Does Logic have a log?

Maybe as an invisible file or something. I was just thinking that checking this may be a way to better track some issues. I'm thinking specifically SIDS. I've personally never experienced it, but would like to know other users issues are being addressed. Coming from a support perspective, I know that the first step in fixing a problem is being able to recreate it, and while the threads so far have been descriptive I haven't seen anything that would help recreate the problem. But if there's a log for Logic, perhaps the issue can be traced through that. Just trying to be helpful.

Never mind, I found how to create a META STOP event. Strange though that I need to hit play twice usually to get it going again.

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    Ben Collier wrote:
    Anchor points!
    What's happened to those? They are/were brilliant and worked perfectly in 7 & 8. If you set them up in 9 it remembers it when you are in the sample editor, but if you then copy that audio file (such as a cresc. cymbal) with said anchor point to another part of the song, the anchor point is forgotten, and if just gives you the start of the audio file as the reference point. Am I the only one with this problem?
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    Best wishes,
    the Earle-Tones Music crew

    Brent, thanks for seconding in here. Sometimes this kind of you'd-never-expect-it-to-happen-weirdness can be easily written off as some kind of itinerant digital voodoo without this kind of corroboration.
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    This may have some bearing on your current situation... or then again, maybe not LOL!   : - )

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    Hi I'm A Mac wrote:
    noeqplease wrote:
    Hi I'm A Mac wrote:
    I have searched high and low loading every instrument in Logic and what I am trying to do is, load a AIFF OR WAV file and then tweak, mangle it.
    Does Logic come with a sampler or are they all players in that you have to use a proprietary format?
    If it does, can someone let me know how?
    Thank you.
    Yes. EXS 24 is the sampler instrument.
    I loads AIFF, WAV, SD2, Soundfont and other trypes of files.
    RTFM. Theres a whole manual just on the Logic plugins. Crack it open to the EXS24 chapter.
    Say what?
    I have to open a book? LOL! I don't think I've done that in quite a while, even when I was working on Gigastudio for the Mac (which I have a working copy of, to bad Tascam took so long, suppose that's why they stopped development)...
    LOL, anyway, I will but can't someone tell me how to load a aiff, wav or am I missing out as I do want to not only load but manipulate. Is it a good sampler in that like Sculpture, or say N.I. sampler that I can mangle the sample to make it sound very different?
    I can, for 250 an hour.
    Or, you can RTFM. That is what the manual is there for.
    Not only will you learn (to read) you might learn how to do something by yourself. Amazing. You'll be the toast of your community, I'll bet you even get laid... ok, maybe not that... ok ok you'll be able to get out of your parent's house. yes, that is more realistic for you.

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    great patch that one. It's been on all the Motif's to date.
    It's a David Foster-like layer of piano and Rhodes, with a mellow pad way in the background. Nice...
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    I'm not sure from your post if you have an XS or the S90ES, but if you do, but especially if you've got an XS, look into using your XS over firewire with Logic. The XS will act a audio interface letting you do all the XS audio digitally back into Logic. If it's this patch you want, and if you already own it, just bring it in as pristine as possible into Logic.
    if you have a Motif, be sure to also visit The forums over there are Motif-specific (there's also a group of Logic-heads over there), they'll be able to help with your Motif-specific questions.

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    thanks in advance,
    eric j

    Ok, That's a pretty big list. You can search these on the forums if you want to optimize things or see if any give certain problems, removing all and reintroducing 1 at a time. 3rd party plugs have caused at least as many crashes and data loss for me than Logic 7 has... I try to use them sparingly and don't keep them around long anymore. If you want to remove one at a time...I'd start with the RAM hungry ones. I think that alot of the frustration should not be on Logic but on the 3rd party plugs... AUVal doesn't cover everything in it's test. Just some of the really basic stuff that is necessary, and things which show signs of age. It is not 100% comprehensive.

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    My eyes just glazed over...Please in the future break down each of your issues with paragraphs separated by two carriage returns. It would be much easier when trying to address your issues.
    Go to Apple menu -> System Preferences -> Keyboard and Mouse -> Mouse
    And edit your mouse settings to do what you want it to do.
    Secondly, this is not the place to vent. If you have a complaint, there is:
    We are just end users here helping other end users.
    Third, from my understanding, it would appear you are concerned about the noise the hard drive makes when it falls asleep? Why not put your machine in screen saver mode instead? Apple menu -> System Preferences -> Energy Saver turn off all Energy Saver settings, or set them to run Never.
    Fourth, if your machine was purchased just a few days ago, you may still be able to get an exchange from the store, quicker than you can get a repair done. You may want to look into that possibility.
    Fifth, it does appear you found the Logic forum. I would persist in asking there how to solve your technical issue with Logic regarding the audio. It may be you don't have to do anything special to the hard drive. Remember audio can be transmitted by wire, avoiding ambient sounds.
    Good luck!

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    Is there anyway around this issue???
    Or is there anyway to get content from my iPad to display on my Apple TV without an Internet connection on the Apple TV???
    Unfortunately not.

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    Try one of these extensions for multiple cookie sessions.
    Multifox: <br /> <br />
    Cookie Swap extension: <br /> <br />
    Cookie Pie extension: <br />

  • 'The logged-on user does not have permission to use this object'

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    hi William,
    this is an Authorization issue. provide the user with authorization on your UDT. Definition of user authorization can be found in Administration -- >> System Initialization -->> Authorizations -->> Additional Authorization Creator.... if already defined from here you can fined the additional authorization from the General authorization window.

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    Please take each of the following steps that you haven't already tried, until the issue is reolved. If there's no resolution after Step 3, post your results.
    Step 1
    Sign out of iMessage in the Accounts tab of the preferences dialog, then sign back in.
    Step 2
    Log out of your user account and log back in.
    Step 3
    Boot in safe mode and test, then reboot as usual and test again.
    Note: If FileVault is enabled on some models, or if a firmware password is set, or if the boot volume is a software RAID, you can’t do this. Ask for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including sound output and  Wi-Fi on certain iMacs. The next normal boot may also be somewhat slow.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.

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