Does typical oracle installation support intermadia configuration?

do i have to install oracle in the custom mode in order to have intermedia configuration, or it is already supported when oracle is installed as typical.
how can i know if it is supported or not?

No. It is not configurable at B2B as of now. As soon as request will be processed, FA will be sent back to the partner. Usually such use cases should be handled by back-end system but you may file an ER with B2B PD with strong justification why this feature should be available in B2B. If it gets approved, you may get this feature in B2B.

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    user1115373 wrote:
    Hi All,
    Currently I'm going as Oracle dba in production support team. I'm getting call from Configuration Management team as come to this team. I dont have much knowledge about CM. Now my question is
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    if you have a non-Oracle WMS server that gives access to these images, you may define an external map cache source to access these images. Oracle Mapviewer provides a WMSAdapter class implementation that can be used in this case.
    The follwing example shows the definition of an external map cache for Oracle Maps. Notice the adapter_class (which is shipped with MapViewer) and the properties parameters (which are used to define a WMS request).
    <map_tile_layer name="ESRI_MAP" image_format="PNG" http_header_expires="168.0" concurrent_fetching_threads="3">
       <external_map_source url="" request_method="GET"
          timeout="15000" adapter_class="oracle.lbs.mapcache.adapter.WMSAdapter" proxy_host="" proxy_port="80" transparent="false" clipping_buffer="0">
             <property name="version" value="1.1.1"/>
             <property name="srs" value="EPSG:4326"/>
             <property name="layers" value="0,2"/>
             <property name="format" value="image/png"/>
       <tile_storage root_path="C:\mapviewer\oc4j\j2ee\home\applications\mapviewer\web\tilecache\MVDEMO.ESRI_MAP\"/>
       <coordinate_system srid="8307" minX="-180.0" minY="-90.0" maxX="180.0" maxY="90.0"/>
       <tile_image width="256" height="256"/>
       <zoom_levels levels="4" min_scale="199999.0" max_scale="2.5E7" min_tile_width="0.12228761382373739" min_tile_height="15.286028158107968">
          <zoom_level level="0" name="" description="" scale="2.5E7" tile_width="15.286028158107968" tile_height="15.286028158107968"/>
          <zoom_level level="1" name="" description="" scale="4999999.0" tile_width="3.0572050201804664" tile_height="3.0572050201804664"/>
          <zoom_level level="2" name="" description="" scale="999999.0" tile_width="0.6114405148831922" tile_height="0.6114405148831922"/>
          <zoom_level level="3" name="" description="" scale="199999.0" tile_width="0.12228761382373739" tile_height="0.12228761382373739"/>

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    you can use the AQ features "out of the box" (included in all editions).
    Kind regards,

  • Does oracle workbench support earlier versions of DB2 not UDB

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    DB2 v2 would be at least 10 years back. That may be out of even SQLWays window for DB2.
    If indeed stuck without a tool.....
    Assuming that there are very few stored procs, triggers, and proprietary SQL views. (MWB DB2 plug-in wouldn't have solved those anyway). The "physical" design of the DB (tablespaces , indexes , etc. ) are likely completely lost using these approaches. There are a couple of ways to accelerate the doing it by hand approach.
    1. [ this is somewhat of a tangent] export the DDL (if you can) and push it into a more modern version of DB2 and have the MWB move that. Use the offline mode to generate suggestive scripts and SQL*Loader control files ( and perhaps also the new Oracle DDL. may have to make some tweaks to it and control files).
    if there is a large amount of DDL mapping of types is done automatically.
    may not be a handy version of DB2 UDB around. (a DB2 Express-C v 7 isn't
    prominent on the IBM site anymore. However, may be other versions around at
    you site.)
    probably would have to tweak the tablespace/index/etc declarations in the
    exported DDL. [ large assumption here is that not using a signficant amount
    of deprecated features. If the editing process too complicated effectively
    cheaper just to proceed to option 3 below. ]
    the data export utility script may need tweaks.
    [ if you have LOBS and/or binary columns you're likely to run into problems. ]
    2. Similar approach is to do a DDL capture into a tool like ERWin.
    [Not sure if there is a generic DDL capture mode in Jdeveloper that would even talk to DB2 v2  to create a UML model ]
    You then tweak that "design model" and instantiate into Oracle. ( as mentioned in another reply there are some issues you'll likely encounter. For example, some types don't map and the MWB docs can help. )
    much of the straightforward DDL just moves over.
    may be no tool that can do the design capture for DB2 v2 (was legacy embedded
    solution that ran for years that nobody touched. )
    with generic mapping loose lots of specifics.
    no control files, no export scripts, no warnings,
    3. as mentioned before. Edit the exported DDL. ( I'd strip out tables , indexes, etc. ) and just get it to load before moving one to additional Oracle specifics on those aspects.
    pros/cons mostly same as above, but even more manual work.

  • Does SOA suite support Cluster configuration

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    Yes. SOA 10.1.3 is certified to use Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) with some guidelines, known issues, and exceptions. You may refer Metalink Note ID 887365.1

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    download the 64bit installer,
    Downloads available:
    Suites and Programs:  CC 2014 | CC | CS6 | CS5.5 | CS5 | CS4 | CS3
    Acrobat:  XI, X | 9,8 | 9 standard
    Premiere Elements:  13 | 12 | 11, 10 | 9, 8, 7 win | 8 mac | 7 mac
    Photoshop Elements:  13 |12 | 11, 10 | 9,8,7 win | 8 mac | 7 mac
    Lightroom:  5.7| 5 | 4 | 3
    Captivate:  8 | 7 | 6 | 5
    Contribute:  CS5 | CS4, CS3
    Download and installation help for Adobe links
    Download and installation help for Prodesigntools links are listed on most linked pages.  They are critical; especially steps 1, 2 and 3.  If you click a link that does not have those steps listed, open a second window using the Lightroom 3 link to see those 'Important Instructions'.

  • XML Parsing in Java Stored Proc--Oracle XML Support Installation?

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    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
    import javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError;
    import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    InputStream is = getXMLAsInputStream(xml);
    try {
    DocumentBuilderFactory factory =
    DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
    Document document = builder.parse( is );
    ... parse the document ....
    catch (FactoryConfigurationError e) {
    // unable to get a document builder factory
    We are running on, HP-UX 64-bit. At first, when we would attempt to run the proc, a database hang would occur; now after attempting to install using loadjava jars for xerces2.6: ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception:
    javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError: Provider
    org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl not found)
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    The following resources should be of help:
    Oracle9i Database Release 2 (9.2) Documentation Library
    In particular, check out the following:
    Java Developer's Guide
    Java Stored Procedures Developer's Guide
    XML API Reference - XDK and Oracle XML DB
    XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB
    XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK
    If that doesn't help, then try the following:
    OracleJVM and Java Stored Procedures
    XML Technology Center
    Good Luck,

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    Currently in our environment we are having Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit DB which is replicated via oracle golden gate version As per the application team requirement we need to migrate this database to 12C.
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    Does the oracle golden gate version support oracle 12c database ?
    Are there any syntax changes in oracle goldengate versions which needs to be taken care in extract or replicat parameter files ?
    Mushraff Shaik

    >>Does the oracle golden gate version support oracle 12c database ?
    Why do you think it will not support 12c database ?
    From a Golden Gate perspective you need to create schema and use that.  As you are moving to 12c database, ideally you should think of upgrading Golden Gate 11.1 to 12c so you can use new feature such as Multi Threaded replicate etc..

  • Does CISCO C3560X VLAN support multiple Network segments which are further configured with HSRP function

    Hi Cisco experts,
        My name is Kumagai and I need your expert opinions below.
    I am trying to configure one VLAN1 support multiple network segments as below.
    (this should be a very straight forward configuration and should be OK, I think ? )
     interface Vlan1
     ip address
     ip address secondary
     ip address secondary
     ip address secondary
     ip address secondary
     The only issue that is eating me is the above network segments are using HSRP too
     and I am not sure is this possible with a combination of VLAN1 supporting multiples which are
     further supported with HSRP settings in Cisco environment.
    !example of HSRP:
    interface Vlan4
     ip address
     no ip redirects
     standby 4 ip
     standby 4 priority 105
     standby 4 preempt
    <<< what will happen if I add the HSRP configuration as below into the above VLAN1 with multiple Network segment ??)
     I would like to summarize my "Combined" configurations as below but I need your expert opinions on
     whether the configuration below is workable without any problem ??
     Or it is a total flop because Cisco does not support the configuration below !!!
     interface Vlan1
     ip address
     ip address secondary
     ip address secondary
     ip address secondary
     ip address  secondary
     standby 30 ip
     standby 30 priority 105
     standby 30 preempt
     standby 60 ip
     standby 60 priority 105
     standby 60 preempt
     standby 70 ip
     standby 70 priority 105
     standby 70 preempt
     standby  4 ip
     standby  4 priority 105
     standby  4 preempt
    Thanking you in advance !!!!!

    As far as i know we dont set the ip helper address on the radio interface. It should be on the L3 interface of corresposding VLANs i.e.
    int vlan 20
    ip helper-address
    int vlan 60
    ip helper-address
    I'm assuming that your using SVI's (int Vlan 20 and int Vlan 60) rahter than physical interfaces. Also hope you have configured switch port as trunk where this AP is connected.
    Modify the AP config as below since you are using data vlan as the native vlan
    interface Dot11Radio0.20
    encapsulation dot1Q 20 native
    interface FastEthernet0.20
    encapsulation dot1Q 20 native
    Ideally your AP fastethernet configuration should looks like below and not sure how you missed this as this comes by default when you have multiple vlans for multiple ssids.
    interface FastEthernet0.20
    encapsulation dot1Q 20 native
    no ip route-cache
    bridge-group 20
    no bridge-group 20 source-learning
    bridge-group 20 spanning-disabled
    interface FastEthernet0.60
    encapsulation dot1Q 60
    no ip route-cache
    bridge-group 60
    no bridge-group 60 source-learning
    bridge-group 60 spanning-disabled
    Hope this helps.

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    Is it possible to run Labview version 6.5 with PowerPC as the target CPU and VxWorks as the target operating system? 
    If version 6.5 does not support this configuration, do any of the later versions support it?
    I basically have an Ada executable and Labview executable that currently run on a Sun Machine with Solaris as the operating system.  I'm re-architecting the system hardware and will be getting rid of the Sun Machine and Solaris.  I'm don't have any issues with the Ada executable, but I'm not sure what configurations Labview supports.

    duplicate post
    In the future, please don't try to stuff your message in the subject line. Thanks.

  • Does current Oracle Maven Repo supports ADF JDeveloper ?

    Hi All
    Does current Oracle Maven Repo (OMP) supports ADF JDeveloper ?
    What's the minimum JDeveloper version that OMP currently support ?

    Right now, the Oracle Maven Repository only contains artifacts to support ADF 12.1.3.  We will be adding newer versions as they become available but there are currently no plans to add support for 11g-based releases.

  • Does Siebel installation support network drive mounted as CIFS?

    I'm trying to install Siebel Gateway server and Siebel server on an CIFS mounted network drive and keep failing. Does anyone know whether Siebel installation support CIFS mounted network drive or not?
    Below are the error messages I get for the gateway server install:
    2021 2008-06-19 09:09:59 0000-00-00 00:00:00 -0700 00000000 001 003f 0001 09 sw_cfg_util 1460 1760 e:\appmgr\sieb_home\gtwysrvr\log\sw_cfg_util.log 8.1 [21039] ENU
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000002485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:09:59     Error in transferring input values ,num of arrays incorrect 0, expected : 1
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000002485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:09:59     TransferInputsToValues returned error:3611539 to SetControlValues
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000003485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:10:01     Executing step: ConfigMode
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000003485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:10:01     Executing step: MainTask
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000003485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:10:01     Executing step: MainTaskCreate
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000003485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:10:01     Executing step: Vertical_Extension
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000003485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:10:01     Executing step: NameServerHostName
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000003485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:10:01     Executing step: NameserverPort
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000003485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:10:01     Executing step: SiebelGateway
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000003485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:10:01     Executing step: TRACELEVELDEFAULT
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000003485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:10:01     Executing step: PrimaryLanguage
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000003485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:10:01     Executing step: SiebelRootW32
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000003485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:10:01     Executing step: Setappperformance1
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000003485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:10:01     Executing step: Setappperformance2
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000003485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:10:01     Executing step: DoubleQuote
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000003485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:10:01     Executing step: NameserverAutostart
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000003485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:10:01     Executing step: NameserverStartnow
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000003485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:10:01     Executing step: AutostartCmdLineParamYes
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000003485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:10:01     Executing step: SiebelGatewayCfg
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000003485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:10:01     Executing step: ModifyRegistry
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000003485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:10:01     Executing step: CreateGatewayService
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000003485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:10:02     Executing step: SetGWNSdescription
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000003485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:10:02     Executing step: ConfigureGateway
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000003485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:10:02     Executing step: StartGatewayService
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000003485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:10:02     Step StartGatewayService: failed to run program siebctl with cmdline -S GtwyNS -s %%SiebelRootParm%%
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     00000003485a05b4:0     2008-06-19 09:10:02     Failed during Execution, err: 5500044

    We use NFS, which is similar to CIFS as we are Linux shop.
    Works flawlessly..
    Did you check the permissions on your installation compared to your server as they are managed separately?

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    ESB 10.1.3 does not support WS-Addressing. It is planned for AS11 R1.

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    We will be needing to provide some attribute and spatial data from our Oracle Enterprise database to several laptops for field personnel using an electronic map we developed. We would like to use a portable version of Oracle that supports Oracle Spatial objects.
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    oh, I didn't realize it was so limited. No, that won't do. We're looking for a "mini" version of the real production database including stored code, triggers etc. Should be scaled down enough to allow rapid syncing of data and schema changes from the production (or really QA) database, but full enough to include the objects necessary to allow the developers to test their code changes to the front end applicaiton on their own environment.

Maybe you are looking for

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