Download Problem On Microsoft Website

I have tried repeatedly to download SQL Server Express 2014 but keep getting the error:
An unknown error occurred while processing your request. This is most likely due to a connection failure. Please try again.        
Where is the file now?
How do I get it?

Hi AabeckControls,
Based on your description, you fail to download SQL Server 2014 Express on Microsoft Website. The error you get could be due to several reasons such as network issue, broken Live account
 and so on. Below are proposals for you troubleshooting this issue.
1. Please check if there are some issues with your network, make sure that the network is stable.
2. If you are using Internet Explorer, press Ctrl-Shift-P to use InPrivate Browsing and check if you can successfully download SQL Server. Or you can use Google Chrome to open the download link and check if it is successful to download SQL Server.
3. If the issue persists after performing above steps, it probably means your Windows Live account is somehow broken. Please create a new account and download SQL Server again.
In addition, you can also post the question in the Answers Hotmail forum at
 for better answer.
Lydia Zhang
Lydia Zhang
TechNet Community Support

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    Do you know what you did or added?
    VMs works on any platform. Has nothing to do with whether you own x or z.
    You're using Windows. On a Mac. Try run Windows from inside OS X using Parallels.
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    XP was and is garbage it has so many security holes you can drive a tank through it.
    Get your Dad or someone to properly setup Windows in a guest account under OS Xs.
    Your system has a high probability of being infected with malware.
    Good luck.

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    Thanks for the reply...
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    I think the solution is present there itself ,
    ERROR: Failed to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x64).
    Please try installing it by double clicking on the executable at
    "C:\Users\Josh\AppData\Local\Temp\{40299384-E9DB-47B4-B4F7-52C767EF7421}\Prelude_1_LS7\Ado be Prelude CS6\payloads\Microsoft VC 2008 Redist (x64)\vcredist_x64.exe",
    download and install the
    latest Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x64) from Microsoft website -

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    nrg adjusta,
    Sorry it took me a while to repsond, Ive been pretty busy with school and work. But for my hard drive problem, I did hours and hours of more research and trying countless ways of installing and tweaking things in my laptop and absolutely nothing worked that I could do. It was very irritating because I felt like I was so close to fixing it and I was just missing a step somewhere. Though It still boggles me why the disk utility shows a different capacity for the HD's. One thing I'm going to try next is replacing the hard drive cable that goes from the internal HD to the macbook. I read somewhere that sometimes those can go bad over time, and also if you get a new, modern hard drive, sometimes the old cable (for some odd reason) might not be compatible with the new HD. So i want to test it out for myself to see it that is the actual culprit.
    Once I get the cable and install it I'll let you know the results and if it helped at all.
    Have you made any progress on your hard drive at all? If worst comes worst for you, you can probably get a SATA to USB cable and try to reformat it that way (this is the way that worked for me, but the only problem was it wouldn't be recognized when I installed it internally. Thats why i want to try getting the new cable), and if it still wont recognize it after that, you can just leave it outside of your mac, and just boot from that. The only thing that ***** about that is you have this big hard drive handing off the side of your mac when ever you need to use it.
    Heres a link for a SATA to USB. this one is good because is compact and protects the HD from damage and most static electricity.
    Im still continuing my search for the answer and once i find it (if ever!) I'll post it.

  • Microsoft Websites using non-standard URL lengths to libraries causing firewall exceptions which prevent service usability

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    Online but that appears to have been corrected (at least for now).
    The symptom:
    Microsoft Webpage contents load but then the whole pages appear blank (in Chrome and IE 11). The body style is set to "visibility:hidden;".
    The cause:
    Many Microsoft websites use scripts/libraries from and these particular URL's are extremely long and in a bizarre way. In this instance, it's sending Chrome and IE 11 webclients to a URL that is 3472 characters in length (that's
    over 3.3KB for just the URL) and the URL retrieves a JS function call that's 157 characters in length.
    Our corporate firewall is blocking HTTP GET requests to URL lengths greater than a particular length (to prevent infected web-clients from exploiting external web servers). I believe it's set to 2048 characters by default.
    The workaround:
    Set useragent string to IE 10 or lower. It doesn't serve pages that include such long URL lengths in these cases.
    Modify the style of the page in developer mode and set visibility:visible on the body. Works in IE or Chrome then.
    Convince IT to change our corporate firewall to ignore URL Path Length restrictions
    I'm convinced that this is a bug from Microsoft for many reasons: 
    Microsoft claims IE's maximum URL length is 2083 characters. See
    It's arguably poor form to be requiring kilobytes of data just to locate a resource(such as a .js file)
    It's wasting Microsoft's bandwidth. Using 3472 bytes to retrieve 157 bytes that run a function (in another .js file from MS) that sets the body style.
    It's preventing Microsoft customers that are using IE11 on Windows 7/8, who are behind firewalls that check URL Path Length's, from using Microsoft services.
    It does appear to serve content that is unique to the request but there's got to be a better way to accomplish whatever it is MS is actually trying to accomplish with the contents:
    WTOptimize.fireEvent(new WTEvent(WTEvent.CONTROL_PART, WTEvent.STATUS_SUCCESS, {control:"WT3VtgdmLPVOceeXKd8U15PFuYs7rn2UxwpN_67li21nuTEqahNZFhhiLz-KXk~"}));
    Is it trying to display the content on modern browsers only after the page has successfully loaded? I'm not sure, but that's what it's looking like to me.

    I do need more time to make test for your problem. Please be patient.
    Thanks for your understanding.
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Z report downloading problem

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    Does anyone face this problem. Also please confirm what will be resolution.

    dont look only for the answered star on a thread, I guess 80 % of all threads will not get this status even they are solved
    Please try the following steps to resolve this Issue. I dont have the link else search on office help on microsoft website.
    Pushyamithra posted:
    1. go to Menu -> Excel Options By opening excel & click on top left icon shaped in squares to show excel options)
    2. Select Trust center --> trust center settings.
    3. Choose Add-ins and enable require Application Add-ins
    4. Choose Active X settings and enable all controls without restrictions and enable safe mode options
    5. Choose Macro settings & enable all Macros and enable trust Access to VBA project object model
    6.choose message bar settings and enable show message bar options
    7.choose external content settings and enable all data connections and enable automatic update for all workbook ok & save the settings.
    9. got to Popular uncheck the Enable Live preview Box.
    & reopen excel & test it should work, we had come across this problem & found the solution somewhere on microsoft office 2007 help, do a quick search & you would be able to get the steps as well.
    let me know if it worked for you
    And Mads answered in response to: Pushyamithra
    This did the trick for me - thanx for the post!!
    as it was not Mads thread, he could not close it. And the  tread owner did not do it.

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    Also, if anyone could respond before January 10th that would be awesome XD (since that is the last day I can return the nano and get most of my $150 back O_O)

    When you get this kind of "package" message the problem is often with Apple Software Update.
    Uninstall ASU using the method for removing ASU in this article:
    It may well fail to uninstall. If it does you need an installer clean up.
    Download and install Microsoft Installer cleanup utility, there are instructions on the page as well as the download. Note that what you download is the installer not the program – you have to run it to install the program.
    To run the program – All Programs>>Windows Install Cleanup
    Run the clean up utility and remove any references you find to Apple Software Update.
    Hopefully that will allow your install to go though.
    Download the iTunes installer from here:
    Save the installer on your desktop an run it from there.

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    Do a malware check with several malware scanning programs on the Windows computer.
    Please scan with all programs because each program detects different malware.
    All these programs have free versions.
    Make sure that you update each program to get the latest version of their databases before doing a scan.
    *Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware:<br>
    *Microsoft Safety Scanner:<br>
    *Windows Defender:<br>
    *Spybot Search & Destroy:<br>
    *Kasperky Free Security Scan:<br>
    You can also do a check for a rootkit infection with TDSSKiller.
    *Anti-rootkit utility TDSSKiller:<br>
    See also:
    *"Spyware on Windows":

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    The funny part is they are all using an iPad and I'm pretty sure they did not change the browser. But I will look into this and ask them. Could it be a code problem on the website?
    The code I use looks like: Click <a href=""> here</a> to download ...

  • Problem with this Website : FilesFetche

    first i have macbook pro 10.7.5,
    i use google chrome,
    i have problem with this Website :
    i can't Surf the Internet Comfortably,
    if i open any Website be instead of it,
    after few Second,
    i need Surf the Internet Comfortably,
    - please help me -

    Are yo seeing ads?  The pages you are visiting are loaded with ads?
    1. If adware is installed without your knowledge,
        use  free  AdwareMedic by clicking “Download ” from here
       Install , open,  and run it by clicking “Scan for Adware” button   to remove adware.
       Once adware is removed, quit the app by clicking AdwareMedic in the menubar
        and selecting “Quit AdwareMedic”.
    2. Safari > Preferences > Extensions
        Turn those off one by one and relaunch Safari again to test.

  • How to Find the Latest Version of Cluster Binary Files available at Microsoft website

    How we can find the latest version of Cluster binary files available for download at Microsoft Website and which Cluster Binaries should be update to make the Cluster services stable healthy.

    @AnatolySV : I believe you need to put some efforts to understand what he is asking.
    You may find the latest version of Cluster Binaries by entering the required keywords for Microsoft Failover Clustering. Some of the main Cluster binaries(Keywords) are:-
    Clusres.dll (For Cluster Resources like Disk, Application or Service, Cluster IP)
    Clussvc.exe (Cluster Service)
    TCPIP.sys (If the Storage is presented to the cluster Nodes via ISCSI Network).
    MPIO.sys / ISCSIprt.sys (If we are using Multipathing for the disks to be presented).
    RHS.exe (Resource Host Subsystem)
    So, the Answer to your question is: You need to enter the binary name "Clusres.dll" and mention the Operating System you want to install your binaries to "Windows Server 2008 R2 Sp1" on Bing (Preferred for Microsoft Hotfixes). In Result you will get the
    list of hotfixes for clusres.dll
    You need to try this multiple times in order to get the latest version as Microsoft does not have a single Link.
    Hope this answers your query. Feel free to leave a message incase you need more help.
    But hey, you`ve got +1 from me for clarification) 
    Anyway, I still think that the initial question could be more clear and exact. 

  • I have downloaded updates for microsoft office and now the internet wont work - any ideas?

    I have downloaded updates for microsoft office and now the internet wont work - any ideas?

    If you want to simply do a 'fresh' install (versus wiping out all of your data and doing a 'clean' install) simply boot to your Recovery partition (hold down the Command and R keys whilst booting) and when the Recovery screen appears, elect to freshly install OS X.
    Don't know that will solve your problem, though... did you do the 'automatic' update or download the update as a disk image (.dmg)? I wouldn't think that would be causing your problems...

  • Cannot download files from certain websites: log-in prompt

    Hi, I am for some reason getting a log-in prompt when clicking on downloadable files from certain websites (pdf files, etc.). It is especially strange because it is happening on multiple sites, which gave me no problem downloading in the past. This is particular to my computer, and it is happening in different locations, so it can't be a problem with my isp or something.
    I am getting this prompt:
    "To view this page, you need to log in to area "PAGE TITLE" on ""
    Your password will be sent in the clear."
    (Where PAGE TITLE and are specific to the page I'm trying to access)
    I've tried giving a username and password, but it didn't work. I tried emptying my cache and deleting cookies, renewing my ip address, to no avail. I do not use any proxies, so I am really confused now.
    I've found no documentation of anyone else having this issue.
    Any help would be appreciated!

    i figured it out... it was just a strange coincidence, nothing wrong after all.

  • Use this link to report your itunes downloading problems to Apple

    After spending the better part of the morning on the phone with my ISP Comcast, in Memphis, TN they swear it is not their issue. They had me run several tests to the modem, internet speed and browswer and according to them, it was all fine.
    Because the the music store is the only feautue I cannot open
    (no problems accessing other websites), they feel it is an Apple issue, with iTunes in particular. I am inclined to agree since I was able to access the music store briefly this morning.
    I would encourage everyone to contact Apple by email. If enough people do so, they will have to fix the issue if it is an Apple problem (imagine how much business they lost this weekend from people being across the country being unable to buy music), If it is not an Apple issue, they can certainly exert some pressure on the ISP's regarding the connections.
    In general I have not liked the new version of iTunes and noticed slower connections when I downloaded it even when I could get to the music store.
    iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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