Double Navigation or Cookie Crumbs

I just upgraded to roboHelp 9 from 8. After making a few changes to our Policy Manual I noticed that some pages have dual cookie crumbs in the upper right. Is this a glitch or a simple setting I need to turn off? Any and all help is appreciated.

Hi Michael
With RoboHelp you have the choice of either globally applying breadcrumbs or selectively applying them. What you have described sounds as if you have enabled the global application while also selectively applying them on specific pages.
To selectively apply them, you may insert a Breadcrumbs placeholder into the topic. Or you may insert the placeholder into a Master Page associated with specific topics. In this case, if you are enabling global breadcrumbs, you would see two rows.
The bottom line is to scrutinize the pages where you are seing doubles. Either that or just disable globally applied breadcrumbs.
Cheers... Rick
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  • Integrating Cookie Crumb into Chart-------URGENT

    Hi Experts,
    1.Is there a way to integrate the cookie crumb(user selection from the selection boxes) into the Chart in WAD, currently i am using javascript to print the user selection above the chart, but the user wants the selection to be integrated with the chart.
    2. Can the chart be downloaded into an excel sheet where the user can manipulate the data and see the changes on the chart.
    Message was edited by: shetty s

    I do not think it would be possible to do anything on the chart since all it is a generated image.  To download the chart, you must write some javascript to do this and will probably require some type of active X component to be run in order to get the chart and put into excel. 

  • How do you stop unauthorized cookies from appearing in Safari?

    Hi ,
    I'm using Safari 5.1.10 and system 10.6.8.  I've gotten all the security downloads available, but I seem to having issues with unauthorized  cookies appearing. These seem to appear even though I've not visited their websites, and have Safari set to accept cookies from only sites I've visited.
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    If I just wait a few minutes, I get 72 website cookies restored to  my computer, without doing anything. These include cookies from google, alibaba,, facebook, microsoft, oracle and many more.  Some of these  declare they are using local storage, others the catch, while others just declare themselves as cookies.
    These appear in spite of the fact that I have the preferences set to block cookies from third party advertizers, set Extensions to OFF, but have Javascript enabled, and allow Java, but deny all other plug-ins.
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    If I disable JavaScript in Preferences:Security, now I get only cookies from sites I've visited, as I'm supposed to, according to the settings in my Safari preferences.
    So it seems that some unscrupulous information collectors are collecting data  even when the Safari settings should prohibit it. Unfortunately, some of the sites I visit ( Like Apple support communities)  require that Javascript be enabled, so I don't know how to stop this. 
    The problem is that I've found these unwarrented cookies appear to slow down my internet connection speeds  by  ~ 95% ( Try removing them and disabling Javascript to see what happens) in addition to it being an invasion of my privacy. In addition, it really bothers me that some of these sites are storing local documents on my computer without permission.
    As I've said, I've already installed ALL the pertinent security updates.  Does anybody have any idea how to stop this from happening? I presume this is also happening on my iphone and ipad as well, but haven't checked.
    I see that Safari was sued by Apple in 2012 for doing just this same thing, but they appear to be up to their old tricks, as well as many other companies.

    I've investigated this phenomena  of UNauthorized Cookies a bit more  in the past few days and found their cause  and uses goes very deep down the internet rabbit hole.  While most browsers allow the user to delete cookies, or to block cookies from third parties, third parties may place cookies or "cookie equivalents" on your computer through a large variety of back doors. The most pernicious type  of such cookie is euphemistically  called a "Zombie Cookie"  or a "supercookie".
    These may reside in a number of places either in  your own computer or remotely on the web. Deleting zombie cookies or supercookies is generally ineffective, because they are reinstalled in your browser, or worse, just exchange information with your browser withouth leaving a trail of cookie crumbs, the next time you get online. Some of these zombie cookies are not browser specific, so they can be accessed through all browsers on your computer. 
    The reason that you may never have heard of supercookies, and the reason they are so hard to find and get rid of, is that their deployment is deliberately sneaky and designed to evade detection and deletion. This means that most people who think they have cleared their computers of tracking objects have likely not. The European Union has recently taken action to make illegal the emplacement of "non-essential" cookies  on your computer, but the United States, being less concerned about your personal privacy, and more concerned about  making it easy for companies (and the government) to eavesdrop, has not.
    The following is a list ( probably incomplete) where zombie cookies may be hiding on your computer:
    Standard HTTP cookies
    Storing cookies in and reading out web history
    Storing cookies in HTTP ETags
    Internet Explorer userData storage (starting IE9, userData is no longer supported)
    HTML5 Session Storage
    HTML5 Local Storage
    HTML5 Global Storage
    HTML5 Database Storage via SQLite
    Storing cookies in RGB values of auto-generated, force-cached PNGs using HTML5 Canvas tag to read pixels (cookies) back out
    Local Shared Objects
    Silverlight Isolated Storage
    Cookie syncing scripts that function as a cache cookie and respawn the MUID cookie[4]
    If a user is not able to remove the cookie from every one of these data stores then the cookie will be recreated to all of these stores on the next visit to the site that uses that particular cookie, or in some cases, just the next visit to the internet, even though you may have barred 3rd party cookies from being emplaced in your browser. Every company has their own implementation of zombie cookies and most are kept proprietary, although an open-source implementation of zombie cookies, called Evercookie,[5] is available and commonly used.
    One  such common type of supercookie is called Local shared objects (LSOs), or more commonly Flash cookies (due to their similarities with HTTP cookies), are pieces of data that websites which use Adobe Flash may store on a user's computer. Local shared objects are used by all versions of Adobe Flash Player and version 6 and above of Macromedia's now-obsolete Flash Player.[1]
    It is possible to see who is using Flash cookies on your computer, (and remove them) by going to the adobe website storage settings panel : ( ager07.html).  This takes you to a settings manager  figure. This  Settings Manager figure that you see on this page is not an image; it is the actual Settings Manager for your computer. Click the tabs to see different panels, and click the options in the panels to change your Adobe Flash Player settings.
    So far, I have not been able to find a method of removing or inhibiting zombie cookies that use HTML5 local or global storage locations. Some browsers may provide such power, but Apple Safari apparently does not.
    For more information on supercookies see:
    There are some ways to reduce your load of unwanted cookies and local storage  type cookies using  extensions such as AdBlock or Disconnect,  But I've tried some of these and it doesn't seem to  stop very many of them, even though the Disconnect extension is said to block over 2000 of these types of  cookies.
    For those who are trying to ride under the radar by using some of these extensions or software blockers, be aware that use of these may actually make you more visible because of browser fingerprinting.  Whenever you visit a website your browser sends data to the server hosting that site. This data includes basic information, including the browser name, operating system, and exact version number of the browser. This information is known as passive browser fingerprint because it happens automatically. However websites when blocked, can also easily install other types of scripts that ask for additional information, such as a list of all installed fonts and plugins, supported data types (so-called MIME types), screen resolution, system colors and much more. Because this information has to be solicited from your browser, it is known as active fingerprinting. Taken altogether, the various fingerprint attributes can be almost instantly (it takes just a few milliseconds to run algorithms that compare millions of fingerprints) combined to create a unique fingerprint that can be used to very accurately identify an individual user, no matter if cookies have been deleted or IP address changed between website visits.
    For an article on browser fingerprinting, See :
    The bottom line is that if you use the internet, your browser history is being tracked by a myriad of companies and government agents, and it is likely not possible to stop this.  For those who work in science, industry or government and are working on sensitive topics or novel product development  that  another company or government may find interesting, there appears to be many ways to recreate  what you are working on by studying your browser history, or installing worms to view exactly what you are writing or reading.  It came as somewhat of a shock to me to see just how pervasive internet spying has become, and it's not just malicious or destrustive agents who are doing so. Google didn't become a $350 billion company by simply bringing nice toys to us to play with. The real value of the internet comes from the trade and sale of secretly obtained personal information from you and I and everyone else, and its sale to all who will pay for it.

  • How to view the text/content of a cookie

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    You could view the entire cookie.
    In 5.1.2 you are simply told the site name.
    Is there any way to view the cookes themselves?

    Go to ~/Library/Cookies.
    Open the Cookies.plist file.
    You will need the Property LIst Editor  >
    If you happen to have XCode installed (developer tools) if you double click the Cookies.plist file, the Properrty LIst Editor will open the files for you.

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    The Accept Cookies gets set to "Never" which makes it hard to do things like GMail, etc..
    It also happens on my wife's phone which is running iOS 5.0.1.
    Thanks for any insight!

    ... and more info from last night.
    Last night, before I went to bed I checked gmail. It worked perfectly. I double-checked that cookies were set correctly. The phone was on the charger all last night. When I woke up Accept Cookies was again set to "Never" and gmail wouldn't load.

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    Thank you-

    Hi atrunnell,
    Try pinching the AccuPoint joystick with your fingernails and then pulling straight up. It should come off and on pretty easily. Check that there aren't any cookie crumbs wedged under it.
    If that's not it, what happens when you disable the AccuPoint and/or the TouchPad? You can do this from Start > Settings > Control Panel > Mouse. There should be a tab like "Dual Pointing Device" where you can turn off either or both pointing methods.
    Finally, you might try upgrading the driver. On my Tecra M5, I upgraded from the Alps Pointing Device Driver v6 to v7. I don't know if this driver is appropriate for your machine, so please double check before installing it.
    Hope this helps,
    Message Edited by MrBurns on 01-09-2009 03:25 PM

  • How do I select an Underneath Object?

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    It seems the Command Key changes the mode of the selection tool, whilst partially, sometimes, enabling selecting underneath.  But it's terribly inconsistent, and means that the selection mode is changed if I do manage to select the desired object.  Is this how it works?

    All of the above, and many others.
    I see no point in hiding these issues away in "feature requests".
    I hope others suffering in the same way find these truths faster through these cookie crumbs
    I need an online reminder and archive of all the things I'll need to teach someone else through in the future.
    But mostly because I think there's more chance Adobe will do something about anything if there's public acknowledgement of the problems/issues/oddities need addressing.
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    It's bad on PC's and Mac's.  There's no excuse for it.  This is creative software.  It should be as FLUID as the hardware permits.
    From what I'm seeing there's no hardware a consumer could buy to get a fluid experience in Adobe Illustrator.  That should be a source of constant complaint until it's addressed. PUBLICLY.
    However I have filed ONE Feature Request.  For a public feature request system with voting, linking and annotation capabilities. 

  • Weird error while starting oracle graphical tools

    Hello. I have a fresh Fedora 10 installed and i have just installed Oracle 10g. Everything have worked out fine but i have some strange error(?)-message when im starting tools like dbca and netca.
    I'll copy it here for you, maybe you know what it means and how to fix them:
    [oracle@localhost ~]$ dbca
    Locking assertion failure. Backtrace:
    #0 /usr/lib/ [0xc0b767]
    #1 /usr/lib/ [0xc0b831]
    #2 /usr/lib/ [0xc58ee4]
    #3 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/ [0xa1cd57b8]
    #4 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/ [0xa1c8ef4b]
    #5 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/ [0xa1c8f21b]
    #6 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/ [0xa1c8f445]
    #7 [0xb3b32401]
    #8 [0xb3b2be9b]
    #9 [0xb3b291c4]
    #10 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7dcdcf4]
    #11 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7e8373d]
    #12 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7dcdf46]
    #13 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7db2fbf]
    #14 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7db76ec]
    #15 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7db220b]
    #16 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7db79ff]
    #17 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7e300a8]
    #18 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7e1f370]
    #19 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/ [0xb7be197e]
    Locking assertion failure. Backtrace:
    #0 /usr/lib/ [0xc0b767]
    #1 /usr/lib/ [0xc0b90e]
    #2 /usr/lib/ [0xc58079]
    #3 /usr/lib/ [0xc4e246]
    #4 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/ [0xa1c8de89]
    #5 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/ [0xa1c8e10a]
    #6 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/ [0xa1c8f343]
    #7 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/ [0xa1c8f445]
    #8 [0xb3b32401]
    #9 [0xb3b2be9b]
    #10 [0xb3b291c4]
    #11 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7dcdcf4]
    #12 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7e8373d]
    #13 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7dcdf46]
    #14 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7db2fbf]
    #15 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7db76ec]
    #16 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7db220b]
    #17 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7db79ff]
    #18 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7e300a8]
    #19 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7e1f370]
    Warning: Cannot convert string "-b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans-*-140-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct
    This can be found in my .bash_profile for user oracle:
    #oracle settings
    TMP=/tmp; export TMP
    TMPDIR=$TMP; export TMPDIR
    ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1; export
    ORACLE_SID=orcl; export ORACLE_SID
    ORACLE_TERM=xterm; export ORACLE_TERM
    PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH; export PATH
    PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH; export PATH
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/lib:/usr/lib; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    export CLASSPATH
    umask 022
    First time i installed Oracle my .bash_profile was wrong, i had forgotten to add oracle in my ORACLE_HOME-PATH so i guess the others under was messed up to. But ive changed it now and restarted my computer, i have even tried to exclude the lines about LD_LIBRARY_PATH and CLASSPATH (i guess the first errors i posted refer to these paths).
    I followed a guide with my friend and his system is fine without the errors, mine isnt. But maybe you know more about the errors i get when starting graphic tools like dbca and netca.
    Johan from Sweden

    Software uses a "lock" to guard a data structure against concurrent
    modifications, leading to corruption.
    A "backtrace" is the trail of how the program reached this point in the code --
    sort of like a trail of cookie crumbs in a maze.
    Looks like the X-Org stuff Fedora 10 uses improved things so much that legacy
    apps have started breaking. I checked the source code for the libxcb RPM. It
    appears that:
    is supposed to avoid crashing but will still report this backtrace. Ultimately,
    the application will need to be fixed for libxcb-1.1.91 but until this RPM
    version gets used in a supported Oracle environment, a fix may not happen soon.
    So, if it ain't crashing then it works :)

  • Droid Bionic battery dying since ICS and 4G

    I have owned my Bionic for just over a year.  Recently I upgraded to ICS and last Friday Nov. 9th our area went to 4G.  My battery is dying of 10:03AM my phone has been on for 3 hours, the screen shows that it has been on for 31 minutes, and I am down to 70% battery after a full charge.  I did do a factory reset yesterday due to issues with the Android OS using up over 40% of battery - now it is at 28%.  I have turned down screen brightness, lengthened updates, I have wi-fi turned off as I do not use it, etc.  I don't want to have to limit everything, or it really isn't worth having the phone.
    Phone completely dies each night around 10 with light use.
    Any ideas without considering a new phone?

        That certainly is a strange phenomenon, veriozonjj68117. Clearing the cache and temporary internet files can sometimes help. The system cache clearing that ginnypres mentioned are:
    Power down phone
    Hold volume up/down & power simultaneously
    Use volume down to navigate to 'Recovery', use volume up to select
    Should see screen with triangle and exclamation point next to an Android
    Press volume up/down simultaneously
    Use volume rocker to navigate to 'wipe cache' and use power button to select
    Once finished, use volume rocker to navigate to 'reboot system now' and use power button to select
    That is a fantastic way of helping to clear out all the cookie crumbs on your phone and a great step before the need to resort to resetting the device.
    Thank you
    Please follow us on Twitter @vzwsupport

  • Can't prevent Firefox from blocking a https site whose certificate has not been identified

    I am trying to connect to an https URL that has issued a certificate that is not valid, for the issuer is unknown:
    I am aware of this and I accept the risk and want to proceed. I have added the URL as an Exception in the Security tab under Preferences but Firefox kept blocking me. I have then erased all navigation history, cookies, etc. and ticked off all blocking options under the same Security tab, with the same result.
    Could you please advice?
    Many thanks

    ''galoget [[#answer-714108|said]]''
    Hello rodder73,
    You can use this add-on to skip that error message:
    "This Firefox extension enables skipping the SSL/TLS certificate error page, for specific configurable conditions, like self-signed cert or unknown issuer, by adding a temporary exception."
    Hope you find it useful.
    Líder de la Comunidad de Software Libre y Seguridad Informática Hackem
    OWASP Ecuador Student Chapter Leader
    Mozillian & FSA
    Fedora Ambassador for Ecuador
    OpenStreetMap Ecuador Leader
    Hola rodder73,
    Para evitar que se te muestre la pantalla de advertencia de Mozilla Firefox para certificados desconocidos, puedes utilizar el complemento "Skip Cert Error", lo puedes descargar desde aquí:
    Te adjunto su descripción:
    "This Firefox extension enables skipping the SSL/TLS certificate error page, for specific configurable conditions, like self-signed cert or unknown issuer, by adding a temporary exception."
    Espero que te sirva.
    Líder de la Comunidad de Software Libre y Seguridad Informática Hackem
    OWASP Ecuador Student Chapter Leader
    Mozillian & FSA
    Fedora Ambassador for Ecuador
    OpenStreetMap Ecuador Leader
    Hi Galoget,
    Many thanks for your quick response. I have installed the plugin and tried again, but unfortunately it keeps yielding the same error message:
    "'' usa un certificado de seguridad no válido.
    No se confía en el certificado porque el certificado emisor es desconocido.
    (Código de error: sec_error_unknown_issuer)''"
    Based on the plug-in information, this ''unknkown issuer'' error should be skipped but somehow it does not work.
    Any ideas of what could I be doing wrong?
    Thanks in advance

  • What do you do when the fingerprint id just turns off and there is no start backup

    it just turned off and wont start back up. and  wish for it too work again.

    Thanks for reporting back.
    I was thinking earlier today that when you delete a cookie in Firefox, Firefox directs a database engine to delete that row of data, and the database engine modifies the cookies.sqlite file so that Firefox no longer sees that cookie. However, for efficiency, database files are not constantly resized like regular document files; the space is retained to reduce the overhead of requesting space from the operating system. Therefore, some pieces of the cookie may remain in the file until it is cleaned out or overwritten by the database engine. There are some utilities to "vacuum" these database files, which should clean up the unused space. If you see this problem in the future, where a cookie you removed and which is invisible in Firefox can be found using an external utility, it would be interesting to "vacuum" the file instead of deleting it to see that cleans up the cookie crumbs.

  • On occasion the space bar will "click", but there will be nospace between the two words

    At times and only occasionally when I press the space bar it does not perform the spacing between the two words.

    As you probably know, the key is 'seen' by the computer when the two contacts touch. In the case of a key not working or working intermittently, there could be dust, dirt or cookie crumbs between the contacts. With the computer turned off, unplugged and the battery removed, carefully flip the computer upside down and give it a shake and be amazed at the amount of stuff that comes out of the keyboard. Try using a small vacuum cleaner on the keys. Try it again. If that did not fix the problem, you may need to get the keyboard replaced. As a temporary fix, consider using a USB external keyboard until you get the built-in one replaced.

  • Where is a working download link for CS5?

    I have a serial/license for Adobe CS5 Design Master Collection that was bought   I have a new computer would like to install this software through a downloadable file. When i check the Adobe website, there is nothing listed with a working download link.I get:
    Access Denied
    You don’t have permission to access “” on this server.
    Reference #18.a5440317.1374449396.c2d4169
    I try downloading the MasterCollection_CS5 and I followed the instruction using different browsers. I used firefox and chrome and still get that error.
    Please help. I need this program for work. Thanks

    Thanks for the link.
    Am I missing any part of the instructions?
    I used a direct cable for internet.
    I used firefox and chrome
    I turned off my virus scanner and disable adblock
    I allowed pop ups
    I double check my cookie setting to let downloads in
    I have an adobe account.
    Unfortunately download link still gets the same error.  Is there an actual working download link that doesn't send people in circles or hoops? Thanks.

  • Use PC Mouse with A Beige?

    Is there any way to modify a PC type mouse for use on a Beige? All my mice are just about the dust bunnies off the little inside wheels and cleaning the track ball isnt cutting it anymore. I think the cables have just about had it too.
    I just spent half an hour futzing around with 3 of them and I'm pretty fed up.Going USB isnt an option because all my PCI slots are maxed out.And I have a few PC mice around here that would gladly get rewired,etc. so I can continue using my Beige.
    Is this possible? Or is there some kind of tutorial around about ripping these old ADB mice apart and repairing them?

    ADB mice are very simple devices. But they sometimes do get so filthy deep inside, and you need to open them to clean more.
    ADB mice are held together with two Phillips screws. Look at the bottom of the mouse. The serial number is NOT printed on the plastic. That is a sticker, and it covers the heads of the screws.
    When you have all the dust bunnies out, also take a look at the rollers. They get caked up with skin flakes and skin oils embedded with cookie crumbs, and the mouse becomes "jumpy". Occasionally the ball needs to be de-glazed by gently scraping it or by scrubbing it with an eraser.

  • Automatic power on for no reason

    ok, this is the second time in about 2 months or maybe alittle more that this thing powers on..last night about 11:00 pm it auto powered on without me programing it to do so...last time it did it was about the same time i believe, i remember since the thing woke me up...anyone here got a reason for it? thanks

    My computer has boot itself up a few times aswell...  about 3 AM usually.  
    and very mysteriously started up a game of solitaire and left cookie crumbs on my keyboard hehee...

Maybe you are looking for