Does anyone experience a "settling" click where you rest your forearm on the laptop?

I purchased this macbook pro retina display 15" less than a month ago and where I rest my forearm on the right side of the track pad, I often here a click. The click sounds like a settling sound, that occurs after my arms has rested there for a few minutes. Its incredibly obnoxious, is this a common issue? Or should I be concerned about the encasing of the laptop and that it may be loose?

Hello jen,
Thanks for the question. Sometimes you may occasionally visit a webpage that requires a plug-in that’s not already on your computer. Here are some tips for getting the correct plug-in.
Check the webpage for a recommendation
Websites often recommend the appropriate plug-in. If the website doesn’t recommend one, contact the owner of the website.
Use plug-ins designed for an Intel processor
Your computer has an Intel processor and can use the Intel version or Universal version of a plug-in. Your computer can’t use a plug-in designed only for PowerPC (PPC) processors.
View a list of your installed plug-ins
In Safari, choose Help > Installed Plug-ins.
Safari 6 (OS X Mountain Lion): If a plug-in is missing
Matt M.

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