DR for Citrix XenApp

Hi there, does anybody have any experience of or found any formal documentation that describes using ASR as a platform for DR with a Citrix XenApp (6x or 7x) deployment?
Regards, Norman

I'm still getting the same problem within Citrix XenApp when attempting to run some videos - for example the one on this page - BBC Sport - Sports Personality: What would you walk 500 miles for?.
When I go to the page, I get the following screen displayed even after using the offline installer:
Then when I use this link, I still get the grey box that I had before.

Similar Messages

  • Installation for Citrix XenApp

    I'm trying to install  install_flashplayer15x32_mssd_aaa_aih.exe onto a Windows 7 machine in order to use Citrix XenApp.  When running the executable the installer displays a grey box and nothing else:
    I've tried updating the Windows Root Certificates, but this hasn't made any difference.  Any idea what I can do to overcome this.

    I'm still getting the same problem within Citrix XenApp when attempting to run some videos - for example the one on this page - BBC Sport - Sports Personality: What would you walk 500 miles for?.
    When I go to the page, I get the following screen displayed even after using the offline installer:
    Then when I use this link, I still get the grey box that I had before.

  • Citrix XenApp 7.6 & VDI Plugin works for some users but not others

    I have a customer with XenApp 7.6 and Lync 2013 SE. They have two users homed to the same pool, both with the same VDI client policy however on one account the VDI pairing works fine over Citrix XenApp, but the other the pairing fails. On both accounts I
    get prompted for the credentials, however the second account will not authenticate. I have tried domain\username, domain.local\username and [email protected] but all fail then I get the red cross through the VDI icon.
    This is all from the same Windows 7 machine, all user accounts are within the same AD domain.
    If anyone has seen similar before any assistance would be greatly appreciated as I am banging my head against the wall!
    Lync Tips Blog - [email protected] - If this post has been useful please click the green arrow to the left or click 'Propose as answer'

    Here is some further info:
    360admin - can sign in to Lync and pair correctly
    msltest - can sign into Lync but the credentials are not accepted for pairing
    Identity                : CN=360 Admin,CN=Users,DC=localdomain,DC=co,DC=uk
    VoicePolicy             :
    VoiceRoutingPolicy      :
    ConferencingPolicy      :
    PresencePolicy          :
    DialPlan                :
    LocationPolicy          :
    ClientPolicy            : HEADSET_USER
    ClientVersionPolicy     :
    ArchivingPolicy         :
    ExchangeArchivingPolicy : Uninitialized
    PinPolicy               :
    ExternalAccessPolicy    :
    MobilityPolicy          :
    PersistentChatPolicy    :
    UserServicesPolicy      :
    HostedVoiceMail         :
    HostedVoicemailPolicy   :
    HostingProvider         : SRV:
    RegistrarPool           : LyncFEG.localdomain.co.uk
    Enabled                 : True
    SipAddress              : sip:[email protected]
    LineURI                 : tel:+44**
    EnterpriseVoiceEnabled  : True
    ExUmEnabled             : False
    HomeServer              : CN=Lc Services,CN=Microsoft,CN=1:3,CN=Pools,CN=RTC Se
    DisplayName             : 360 Admin
    SamAccountName          : 360Admin
    PS C:\Users\360admin> Get-CsUser -Identity "msl test"
    Identity                : CN=MSL Test,DC=localdomain,DC=co,DC=uk
    VoicePolicy             :
    VoiceRoutingPolicy      :
    ConferencingPolicy      :
    PresencePolicy          :
    DialPlan                :
    LocationPolicy          :
    ClientPolicy            : HEADSET_USER
    ClientVersionPolicy     :
    ArchivingPolicy         :
    ExchangeArchivingPolicy : Uninitialized
    PinPolicy               :
    ExternalAccessPolicy    :
    MobilityPolicy          :
    PersistentChatPolicy    :
    UserServicesPolicy      :
    HostedVoiceMail         :
    HostedVoicemailPolicy   :
    HostingProvider         : SRV:
    RegistrarPool           : LyncFEG.localdomain.co.uk
    Enabled                 : True
    SipAddress              : sip:[email protected]
    LineURI                 : tel:+44******
    EnterpriseVoiceEnabled  : True
    ExUmEnabled             : False
    HomeServer              : CN=Lc Services,CN=Microsoft,CN=1:3,CN=Pools,CN=RTC Se
    DisplayName             : MSL Test
    SamAccountName          : MSLTest
    PS C:\Users\360admin> Get-CsClientPolicy
    Identity                                    : Tag:HEADSET_USER
    PolicyEntry                                 : {}
    Description                                 :
    AddressBookAvailability                     : WebSearchOnly
    AttendantSafeTransfer                       :
    AutoDiscoveryRetryInterval                  :
    BlockConversationFromFederatedContacts      :
    CalendarStatePublicationInterval            :
    ConferenceIMIdleTimeout                     :
    CustomizedHelpUrl                           :
    CustomLinkInErrorMessages                   :
    CustomStateUrl                              :
    DGRefreshInterval                           :
    DisableCalendarPresence                     :
    DisableContactCardOrganizationTab           :
    DisableEmailComparisonCheck                 :
    DisableEmoticons                            :
    DisableFeedsTab                             :
    DisableFederatedPromptDisplayName           :
    DisableFreeBusyInfo                         :
    DisableHandsetOnLockedMachine               :
    DisableMeetingSubjectAndLocation            :
    DisableHtmlIm                               :
    DisableInkIM                                :
    DisableOneNote12Integration                 :
    DisableOnlineContextualSearch               :
    DisablePhonePresence                        :
    DisablePICPromptDisplayName                 :
    DisablePoorDeviceWarnings                   :
    DisablePoorNetworkWarnings                  :
    DisablePresenceNote                         :
    DisableRTFIM                                :
    DisableSavingIM                             :
    DisplayPhoto                                : PhotosFromADOnly
    EnableAppearOffline                         :
    EnableCallLogAutoArchiving                  : True
    EnableClientMusicOnHold                     : False
    EnableConversationWindowTabs                :
    EnableEnterpriseCustomizedHelp              :
    EnableEventLogging                          :
    EnableExchangeContactSync                   : True
    EnableExchangeDelegateSync                  :
    EnableFullScreenVideo                       :
    EnableHighPerformanceConferencingAppSharing : False
    EnableHotdesking                            :
    EnableIMAutoArchiving                       : True
    EnableMediaRedirection                      : True
    EnableNotificationForNewSubscribers         :
    EnableSkypeUI                               :
    EnableSQMData                               : False
    EnableTracing                               :
    EnableURL                                   :
    EnableUnencryptedFileTransfer               :
    EnableVOIPCallDefault                       : False
    ExcludedContactFolders                      :
    HotdeskingTimeout                           : 00:05:00
    IMWarning                                   :
    MAPIPollInterval                            :
    MaximumDGsAllowedInContactList              : 10
    MaximumNumberOfContacts                     :
    MaxPhotoSizeKB                              : 30
    MusicOnHoldAudioFile                        :
    P2PAppSharingEncryption                     : Supported
    EnableHighPerformanceP2PAppSharing          : False
    PlayAbbreviatedDialTone                     :
    SearchPrefixFlags                           :
    ShowRecentContacts                          : True
    ShowManagePrivacyRelationships              : False
    ShowSharepointPhotoEditLink                 : False
    SPSearchInternalURL                         :
    SPSearchExternalURL                         :
    SPSearchCenterInternalURL                   :
    SPSearchCenterExternalURL                   :
    TabURL                                      :
    TracingLevel                                : Light
    WebServicePollInterval                      : 00:01:00
    HelpEnvironment                             :
    MSL Test Login
    TL_ERROR(TF_SECURITY) [3]21A4.17E8::03/25/2015-22:39:21.107.00005d39 (SIPStack,SIPAdminLog::WriteSecurityEvent:SIPAdminLog.cpp(319))[1363057693] $$begin_record
    Text: Failed to validate user credentials
    Result-Code: 0x8009030c SEC_E_LOGON_DENIED
    Source: LyncEdgeG.localdomain.co.uk:49201
    SIP-Start-Line: REGISTER sip:domain.com SIP/2.0
    SIP-Call-ID: 2cab650cdf3e4d62aea1cb0c2166c07e
    Lync Tips Blog - [email protected] - If this post has been useful please click the green arrow to the left or click 'Propose as answer'

  • I'm trying to install a Citrix XenApp for work purposes and am having a hard time. The message "The installer has insufficient priveleges to this directory...

    I'm trying to install a Citrix XenApp for work purposes and am having a hard time. The message "The installer has insufficient priveleges to this directory: C:\Program Files (x86) \Mozilla Firefox \Plugins \resource. The installation cannot continue. Log on as administrator or contact your system administrator." I am using a Toshiba Satellite laptop and am the only user and administrator as well. I have read other Firefox support articles and google answers but nothing has resolved this issue. Please help! Be detailed and visual if possible

    There are no BIOS settings, because Macs don't have a BIOS. I don't use Parallels, but I assume it has simulated BIOS settings. You'd have to consult its documentation to find out how to change them.

  • Adobe Creative Cloud (Photoshop, Illustrator, etc-) through Citrix XenApp 6 / 6.5.

    We would like to deploy the Adobe Creative Cloud (Photoshop, Illustrator, etc…) through Citrix XenApp 6 / 6.5.  Does anyone know if this is possible – are there any deployment guides.  I haven’t been able to find any so I’m assuming it’s not officially supported.
    Thank you

    We have a few of the products installed. You will find they work okay but nothing replaces working locally.
    We are, however, using the Enterprise version that is not tied to cloud accounts.
    We have had to play with the video setting of Citrix for better Quality. If you ratchet them up to high for someone that is doing high end editing your performance drops significantly. The screen refresh is blocky and no one doing this work would find it usable.
    We have it there fore simple editing and managing our media. I am looking for a much better storage solution that is sharable across platforms and locations.

  • Registery Hive on Windows 2008 R2 Citrix XenApp

    Hi all,
    User's Registry Hive is not being unloaded when session is disconnected and passes disconnect timeout.
    When user's logoff or meet the idle timeout their registry hive is unloaded and their profile is uploaded to the roaming profiles server, then their profile is deleted off the Citrix server. When users disconnect and their session times out, their registry
    hive is never unloaded and their profile remains on the Citrix server. Below are the details of the environment:
    We are getting error remote desktop service busy and when we manually  go  to servers and unload hive of user profiles it is working fine.
    We have around 60 servers on Windows 2008 R2 and Citrix XenApp 6.5
    We need to know what is root cause of the issue and is their in  Microsoft Hot fix for windows 2008 r2 that need to  be applied.
    i  had checked many  forums and i cannot get a proper answer.

    First of all I would recommend you to install both Citrix hotfixes and Microsoft mentioned in this article:
    These are the hotfixes Citrix recommends you to install and they address a lot of different issues.
    In regards to your registry hive issue, do your have an antivirus agent installed? If so, that could be the culprit. If not setup correctly the antivirus agent could be scanning the user profiles on the XenApp server, that's usually not recommended
    as files sometimes get locked by the antivirus agent and Windows is therefore not able to unload the profile correctly.
    However before getting to deep in your troubleshooting, I would reccomend installing the hotfixes in the Citrix article.

  • Cannot quit Visual FoxPro (Windows Terminal Server 2008 + Citrix XenApp 5 + VMWare vCenter 5.1)

    Hi everybody:
    This is not the typical question about this error, because the problem here is not about how to quit (CLEAR EVENTS then QUIT). The really and weird problem is that our application do no execute the error trapping routines (Try/Catch and ON ERROR) and tries
    to directly Quit.
    I have never seen something like this before, error trapping routines not executed.
    I try to explain the problem better:
    - The user click on the Citrix icon of our App
    - Citrix shows the executed processes (establishing connection, applying user config, loading profile, etc)
    - The Application (VFP 9 SP2) is started and in any moment, while loading, occurs an error that is not handled by error handlers, and it executes a "kind" of a Quit command, that we detect because have a ON SHUTDOWN to catch it, then the App shut
    down and the user must click the Citrix icon and start all over again, up to 7 times, when the App really load and work.
    - I think that it is useful to make clear that no QUIT command is really causing this, just the behaviour of the QUIT when an error occurs, but just while loading. If the App get completely loeaded, then everything works as expected
    - Windows Terminal  Server 2008 + Citrix XenApp 5 + VMWare vCenter 5.1
    - There are up to 50 concurrent users max in every virtualized server
    - More than 10 GB of free disk space / Up to 4 GB ram
    - RAM Memory is never used to the max
    - CPU (Intel Xeon) is never used to the max (up to 90% in some cases)
    - Data (DBFs for temporal work) ar on local drive, not over network (to avoid network known problems with smb2-3)
    - There are connection to a Oracle 11 database for permanently storing the data
    About the errors:
    - They are not always the same or in the same place. In example, in one execution could fail the query of SET("Printer",2), in other execution could fail a SET PROCEDURE TO xxx ADDITIVE (sometimes already loaded), in other could fail a "DO
    WHILE .T." in a init event.... completely crazy, and in all cases the errors are not thrown, not a single error code, the App just try to quit, as if ALT+F4 where pressed.
    - All this does not happen allways to everyone, but happens many times in the day to many many users as to be worried
    - The same user can have this error many times a day, but not allways
    - Some of the problems started when migrating to Windows Terminal Server 2008, but didn't notice nothing special in the beginning, but a year later (last 2014) problems tend to go worse
    Tried solutions:
    - For the "SET PROCEDURE TO xxx ADDITIVE" error, a "IF xxx $ SET('PROCEDURE')" check was added
    - The "SET('Printer',2)" check was moved out of initialization code, so it executes when user want to print the first time. In this case was neccesary to talk with IT guys to map a default printer after the App runs, and not in background, as it
    - Other checks and modifications was made to minimize posibility of errors
    - Adding a timeout of 5 secs in the start of the program, to force a wait
    - Restart of virtual servers (not the phisical) every 3 weeks
    What I suspect:
    - Some Microsoft optimization (memory?, process execution?) in WTS-2008 may interfere?
    - Some VMWare memory management may interfere with WTS-2008?
    - Some Citrix management may interfere with both?
    - Server degradation because of day to day use
    Results until now:
    - Apparently, adding the timeout to force 5 secs delay and the restart of the server have made a notable enhancement in App start and running
    with far fewer
    this happened to anyone?
    Thanks! o_O
    Fernando D. Bozzo / Madrid (Spain)

    I never had this type of problems, but somewhat similar start up problems. I'd say it indicates resource problems. Low RAM can cause many unpredictable things. In my case loading much data at the begin of an application caused out of memory errors, which
    were reported and logged normally, though.
    I made a small tool using Windows API functions GetPerformanceInfo and GetProcessMemoryInfo, you'll find declaration and usage like usual at the News2News site. It's a bit lengthy and cluttered, but pretty much what you find there anyway, so I'll not post
    my utility code.
    I could quite clearly see how many users degraded available memory per session and at some time no further instance of the application was possible on the server. In my case RDP was used to start the app, Citrix will be quite the same, in the end the application
    runs on some server and users see the remote running application.
    Bye, Olaf.
    Olaf Doschke - TMN Systemberatung GmbH

  • Oracle client with Citrix Xenapp 64 bit

    I have below queries :
    1) Can we install Oracle 9i client 32 bit on Citrix Xenapp 64 bit machine ?
    2) Can we install Oracle 9i client 64 bit on Citrix Xenapp 64 bit machine ?
    3) Can we install Oracle 11g client 32 bit on Citrix Xenapp 64 bit machine ?
    4) Can we install Oracle 11g client 64 bit on Citrix Xenapp 64 bit machine ?

    Queries do not make much sense.
    Oracle does not provide client db drivers for a hypervisor or vritual machine system software. It provides it for the operating system used.
    Oracle provide client drivers, 32bit and/or 64bit, for a number of operating systems and operating system versions. Does Oracle provide drivers for Windows XP? Yes. For Windows Vista? Yes. For Windows 7? Yes.
    See Instant Client Downloads.
    Whether such a driver works on a Windows o/s that is running in a virtualised container, and can provide database connectivity, depends on the nature of that container's support for the underlying operating system, and the configuration of that container ito of network connectivity to the real world.
    Oh yes - using Oracle 9i in any shape or form also does not make sense. It is a product discontinued years ago.

  • Adobe Reader X (10.1.1) Visual C++ Runtime error - Citrix XenApp 4.5

    Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
    Runtime Error!
    Program: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe
    I work for a large government agency, and we are experiencing the above error, but we have the added complexity of Citrix (XenApp 4.5). Most of our servers run Server 2003 SP2 Enterprise.
    When you log into the server's console, a PDF from a network location launches fine, however a Softgrid package which contains a link the PDF produces the error (unless you have elevated domain privileges - and then it works fine).
    Using Citrix to launch the PDF via the Softgrid package or the network drive sometimes works, but randomly produces the error. Our security team will now allow us to disable Protected Mode (from our last test, disabling Protected Mode resolved the issue).
    A Procmon log of a failure to launch shows AcroRd32.exe producing an Insufficient Resources error to an IPC share on all our DFS Namspace servers. After that Reader seems to terminate.

    Can you please let me know the following information:
    1) Is the issue exist for previous versions of Reader as well (like Reader X, Reader 9)
    2) Does your organization also use XenApp 5 or XenApp6? If yes, can you please try to reproduce the issue for the clients of those servers.
    3) Please try out the following :
    -- Launch Reader10.1, Goto Edit->Preferences -> General . Un-select the option 'Enable Protected Mode at startup' and close Reader.
    -- Open the PDF file which was throwing Visual Runtime error and see if the error still persists.
    -- After the observation please launch Reader again and goto Edit->Preferences -> General and now select 'Enable Protected Mode at Startup' and close Reader.
    (Reader should always be kept at Protected Mode as it is much more secured)

  • Need to know if Firefox 6 is compatible with Citrix XenApp Server 6 running on Windows Serve r2008 R2 virtualized on a VMWare environment. Thanks in advance!

    We are setting up a new environment for a client based on Citrix XenApp Server 6 running on Windows Server 2008 R2 which is virtualized on a VMWare hypervisor. Client uses Firefox and we need to know if it is going to work or not. If not, what is the root cause (i.e. XenApp, Windows Server 2008 R2, virtualization).
    Thanks again! :)

    I only ask because, in the past we were able to install a related product, InDesign CS5 in Citrix. In fact, Adobe had published documentation for doing exactly that: here. I just haven't seen anything similar for Illustrator CS6 and wanted to check.

  • Citrix XenApp 6.5 PVS - Adobe Acrobat Pro XI Registration PopUp

    Dear Community,
    wondering how to get rid of that registration popup when starting Adobe Acrobat Pro XI (11.0.5) on Citrix XenApp 6.5 privisioned Windwos 2008 R2 server?
    Anyone who can help with this? Thanks in advance.

    Dear brogers_1,
    thanks for your answer. Can you please be a little mor specific. Is it enough to customize the installer (.msi) generally or do we have to set a special settings, so every user will not get the popup "registration" (see screenshot attached) anymore when starting the application?
    Thanks in advance for a reply.

  • Installation of the following Adobe Products in a provisoned Citrix Xenapp 6.0 Farm

    i have to install the following Adobe Products in our Citrix Xenapp 6.0 Enviroment:
    Adobe X Pro
    Adobe Photoshop
    Adobe In Design
    Adobe Dreamweaver
    I will install the latest Version of the Software.
    I'm looking for Help. Primary for the Installation and Licensing.
    Tim Bartz

    I found an article that could help you. I cannot however vouch for its authenticity.

  • Installing flash player for Citrix Environment

    Our company are attempting to move to Citrix XenApp 7.5 and when trying to view video files (from BBC News for example) the following screen is displayed:
    I've tried to 'Get required Flash Player' but when installing I get this shown on the screen:
    I've looked in the forums and seen this thread Problems installing Citrix HDX-compatible Flash Plug-in but after attempting to install the latest Microsoft Root Certificate Update I'm still getting the same problem.
    Can someone advise how I can overcome this issue.

    If your version of IE doesn't support TLS 1.0 or higher, that would also be problematic.  I think it's off by default in IE8.
    Try the offline installer:
    Internet Explorer:
    Firefox and other NPAPI browsers:

  • BPC 7.5 NW on Citrix XenApp 6 w2008

    Hi All,
    We are currently in two BPC projects and we want to use Citrix servers based on w2008 R2 64bit for BPC (is the only supported). Our big problem right now is that BPC client is not working properly with Citrix XenApp 6 W2008 R2 64bit.
      Office 2007 is being used for BPC. Could it be possible to have any feedback from someone using Citrix for BPC 7.5 NW? Maybe someone in SAP or are we the first ones?
    Edited by: Antonio Vacas on Oct 25, 2010 11:38 AM

    Hi Antonio
    May I have a question,
    Did you success install BPC 7.5 NW on W2008 R2 ? Because I thought  NW 7.01 which is required by BPC 7.5 is not able to run on W2008 R2.

  • Citrix XenApp 7.5

    Hi All
    I know that the Novell Client is not supported in Citrix XenApp 7.5, but has anyone tried to get it working
    I have DSFW installed, which provides the local user accounts and that much works, but I would really like to integrate the Novell Client into the login
    I suppose we could add cifs/samba to the remote servers and setup a second login script, but I would prefer not to have to manage 2 sets of access.
    Thanks in Advance

    I would say Just Enable CIFS on the File share Server and map the drives with a GP.
    It is pretty straight forward and fairly quick. I went away from using a login scripts with domain logins as everything I attempted with them did not work like it used to (In the older DC/Domain days). From my research it appears that Microsoft was trying to move away from Login scripts and just use GP's for everything. By doing the targeted drive mapping in the GP everything seemed to work nicely.
    We are currently running All Workstations Windows 7 x64 & Vista X32 with the Novell client & ZCM. No Microsoft client installed. All of our windows servers (2008R2) are joined to the DSFW Domain. We are currently running a 4 Server XenApp 6.5 farm for our EHR/Medical System and 1 Server XenDesktop App Edition 7.6 Farm for testing.
    These servers map 3 shares off 2 NSS Volumes for main files using CIFS. They also map drives & UNC to other windows servers.
    Everyone gets 2 of the shares,
    a users volume for the home folder (Redirected folders & such)
    a data volume for misc. group folders and other stuff.
    Yes you have to have a GP, to map drives and other settings. for the other share you can set it to target specific group or users.
    If you install CIFS you are not managing permissions twice as the Novell permissions will be inherited (*** One little issue with this as if you forget to explicitly set a no access rule at the top of the share everyone can read the share via CIFS, however not with the Novell client)
    I have not found a reason why you would absolutely need the Novell client on a Citrix server yet.
    Do you have an older server or some other reason you need the Novell client?

Maybe you are looking for