data in its memory and print the data. What I need is not to print the data but send the data to the computer somehow in digital form and postprocess it. I am using the "serial I/O" port to connect the device to the computer. I think I can do some configurations on the temperature monitor with the drivers in the link ( ) but I am not sure if the device recognize the commands that I send through the I/O port. 
    Any advice on how to transfer (in digital form) the stored data on the monitor to the computer?
    and the temperature monitor is the one in this link:
    Actually, it says in the manual that the stored data can be send to either printer or they can be retrieved by the computer interface. However, there is not enough information about how to perform this task. 
    I am using labview to read the data for the analog outputs and the drivers in the first link are also in labview language. But with those drivers, I cannot retrieve the data to the computer. 
    I will check MAX to test the communication with the device, though. Thanks for the advice!

  • How do I make a line graph that shows temperature readings taken on specific dates?

    I need to make a chart of my wife's temperatures taken via ovulation thermometer. All I need is a line graph that shows the temperatures on the y axis and the dates the measurements were taken on the x axis.
    What is the easiest way to do this? Please explain in detail as I have almost no knowledge regarding Numbers. Thanks.

    You can construct a Line graph or a Scatter graph to display this.
    The two are similar, but require the data to be set up differently.
    A Line graph is a Category graph.
    Each 'date' is a text value that names a category. The categories are equally spaced along the category axis. Measurements taken on day 1, day 2 and day 4 would be equally spaced with respect to the category axis.
    Each temperature reading is a numerical value, and is represented on the graph by the distance it is placed from (and usually above) the category axis.
    A Scatter graph has two value axes.
    Each Date is a Date and Time value. The position of these values depends on the value itself. Measurements taken on February 1, February 2 and February 4 wound not be equally spaced. Along the Date axis, the space between the second and third dates would be twice as wide as that between the first and second cates.
    Each temperature reading is a numerical value, and is represented on the graph in the same manner as in the Line graph.
    Here's an example of each, using the same data set.
    For the Line graph (left), the Category labels (dates) are placed in a Header column, and the temperatures in a non-header column,
    For the Scatter graph, both the dates and the temperatures are in non-header columns. The Chart Inspector was used to Connect the data points with straight line segments, and the weight of these lines (and size of the data point markers) was increased to more closely match the weights and sizes in the Line graph.
    Data on the graphs is not intended to have any similarity to temperatures measured for your purposes.
    The construct the line graph:
    Set up the data and labels as described.
    Select the cells containing the data (column B in my case).
    Click the Chart button and choose the Line Chart.
    To construct the scatter chart:
    Set up the data as described.
    Select the cells containing the date and temperature data (columns A and B for mine)
    Click the Chart button, and select the Scatter Chart button (third from the bottom),
    In the Chart inspector, click the Series button, then set the Connection Points menu to Straight. Change the Data Point size yo 15.
    Click anywhere on the line to select it, then in the Stroke section of the Format bar, set the line weight to 4 points.
    Click on the box containing the dates (under the chart), then click the ruler icon in the Inspector to show the metrics inspector. Use the Rotate control to set the angle for the dates to about 75°.
    Click on the label for this axis (Dates) and drag it to a position below the date labels.

  • K8N Neo2 Plat. MS-7025 BIOS 1.0D temperature readings.

    Hello all,
    I recently upgraded my BIOS from 1.8 to 1.0D to support my new AMD X2 4200+ processor and I ran into a few problems.
    1) The system will now not post on a reboot. (tracked it down to be related to having a SATA HDD connected, once I disconnect my SATA drives all it well) 'Cold' boots work fine.
    2) The temperature on the CPU seem to be incorrect. I know that the amd x2's will run a little hotter. I was running a thermalright k8n silent boost and getting temps around 47-48 at idle and 55-58 with a load. I then put on a Zalman 9700 and the temps moved maybe 1-2 degrees cooler. But this is the weird part, I can stop my fan on the heat sink and the temps don't move. I did this with both Heat sinks and at a idle cpu load. Too afraid to try that at full load. I'm pretty sure I flashed the BIOS correctly. The only thing I didn't do when flashing was rest the 1.8 (old) bios to defaults before flashing to 1.0d.
    I would like to know the first BIOS version that supports the AMD X2 and/or if there is a solution to the temperature problem. The SATA/posting problem I can live with but I would like to get the temps under control before I over clock.
    Thank you in advanced for your time and help.

    Quote from: Fredrik Åsenius on 29-August-07, 05:06:27
    It should be below 40C in BIOS, more towards 35 I would say.
    What is your room temperature?
    Is there much wiring and other clutter on the motherboard?
    What casing do you have? Does it have a good exhaust fan? That is important!
    The room temp is around 25C and I'm using a Lian Li 1200B case, there is a lot of room in there and there is a 120mm exhaust fan right behind the zalman 9700 to help move the air along. I have tried opening the case and blowing a fan on the whole system just to see what the temps would do but resulted in no change. I have my friend's rig here and just put in an AMD x2 4200+ (a clone processor to mine) and his temps are in the low 30's with a weaker heat sink. So I'm now going to put my CPU in there to see what his MOBO says. (He is using a Abit AN8 Ultra if that makes a difference or not, I don't know.) I'm still hoping to OC my system but I want to get the Temps under control or prove that I can't trust what the MOBO is telling me which wouldn't surprise me due to the BIOS releases from MSI being worthless. (I had the best luck with 1.8) Can anyone tell me where I can find a change log or what are some other BIOS I can try. ie:will 1.C work? The change log in the BIOS update folder is a freaking joke.
    Tonight I'm going to flash my bios with the USB flash utility that was created by users in this forum.

  • X300 CPU temperatur​e readings

    Hi all,
    I'm getting ready to send in my X300 for repair, but before I do that, I was wondering if you could help - I purchased my x300 in part because it was supposed to be a silent and cool machine, but no matter my power scheme, the fan constantly spins up to at least 5100 rpm, and when it does spin up, it sounds like a (tiny) jet engine. It is in no ways loud, but it does get annoying in a quiet work environment.
    My question is this: what do your x300s idle at? At first I thought that the fan was faulty, but now I think that mine might have a problem with too much/too little thermal grease which leads to the fan being overworked. Using Intel Thermal Analysis Tool or TPFancontrol, my machine quickly (within 3 minutes of turning on) climbs up to 50c even when at idle and fan at 2000 rpm. It doesn't matter if I'm at at 800 MHZ (Maximum Battery life Power Scheme) or 1200 (Maximum Performance). If I'm at Maximum battery life, the fan will kick up to level 2, go back to 1 every minute or so. When I'm at Maximum Performance, the fan runs constantly at level 2 (5100 RPM) and setttles in at around 47c. BTW, I'm running XP. Again, I'm at idle - processor usage is under 5%. I have no problem with the fan kicking in during heavy work, I just can't believe that this ULV processor running at 800 mhz idles this high. Does anyone have any temperature readings to relate to? I don't want to have my machine opened up if this is the norm, but I can't find many hard temperature readings online.
    Please help!

    HI there.  You might find some good reference on AMD and Intel operating temperatures here.  Hope this helps out.  Your temp  seems to be in the range:
    Although I am an HP employee, I am speaking for myself and not for HP.

  • What is the best temperature gauge software for MacBook Pro?

    My MacBook Pro (late 2011, i7 Quad 2.4 GHz, SSD, OS 10.8.5, 8 Gigs RAM) which I use for pro audio production has started stuttering while playing back audio a couple of times - only editing a stereo track with no plug-ins.  I thought it was my Glyph drive because my studio can get warm when the weather's hot in San Diego, even though I've never experienced this before.  However, I moved the current project to my internal SSD boot drive and it started again after using the computer for several hours.  I now think it's a heat issue effecting the laptop itself (it was 85 degrees F in my room).  I want to buy the best software for checking temperatures (CPU, drives, etc.) and am looking at both iStat Menus and Temperature Guage.
    Are there any recommendations for which is best (or if something else is better)?  I would rather pay more for software that won't cause me problems when I'm doing large mixes, etc. 

    They all access the same data, so one's as good as another. iStat Menus is good for displaying a variety of information in the menubar for convenient access. But if all you want are temperature readings then I would select Temperature Monitor 4.98.

  • How do I run a J-type thermocouple to the usb-6363 DAQ and program labview to measure temperature?

    I have a usb-6363 DAQ and a J-type non-contact thermocouple that I am looking to connect and measure temperature through. However, the DAQ does not have any T/C inputs, which is needed to measure in the thermocouple temperature. I am connecting the thermouple to an analog input (+/-) and I am not looking to buy an amplifier, converter or any other hardware. I believe there is a way to program labview to read in the voltages of the thermocouple and convert it into accurate temperature readings. Any help/ideas?

    Hello George,
    This tutorial should step you through the basic process of configuring the device and connecting the thermocouple:
    Tutorial: Connect Thermocouples to a Data Acquisition (DAQ) Device a Thermocouple to Your Device
    From there, there are a number of things you can do- I'd recommend taking a look at the LabVIEW shipping examples (Help>>Find Examples...) as well as the DAQmx getting started tutorials:
    Getting Started with NI-DAQmx: Main Page
    At first glance, the 6363 you're using should have enough resolution to acquire usable data from a thermocouple- if you attempt reading raw voltages be sure that the acquisition range is configured for +/- 0.1V, though.
    Tom L.

  • Temperature discrepancy MSI 785GM-E65

    Hi Everyone. I would like to see if someone can help me with this issue. In my new system when reading temperatures the temp from the motherboard reading is always around 15C degrees higher than the reading that I get from the AMD cores. For instance when using AMD Overdrive to run the stability test, I go to check the temperatures and TMPIN0 (CPU Reading from the motherboard) gets to a maximum of 63C degrees (This is with AMD Stock Cooler) However the core temperatures reaches a maximum of 51C degrees (Both are still under specifications) But I wonder which reading is more accurate. Has anyone experienced this discrepancy between these 2 parameters? Thanks again in advance!

    Hi Guys the TMPIN0 reading is actually the reading from the Motherboard that you can get in the BIOS. SO basically the motherboard has 2 temperature readings in the BIOS CPU Temp (This is then reflected as TMPIN0 in the reading within windows) and System Temp (This is reflected as TMPIN1 within windows) The problem is that the core temperature reading from the AMD CPU is lower that the TMPIN0 reading and almost 15C degree lower. The TMPIN0 reading is the one that controls the smart fan function, so if this one goes up the CPU cooler spin faster. I have tried Everest but basically the temperatures are the same (because I think they just get the info from the chip in the motherboard) I guess my question is which reading is more accurate? The CPU reading from the motherboard or what the processor cores are reporting? Thanks again!!

  • Temperatur​e Reading for Thinkpad T510 Usage

    Hi All,
    I got a question regarding the standard / acceptable temperature operating range for the thinkpad t510 laptops. So my setup currently is my t510 is connected to an external monitor, external speakers, external keyboard and mouse. So it is essentially a desktop except using the innerds of the laptop as the "heart" of the system. My power manager has set the cpu to be adaptive. The temperature readings I am getting for the CPU and the Motherboard from downloading the program called Speccy from Piriform are at an average of 60 and 61 degrees C. I am wondering if that is within normal operating temperature for the laptop and if it is acceptable. Or is this temperature not ok and the reason why it is so high is that I am using the externals. Also, I am not even using heavy load work for the laptop besides for web browsing and listening to music and working on documents / spread sheet so basically office work.
    And lastly, would the temperature problem be solved if in the future I would to get a w530 laptop since those laptops are more "powerful"?? Or is that wrong and the temperature is normal.
    Thanks in advance for answers
    Go to Solution.

    unit88888888 wrote:
    Is it because of the confined space or is it because the cpu is i7??
    Either or both, It also depends on what you're doing with the T510. If the CPU is running hard that will definitely raise the temperature compared to idle/light load. 
    Make sure the fan air exhaust (and intake if the T510 has one) grilles aren't obstructed. Leave a few inches to let air circulate.
    Also consider:
    1. Place plastic or wood spacers below the unit to raise it an inch or so above the desktop.
    2. Use a USB-powered notebook fan base/pad to circulate air beneath the unit.
    Neither will make a huge improvement but they'll both help.
    Cheers... Dorian Hausman
    X1C2, TPT2, T430s, SL500, X61s, T60p, A21p, 770, 760ED... 5160, 5150... S360/30

  • Why does my Dashboard show Cardiff temperature of 72 degrees?

    From which Cardiff in the world does my Dashboard get its temperature readings from?
    At this  moment,  22.12 GMT, it shows: Thursday 84, Fri 83, Sat 91, Sun 90, Mon 90, Tue 92.
    I don't think anywhere in Europe has these temperatures.

    Click the i in the bottom right hand corner to turn the Widget around.
    Double click the current City name to highlight
    Type in the name you want.
    A Drop down appears of the options if there are any (Manchester has loads)
    Scroll down to the one you want (unfortunately Manchester UK comes after the US state versions)
    I thought Manchester Post codes were M(number) (number two letters) but M1 1AA (Normally 1AA is the local Town Hall or Central Post Office) does not seem to work.
    Click the Done Button to flip it again
    You can have multiple instances
    (I left Manchester at  ºF)
    11:16 PM      Friday; May 27, 2011
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.7)
     Mac OS X (10.6.7),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously
    Message was edited by: Ralph Johns (UK)

  • Temperature Rises with audio

    When you ear some music in your machine the temperature rises from 87F to 136F.
    Some people refer this to iTunes but i tested with other audio software and is the same thing.
    ex: Cog, VLC, etc...
    Is this normal????? I know this processor can take high temperatures but in the past the Dual G5 burns up in two years of work and i don't want to buy another Mac Pro in two short years...
    Gaming in BootCamp stresses a lot less the CPU temperature... odd don't you thing?

    Listen Music / Word type of thing / More than 10 Web Pages with Flash, video and pop up windows /
    MP3 Decoding and Video Convert...
    Tested in BootCamp:
    Windows 7 Ultimate
    Normal temperature is 107,6F (less in OSX) :))))
    Gaming goes from 118,4F to 132,8F
    The graphic card, in this case ATI 4870, goes more cooler in W7 around 149F ... in OSX goes around 158F
    If this explanation is correct, from macrumors forum:
    I asked someone I respect in the industry, whose apps I have used for a long time, including Hardware Monitor and others apps, what his opinion on this issue is. He's been my go-to man in the past for the final say or at least some really good insight. He is Dr. Marcel Bresink.
    He wrote,
    "I would guess what you are experiencing is basically the combination of
    Snow Leopard's advanced power saving techniques and Intel's Turbo Boost feature
    which is present in all CPUs based on Core i7 technology.
    If the total load on the system is low, Snow Leopard will first
    * stop to schedule processes for the virtual Hyperthreading cores (cores 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16),
    * stop to schedule processes for the secondary processor package (cores 9, 11, 13, 15),
    * stop to schedule processes for the first processor package (cores 1, 3, 5, 7),
    in this order.
    When a processor core has nothing to do, the core, or the whole processor package,
    respectively, will be powered down. A core without power will have a much lower
    temperature than normal.
    iTunes is an application which performs continuous real-time signal processing in
    one thread of execution. If a system with Intel Core i7 processor detects the
    situation "one core can be operated continuously, the other cores are idling",
    it will activate Turbo Boost, which means it will overclock one core and
    shut down the others. Overclocking will be done up to a degree where the
    overall temperature of the processor package is still within acceptable limits.
    The lower-than-average temperature readings during idle times, and the
    higher-than-average readings during Turbo Boost result in the temperature
    behavior you have observed when running iTunes on a system with low load.
    The temperature readings themselves are uncritical. You bascially cannot overheat
    an Intel procesor core, because it will automatically throttle its speed before
    this could happen."
    So I'm guessing that prior MPs to 09' were not Core i7, and Turbo Boost is not a feature prior to Nehalem either?
    What's up in OSX?
    Windows take a lot cooler... don't you think?

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