Drawing Pictures

Is there a simple application similar to 'paint' in XP that will allow me to add text, lines and boxes to a jpeg photo?

Might I suggest Gimp.app?

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    Does anybody know how can a servlet return the output as html content with drawing picture?
    The drawing picture is drawn at runtime by the servlet.

    Thanks, BalusC.
    But I am not sure if I understand your reply fully.
    From my understanding, you are telling me to first generate a html from a servlet with the image <IMG> tag pointing to a servlet which will be responsible to generate an image?
    For example, <IMG SRC="http://myserver/servlet/testservlet">
    Could you confirm this?

  • Us Draw/Picture vi's or 3D active-X to draw w/o screen update timing glitches?

    For a visual component of a multisensory psychophysical task I need temporal precision. Should I use Draw/Picture vi's or 3D active-X to draw 2D objects w/o screen update timing glitches? How should I synchronize the screen presentation with analog in data streams (within 1 ms)? Should the loop involved in (drawing and) updating the display window be running in parallel to my data collection loop?

    To answer your question, I would recommend using the LabVIEW display VIs as opposed to ActiveX objects if you are worried about the screen update rate from code to display. You can definitely benchmark the time required to run ActiveX code as compared to LabVIEW display VIs, but you cannot benchmark when the interface has actually updated. However, because ActiveX has an additional layer of communication, I would assume that this could potentially extend the time that this operation would take.
    For your application as a whole, I also have other reservations about the timing requirements you have. Specifically, you might not be able to ensure that you have accurate correlation within 1 ms depending on the specifications of the machine and concurrent processes running. By this I mean that the screen update for any operation depends on how fast Windows can process the command to redraw the screen. If you have a slow machine, or a large amount of concurrent tasks for the processor, this timing will be more of an issue.
    The ideal platform that I would suggest would be a Windows machine dedicated to the display of these images. You could then run the acquisition code on a real-time processor and use the Windows host as a time server. By doing this, you can then correlate the timestamps of a screen update with the DAQ timestamps. I hope this information is useful for you. Please post back if you have any further questions.
    Mike D.
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

  • Drawing pictures over others

    I'm trying to create a small applet. I'm getting an image from a intranet, it's a map of barcelona's street. User must be able to move a scroll bar, do zoom, print images, etc, but at the same time I need to paint over this image some other pictures, these images will get the same funcionality taht the first one, zoom, scroll, etc.
    I'm trying to use JAI, swing and awt objects but I don't get a result, I can do zoom or scroll to a planar image but I can't paint nothing over the image.
    I've been trying with ImageDisplay component but it can't show images gif, I need to read gif images, and the scroll is not working properly with that object.
    Do you have some suggestions?
    Can I do with bufferedImages?

    I'll send you the applet class:
    package net.visualapplet;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Container;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Font;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.media.jai.JAI;
    import javax.media.jai.PlanarImage;
    import javax.media.jai.RenderedOp;
    import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
    import javax.swing.JApplet;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JLayeredPane;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JProgressBar;
    import java.awt.GridLayout;
    import net.visualapplet.listeners.GestionarEventsBoto;
    import net.visualapplet.listeners.GestionarEventsCampText;
    import net.visualapplet.print.Print;
    public class VisualApplet extends JApplet {
    protected String posX, posY;
    protected String resX, resY;
    protected String escala;
    protected ItinerariPanel panelImage;
    protected java.util.Vector vecSources;
    //Objecte Progress Bar amb texte
    public JProgressBar progressBar = new JProgressBar();
    public JLabel progressBarLabel = new JLabel("Cargando Imagen: ");
    protected final int MY_MINIMUM=0;
    protected final int MY_MAXIMUM=1000;
    protected int i=10;
         * Propietats que determinen els valors de la sessi� a passar al Servlet
         * Depenen del Servidor d'Aplicacions seran uns noms o altres
    private Properties sessionProperties;
         * Url de connexio al Servlet
         * Aquesta url vindra per parametre dins PARAM de Applet
    //private String urlConnexio;
    public String DNSServidor;
         * Tipus de Servidor al que ens connectem
    private String serverType;
         //Sets y Gets
         public void setPosX(String posX){
              this.posX = posX;
         public String getPosX(){
              return posX;
         public void setPosY(String posY){
              this.posY = posY;
         public String getPosY(){
              return posY;
         public void setResX(String resX){
              this.resX = resX;
         public String getResX (){
              return resX;
         public void setResY(String resY){
              this.resY = resY;
         public String getResY(){
              return resY;
         public void setEscala (String escala){
              this.escala = escala;
         public String getEscala (){
              return escala;
         public void setPanelImage(ItinerariPanel panel){
         public ItinerariPanel getPanelImage(){
                   return panelImage;
         public void setSources(java.util.Vector sources){
              this.vecSources = sources;          
         public java.util.Vector getSources(){
              return vecSources;          
    public void init() {
    Container objContainer = super.getContentPane();
    objContainer.setBackground( Color.white );
    Vector sources = new Vector();
         //Inicializamos valores
         //Progress Bar lo ponemos a invisible     
    protected String getImageUrl(String posX, String posY, String resX, String resY, String escala) throws Exception {
              Hashtable params = new Hashtable();
              //Convertimos valores a Double
              //Double DposX = new Double(posX);
              //Double DposY = new Double(posY);
              //java.lang.Double DresX = new Double(resX);
              //java.lang.Double DresY = new Double(resY);
              //java.lang.Double Descala = new Double(escala);
              RequestManager manager = new RequestManager();
              return manager.getImageUrl("http://www.bcn.es/cgi-guia/bcnet",params);
    public void start() {
    try {
              JLayeredPane layers = getLayeredPane();
              JPanel cTop      = new JPanel();
              JPanel cBottom = new JPanel();
              JPanel cLeft     = new JPanel();
              JPanel cRightBoto = new JPanel();
              JPanel cCenter     = new JPanel();
              JPanel cRightText     = new JPanel();          
              JPanel cRightPanel     = new JPanel();
              JPanel cBottomBar     = new JPanel();
              JPanel cBottomPanel     = new JPanel();
              //Inicializamos valores
              //JPanel cComponents     = new JPanel();
              Container cComponents = getContentPane();
         String urlImage = getImageUrl(getPosX(),getPosY(),getResX(),getResY(),getEscala());
         //ImagePanel panel = new ImagePanel(urlImage);          
              RenderedOp rendered = JAI.create("url", new java.net.URL(urlImage));
              PlanarImage image = rendered.createInstance();
              java.util.Vector sources = getSources();
              //IMprimimos la imagen
              //Print imgPrintable = new Print();
              //A�adimos la imagen que ira por encima
         // A�adimos botones      
         ImageIcon leftButtonIcon = new ImageIcon("left.gif");
              ImageIcon rightButtonIcon = new ImageIcon("right.gif");
              ImageIcon upButtonIcon = new ImageIcon("up.gif");
              ImageIcon downButtonIcon = new ImageIcon("down.gif");
         JButton bLeft           = new JButton("Izq",leftButtonIcon);
              JButton bRight           = new JButton("Der",rightButtonIcon);
              JButton bUp               = new JButton("Arr",upButtonIcon);
              JButton bDown          = new JButton("Abj",downButtonIcon);
              JButton bBuscar          = new JButton("Buscar");
              JButton bImprimir      = new JButton("Imprimir");     
              Font font=new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 14);                    
              Color color = new Color(0,255,0);
              Graphics g = getGraphics();
              //A�adimos campos de texto y sus Etiquetas          
              JLabel labelPosX = new JLabel("Coordenada X");
              JLabel labelPosY = new JLabel("Coordenada Y");
              JLabel labelEscala = new JLabel("Escala");
              JLabel labelBlank = new JLabel(" ");
              JTextField textPosX = new JTextField(10);                    
              JTextField textPosY = new JTextField(10);
              JTextField textEscala = new JTextField(10);
              //INicializamos con los valores de PosX y PosY
              textPosX.addActionListener(new GestionarEventsCampText(this));
              textPosY.addActionListener(new GestionarEventsCampText(this));
              textEscala.addActionListener(new GestionarEventsCampText(this));
              //ImageIcon imageIconCamion = new ImageIcon("up.gif");
              //JLabel imageLabel= new JLabel(imageIconCamion);
              //CanvasPanel miCanvas = new CanvasPanel();
         //JAIScalePanel panel = new JAIScalePanel(sources);
              ItinerariPanel panel = new ItinerariPanel(sources);                    
    //JTabbedPane tabbed = new JTabbedPane();          
              //A�adimos Escuchador de Eventos
              bLeft.addActionListener(new GestionarEventsBoto(this));
              bRight.addActionListener(new GestionarEventsBoto(this));
              bUp.addActionListener(new GestionarEventsBoto(this));
              bDown.addActionListener(new GestionarEventsBoto(this));
              bBuscar.addActionListener(new GestionarEventsBoto(this));
              bImprimir.addActionListener(new GestionarEventsBoto(this));
              // A�adimos elementos en su panel          
    //          cCenter.add(miCanvas,BorderLayout.CENTER);
              //A�adimos Textfields y Labels al contenedor derecho          
              //Cambiamos su layout a tipo grid
              cRightText.setLayout(new GridLayout(13,1));     
    //Cremamos el container de 2 columans para meter
    //el contenedor con el boton derecha y los txtBox
              cRightPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2));
              //A�adimos 2 Paneles abajo
              cBottomPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1));
    //A�adimos componentes al contenedor principal
              setSize(new Dimension(800,600));
    } catch (Exception exc) {
         System.err.println("Excepcion:" + exc.getMessage());
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
    public static void main( String args [] ) {
    JFrame app = new JFrame( "Swing JApplet (Application or Applet)" );
    app.setSize( 800, 600); //set Frame: width, height
    app.addWindowListener( //Register an anonymous class as a listener.
    new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e )
    System.exit( 0 );
    VisualApplet applet = new VisualApplet();
    applet.init(); applet.start();
    app.getContentPane().add( applet, BorderLayout.CENTER ); //add applet to center of frame.
    app.setVisible( true );
    } //main()
    //We have remove some confidential information that is not important, I'll sen you itinerariPanel, this class send a PlanarImage to JAIScalePanel in that place teh planarImage is put into scrollPanel and at the same time into jslider panel.
    We need to insert images over that image doesn't matter if we need to change from planarimage to bufferedimage.
    Itinerari Panel Class:
    package net.visualapplet;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Graphics2D;
    import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    //Nuevos del dia 20 Mayo
    import javax.media.jai.PlanarImage;
    import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
    import javax.media.jai.JAI;
    //Fin imports nuevos
    import javax.media.jai.RenderedImageAdapter;
    import net.visualapplet.gui.JAIScalePanPanel;
    * @author Xavier Escudero
    * To change the template for this generated type comment go to
    * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
    public class ItinerariPanel extends JAIScalePanPanel {
         private java.util.Vector sourceImages;
         public ItinerariPanel(java.util.Vector sourceImages) {
              this.sourceImages = sourceImages;
         /* (non-Javadoc)
         * @see javax.swing.JComponent#paintComponent(java.awt.Graphics)
         protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
              RenderedImageAdapter ria = new RenderedImageAdapter(getSource(0));
              BufferedImage bi = ria.getAsBufferedImage();
              Graphics2D g2 = bi.createGraphics();          
              // Asumimos que "x, y, diam" son variables de instancia
              Ellipse2D circulo =
                   new Ellipse2D.Double(10,10,100,100);          
              PlanarImage imatge = (PlanarImage)sourceImages.elementAt(1);
              RenderedImageAdapter ria2 = new RenderedImageAdapter(imatge);
              BufferedImage bi2 = ria.getAsBufferedImage();
              //System.out.println("Imagen buffered "+bi2);
              //RenderedImage imr2 = JAI.create("file",imatge);          
    I know that may be these code is quite confuse. I'm sorry, we need to read a picture and get the chance to put some images over the firs one, do scroll, zoom, tootips, etc.

  • Drawing pictures from PDF

    hi, i'm going to do a second issue of one book, the 1st issue PDF of which i have. the source pictures used in the first issue are hard to get, but the PDF is exported in a press quality (pictures are 300dpi). my question is if i can use "Save image as" tool of Acrobat Pro to create copies of the pictures from the PDF and use them for the second issue (for press quality) without loosing their quality considerably. it saves them in 300dpi, so i think the quality is preserved, isn't it?

    well, i'm ashamed to confess that i'm the creator of the originnal file, but i didn't keep the copies of the pictures... not purposely, i had to reinstall my computer completely... and i didn't keep them. but i've already drawn und used the pictures again - seem quite good, no problem. i use Acrobat 9 Pro

  • Best way to include drawing in an email?

    When writing emails, I often need/want to draw something to illustrate what I am talking about. Lately it was a rough plan of my house to show the rooms. Sometimes it could be an article of clothing. Nothing professional or precise.
    I find that drawing with a mouse has a lot to be desired and would much prefer drawing with a stylus right on the screen, but failing that, I wouldn't mind using my fingertips. I do not want to use some  other gizmo "in addition to" in order to draw something for the email or notes.
    To do this, is the iPad my best bet? I can see myself ending up sending emails on my iPad if this is true.
    Thank you for any enlightenment on this.

    Meg, I have thought about it overnight and am leaning towards getting the iPad2 with the hope that it might have some apps that let me incorporate my drawings, notes, and audio files into Apple Mail.
    I have been watching some iPad2 videos on the Apple site and  it gives one the impression that the person is writing words and drawing pictures with his fingertips right onto the iPad2 screen. Am I wrong in thinking this?
    My desire is to be writing an email to someone and illustrating whatever I am trying to describe right on top of the email. Is that possible? Or would I have to do this in some other way? Would I have to draw a picture of, for example, a house plan or a new gizmo, and then attach it to my Apple Mail?
    I downloaded AudioNoteLITE for my iMac last night and it is great, but it does not allow for drawing. It does allow for typing and recording sound. Then one can put the file into an email.
    So are there any other solutions in addition to Bamboo Paper??

  • Drawing in JSP

    i would like to know if there is any way to draw pictures on the JSP homepage, for example drawing a map in the homepage line by line?

    You can either draw it on applet or create and image using jpeg or gif encoder and then load the image.

  • Word 2013 not printing pictures

    Hi all, you most likely would have seen a Word wont print pictures thread, but i assure your this is not the simple turn on draw backgrounds fix that most are! Unfortunately :(
    The issue is;
    A girl in an office in a building on a computer, the girl pastes a picture from the web and inserts it into her Word 2013 document that has just been created. The girl presses print, she acknowledges the print preview is what she wants the document to look
    like and then hits the Print button.
    Printer spools, spits out a page with text, but no picture.
    I've tried multiple ways to get the print working, like allowing all web content, turning off the read mode, checking the draw pictures from word, checked printing background and colours, with no effect. I've also tried the microsoft registry fix.
    She can print through Excel, PP, Project, Visio, all 2013 editions, no issue at all. ONLY seems to be Word, if she saves as > PDF,  opens PDF > print = Works, not a solution but a workaround.
    Any help would be much appreciated guys, i've never come across this.

    Have you tried the methods of the
    other thread which you posted?
    I hope you have fixed the issue now, if you have any further situation, please let us know.
    Have a good time.
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Why is it drawing twice? WHY!!!?

    Can someone please explain why the hell this thing is drawing twice?!?!?!?!
    I've tried repaint and validate, but to no avail.
    I'm just trying to make a simple kids game thingy - draws pictures, you press buttons and right disc moves left or right.
    (you'll all be playing it in six months!)
    What have I done wrong?
    Thanks in advance.
    2 java files follow:
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class ImagePanel1 extends JPanel
    // Declare an image array
        Image [] disc1Pics = new Image[36];
        Image [] disc2Pics = new Image[36];
    //Declare temporary index list
        static int [] indexArray1 = new int [36];
        static int [] indexArray2 = new int [36];
    // Declare x co-ords Array
        int [] xPos1 = {206, 214, 221, 234, 257, 281, 255, 285, 315, 255, 285, 315,
        234, 258, 281, 205, 213, 220, 170, 162, 155, 141, 118, 91, 122, 92, 62,
        122, 92, 62, 141, 118, 94, 169, 161, 154};
        int [] xPos2 = {606, 614, 621, 634, 657, 681, 655, 685, 715, 655, 685, 715,
        634, 658, 681, 605, 613, 620, 570, 562, 555, 541, 518, 494, 522, 492, 462,
        522, 492, 462, 541, 518, 494, 569, 561, 554};
    // Declare y co-ords Array
        int [] yPos = {117, 87,  59,  141, 118, 94,  170, 162, 154, 204, 212, 220,
        234, 258, 281, 257, 287, 315, 257, 287, 315, 234, 257, 281, 204, 212, 220,
        171, 163, 155, 141, 118, 94, 117, 87, 59};
        public ImagePanel1()
    // Create FOR loop to increment the 'pic number' - ie pic0, pic1, pic2
            for(int i1=0; i1<36; i1++)
            disc1Pics[i1] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("pic"+i1+".gif");
            for (int j1=0; j1<36; j1++)
            indexArray1[j1] = j1;
            for (int lastPlace1 = indexArray1.length-1; lastPlace1 > 0; lastPlace1--)
    // Choose a random location from among 0,1,...,lastPlace.
                int randLoc1 = (int)(Math.random()*(lastPlace1+1));
    // Swap items in locations randLoc and lastPlace.
                int temp1 = indexArray1[randLoc1];
                indexArray1[randLoc1] = indexArray1[lastPlace1];
                indexArray1[lastPlace1] = temp1;
            for(int i2=0; i2<36; i2++)
            disc2Pics[i2] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("pic"+i2+".gif");
            for (int j2=0; j2<36; j2++)
            indexArray2[j2] = j2;
            for (int lastPlace2 = indexArray2.length-1; lastPlace2 > 0; lastPlace2--)
    // Choose a random location from among 0,1,...,lastPlace.
                int randLoc2 = (int)(Math.random()*(lastPlace2+1));
    // Swap items in locations randLoc and lastPlace.
                int temp2 = indexArray2[randLoc2];
                indexArray2[randLoc2] = indexArray2[lastPlace2];
                indexArray2[lastPlace2] = temp2;
        public void paint (Graphics g)
            int x, y;
            double angle1=0;
            double angle1a=0.26166666666666666666666666666667;
            double angle2=0;
            Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
    //          LEFT DISK                    LEFT DISK                    LEFT DISK
    //150 = radial length, 200 = co-ord of centre
                angle1 = angle1 + 0.52333333333333333333333333333333;
    //0.52333 is 6.28/12 - ie 1/12th of 360 degrees in radians
            while (angle1<6.28);
    //Create FOR loop with increment 'k' - equates to pic0, x_pos[0], y_pos[0], pic1, x_pos[1] etc
            //for(int k1=0; k1<36; k1++)
    //          RIGHT DISK                    RIGHT DISK                    RIGHT DISK
                angle2 = angle2 + 0.52333333333333333333333333333333;
            while (angle2<6.28);
            for(int k2=0; k2<36; k2++)
    //add in the circles
        public void doAntiClockwise()
            int current = 3;
            int [] temp = new int[indexArray2.length];
            for(int x=0; x<indexArray2.length; x++)
                if(current < indexArray2.length)
                    temp[current] = indexArray2[x];
                    current = 0;
            indexArray2 = temp;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class SafeCracker
        extends JFrame
        private JPanel buttonPanel, buttonPanel2, blank1, blank2, blank3,
            blank4, blank5, blank6;
        private JButton anti, clock, ok, disc1, disc2, disc3;
        ImagePanel1 myPanel = new ImagePanel1();
        public SafeCracker()
            super("SAFE CRACKER");
            JPanel panelForStuff = new JPanel();
            panelForStuff.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            anti = new JButton("Anti-Clockwise");
            anti.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
            clock = new JButton("Clockwise");
            ok = new JButton("OK");
            disc1 = new JButton("Disc 1");
            disc2 = new JButton("Disc 2");
            disc3 = new JButton("Disc 3");
            blank1 = new JPanel();
            blank2 = new JPanel();
            blank3 = new JPanel();
            blank4 = new JPanel();
            blank5 = new JPanel();
            blank6 = new JPanel();
            buttonPanel = new JPanel();
            buttonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 6));
            buttonPanel2 = new JPanel();
            buttonPanel2.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 6));
            panelForStuff.add(myPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
            panelForStuff.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
            panelForStuff.add(buttonPanel2, BorderLayout.NORTH);
            setSize(800, 500);
        public static void main(String args[])
            SafeCracker application = new SafeCracker();

    but I just ran this with no pictures - and it drew it
    So it's something to do with bringing the pictures in.
    Can anybody see where my error is?I haven't looked at your code but the statement above might indicate that you need to wait till the images are loaded. Try to add them to a mediatracker, and see if that solves your problems.

  • Is there a way to put pictures from Whiteboard into photo stream?

    I had students draw pictures in Whiteboard and would like to use Photo Stream to transfer to my computer. I can't find a way to put them into Photo Stream.

    Copy from iPod to PC
    It is important not to allow your iPod to sync with an empty library. If it is set to synchronise automatically you will get a message saying your iPod is linked to a different library and asking if you want to sync – it is important to press cancel as syncing with an empty library erases all music from your iPod.
    You can also prevent auto sync by holding down shift & ctrl as you plug in your iPod and keeping the keys held down until the iPod appears in iTunes.
    Once you are connected, you need to set your iPod to manage music manually.
    If you have an iPod with iTunes Store purchases on it, you can use it to copy your purchases to other authorized computers.
    However this is not allowed for other music.
    This MacMuse tip tells you how to copy music from your iPod using Windows Explorer, but it is a bit fiddly:
    Otherwise you can use third party software to manage the transfer, there are a variety of programs out there, some free and some that will copy ratings and counts as well as the music files. Here is a selection, check them out and see what suits you.
    For a more complete list see:
    There is a useful background article on copying from your iPod here:
    http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/articles/comments/copying-music-from-ipod-to-co mputer/

  • Drawing in NetBeans  (Hope this is the right forum)

    I got a litle question.
    can I draw pictures on the the frame with the GUI builder? (I mean if there is a button "draw picutre" or maybe something through the properties on the frame/panel or something like that)
    or I need to override by myself its paintComponent() method in the source tab?(or I need to write the paintComponent() code manually)
    I am using netBeans 6.0.1 if its matter..
    If its not the right forum for my problem please tell me
    Thanks in advance , Gonen
    Edited by: Gonen on Mar 16, 2008 8:35 AM

    Gonen wrote:
    but I got already a picture that I want to draw (JPG file)I'm sorry, my bad but I misunderstood you. So you want your application to show a picture, is that it? If so, the easiest way I know of is to create an ImageIcon with your picture, place this imageicon in a JLabel, and show the JLabel. If you need to show a picture in the background, then you'll probably need to override the paintComponent of a JPanel, draw the image there using a graphics method such as drawImage(...). You can learn a lot about how to do this here:
    and here:
    Here's a simple example of using an ImageIcon:
                String imageFile1 = "disc/d1/f/image1.jpg";
                icon1 = new ImageIcon(ImageIO.read(new File(imageFile1)));
                JPanel jp1 = new JPanel();
                jp1.add(new JLabel(icon1));
                //.... more code here
            catch (IOException e)
            }Good luck
    Edited by: Encephalopathic on Mar 17, 2008 9:56 AM

  • My N800 review

    My full review with pics at http://reviews.phonereport.info
    Cellphones have come a long way and so has Nokia. From being a paper factory to the biggest phone maker, Nokia is widening its products.
    In one way Nokia is making a big mistake as people like convergence and Nokia is separating everything in this Nokia N800 Internet Tablet. By being a dedicated Internet Tablet it should be compatible with every type of Internet connectivity available, but it isn’t, it does not have GSM or UMTS. Unlike its rivals in the UMPC world like Flybook, Nokia has got experience in mobile connectivity but didn’t apply it. Other basic aspect of this Internet Tablet that I can point out in this beginning is that there are no business applications, such as our basic Word Processor or Spreadsheet.
    But like its predecessor 770, this device for a beautiful screen size and resolution, and the hardware is improved.
    The N800 is powered by a TI OMAP 2420 processor boasting 320 MHz of clockspeed, more than the 770 which has only 266 MHz. This device also carries a satisfying 128MB of RAM and 256MB of flash memory, double of the 770.
    A touchscreen is used to control the tablet, and two memory card slots, one MMC and one SD are used to provide extra storage. Besides that, it still got a camera that pops out, a built-in stand and a 3.5mm jack for headset and microphone.
    The availability and the price aren’t very comfortable. I haven’t seen one in South Africa yet beside this one that Wom World sent me for a review, and the price is too much to ask for such a basic device.
    First I saw this huge 4.1” touchscreen with keys on its left side and on top. It was very slim and light for its size. The dimensions are 75x144x13mm and it weighs 206g.
    There is a joypad with 5-way navigation and a blue LED flashing only when the device is locked or when the battery is low. Below that there is a set of three keys: return, menu, and home keys. This keypad is not well built at all because it moves, it does not fit the housing properly.
    If you look at the N800, you will see many speaker holes, which make you think that it is extremely loud. But you shouldn’t judge Nokias by their outwards appearance.
    On the middle there is this huge widescreen boasting 800x480 resolution and strong colours, but there is too much glare and reflection, it can get hectic to watch a movie with your friends in a bus ride, as you will constantly need to tilt and turn the device.
    On the right side there is a slot for the stylus, a 3.5mm jack with 3 channels, an N-Series charger pin, and if you lift up the stand, there is a miniUSB port. This isn’t convenient as I sometimes like to leave my phones lying down during data transfer, and this feature does not let me do that.
    On the left side there is a camera that is hidden and you need to push inside so that the spring mechanism releases it and activates GTalk, it can rotate but it’s only for video calls so it’s a VGA.
    On the top, from left to right, there is a zoom out, fullscreen, zoom in button sets, and then there is an ON/OFF button. On the middle there is a high-sensitive microphone for VoIP. Under the N800 there is SD/miniSD/microSD slot that has a sensor when you open the slot, it deactivates the card. If you put the provided miniSD, its fine, but with your own microSD with adaptor, it’s almost impossible to remove it, in fact, it kept mine inside and I cannot remove it.
    The stand is a good addition to the tablet, there are two positions, on one you can watch a movie as it sits perpendicular to the surface, on the other you can put it on your desk and work with it as it’s at an angle.
    The back cover doesn’t fit the housing and it moves like the keypad. Underneath the cover there is a BP-5L 1500mAH battery that does satisfy the needs of most people. Average standby time is 110 hours, and use time is around 6 hours, tested by me. There is also a MMC slot and a cover sensor, that tells the device if the back cover is open or not.
    The Nokia N800 runs off Linux Maemo Internet Tablet OS 2007. Not a dynamic Operating System at all. First of all, a bad choice from Nokia, as they should stick to Symbian, they are good at it, and people like it. I do not blame Nokia, they wanted to change, but there only problem is that they did not do it properly. It’s not their first Internet Tablet, I never saw the 770, but if it was like this, they didn’t learn much out of it. Clearly this device is intended to people who want to try something new.
    There is an awesome finger recognition system, the device detects if you tap with the stylus or with the finger. If you tap with the finger, larger icons appear and a fullscreen keyboard appears, where you can use both hands to tap letters, and it is really cool because instead of hearing the keys click, you hear the virtual sound. With the stylus, a small keyboard appears where you can use either keys or handwriting recognition. Strange thing, there is no security codes or PIN.
    The UI is very neat but complicated for beginners. Imagine your Windows Desktop with absolutely nothing, only your Start button and System Tray. There is a set of icons in the left, a small taskbar on top, and the rest of desktop is customizable with plugins such as Google Search and Clock. The icons have whatsoever no labels, so you have to guess what they are for, and that’s irritating for beginners.
    There is world icon which has a set of web options and bookmarks, the second icon is practically dedicated to Google Talk but also has email options. Finally the third icon has something like your Start > All programs menu.
    In that Programs Icon, you find Media Player, RSS Feed Reader, Images, File Manager, and Skype. Beneath that, there are a set of Folders:
    * Web – has Web itself and Bookmarks.
    * Contact – Contacts, e-mail (POP3 and IMAP4), Internet Call (VoIP), and IM (Google Talk).
    * Utilities – Calculator, Clock, Notes, PDF Reader, Sketch.
    * Games – Chess, Blocks, Mahjong, Marbles.
    * Tools – Application Manager, Backup/Restore, Control Panel, Connection Manager, Teach Handwriting.
    * Extras – Maemo Pad, Camera, Media Streamer, Rdesktop.
    * Connection – EarthLink.
    * Search.
    * Help.
    The Media Player was disappointing on the audio side, it does support most formats: M3U and PLS playlists, partially on ASX, WAX, WVX and WPL. Supports AAC, AMR, AWB, M4A, MP2, MP3, RA, WAV, WMA. It streams AAC, AMR, AWB, M4A, MP3, MP2, RA, and WAV. On the video side it supports AVI, 3GP MP4, MPE, MPEG, MPG, EM, RMVB and RV. This all seems very good until you deal with it. There is no equalizer, there is no visualization. SRS is not present and the earphones have no bass feeling. The player interacts positively with MP3s but blanks out on AAC, it does not show time or seek bar, it just plays the track.
    The video player is simply great, files in DivX are played in their full resolution and perfect colour, just make sure you do not play movies while the sun is out, the glare is terrible.
    For beginners the video player will not make a difference as there is no tool to convert videos, there is no CD such as Nokia PC Suite. Most people do not have time to look for a suitable N800 converter, as most of them did not even work properly according to my tests.
    You can minimize the music player while browsing the internet. Other basic features of the player are shuffle and repeat. Another bad thing is that while playing music, it goes to screensaver mode so we cannot pause or use other controls.
    These entire Contacts feature is more like a Google Talk package.
    I see Nokia joining Microsoft’s Windows Live for Symbian OS but here it joins Google? Perhaps Microsoft wanted them to use Windows OS on the N800…
    You can see all contacts and sort them by initials or you can group them. The chat feature is slow to start and the video feature is totally useless because Google Talk does not support video chat. You can also block contacts and merge them. Importing and exporting is also possible and it supports Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Gmail, vCard, and Nokia phones. You can set presence to On, Away, Busy and define if you want GTalk to login when the N800 establishes a connection.
    The email client is detailed, lets you create unlimited accounts and has a detailed wizard for that purpose, even though Gmail was difficult to setup and Google did not mention N800 on their help pages. As any basic email client, you can retrieve attachments, save sent emails, save drafts, and have an outbox. It is possible to save signatures, but no HTML or images on them. There is also an option to search messages.
    The email client tries to sync email when you access the program even if there is no connection. To send emails is very fast and contains basic word editing features such as changing fonts.
    Internet Calling is close to perfect in both GTalk and Skype, but mostly on Skype as Google Talk always has errors on it.
    Skype is a good add-on to the device, it tells you the balance available and it even lets you buy credit. It’s loaded with features except video call. You can setup sounds like the computer version, leave Skype on the background, receive calls from non-internet numbers, establish voicemail and even call forwarding. It is fast logging in, can save your password or even create an account if you do not own one.
    The PDF reader is complete with zoom options, fullscreen, and with document sending options, you can choose if you want to open images or not and even save the page as another name.
    The Notes application is a simple word processor with font chooser, bullets and few other options, you can also search for words in the text. The file is not saved as a .doc.
    If you are bored or feeling creative, you can always draw pictures or customize the ones you have with different brush thickness and custom colours. The program reminds you to save before quitting.
    All games are built in 3D but there are no advanced games such as car racing, where the processor could help getting some quality across.
    A very well built Chess game is present with tips and levels. There is a Blocks game that plays in portrait mode. Mahjong is also interactive and with clues. Lastly there is Marbles, where you can get to do a combination of marbles in a labyrinth which I find very complicated.
    The Application Manager is not only about uninstalling applications, it lets you browse installable applications, there are 100s of them which can bring some usability on the device. As I am writing this, I notice video centres, and Ogg Vorbis codecs to install on the phone, but no simulation games, only puzzles.
    The Control Panel has pretty much everything needed to manage the N800, it is possible to pair with a Bluetooth Keyboard, set the MMC to act as RAM, define connection method as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, and even train handwriting recognition.
    The Extras it was me who pretty much installed them, there is Camera, to take photos with the poor camera quality and resolution. Media Streamer does its job pretty well, and same about Internet Radio, although they are soft in volume, and there is Maemo Mapper that is brilliant but slow GPS guiding application, works with external GPS but does not come with preloaded maps, but lets you stream maps from various sources such as Google Earth.
    If after all this you think the software can be dynamic, think again as no other OS is compatible with this, and it lacks on what any businessman would need in such a device, Office applications.
    For this device to achieve its main goal it needs powerful communication skills, and it does. It has the best Wi-Fi antenna I have tried, it detects wireless networks that not even my notebook or my N95 can. It can be set to 100mW or 10mW and it supports all security protocols in 802.11b/g networks.
    There is also a Bluetooth connection for the device to connect via a phone and use Data Cal or Packet Access. You can use the N800 to explore devices that support OBEX file transfer, but you cannot browse the N800 via OBEX, only use it for Object Push.
    The only way for a computer to browse the two memory cards in the n800 is mass storage mode. There is no TV-out either, but the high-resolution screen is enough for everything, but a docking station would have been useful.
    The sound is just terrible, there are stereo speakers but they are light-years away from loudness, in music or movies. Thankfully there is a 3.5mm jack and stereo earphones are supplied, or else it would be useless to have a media player. With two memory card ports you could have around 10GB of space, if you can afford it, perhaps and internal hard drive would have been useful. For basic sounds like browsing the internet, the speakers are enough but VoIP sounds too soft in the Tablet, a real waste of potential.
    Now for the main part of the device, the Internet, or Web as Nokia calls it. Obviously multipage browsing is supported which makes browsing easier and faster. Fullscreen browsing is the best part with the lovely touchscreen. Media Streaming is fast and high quality so it depends on the server for the speed provided. Javascript is supported as well so no internet content is missed. On the security side, SSL2 is possible, but there is no parental lock. You can manage bookmarks like a proper browser or email webpages. There is even an option to set the current page as home. Zooming helps navigation, but what really makes it fun is thumb dragging like the iPhone.
    The History is divided in dates, and plug-ins can be installed such as Shockwave Flash. I have no complaints about the browser, its simply wonderful.
    There isnt much else to talk about, the N800 really made news in my community as they don’t sell them in South Africa, but now its time to give it back to Wom World. I believe that with time the OS will improve and new applications will come up. Im really looking for an upgrade with a keyboard in the box, a high-end game, and most importantly, other application. (I know much of this is coming…soon).
    Advantages: Excellent web browser, powerful Wi-Fi antenna, 2 memory card slots, 3.5mm jack, high resolution, VoIP, DivX player.
    Disadvantages: No keyboard, very soft speakers, no hard drive, low spec camera, non-dynamic OS, no video converter, no Office applications.
    Rating: 7.4/10
    Moderator note: e-mail address removedMessage Edited by michaels on 22-Oct-2007 01:00 PM
    Visit http://www.phonereport.info for the latest phone news

    I think it is also done by edwardquan:/discussions/board/message?board.id=smartphones&message.id=52200&query.id=227350#M52200
    Two reviews two thumbs up!!!!

  • Help. am lost trying to set up an email account.

    after almost 20 years of using the mac for artwork and a pc for office stuff, I've made the total switch to mac only.
    problem is setting up an email account.
    I had microsoft entourage working pretty good but just discovered that there is no hyperlink feature in entourage, making the program worthless and unusable for our office environment where I send hyperlinks to ever changing large documents withen the organization by email.
    I am hoping the apple mail program will be my solution.
    I am trying to copy the settings from entourage into the mail program with some difficulty.
    Our It guys will have nothing to do with the mac so I'm pretty much on my own for figuring out how this stuff works.
    I want to transfer the connecting settings from entourage (or worse case scenerios-the old PC) into the Mail program but they have different names.
    Please help me decipher the differences. Entourage has alot of different names for things, public folders servers, exchange servers, LDAp servers, ect. whereas the Mail only has an incoming, an outgoing, and a Outlook web access server fields. I cannot figure out which is which.
    hopefully, once it is configured, i will have the hyperlink ability. otherwise, I'll have to use Fusion for Microsoft Office. running the fusion with XP program makes the keyboard work like crap and the mouse un-usably jumpy, not good for trying to draw pictures.

    unfortunately, the only solution was to keep running windows for outlook email because of hyperlinks. really thought I could dump that old hassle.

  • Need help in Xi faqs

    Hi guys ,
    This is SuryaNarayana . I have collected some faqs from www.**************** but they have no answers please answers these questions
    Questions are releated in to XI-BPM
    1. Business Process Management is concerned with ?
    a. Processes within and across applications
    b. Planned or spontaneous Human interaction
    c. Automating, streamlining, managing business processes
    d. Moving process control from application to technology layer
    e. All of the above
    2. Which open modeling standard ccBPM adheres to?
    a. BPEL
    b. XML
    c. WSDL
    d. None of these
    3. High-Tech industry ccBPM implementation guidelines are known as ?
    a. RosettaNet Implementation Framework
    b. CIDX
    c. Marketpalce
    d. SAP BC
    4. Individual "Swim Lane" in BPM modelling contains ?
    a. Business Scenarios from same company
    b. Business Scenarios from same Application
    5. Different Panes within BPM editor in IR ?
    a. Header
    b. Editing
    c. Process Overview
    d. Property
    e. Output
    f. Object
    g. All of the above
    6. Data Declaration of the Business process can be viewed in ?
    a. Correlation in Object area
    b. Container in Output area
    c. Container in Object area
    d. None of these
    7. Which of these is not Messaging relevant Step type ?
    a. Receive
    b. Send
    c. Transformation
    d. Receiver Determination
    e. Block
    8. Control Step can be used for, except ?
    a. Terminate current process
    b. Trigger an Exception
    c. Trigger an Alert
    d. Define different processing braches for process
    9. Which of the following triggers process to start?
    a. By receiving amessage assinged to receive step
    b. Batch job by scheduling in WAS
    c. Both of these
    d. None of these.
    10. To route response messages to the
    correct process instance, _______ object is used ?
    a. Correlation
    b. Interface
    c. Adapter
    d. Mapping
    11. Correlation handling is handled by ?
    a. BP engine
    b. Integration Engine
    c. Adapter Engine
    d. None of these
    12. Container element can be typecasted to, except ?
    a. simple XSD/XML Schema
    b. Abstract i/f
    c. Receiver
    d. Multilne(vector)
    e. Sender
    13. Outer Container block has container element 'O' and inner Container block
    has container element 'I'. Then which of the following is true?
    a. Both 'O' and 'I' are visible in outer block.
    b. Both 'O' and 'I' are visible in inner block.
    c. Both of these.
    d. None of these.
    14. Simple Fork process step terminates when ?
    a. All branches are true.
    b. All branches are false.
    c. Either true.
    d. Either false.
    15. Collect process pattern types includes ?
    a. Condition
    b. Receiver message
    c. Append message
    d. Increase counter
    e. Merge message
    f. Send message
    g. All
    XI-Releated questions
    1. SAP XI is an Integration technology and platform?
    a) for SAP and non SAP applications.
    b) for A2A and B2B scenarios
    c) for asynchronous and synchronous applications
    d) for cross-component Business Process Management.
    2. XI represents the following layer in the NetWeaver stack:?
    a) People Integration
    b) Information Integration
    c) Process Integration
    3. XI uses the following web standards ?
    a) WSDL
    b) XSD
    c) SOAP
    4. XI components include?
    a) SLD (System Landscape Directory)
    b) Integration Builder
    c) Integration Server
    d) Central Monitoring
    e) Adapter Engine
    5. Integration Builder is a?
    a) Java application
    b) ABAP application
    c) .NET application
    6. Java Web Start is required for?
    a) Caching java clients
    b) Drawing pictures
    c) Connect to SUN systems
    7. SLD is a?
    a) Client application
    b) Server application
    8. XI is technically a client of SLD?
    a) TRUE
    b) FALSE
    9. SLD adheres to?
    a) Common Information Model
    b) Web Services Definition Language
    c) XML Schema Definition Language
    d) XML
    10. Usage of PCK (Partner Connectivity Kit) ?
    a) Allow small partners and subsidiaries to communicate natively with XI
    b) For Partners to connect to database systems7444
    c) Allow Partners to connect to .NET and Java applications
    11. Certain adapters are needed in cases where the Integration Server
    is to exchange messages with an R/3 system based on basis kernel lower than?
    a) 6.10
    b) 6.20
    c) 6.40
    d) 4.5
    12. XI supports the following QoS (Quality of Services)?
    a) BE (Best Effort)
    b) Exactly Once (EO)
    c) Exactly Once In Order (EOIO)
    d) Exactly Twice In Order (ETIO)
    13. QoS BE is equal to ?
    a) Synchronous RFC (sRFC)
    b) Asynchronous RFC (aRFC)
    c) Transactional RFC (tRFC)
    d) Queued RFC (qRFC)
    14. QoS EO is equal to ?
    a) Synchronous RFC (sRFC)
    b) Asynchronous RFC (aRFC)
    c) Transactional RFC (tRFC)
    d) Queued RFC (qRFC)
    15. QoS EOIO is equal to ?
    a) Synchronous RFC (sRFC)
    b) Asynchronous RFC (aRFC)
    c) Transactional RFC (tRFC)
    d) Queued RFC (qRFC)
    16. Adapter Framework is based on ?
    a) JCA (Java Connector Architecture)
    b) NCA (.NET Connector Architecture)
    c) PCK (Partner Connectivity Kit)
    d) WSDL (Web Services Definition Language)
    17. XI Adapter Engine is based on the integrated?
    a) ABAP engine
    b) J2EE engine
    c) .NET engine
    d) JCA (Java Connector Architecture)
    18. Integration Processes are built using?
    a) WSDL (Web Services Definition Language)
    b) BPEL (Business Process Execution Language)
    c) XSD (XML Schema Definition Language)
    d) JCL (Java Connector Language)
    19. Runtime Workbench in XI is the central monitoring tool for the following?
    a) Component Monitoring
    b) Message Monitoring
    c) End-to-End Monitoring
    d) Performance Monitoring
    e) Queue Monitoring
    f) Schedule Monitoring
    20. XI uses enhanced version of SOAP protocol called?
    a) XI XML
    b) XI SOAP
    c) XI XSD
    d) XI PML
    21. What is the cardinality of MESSAGE TYPES : DATA TYPES ?
    a) 1:1
    b) 2:1
    c) 2:2
    d) 1:0
    22. What are the advantages of ASYNCHRONOUS updates?
    a) Acknowledgement can be sent back
    b) Messages can be persisted.
    23. What are the advantages of SYNCHRONOUS updates?
    a) Acknowledgement can be sent back (messages can be persisted with additional configuration)
    b) Messages can be persisted.
    c) Messages cannot be persisted.
    24. What is the Message format used in XI for processing?
    a) Specific implementation of SOAP which is XI XML
    b) JMS
    c) RFC
    d) CIDX
    25. What is an Adapter?
    a) Adapters are used to communicate to Legacy or SAP systems with WAS version < 6.2
    b) Adapters are used to retrieve information from Java, .NET systems
    c) Adapters are used to import IDOC, RFC information.
    26. In the Integration Repository, what is the KEY of an
    object or how can an object be uniquely identified?
    a) SWCV, Namespace, Name
    b) Namespace, Name, Description
    c) Name, Description, SWCV
    d) SWCV, SWCV1, SWCV2
    27. How do you classify NAME SPACE in an R/3 Environment?
    a) Equivalent to function group
    b) Equivalent to development class
    c) Equivalent to function module
    d) Equivalent to BAPI
    28. What is ICM?
    a) Internet Console Manager
    b) Internet Communication Manager
    c) Infrastructure Communication Manager
    d) Intranet Communication Manager
    29. A Customer has WAS 6.2 and has decided to use XI?
    a) He cannot use XI unless WAS 6.2 is upgraded to WAS 6.4
    b) Can use XI with some additional patches
    c) WAS 6.2 already has XI in it. No need of any additional software
    30. What is the name space of an IDOC?
    a) urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages
    b) urn:sap-com:document:idoc:sap:messages
    c) urn:sap-com:sap.document:idoc:messages
    d) urn:sap-com:document:idoc:messages
    31. What is the name space of an RFC ?
    a) urn:sap-com:document:rfc:sap:functions
    b) urn:sap-com:document:bapi:rfc:functions
    c) urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions
    d) urn:sap-com:document:remote:rfc:functions
    32. What doesn’t get transported when the configuration is released?
    a) All Objects will get transported
    b) Generated proxies and application coding in the application
    components does not get transported when the configuration is released.
    c) Only application coding will not get transported.
    d) Only generated proxies will not get transported.
    33. How many Pipelines are there in the integration server?
    a) Receiver Identification, Interface Identification, Message Branch,
    Request Message Mapping, Outbound Binding, Call Adapter, Request Message Mapping.
    b) Receiver Identification, Interface Identification, Message Branch,
    Request Message Mapping, Outbound Binding.
    c) Message Branch, Request Message Mapping, Outbound Binding,
    Call Adapter, Request Message Mapping.
    34. What are the possible Trace Levels?
    a) 0 – No Trace,1 – Low Trace Level,2 – Medium Trace Level,
    3 – High Trace Level,4 – Expert Trace Level
    b) 0 – No Trace,1 – Low Trace Level,
    2 – Medium Trace Level,3 – High Trace Level
    c) 10 – Low Trace Level,20 – Medium Trace Level,
    30 – High Trace Level,40 – Expert Trace Level
    35. Does JMS adapter need additional driver to communicate to database?
    a) Yes
    b) No
    c) JMS adapter is not available in XI
    36. What is use of PCK?
    a) Partner Connectivity Kit that helps Partner Systems with no ability
    to communicate in XML speak to the Business Systems.
    b) PCK is used to deploy additional drivers
    c) PCK can be used as an alternative to XI
    37. What is Context Object? What is its role?
    a) Context Objects are pointers to a specific element within the message,
    for future reference. Encapsulate the access to data that is contained
    in the payload or in the header of the message.
    b) Another form of data types
    c) Can be used instead of message types
    38. What adapters don’t need Sender Agreement?
    a) HTTP, IDOC.
    b) IDOC, RFC
    c) IDOC, JMS
    d) JDBC, JMS
    39. What is the Protocol followed for Mail Adapter?
    a) SMTP
    b) IMAP
    c) POP3
    d) POP4
    40. Where do you configure an Adapter?
    a) Sender Agreement
    b) Receiver Determination
    c) Business System
    d) Communication Channel
    41. Can a JDBC adapter query the database table?
    If yes, what are different possibilities?
    a) Yes. You can configure sender and receiver communication channels.
    A special XML format is defined for content coming from the
    Integration Engine. This canonical format enables SQL Insert,
    Update, Select, Delete or stored procedure statements to be processed.
    A message is always processed in exactly one database transaction.
    b) JDBC adapter cannot insert records in the database.
    c) We should not insert, update records in the database directly.
    42. The message monitoring status DLNG means ?
    a) DLNG = Delivering.
    b) DLNG = Dialing
    c) DLNG = Detailing
    d) DLNG = Dismantling
    43. Where do you perform Content Based Routing?
    a) Receiver Determination
    b) Receiver Agreement
    c) Sender Agreement
    d) Communication Channel
    44. What are the various supported mapping types?
    a) Message Mapping, Java Mapping, XSLT Mapping, ABAP Mapping.
    b) XSLT, Java, JDBC, JMS
    c) XSLT, WSDL, XSD
    45. With respect to ABAP proxies,
    what are the methods that can be coded?
    46. “ Fields under a node with a minoccurs of ZERO has been mapped.
    ” The values don’t appear in the target result, what could be wrong?
    a) The parent node has not been assigned.
    b) Parent node has cardinality 0…unbounded
    c) Parent node has many fields
    47. What is a SENDER COMM CHANNEL?
    a) Sender Communication Channel is where you define the source system from
    where the message/information goes to XI and also the adapter, the Sender System uses.
    b) Sender Communication Channel is where you define the target system from where
    the message/information goes out of XI and also the adapter, the Receiver System uses.
    c) Sender Communication Channel is where you define the how the
    interface mapping takes place between Sender and Receiver.
    48. XSLT is supported but two statements were not supported. What are they?
    a) <xsd:include>, <xsd:import>
    b) <xsd:including>, <xsd:importing>
    c) <xsd:includes>, <xsd:imports>
    d) All statements are supported.
    49. What steps can be inserted in an Exception branch?
    a) Terminate a process, trigger an alert.
    b) Terminate the interface, trigger IDOC.
    c) Terminate exception, branch integration process.
    50. What is multi mapping? When can it be used?
    a) Multi Mapping is used to map abstract interfaces and can only be used in ccBPM.
    b) Can be used when there are multiple interfaces from Sender systems.
    c) Can be used when there are multiple interfaces from Receiver systems
    51. The first step in the Integration process can be ?
    a) Receive step
    b) fork Step
    c) Send Step
    d) Block Step
    52. An Exception raised by a step can be handled by ?
    a) Only by exception handler in the same step
    b) Only by exception handler in the outer step
    c) By exception handler in the same step or in the outer step
    53. An exception is raised by ?
    a) Async or sync send step, transformation step and Control Step
    b) Sync send step
    c) By control step only
    54. A message can be received by ?
    a) Only a receive step
    b) By receive, fork or loop step
    c) By receive and block step
    d) By send, block and Fork
    55. What are the types of containers ?
    a) Abstract
    b) Simple & Abstract
    c) Simple, Abstract and receiver
    56. Which of these are true/false with user defined functions?
    a) User defined functions are accessible only in the mapping where they are created
    b) User defined functions are visible across namespace
    c) User defined functions accessed in other mapping by copying it to that mapping
    d) User defined functions are accessible in any mapping in a software component version
    57. Java Mapping is executed by implementing the interface ?
    a) com.sap.aii.mapping.api.StreamTransformation
    b) com.sap.api.mapping.StreamTransformation
    c) com.sap.api.mapping.aii.StreamTransformation
    d) com.sap.mapping.api.StreamTransformation
    58. An Idoc has been sent by a sender system to XI, but the idoc is not
    received at the XI system which of these could be true/false ?
    a) The destination system from the sender system to XI is not configured correctly.
    b) The metadata in XI was copied/generated from the sender Idoc is corrupted
    c) The destination system from XI to sender system is not defined correctly
    d) Sender channel is not configured
    59. While mapping which of these is true ? Can I use different mapping ?
    a) You can use only one mapping at a time
    b) You can use ABAP & JAVA mapping
    c) You can use any mapping in any sequence any number of times
    d) Different mapping can’t be used together
    60. To import the metadata from an R/3 system which of this is true/false ?
    a) The import permitted in Software component need to be selected
    b) You have to create ‘ALE’ Name in SLD
    c) You need to login to the destination (R/3) with a valid user
    d) You need to login to destination(R/3) with a User having administrator rights
    61. You are implementing XI for your customer, you have very good experience
    working in ABAP. While mapping you want to do it in abap, but the option
    available are only ‘Message Mapping’ ‘Java Mapping’ What would you do to
    add the ‘ABAP Mapping’ option. Where would you configure it?.
    a) In Exchange profile
    b) In s/w component
    c) In Integration Repository
    62. From the WSDL description from application server, you can generate ?
    a) Java Proxies only
    b) ABAP proxies
    c) Java and ABAP proxies.
    63. JMS adapter can be used for ?
    a. IBM web sphere MQ
    b. Sonique
    c. Web services
    64. Which of the following is true/false about HTTP plain adapters?
    a. Sender channel is not required to be configured
    b. Receiver channel is not required to be configured
    c. Using this system can directly connect to integration server
    65. You would install Adapter engine de-centrally ?
    a. To install PCK
    b. To monitor the messages de-centrally
    c. To share load with the central adapter engine and increase performance.
    66. To Receive the data using ‘Select with JDBC adapter you would ?
    a. You would configure a receiver channel
    b. you would configure a sender channel
    67. You find that the status in transaction ‘SXI_CACHE’ is
    not equal to 0. Which of the following would you perform?
    a. Check the condition of BP in Integration Repository
    b. Activate the BP in ‘SXI_CHACHE’.
    c. Activate the BP in Integration Directory
    68. Which are the methods that you need to call compulsorily in java mapping ?
    a) execute(), setParameter()
    b) Exit() Systemproperties()
    c) Execute(), SetProperties()
    69. What is the relationship between an integration process and business workflow?
    a) The Business Process Engine is the same as the Workflow Engine.
    b) The Business Process Engine needs external Workflow Engine
    c) Business Process Engine is a new name for Workflow Engine
    70. What are the different types that a container element can be based on?
    b) Abstract Integer
    c) Receiver
    71. Which of the following is true with regards to Container Elements?
    a) Elements of a super container are visible in sub container.
    b) Elements of sub container are visible in super container
    c) Container cannot have super or sub containers
    d) Containers can have multiple elements.
    72. Send message within an integration process to 8 receivers
    at the same time, how can I do this?
    a) Create a FORK statement with 8 branches
    b) Create 8 interfaces
    c) Create a loop with 8 interfaces
    d) Create 8 branches
    73. Which of the following Objects can be used in BPM ?
    a) Context Object
    b) Receiver Determination
    c) Message Mapping
    d) Interface Mapping
    74.Could multiple instances of Integration process run at the same time ?
    a) Yes
    b) No
    75. For ABAP mapping which of the following settings have to be done in Exchange Profile ?
    a) Com.sap.aii.repository.mapping.additionaltypes = R3_ABAP | Abap-class; R3_XSLT | XSL
    b) Com.sap.aii.repository.mapping.additionaltypes = R3_JAVA | Abap-class; R3_XSLT | XSL
    c) Com.sap.aii.repository.mapping.additionaltypes = | Abap-class; R3_XSLT | XSL
    76. How does Boolean functions work in message mappings ?
    a) Boolean functions accept Boolean inputs and result in Boolean values
    b) Boolean functions accept Boolean inputs and result in decimal values
    c) Boolean functions accept Boolean inputs and result in alphanumeric values
    77. While testing message mapping the source message occurs 3 times
    but the target message occurs only once? What can be the reason ?
    a) Target cardinality is not defined sufficiently
    b) Source cannot repeat
    c) Message mapping cannot handle multiple values
    78. What JAR file is required to perform Java mapping ?
    a) aii_map_api.jar
    b) aii_map_api.java
    c) aii_map_aii.jar
    d) None
    79. Collaboration Agreement is made of the following ?
    a) Sender Agreement, Receiver Agreement
    b) Sender Agreement, Sender Communication Channel
    c) Sender Agreement, Receiver Communication Channel
    d) Receiver Agreement, Receiver Communication Channel
    80.What are the three IDOC related transactions in XI ?
    a) IDX9
    b) IDX1
    c) IDX2
    d) IDX5
    e) IDX3
    81.Is EOIO supported by RFC ?
    a) YES
    b) NO
    82. Java Web Start is used for ?
    a) Caching Java applications
    b) to write Java code
    c) to execute Java mapping
    d) to perform JMS connectivity
    83. Where do you define Usage Dependency?
    a) Integration Repository
    b) Integration Directory
    c) SLD
    d) Enterprise Portal
    84. For ABAP mapping which class must be implemented ?
    85.Component Monitoring in the RWB is used to display
    the monitoring of the following components?
    a) Integration Engine
    b) Adapter Engine
    c) Integration Directory
    d) Integration Repository
    e) Runtime Workbench
    86.Does HTTP adapter support QoS BE?
    a) Yes
    b) No
    87.IDOC adapter supports the following QoS’s?
    a) EO
    b) EOIO
    c) BE
    d) All the above
    88.The Client has decided to user HTTP adapter as Sender.
    Which transaction should be used to configure the HTTP adapter?
    a) SICF
    b) SMICM
    c) SM59
    d) SE80
    89.The following transaction is used to monitor XML messages in XI ?
    a) SXMB_MONI
    b) SM59
    c) SXMB_ADM
    d) SICF
    90.File adapter has the following QoS?
    a) BE
    b) EO
    c) EOIO
    d) BEIO
    91.When FILE adapter as Sender, we do not need Sender agreement ?
    a) Yes
    b) No
    92. File Sender communication channel can be used by only one Sender agreement ?
    a) True
    b) False
    93. SOAP adapter uses the following message protocol:?
    a) SOAP 1.1
    b) SOAP 1.2
    c) SOAP 1.9
    d) SOAP 1.3
    94. Using the following URL we can display the content of CPACache?
    a) http://<host>:<J2EEport >/CPACache
    b) http://<host>:<J2EEport >/AdapterCache
    c) http://<host>:<J2EEport >/CPACatch
    d) http://<host>:<J2EEport >/CPACache/index.html
    95. The following URL can be used to display the Adapter Status in XI ?
    a) http://<host>:<J2EEport >/AdapterFramework
    b) http://<host>:<J2EEport >/AdapterFramework/RFC
    c) http://<host>:<J2EEport >/AdapterFramework/rep
    d) http://<host>:<J2EEport >/AdapterStatus
    96. Which security role need to be assigned to access the CPACache ?
    a) xi_af_cpa_monitoring
    b) xi_af_cache_monitor
    c) xi_af_cpa_monitor
    97. The following URL can be used to manually refresh the CPACache?
    a) http://<host>:<J2EEport >/CPACache/refresh=delta
    b) http://<host>:<J2EEport >/CPACache/refresh?mode=full
    c) http://<host>:<J2EEport >/CPACache/refresh?mode=all
    98. The Objects from repository are accessed from directory using user?
    b) XISUPER
    d) XIADMIN
    99. Information about the central and decentral Adapter
    Framework installations is maintained in ?
    a) SLD
    b) CLD
    c) IR
    d) ID
    100. Special drivers required for JDBC, JMS adapters can be deployed using ?
    a) SPM (Software Procurement Manager)
    b) SDM (Software Deployment Manager)
    c) SCM (Software Change Manager)
    d) SOM (Software Ownership Manager)

    Hi guys ,
    This is SuryaNarayana . I have collected some faqs from www.**************** but they have no answers please answers these questions
    Questions are releated in to XI-BPM
    1. Business Process Management is concerned with ?
    a. Processes within and across applications
    b. Planned or spontaneous Human interaction
    c. Automating, streamlining, managing business processes
    d. Moving process control from application to technology layer
    e. All of the above
    2. Which open modeling standard ccBPM adheres to?
    a. BPEL
    b. XML
    c. WSDL
    d. None of these
    3. High-Tech industry ccBPM implementation guidelines are known as ?
    a. RosettaNet Implementation Framework
    b. CIDX
    c. Marketpalce
    d. SAP BC
    4. Individual "Swim Lane" in BPM modelling contains ?
    a. Business Scenarios from same company
    b. Business Scenarios from same Application
    5. Different Panes within BPM editor in IR ?
    a. Header
    b. Editing
    c. Process Overview
    d. Property
    e. Output
    f. Object
    g. All of the above
    6. Data Declaration of the Business process can be viewed in ?
    a. Correlation in Object area
    b. Container in Output area
    c. Container in Object area
    d. None of these
    7. Which of these is not Messaging relevant Step type ?
    a. Receive
    b. Send
    c. Transformation
    d. Receiver Determination
    e. Block
    8. Control Step can be used for, except ?
    a. Terminate current process
    b. Trigger an Exception
    c. Trigger an Alert
    d. Define different processing braches for process
    9. Which of the following triggers process to start?
    a. By receiving amessage assinged to receive step
    b. Batch job by scheduling in WAS
    c. Both of these
    d. None of these.
    10. To route response messages to the
    correct process instance, _______ object is used ?
    a. Correlation
    b. Interface
    c. Adapter
    d. Mapping
    11. Correlation handling is handled by ?
    a. BP engine
    b. Integration Engine
    c. Adapter Engine
    d. None of these
    12. Container element can be typecasted to, except ?
    a. simple XSD/XML Schema
    b. Abstract i/f
    c. Receiver
    d. Multilne(vector)
    e. Sender
    13. Outer Container block has container element 'O' and inner Container block
    has container element 'I'. Then which of the following is true?
    a. Both 'O' and 'I' are visible in outer block.
    b. Both 'O' and 'I' are visible in inner block.
    c. Both of these.
    d. None of these.
    14. Simple Fork process step terminates when ?
    a. All branches are true.
    b. All branches are false.
    c. Either true.
    d. Either false.
    15. Collect process pattern types includes ?
    a. Condition
    b. Receiver message
    c. Append message
    d. Increase counter
    e. Merge message
    f. Send message
    g. All
    XI-Releated questions
    1. SAP XI is an Integration technology and platform?
    a) for SAP and non SAP applications.
    b) for A2A and B2B scenarios
    c) for asynchronous and synchronous applications
    d) for cross-component Business Process Management.
    2. XI represents the following layer in the NetWeaver stack:?
    a) People Integration
    b) Information Integration
    c) Process Integration
    3. XI uses the following web standards ?
    a) WSDL
    b) XSD
    c) SOAP
    4. XI components include?
    a) SLD (System Landscape Directory)
    b) Integration Builder
    c) Integration Server
    d) Central Monitoring
    e) Adapter Engine
    5. Integration Builder is a?
    a) Java application
    b) ABAP application
    c) .NET application
    6. Java Web Start is required for?
    a) Caching java clients
    b) Drawing pictures
    c) Connect to SUN systems
    7. SLD is a?
    a) Client application
    b) Server application
    8. XI is technically a client of SLD?
    a) TRUE
    b) FALSE
    9. SLD adheres to?
    a) Common Information Model
    b) Web Services Definition Language
    c) XML Schema Definition Language
    d) XML
    10. Usage of PCK (Partner Connectivity Kit) ?
    a) Allow small partners and subsidiaries to communicate natively with XI
    b) For Partners to connect to database systems7444
    c) Allow Partners to connect to .NET and Java applications
    11. Certain adapters are needed in cases where the Integration Server
    is to exchange messages with an R/3 system based on basis kernel lower than?
    a) 6.10
    b) 6.20
    c) 6.40
    d) 4.5
    12. XI supports the following QoS (Quality of Services)?
    a) BE (Best Effort)
    b) Exactly Once (EO)
    c) Exactly Once In Order (EOIO)
    d) Exactly Twice In Order (ETIO)
    13. QoS BE is equal to ?
    a) Synchronous RFC (sRFC)
    b) Asynchronous RFC (aRFC)
    c) Transactional RFC (tRFC)
    d) Queued RFC (qRFC)
    14. QoS EO is equal to ?
    a) Synchronous RFC (sRFC)
    b) Asynchronous RFC (aRFC)
    c) Transactional RFC (tRFC)
    d) Queued RFC (qRFC)
    15. QoS EOIO is equal to ?
    a) Synchronous RFC (sRFC)
    b) Asynchronous RFC (aRFC)
    c) Transactional RFC (tRFC)
    d) Queued RFC (qRFC)
    16. Adapter Framework is based on ?
    a) JCA (Java Connector Architecture)
    b) NCA (.NET Connector Architecture)
    c) PCK (Partner Connectivity Kit)
    d) WSDL (Web Services Definition Language)
    17. XI Adapter Engine is based on the integrated?
    a) ABAP engine
    b) J2EE engine
    c) .NET engine
    d) JCA (Java Connector Architecture)
    18. Integration Processes are built using?
    a) WSDL (Web Services Definition Language)
    b) BPEL (Business Process Execution Language)
    c) XSD (XML Schema Definition Language)
    d) JCL (Java Connector Language)
    19. Runtime Workbench in XI is the central monitoring tool for the following?
    a) Component Monitoring
    b) Message Monitoring
    c) End-to-End Monitoring
    d) Performance Monitoring
    e) Queue Monitoring
    f) Schedule Monitoring
    20. XI uses enhanced version of SOAP protocol called?
    a) XI XML
    b) XI SOAP
    c) XI XSD
    d) XI PML
    21. What is the cardinality of MESSAGE TYPES : DATA TYPES ?
    a) 1:1
    b) 2:1
    c) 2:2
    d) 1:0
    22. What are the advantages of ASYNCHRONOUS updates?
    a) Acknowledgement can be sent back
    b) Messages can be persisted.
    23. What are the advantages of SYNCHRONOUS updates?
    a) Acknowledgement can be sent back (messages can be persisted with additional configuration)
    b) Messages can be persisted.
    c) Messages cannot be persisted.
    24. What is the Message format used in XI for processing?
    a) Specific implementation of SOAP which is XI XML
    b) JMS
    c) RFC
    d) CIDX
    25. What is an Adapter?
    a) Adapters are used to communicate to Legacy or SAP systems with WAS version < 6.2
    b) Adapters are used to retrieve information from Java, .NET systems
    c) Adapters are used to import IDOC, RFC information.
    26. In the Integration Repository, what is the KEY of an
    object or how can an object be uniquely identified?
    a) SWCV, Namespace, Name
    b) Namespace, Name, Description
    c) Name, Description, SWCV
    d) SWCV, SWCV1, SWCV2
    27. How do you classify NAME SPACE in an R/3 Environment?
    a) Equivalent to function group
    b) Equivalent to development class
    c) Equivalent to function module
    d) Equivalent to BAPI
    28. What is ICM?
    a) Internet Console Manager
    b) Internet Communication Manager
    c) Infrastructure Communication Manager
    d) Intranet Communication Manager
    29. A Customer has WAS 6.2 and has decided to use XI?
    a) He cannot use XI unless WAS 6.2 is upgraded to WAS 6.4
    b) Can use XI with some additional patches
    c) WAS 6.2 already has XI in it. No need of any additional software
    30. What is the name space of an IDOC?
    a) urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages
    b) urn:sap-com:document:idoc:sap:messages
    c) urn:sap-com:sap.document:idoc:messages
    d) urn:sap-com:document:idoc:messages
    31. What is the name space of an RFC ?
    a) urn:sap-com:document:rfc:sap:functions
    b) urn:sap-com:document:bapi:rfc:functions
    c) urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions
    d) urn:sap-com:document:remote:rfc:functions
    32. What doesn’t get transported when the configuration is released?
    a) All Objects will get transported
    b) Generated proxies and application coding in the application
    components does not get transported when the configuration is released.
    c) Only application coding will not get transported.
    d) Only generated proxies will not get transported.
    33. How many Pipelines are there in the integration server?
    a) Receiver Identification, Interface Identification, Message Branch,
    Request Message Mapping, Outbound Binding, Call Adapter, Request Message Mapping.
    b) Receiver Identification, Interface Identification, Message Branch,
    Request Message Mapping, Outbound Binding.
    c) Message Branch, Request Message Mapping, Outbound Binding,
    Call Adapter, Request Message Mapping.
    34. What are the possible Trace Levels?
    a) 0 – No Trace,1 – Low Trace Level,2 – Medium Trace Level,
    3 – High Trace Level,4 – Expert Trace Level
    b) 0 – No Trace,1 – Low Trace Level,
    2 – Medium Trace Level,3 – High Trace Level
    c) 10 – Low Trace Level,20 – Medium Trace Level,
    30 – High Trace Level,40 – Expert Trace Level
    35. Does JMS adapter need additional driver to communicate to database?
    a) Yes
    b) No
    c) JMS adapter is not available in XI
    36. What is use of PCK?
    a) Partner Connectivity Kit that helps Partner Systems with no ability
    to communicate in XML speak to the Business Systems.
    b) PCK is used to deploy additional drivers
    c) PCK can be used as an alternative to XI
    37. What is Context Object? What is its role?
    a) Context Objects are pointers to a specific element within the message,
    for future reference. Encapsulate the access to data that is contained
    in the payload or in the header of the message.
    b) Another form of data types
    c) Can be used instead of message types
    38. What adapters don’t need Sender Agreement?
    a) HTTP, IDOC.
    b) IDOC, RFC
    c) IDOC, JMS
    d) JDBC, JMS
    39. What is the Protocol followed for Mail Adapter?
    a) SMTP
    b) IMAP
    c) POP3
    d) POP4
    40. Where do you configure an Adapter?
    a) Sender Agreement
    b) Receiver Determination
    c) Business System
    d) Communication Channel
    41. Can a JDBC adapter query the database table?
    If yes, what are different possibilities?
    a) Yes. You can configure sender and receiver communication channels.
    A special XML format is defined for content coming from the
    Integration Engine. This canonical format enables SQL Insert,
    Update, Select, Delete or stored procedure statements to be processed.
    A message is always processed in exactly one database transaction.
    b) JDBC adapter cannot insert records in the database.
    c) We should not insert, update records in the database directly.
    42. The message monitoring status DLNG means ?
    a) DLNG = Delivering.
    b) DLNG = Dialing
    c) DLNG = Detailing
    d) DLNG = Dismantling
    43. Where do you perform Content Based Routing?
    a) Receiver Determination
    b) Receiver Agreement
    c) Sender Agreement
    d) Communication Channel
    44. What are the various supported mapping types?
    a) Message Mapping, Java Mapping, XSLT Mapping, ABAP Mapping.
    b) XSLT, Java, JDBC, JMS
    c) XSLT, WSDL, XSD
    45. With respect to ABAP proxies,
    what are the methods that can be coded?
    46. “ Fields under a node with a minoccurs of ZERO has been mapped.
    ” The values don’t appear in the target result, what could be wrong?
    a) The parent node has not been assigned.
    b) Parent node has cardinality 0…unbounded
    c) Parent node has many fields
    47. What is a SENDER COMM CHANNEL?
    a) Sender Communication Channel is where you define the source system from
    where the message/information goes to XI and also the adapter, the Sender System uses.
    b) Sender Communication Channel is where you define the target system from where
    the message/information goes out of XI and also the adapter, the Receiver System uses.
    c) Sender Communication Channel is where you define the how the
    interface mapping takes place between Sender and Receiver.
    48. XSLT is supported but two statements were not supported. What are they?
    a) <xsd:include>, <xsd:import>
    b) <xsd:including>, <xsd:importing>
    c) <xsd:includes>, <xsd:imports>
    d) All statements are supported.
    49. What steps can be inserted in an Exception branch?
    a) Terminate a process, trigger an alert.
    b) Terminate the interface, trigger IDOC.
    c) Terminate exception, branch integration process.
    50. What is multi mapping? When can it be used?
    a) Multi Mapping is used to map abstract interfaces and can only be used in ccBPM.
    b) Can be used when there are multiple interfaces from Sender systems.
    c) Can be used when there are multiple interfaces from Receiver systems
    51. The first step in the Integration process can be ?
    a) Receive step
    b) fork Step
    c) Send Step
    d) Block Step
    52. An Exception raised by a step can be handled by ?
    a) Only by exception handler in the same step
    b) Only by exception handler in the outer step
    c) By exception handler in the same step or in the outer step
    53. An exception is raised by ?
    a) Async or sync send step, transformation step and Control Step
    b) Sync send step
    c) By control step only
    54. A message can be received by ?
    a) Only a receive step
    b) By receive, fork or loop step
    c) By receive and block step
    d) By send, block and Fork
    55. What are the types of containers ?
    a) Abstract
    b) Simple & Abstract
    c) Simple, Abstract and receiver
    56. Which of these are true/false with user defined functions?
    a) User defined functions are accessible only in the mapping where they are created
    b) User defined functions are visible across namespace
    c) User defined functions accessed in other mapping by copying it to that mapping
    d) User defined functions are accessible in any mapping in a software component version
    57. Java Mapping is executed by implementing the interface ?
    a) com.sap.aii.mapping.api.StreamTransformation
    b) com.sap.api.mapping.StreamTransformation
    c) com.sap.api.mapping.aii.StreamTransformation
    d) com.sap.mapping.api.StreamTransformation
    58. An Idoc has been sent by a sender system to XI, but the idoc is not
    received at the XI system which of these could be true/false ?
    a) The destination system from the sender system to XI is not configured correctly.
    b) The metadata in XI was copied/generated from the sender Idoc is corrupted
    c) The destination system from XI to sender system is not defined correctly
    d) Sender channel is not configured
    59. While mapping which of these is true ? Can I use different mapping ?
    a) You can use only one mapping at a time
    b) You can use ABAP & JAVA mapping
    c) You can use any mapping in any sequence any number of times
    d) Different mapping can’t be used together
    60. To import the metadata from an R/3 system which of this is true/false ?
    a) The import permitted in Software component need to be selected
    b) You have to create ‘ALE’ Name in SLD
    c) You need to login to the destination (R/3) with a valid user
    d) You need to login to destination(R/3) with a User having administrator rights
    61. You are implementing XI for your customer, you have very good experience
    working in ABAP. While mapping you want to do it in abap, but the option
    available are only ‘Message Mapping’ ‘Java Mapping’ What would you do to
    add the ‘ABAP Mapping’ option. Where would you configure it?.
    a) In Exchange profile
    b) In s/w component
    c) In Integration Repository
    62. From the WSDL description from application server, you can generate ?
    a) Java Proxies only
    b) ABAP proxies
    c) Java and ABAP proxies.
    63. JMS adapter can be used for ?
    a. IBM web sphere MQ
    b. Sonique
    c. Web services
    64. Which of the following is true/false about HTTP plain adapters?
    a. Sender channel is not required to be configured
    b. Receiver channel is not required to be configured
    c. Using this system can directly connect to integration server
    65. You would install Adapter engine de-centrally ?
    a. To install PCK
    b. To monitor the messages de-centrally
    c. To share load with the central adapter engine and increase performance.
    66. To Receive the data using ‘Select with JDBC adapter you would ?
    a. You would configure a receiver channel
    b. you would configure a sender channel
    67. You find that the status in transaction ‘SXI_CACHE’ is
    not equal to 0. Which of the following would you perform?
    a. Check the condition of BP in Integration Repository
    b. Activate the BP in ‘SXI_CHACHE’.
    c. Activate the BP in Integration Directory
    68. Which are the methods that you need to call compulsorily in java mapping ?
    a) execute(), setParameter()
    b) Exit() Systemproperties()
    c) Execute(), SetProperties()
    69. What is the relationship between an integration process and business workflow?
    a) The Business Process Engine is the same as the Workflow Engine.
    b) The Business Process Engine needs external Workflow Engine
    c) Business Process Engine is a new name for Workflow Engine
    70. What are the different types that a container element can be based on?
    b) Abstract Integer
    c) Receiver
    71. Which of the following is true with regards to Container Elements?
    a) Elements of a super container are visible in sub container.
    b) Elements of sub container are visible in super container
    c) Container cannot have super or sub containers
    d) Containers can have multiple elements.
    72. Send message within an integration process to 8 receivers
    at the same time, how can I do this?
    a) Create a FORK statement with 8 branches
    b) Create 8 interfaces
    c) Create a loop with 8 interfaces
    d) Create 8 branches
    73. Which of the following Objects can be used in BPM ?
    a) Context Object
    b) Receiver Determination
    c) Message Mapping
    d) Interface Mapping
    74.Could multiple instances of Integration process run at the same time ?
    a) Yes
    b) No
    75. For ABAP mapping which of the following settings have to be done in Exchange Profile ?
    a) Com.sap.aii.repository.mapping.additionaltypes = R3_ABAP | Abap-class; R3_XSLT | XSL
    b) Com.sap.aii.repository.mapping.additionaltypes = R3_JAVA | Abap-class; R3_XSLT | XSL
    c) Com.sap.aii.repository.mapping.additionaltypes = | Abap-class; R3_XSLT | XSL
    76. How does Boolean functions work in message mappings ?
    a) Boolean functions accept Boolean inputs and result in Boolean values
    b) Boolean functions accept Boolean inputs and result in decimal values
    c) Boolean functions accept Boolean inputs and result in alphanumeric values
    77. While testing message mapping the source message occurs 3 times
    but the target message occurs only once? What can be the reason ?
    a) Target cardinality is not defined sufficiently
    b) Source cannot repeat
    c) Message mapping cannot handle multiple values
    78. What JAR file is required to perform Java mapping ?
    a) aii_map_api.jar
    b) aii_map_api.java
    c) aii_map_aii.jar
    d) None
    79. Collaboration Agreement is made of the following ?
    a) Sender Agreement, Receiver Agreement
    b) Sender Agreement, Sender Communication Channel
    c) Sender Agreement, Receiver Communication Channel
    d) Receiver Agreement, Receiver Communication Channel
    80.What are the three IDOC related transactions in XI ?
    a) IDX9
    b) IDX1
    c) IDX2
    d) IDX5
    e) IDX3
    81.Is EOIO supported by RFC ?
    a) YES
    b) NO
    82. Java Web Start is used for ?
    a) Caching Java applications
    b) to write Java code
    c) to execute Java mapping
    d) to perform JMS connectivity
    83. Where do you define Usage Dependency?
    a) Integration Repository
    b) Integration Directory
    c) SLD
    d) Enterprise Portal
    84. For ABAP mapping which class must be implemented ?
    85.Component Monitoring in the RWB is used to display
    the monitoring of the following components?
    a) Integration Engine
    b) Adapter Engine
    c) Integration Directory
    d) Integration Repository
    e) Runtime Workbench
    86.Does HTTP adapter support QoS BE?
    a) Yes
    b) No
    87.IDOC adapter supports the following QoS’s?
    a) EO
    b) EOIO
    c) BE
    d) All the above
    88.The Client has decided to user HTTP adapter as Sender.
    Which transaction should be used to configure the HTTP adapter?
    a) SICF
    b) SMICM
    c) SM59
    d) SE80
    89.The following transaction is used to monitor XML messages in XI ?
    a) SXMB_MONI
    b) SM59
    c) SXMB_ADM
    d) SICF
    90.File adapter has the following QoS?
    a) BE
    b) EO
    c) EOIO
    d) BEIO
    91.When FILE adapter as Sender, we do not need Sender agreement ?
    a) Yes
    b) No
    92. File Sender communication channel can be used by only one Sender agreement ?
    a) True
    b) False
    93. SOAP adapter uses the following message protocol:?
    a) SOAP 1.1
    b) SOAP 1.2
    c) SOAP 1.9
    d) SOAP 1.3
    94. Using the following URL we can display the content of CPACache?
    a) http://<host>:<J2EEport >/CPACache
    b) http://<host>:<J2EEport >/AdapterCache
    c) http://<host>:<J2EEport >/CPACatch
    d) http://<host>:<J2EEport >/CPACache/index.html
    95. The following URL can be used to display the Adapter Status in XI ?
    a) http://<host>:<J2EEport >/AdapterFramework
    b) http://<host>:<J2EEport >/AdapterFramework/RFC
    c) http://<host>:<J2EEport >/AdapterFramework/rep
    d) http://<host>:<J2EEport >/AdapterStatus
    96. Which security role need to be assigned to access the CPACache ?
    a) xi_af_cpa_monitoring
    b) xi_af_cache_monitor
    c) xi_af_cpa_monitor
    97. The following URL can be used to manually refresh the CPACache?
    a) http://<host>:<J2EEport >/CPACache/refresh=delta
    b) http://<host>:<J2EEport >/CPACache/refresh?mode=full
    c) http://<host>:<J2EEport >/CPACache/refresh?mode=all
    98. The Objects from repository are accessed from directory using user?
    b) XISUPER
    d) XIADMIN
    99. Information about the central and decentral Adapter
    Framework installations is maintained in ?
    a) SLD
    b) CLD
    c) IR
    d) ID
    100. Special drivers required for JDBC, JMS adapters can be deployed using ?
    a) SPM (Software Procurement Manager)
    b) SDM (Software Deployment Manager)
    c) SCM (Software Change Manager)
    d) SOM (Software Ownership Manager)

  • High CPU & Memory issues - Excessive and unnecessary CPU usage in Firefox for Windows (see also questions1003966 & 998289)

    I am using the latest version of Firefox, 32.0.1, on an HP Pavilion dv7-4141sa laptop computer, running Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit. There should be more than enough power here to run a browser without any problem, yet the computer is regularly being overloaded by the browser's resource usage.
    I am currently measuring typical average CPU usage of 45% - with the browser minimised. That is to say, Firefox is not doing any browser jobs - it is not drawing on the screen - but it is using the most CPU of any process currently running. Why?
    I am an ex-software engineer, and my understanding of current application development technology is limited, but I think I can say with some confidence that many techniques and software architectures exist that enable the suspension of program activity, or at least its reduction to a very low bare minimum, when the program is not actually carrying out its design function, which is in this case to draw pictures of website data on a screen.
    There is a very serious problem here, one which means that I cannot run Firefox all the time, but have to kill it when I am not actively browsing, otherwise other applications cannot run to their full capacity. This is a great pity, because I have committed a lot of effort to making Firefox my primary web tool. It manages all my many bookmarks, contains my secure password manager (LastPass), manages my web security (via NoScript, AdBlock, and FlashBlock), just for a start.
    Before any well-meaning moderators or other commenters start down the usual trail of "have you done this, tried that, disabled the other", I should point out that I have followed all the advice I can find, with no positive outcome. This computer is running a fresh installation of Windows, and a fresh installation of Firefox. At the moment I am running a new test Firefox profile.
    The latest version of Adobe Flash,, is installed but disabled. When it is enabled and in use, Firefox's CPU usage seems high over longer periods, but overall there is little difference. It doesn't look as though the problem can be laid at Flash's door. A few other add-ins are installed, mainly those mentioned above, and Firefox is skinned with LavaFox v2-Green, but I have previously started from a clean installation, which has made little difference after an initial period during which things seemed to be better. Turning off or disabling various add-ons has made no discernible difference.
    Just now I turned Flash on, and after a long period with Firefox minimised, Resource Monitor reported Firefox at 8% average CPU and FlashPlayerPlugin at 0.32%. While running a small video, RM reports FlashPlayerPlugin at about 45% and Firefox at 8%. After the video, Flash went back down to around 0.4%, and after a bit more browsing Firefox went to around 17% minimised. There seems little rhyme or reason here, except that Flash does not seem to be the culprit, although Firefox does seem to consume less when fewer tabs are actually active, as you might expect. I just refreshed more than a dozen tabs, and now Firefox is at 30%, but still not back up to the higher figures. Weird.
    The CPU usage does vary a lot around the average, but 30% is still a lot for a program that shouldn't be doing anything above the minimum status maintenance, and still puts it at the top of my Top Process Monitor list. (Right now it's gone back up to 45%, without my using it in any way).
    I have Telemetry turned on, so presumably Mozilla is recording some of the relevant data.
    This is a very serious fault, which is more or less reproducible and which a lot of people seem to be experiencing. Probably more people have it than realise, because most users will not know anything other than that their computer slows down for some non-obvious reason; they may just think it's something to do with the computer itself, not knowing how to use the Resource Monitor and interpret the results.
    Oddly, the problem does not seem to occur when running Firefox under Linux Mint 17, where the response is snappy and the CPU usage ostensibly low; I am going to look at this in more detail shortly.
    I am not posting here for advice, but for information and as a form of bug report which hopefully other users will see. It will hopefully spare them a lot of effort and time in trying a lot of recommended "solutions" which will not work. The problem is inherent in the software, and can be solved only by Mozilla.
    I am willing to supply any diagnostic data requested; as I said above, I have also turned on "Telemetry". However, I will not be trying out any more reinstallation/new-profile/add-on disable-enable-delete cycles unless I am asked to for very specific reasons. Please do not suggest courses of action which have already been mentioned elsewhere on this forum. I have tried them all.
    The situation is very disappointing, but I have confidence that the Firefox developers will pin down the fault eventually and engineer a satisfactory solution that makes it viable to leave Firefox open all the time. Even with that restriction, it's still far better than the alternatives.

    I share jmward's frustration. This is not a bug report so much as a request for a badly needed feature, ie the ability to have Firefox be able to tell us which tabs on which windows are eating time so we can target them. There are some very poorly written web pages out there which just plain loop while making no updates or inconsequential updates on the page.
    This is not a OS problem; jmward runs Windows and I run Linux but we have the same issue. It is not a question of Firefox plugins or extensions, or even viruses; I have a new, clean Linux install but have the same problem on both my regular Firefox AND on a FRESH install of the latest Firefox (35.0.1) which has *NO* non-default plugins or extensions.
    Here is an example of a web page which will eat 100% of one CPU's time:
    I will attach 3 images to back up my claim. All of the images show my dark blue system monitor (gkrellm) superimposed on the web page. The top graph shows CPU time. I have 4 CPUs in my machine, so 25% means the web page is eating 100% of one CPU equivalent.
    The first image shows the load of the offending page with elevated CPU usage along with the download net activity on eth0, but the CPU activity does not stop when the download activity is over.
    The second images show the steady state 100% CPU equivalent of this page just sitting there apparently doing nothing. It IS, however, doing at least two different things. I know from my regular Firefox where I have "Remove It Permanently" installed that if I remove the the little weather indicator in the upper right of the offending page that CPU utilization drops to about 40% of one CPU equivalent. If I use RIP to remove everything else right down to a bare screen that 40% utilization stays until I delete the tab.
    The third image shows the CPU utilization drop to zero when I delete the tab holding the offending page.
    Now I will add a note here: If the offending page is NOT the top tab in a window then it stops eating time. The offender will also stop eating time if I minimize the window. However if I have another window up but leave the offender up on top in its window it continues to eat time even tho I am looking at another window. The offender will continue to eat time even if its window is completely covered by another window, and it will also eat time if I switch to another desktop.
    I will often have half a dozen windows open, and there are many pages out there which will suck endless CPU time. Unless I want to open up a new tab on each window before I leave it there is likely to be some tab on top eating time uselessly. Get a couple of those going and Firefox becomes sluggish and can even stop responding for many seconds.
    I guess I not only want to have Firefox tell us which tabs are eating time, but I would also like it if Firefox would stop giving CPU time to any tab which is not visible because it is covered by some other window and/or it is on a desktop which is currently not showing. If you can stop a tab's CPU usage by reason of tab-not-showing then you should also be able to stop its CPU usage when the window is covered or on the not-top desktop. Indeed is there any reason to not schedule absolute CPU utilization priority to the visible tab on the window with focus and give time to the other tabs only when the visible tab isn't using time?
    My final thought on this is that I have had Firefox SO tied up sometimes that I swear their are web pages which are eating time even tho they are not the top tab. I regret that I do not have an example to show you. But Firefox grinds to a complete halt on a regular basis, and that is not acceptable. I am a programmer with long experience in multi-threaded programs so I *know* there is no reason you cannot do better. If there were another browser around which had the commitment to privacy which Firefox has I would probably switch out of shear annoyance. :-(

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