Drive Letters in ise

I know that existing network drive letters don't appear in the PowerShell ISE.  Is there any workaround for this?  
My login script includes a couple of mapped drives.  
F: \\main\home\
U: \\main\data
W: \\main\warehouse 
With the normal powershell command line, these drives are accessible. 
But in the ISE, they don't show up at all with Get-PSDrive. 
With NET USE the drive letters are there, but are shown as "unavailable"
PS>net use
New connections will be remembered.
Status       Local     Remote                    Network
Unavailable  F:  \\\larryk   Microsoft Windows Network
Unavailable  U:  \\\main     Microsoft Windows Network
Unavailable  W:  \\\warehouse Microsoft Windows Network
Unavailable  X:        \\\main\it\newsletters\gwk Microsoft Windows Network
The command completed successfully.
Unless I'm not correct, this makes it tough to write a PowerShell script that works both in the ISE and at the regular PS command line.   Or, what am I missing?   
-- L 

Hi, Bill...  
I'm using PowerShell to query a database and then write the results to a  shared network folder on a Linux server which is mapped to a drive letter.  I'm using the ISE... (I *love* the ISE), and it just would be a lot easier if  had those
mapped drives available.  I'm thinking that the workaround is to execute test-path to test whether the path is usable. If the test-path returns false, then map a temporary drive.  But it seems like a bit of a kludge, and I wasn't sure if there was
some best practice that I was missing.  
I'm also curious to know why the drives are visible, but inaccessible, in the ISE.  
Does the ISE actually create a separate environment different from, or "on top of" the normal PS command line environment? 
And, why doesn't the ISE session inherit the mapped drives?  
--- L

Similar Messages

  • Little Known Fact About Mapping Drive Letters

    It's easy enough to create a shared folder on one computer and map a drive letter to access the folder on a different computer. Usually the mechanism behaves flawlessly with a hiccup here and there. But, did you know, that a logged on session has two sets
    of drive letters? It's true. You create drive letters whilst not running as administrator and you access those drive letters whilst running as not administrator. But, the moment you run as administrator, those drive letters vanish without a peep of explanation
    from Windows. However, you are free to create drive letters as administrator and access those drive letters as administrator. I'm sure there is a very good technical reason for this. Something about a security token being different between the two states.
    But that does not forgive whoever is responsible for warning the end users about this.

    you are correct when you log on even as administrator your rights are still a user, when you attempt a task that requires the administrator privilege you are elevated to that level, if you have UAC turned on you would see the box come up. this is to inform
    you that you are now running under administrator privileges, this is by design, this is also what happens when you run the command prompt as a administrator.  It's mostly for security reasons imagine a virus or a program being able to launch a elevated
    command and basically taking over the networks shared information simply because you opened a command prompt wit admin rights.
    Microsoft has many people that keep saying "how come I can do this and access this" they then publish their findings and the malicious software people take advantage of the security hole so they have to patch, you shouldn't be mad at Microsoft
    "I don't work there" be mad at the people creating malicious code.

  • Scipt to prompt and authenticate users to AD and then map 2 next available drive letters to 2 network shares

    So I have been trying to write some code that will
    prompt users to authenticate to AD and use that authentication to map the next 2 available drive letter to two network shares.
    I have adopted using the HAT format as this provides me with the ability to prompt for a username and password and authenitcate to AD.
    <script language="vbscript">
    Function setSize()
    window.resizeTo 350,300
    Window.moveTo (screen.width-240)/2, (screen.height-600)/2
    End Function
    Function cmdSubmit_OnClick()
    Dim strUser 'User Name variable
    Dim strPW 'User Password variable
    if auth.username.value = "" Then
    msgbox ("ERROR: No User account information provided. Please Try Again!")
    cmdSubmit_OnClick = False
    Elseif auth.password.value = "" Then
    msgbox ("ERROR: No User account information provided. Please Try Again!")
    cmdSubmit_OnClick= False
    strUser = auth.username.value
    strPW = auth.password.value
    Authenticate strUser, strPW
    End If
    End Function
    Public Sub Authenticate (Byref strUser, Byref strPW)
    On Error Resume Next
    Const ADS_SERVER_BIND = &H200
    Dim strPath 'LDAP path where the Users accounts are listed
    Dim LDAP 'Directory Service Object reference variable
    Dim strAuth 'Parses the User Name and Password through the DSObject
    strPath = "LDAP://"
    Set LDAP = GetObject("LDAP://company/rootDSE")
    Set strAuth = LDAP.OpenDSObject(strPath, strUser, strPW, ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION Or ADS_SERVER_BIND)
    If Err.number <> 0 Then
    intTemp = msgbox(strUser & " could not be authenticated", vbYES)
    if intTemp = vbYes Then
    End If
    For Each obj in strAuth
    If obj.Class = "user" Then
    If obj.Get("samAccountName") = strUser Then
    msgbox ("Success! " & strUser & " has been authenticated with Active Directory")
    Set wShell = CreateObject("") "Firstletterali.vbs"
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End Sub
    <body style="background-color:#B0C4DE">
    <img src=Title.jpg><br>
    <title>NAS Authentication</title>
    <body onload="vbs:setSize()">
    <div class="style2">
    <h3>NAS Archive Authentication</h3>
    <form method="post" id="auth" name="auth">
    <span class="style3"><strong>User Name:&nbsp; </strong></span>
    <input id="Username" name="Username" type="text" style="width: 150px" /><br>
    <span class="style3">
    <strong>Password:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong></span>
    <input id="password" name="password" type="password" style="width: 150px" /><br><br>
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="cmdSubmit" />
    <input type="button" value="Exit" onclick="self.close()">
    using the above I can succefully authenticate users but I cant work out how to then use that authenticattion to map the next to available drive letters to a network source.
    The code I have for that is
    Option Explicit
    Dim strDriveLetter, strRemotePath, strRemotePath1, strDriveLetter1
    Dim objNetwork, objShell
    Dim CheckDrive, DriveExists, intDrive
    Dim strAlpha, strExtract, intAlpha, intCount
    ' The section sets the variables
    strRemotePath = "\\mel\groups\Team\general"
    strRemotePath1 = "\\mel\groups\Team\specific"
    strDriveLetter = "B:"
    strDriveLetter1 = "H:"
    intAlpha = 0
    intCount = 0
    err.number= vbEmpty
    ' This sections creates two objects:
    ' objShell and objNetwork and then counts the drives
    Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
    Set CheckDrive = objNetwork.EnumNetworkDrives()
    ' This section operates the For ... Next loop
    ' See how it compares the enumerated drive letters
    ' With strDriveLetter
    On Error Resume Next
    DriveExists = False
    ' Sets the Outer loop to check for 24 letters in strAlpha
    For intCount = 1 To 24
    DriveExists = False
    ' CheckDrive compares each Enumerated network drive
    ' with the proposed drive letter held by strDriveLetter
    For intDrive = 0 To CheckDrive.Count - 1 Step 2
    If CheckDrive.Item(intDrive) = strDriveLetter _
    Then DriveExists = True
    intAlpha = intAlpha + 1
    ' Logic section if strDriveLetter does not = DriveExist
    ' Then go ahead and map the drive
    'Wscript.Echo strDriveLetter & " exists: " & DriveExists
    If DriveExists = False Then objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive _
    strDriveLetter, strRemotePath
    call ShowExplorer ' Extra code to take you to the mapped drive
    ' Appends a colon to drive letter. 1 means number of letters
    strDriveLetter = Mid(strAlpha, intAlpha,1) & ":"
    ' If the DriveExists, then it is necessary to
    ' reset the variable from true --> false for next test loop
    If DriveExists = True Then DriveExists = False
    WScript.Echo "Out of drive letters. Last letter " & strDriveLetter
    'Sub ShowExplorer()
    'If DriveExists = False Then Wscript.Echo strDriveLetter & " Has been mapped for archiving"
    'If DriveExists = False Then _
    '("Explorer" & " " & strDriveLetter & "\" )
    'If DriveExists = False Then WScript.Quit(0)
    'End Sub
    On Error Resume Next
    DriveExists = False
    ' Sets the Outer loop to check for 24 letters in strAlpha
    For intCount = 1 To 24
    DriveExists = False
    ' CheckDrive compares each Enumerated network drive
    ' with the proposed drive letter held by strDriveLetter1
    For intDrive = 0 To CheckDrive.Count - 1 Step 2
    If CheckDrive.Item(intDrive) = strDriveLetter1 _
    Then DriveExists = True
    intAlpha = intAlpha + 1
    ' Logic section if strDriveLetter1 does not = DriveExist
    ' Then go ahead and map the drive
    'Wscript.Echo strDriveLetter1 & " exists: " & DriveExists
    If DriveExists = False Then objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive _
    strDriveLetter1, strRemotePath1
    call ShowExplorer ' Extra code to take you to the mapped drive
    ' Appends a colon to drive letter. 1 means number of letters
    strDriveLetter1 = Mid(strAlpha, intAlpha,1) & ":"
    ' If the DriveExists, then it is necessary to
    ' reset the variable from true --> false for next test loop
    If DriveExists = True Then DriveExists = False
    WScript.Echo "Out of drive letters. Last letter " & strDriveLetter1
    Sub ShowExplorer()
    If DriveExists = False Then Wscript.Echo strDriveLetter & " Has been mapped for archiving"
    If DriveExists = False Then _
    ("Explorer" & " " & strDriveLetter & "\" )
    If DriveExists = False Then WScript.Quit(0)
    End Sub
    Now the above script will find the next availabe letter and map one location to it...I still havent worked out to create another loop for it to do it again. It obviously also requires that you already be authenticated to map to that location.
    I looking for some help on how to marry these to scripts together.

    Hi Ali
    Here is some code that will enumerate two free adjacent drive letters. It starts searching from "C" all the way to "Z" for two drives letters that are adjacent and returns the results in an array then echos the results. You can easily adapt this code to
    map your network drives to each drive letter. Hope that helps
    Cheers Matt :)
    Option Explicit
    Dim objFSO
    On Error Resume Next
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    End If
    On Error Goto 0
    'Functions Processing Section
    'Name : ProcessScript -> Primary Function that controls all other script processing.
    'Parameters : None ->
    'Return : None ->
    Function ProcessScript
    Dim driveLetters, driveLetter
    If Not GetFreeDrives(driveLetters) Then
    Exit Function
    End If
    For Each driveLetter In driveLetters
    MsgBox driveLetter, vbInformation
    End Function
    'Name : GetFreeDrives -> Searches for a pair of free adjacent drive letters.
    'Parameters : adjacentDrives -> Input/Output : variable assigned to an array containing the first two free adjacent drives.
    'Return : GetFreeDrives -> Returns True if Successful otherwise returns False.
    Function GetFreeDrives(adjacentDrives)
    GetFreeDrives = False
    Dim drive, driveLetter, drivesDict, i
    Set drivesDict = NewDictionary
    driveLetter = "C"
    'Add the drives collection into the dictionary.
    For Each drive In objFSO.drives
    drivesDict(drive.DriveLetter) = ""
    'Check drive letters C: to Z: for two free adjacent drive letters and set the "driveLetter" variable to the first one.
    For i = Asc(driveLetter) To Asc("Z")
    If Not drivesDict.Exists(Chr(i)) And Not drivesDict.Exists(Chr(i + 1)) Then
    driveLetter = Chr(i)
    Exit For
    End If
    'If two free adjacent drive letters were not found then exit.
    If driveLetter = "" Then
    Exit Function
    End If
    adjacentDrives = Array(driveLetter, Chr(Asc(driveLetter) + 1))
    GetFreeDrives = True
    End Function
    'Name : NewDictionary -> Creates a new dictionary object.
    'Parameters : None ->
    'Return : NewDictionary -> Returns a dictionary object.
    Function NewDictionary
    Dim dict
    Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.Dictionary")
    dict.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
    Set NewDictionary = dict
    End Function

  • JFileChooser file filter and view does not display Drive letters

    This code displays only files that end in abc.xml, and directories. For example, "helloabc.xml" and directory "world" will display as hello and world, respectively.
    However, I am surprised to find that the drive letters are not displayed at all. eg. C:
    any insights?
    import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
    import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter;
    import javax.swing.filechooser.FileView;
    public class NoDrive {
         protected static final String ABC_FILE_EXTN = "abc.xml";
         public String selectFile(String function){
              File file = null;
              JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser();
              fc.setFileFilter(new FileFilter() {
                   public boolean accept(File f) {
                        if (!f.isFile() || f.getName().endsWith(ABC_FILE_EXTN))
                             return true;                    
                        return false;
                   public String getDescription() {
                        return "ABC files";
              fc.setFileView(new FileView() {
                   public String getName(File f) {
                        String name = f.getName();
                        if (f.isFile() && name.endsWith(ABC_FILE_EXTN))
                             return name.substring(0, name.indexOf(ABC_FILE_EXTN));
                        return name;
              int returnVal = fc.showDialog(null, function);
              if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
                   file = fc.getSelectedFile();
                   return file.getName();
              return null;
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              (new NoDrive()).selectFile("Open ABC");

    OK. Here's the correct code:
        fc.setFileView(new FileView() {
          public String getName(File f) {
            String name = f.getName();
            if (f.isFile() && name.endsWith(ABC_FILE_EXTN)){
              return name.substring(0, name.indexOf(ABC_FILE_EXTN));
              return super.getName(f);

  • Edit code for change drive letters in paths for links, to also work with Fonts that have been moved.

    I have the following code that looks through my links and changes all of the drive letters to the new locations where they exist.  So if something stays in the same folder structure, but moves to a new drive E: and InDesign can not longer find it, you can run the code and have it fix them all.
    Well I want to do the same but for fonts that have also moved.
    Thank you in advance for any and all help!
    if (app.documents.length == 0) {
        err("No open document. Please open a document and try again.", true);
    if (File.fs != "Windows") {
        err("This script is for Windows only.");
    var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
    var myLinks = myDoc.links;
    var myCounter = 0;
    if (myLinks.length == 0) {
        err("This document doesn't contain any links.", true);
    var mySettings = CreateDialog();
    for (i = myLinks.length-1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
        var myLink = myLinks[i];
        if ( myLink.status == LinkStatus.LINK_MISSING || (myLink.status != LinkStatus.LINK_MISSING && mySettings[2] == false) ) {
            var myOldPath = myLink.filePath;
            var myNewPath = myOldPath.replace(mySettings[0] + ":\\", mySettings[1] + ":\\");
            var myNewFile = new File(myNewPath);
            if (myNewFile.exists) {
                try {
                catch(e) {}
    if (myCounter == 1) {
        alert("One file has been relinked.", "Finished");
    else if  (myCounter > 1) {
        alert(myCounter + " files have been relinked.", "Finished");
    else {
        alert("Nothing has been relinked.", "Finished");
    function err(e, icon){
        alert(e, "Change drive letter in path", icon);
    function CreateDialog() {
        var myDrives = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "y", "Z"];
        var myDialog = new Window("dialog", "Change drive letter in path");
        var myPanel = myDialog.add("panel", undefined, "");
        myPanel.orientation = "column";
        myPanel.alignChildren = "left";
        var myGroup = myPanel.add("group");
        myGroup.orientation = "row";
        var myStText1 = myGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "Change ");
        var myDropDownList1 = myGroup.add("dropdownlist", undefined, myDrives);
        if (app.extractLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_Ddl1") != "") {
            myDropDownList1.selection = myDropDownList1.items[app.extractLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_Ddl1")];
        else {
            myDropDownList1.selection = myDropDownList1.items[2];
        var myStText2 = myGroup.add("statictext", undefined, " to ");
        var myDropDownList2 = myGroup.add("dropdownlist", undefined, myDrives);
        if (app.extractLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_Ddl2") != "") {
            myDropDownList2.selection = myDropDownList2.items[app.extractLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_Ddl2")];
        else {
            myDropDownList2.selection = myDropDownList2.items[3];
        var myCheckBox = myPanel.add("checkbox", undefined, "relink only missing links");
        if (app.extractLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_checkbox") != "") {
            myCheckBox.value = eval(app.extractLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_checkbox"));
        else {
            myCheckBox.value = true;
        var myButtonsGrp = myDialog.add("group");
        var myOkBtn = myButtonsGrp.add("button", undefined, "Ok", {name:"ok"});
        var myCancelBtn = myButtonsGrp.add("button", undefined, "Cancel", {name:"cancel"});
        myOkBtn.onClick = function() {
            if (myDropDownList1.selection.index == myDropDownList2.selection.index) {
                alert("Both drive letters should not be the same.", "Change drive letter in path");
            else {
        var myDialogResult =;
        if (myDialogResult == 1) {
            app.insertLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_Ddl1", myDropDownList1.selection + "");
            app.insertLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_Ddl2", myDropDownList2.selection + "");
            app.insertLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_checkbox", myCheckBox.value + "");
            return [ myDropDownList1.selection.text, myDropDownList2.selection.text, myCheckBox.value ];
        else {

    ok, so I have discovered where the issue came from...
    The code you helped me with before, were I removed all links and my link character styles that I had (found here:
    Well it set all the items I was finding/replacing to unknown fonts that my machine doesn't have (Like Helvetic Neue Bold, instead of just Helvetica Bold, etc).
    Is there an easy way of fixing this?
    The only way I know to fix it right now is:
    Go to Package >> go to Fonts >> Select the the font that says it's missing >> Select Find First >> CLOSE ALL OF THIS, then use the eye-dropper to select the text around that font which copies the formatting and then apply it to the text who's formatting got messed up.  And then start the process all over again for the next occurence of that word whose formatting got stripped.

  • What are management issues when Principal and DR mirroring environments use different drive letters. 2008R2 Enterprise Edition.

    I have to build a DR environment. The drive letters on principal are different than I HAVE to use on new DR server. Is 2008R2 mirroring able to handle that difference in drive letters. And what are the complexities for managing this setup and failing over
    from principal to DR?  Thank you for your reply!

    You can handle database Mirroring with difference in drive letters.
    The mirroring is not centralized on drive letter but there will be some issues when you add a file to a PRINCIPAL, the DDL gets applied across mirror, then your database will go into suspended status until you duplicate the path on the mirror.
    Its recommended to have same identical configuration.
    You can refer the below link

  • PC Suite mixes up drive letters

    I am having two optical drives installed in my PC with letters W and X.
    After installing PC Suite the drive letters change to G and H which are the next unused letters following my fixed drives
    (it took me a long time to figure this out, so this seems to be the case since earlier versions).
    Also my PC is in a domain so by logging on a netlogon.cmd is executed. This file is located in my home directory (commonly) set to letter "H", but unreachable as PC Suite shifts one optical drive to it.
    This is reproducable by uninstalling/reinstalling the software.
    Anyone who can confirm this behaviour (maybe it is already known but I did not find something about it in this forum) ?
    best regards

    PC Suite will recognise your phone as a drive (latest versions of PC Suite do this even when not using 'data transfer' mode). It is unusual that it causes existing drive allocations to be changed, I have not heard of this happening before.

  • Mapping Drive Letters

    I have OS X Server 10.4.8 running in a school with all Windows PCs. I'm trying to figure out how to get the PCs to authenticate to the OS X server and upon logging in, map several share points on the server to drive letters on the clients (PCs). I know WGM offers a place to map the home directory, but what about other share points and drive letters.
    I'd like this to happen automatically like through a login script or something.

    In the OS X Server's /etc directory, you will find a netlogon directory. It is the default location for login scripts if you are running a Windows domain.
    The script for which you are looking will look something like this:
    This command will mount the Windows sharepoint on the Windows server you specify to the Y: drive on the client machine. Just save this command into a text file : /etc/netlogon/login.bat
    If you have multiple shares to mount, just use the same format with different drive letters in the batch file. If you learn some Windows scripting, you can do fancier things, like clear out existing drive mappings before mounting the network drives.
    There is a spot in Workgroup Manager to set the Windows login script for users at the individual level, if you want to mount different drives for different people.

  • Feature Request: iTunes support CD drive letters A&B

    Not sure how to submit this feature request to Apple for iTunes for Windows enhancement so I figured I would start at the forum.
    I know in the "dark ages" drive letters A&B where pretty much reserved for floppy drives. Not sure how many computers are actually still in use running Windows XP and up that still have one of those drives.
    Therefore, for some time now these two drive letters have gone unused. C: in general was the first HD letter, and CD-Roms (or now DVD/Blu-Ray) drives started somewhere with D: and above depending on your computer configuration.
    I changed my setup a while ago and named my two DVD drives A & B since Windows supports it just fine, as do a lot of other programs, with the exception of iTunes :-(. For some reason, iTunes will not support reading CDs from drives A or B, even if Windows autorun feature is enabled asking if it should import the CD into iTunes. Apple, what's up with that? Why actual restrict reading music from CD drives assigned letters A & B? Is this an old piece of code still lingering around in iTunes?
    So, simple feature request for an upcoming iTunes release, please enable reading/important CD music from drives labeled A&B so that we can start using these letters again as well.
    Anybody else want to support this simple request that should be fairly easy for Apple to implement?

    We're a user-to-user community, so there's no guarantee that an Apple person will see your request. But you can make enhancement requests directly to the Apple folks if you like. Here's a link to the iTunes product feedback form:

  • ISCSI Initiator - Cannot Change Drive Letters

    Good afternoon-
    I added two iSCSI LUNs to one of my servers using the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on a Windows Server 2008 R2 server. Everything seems to be working fine, except for the fact that the drive letters are reversed - Volume 1 is my F: drive and Volume 2 is E:.
    Because I need to use one script across multiple servers, I need to change these drive letters. When I right click them in Server Manager, the Change drive letter option is greyed out. Is there a different way to do this?
    Thank you!

    Please start by that:
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
    Thanks Mr. X! I was able to fix this with DISKPART. Here are the instructions taken from your link:
    1. Open Command Prompt.
    3.At the DISKPART prompt, type:
    list volume
    Make note of the number of the simple volume whose drive letter you want to assign, change, or remove.
    4. At the DISKPART prompt, type:
    select volume n
    Select the volume, where n is the volume's number, whose drive letter you want to assign, change, or remove.
    5.At the DISKPART prompt, type one of the following:
    assign letter=L
    Where L is the drive letter you want to assign or change.
    remove letter=L
    Where L is the drive letter you want to remove.

  • Windows - Mac mixed environment: Excel file references, Windows Drive Letters

    I was suggested to ask my question on this forum. 
    Our company has used Windows PCs only. For various reasons, we are now switching to a Mixed (Mac and PC) environment. 
    All of our work files are stored and server from a central Windows Server. 
    The shared folders are mounted on each Windows computer as Drive Letters (K:, L:, M:, N:, etc.).
    In our Excel files, we use references to other Excel files that are stored on the server. 
    The reference paths include the drive letters. We've been doing this for many years, and have many files like this. 
    As far as I know, shared network folders cannot be mounted the same way under OS X.
    Folders that under Windows show up as drive K, L, M, N, under OS X are mounted as "Common", "Templates", "Projects", etc. 
    So references that we've been using for years don't work anymore.
    How could this be solved in Excel, under OS X?

    This is the forum to discuss questions and feedback for Windows-based Microsoft Office client. Since your query is directly related to Office under OS X, I would suggest you to post in the forum of
    Office for Mac, where you can get more experienced responses:
    The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other partners who read the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us. Thank you for your understanding.
    Ethan Hua
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • Displaying the drive letters of another PC connected through Ethernet

    Am using two PC's connected in a network via ethernet. I want to read the drive letters (a:\, c:\, d:\, e:\, etc.....) of one PC and display in the LabVIEW application running in another PC. I searched the forum and found an example posted by tst (i think) displaying the drive letters of the same system. In my case i want to display drive letters of PC1 to LabVIEW application that is running in PC2.
    Any ideas?

    I'm fairly certain that this information is not exposed to the network, but I can think of two workarounds:
    Publish them yourself using a VI with a TCP based protocols (shared variables would probably do the job too). If you actually want to access them, this probably won't help.
    Set them to be shared (in Windows, right click and select sharing). This is potentially dangerous and you will probably need to dig into the OS to find out how find and access them.
    Try to take over the world!

  • My "local disk drive" letters are blue along with my pictures

    my "local disk drive" letters are blue along with my pictures
    when i plug my ipod in i get this error messege saying the ipod "CRAZYBAPPLE" cannot be updated. The required file is locked.
    my ipod and my itunes are updated but it still doesnt work. i even uninstalled my itunes and installed it again
    please someone help me!
    instant messege me at sqirlcomandr1068, email me at [email protected], or leave me one here

    This forum is actually about the Cloud, not about using individual programs
    Once your program downloads and installs with no errors, you need the program forum
    If you start at the Forums Index
    You will be able to select a forum for the specific Adobe product(s) you use
    Click the "down arrow" symbol on the right (where it says ALL FORUMS) to open the drop down list and scroll

  • Rescue and Recovery Drive letters - error message

    Trying to run Rescue and recovery after partitioning my hard drive results in the following error message:
    "The last backup of this system included the following drive letters:
    Your system is currently backing up the following drive letters:
    Please set the letters as they were previously and retry the backup. You may need to exclude partitions created since the last backup"
    NOw I have changed the options to exclude E: but I was wondering is there any way to include it in backups - would I have to back up to a USB hard drive without any previous backups on it? And is it a good idea to use R&R to backup partitions?
    Any advice much appreciated!
    Go to Solution.

    Sorted - needed a formatted backup USB disk and that worked fine.

  • In server 2008 r2 i cant prevent access to extra drive letters(apart from a,b,c,d) via gpo

    in server 2008 r2 i want to prevent access to extra drives like g,h,i,j drives via GPO i have been able to successfully hide these extra drives but not able to prevent access to restrict them  i have hidden these extra drive letters via code pasting
    with hidedrives.adm file on right clicking adminstrative templates in GPO and adding  templates but i dont know the code for preventing access to drives. HELP me need this fast 

    Hi Manish,
    Based on your description, we can try enabling the following policy:
    User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Explorer\
    Prevent access to drives from My Computer
    If we enable this policy, users cannot view the contents of the selected drives in My Computer and Windows Explorer. Also, they cannot use the
    Run dialog box, the Map Network Drive dialog box, or the Dir command to view the directories on these drives.
    However, this policy does not prevent users from using programs to access local and network drives. And, it does not prevent them from using the Disk Management snap-in to
    view and change drive characteristics.
    Regarding this policy, the following article can be referred to for more information.
    Prevent access to drives from My Computer
    Best regards,
    Frank Shen

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