DRM Errors

Hello, I am having a similar problem, I am using a MACBOOK PRO and am unable to activate the Adobe Digital Editions. I have tried changing the name of my MACBOOK to no avail.
The Disaster Recovery Handbook : A Step-by-step Plan to Ensure Business Continuity and Protect Vital Operations, Facilities, and Assets:
Adobe DRM Error
System: 7
State: 4
Class: 7
Code: 1
Your Adobe software could not be activated.
Failed to load XML.An invalid character was found in text content.
At line2column1375
Eden Info: (0x-1072896760) Failed to load XML.An invalid character was found in text content.
At line2column1375
Soap Info: Client : Client
Adobe DRM Activator error.
Server Code: -1072896760
Fault location: 7
Contact customer support.
--- end ---
Please help any adice or guidance that you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

I think your error is different than the known issue described in
"Error: "Failed to load XML.Whitespace is not allowed at this location" in Adobe Digital Editions 1.5 or later (Mac OS X)"
Notice that in your case the error message is different. The server code is different too.
Please open a support web case and we'll get somebody to investigate. Also, it might be helpful to know if this happens to just this book, or to all ebooks in your copy of Digital Editions.
To open a Digital Editions 1.5 Technical Support case, please use the contact links at http://www.adobe.com/support/digitaleditions.
Bentley Wolfe
Senior Support Engineer, Flash/Flash Player/Digital Editions

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    How to fix "DRM Error 3321" withouting connecting PC to internet?
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    Thank in advance.

    Hi Soe,
    Unfortunately there is no way to resolve this error without connecting to the Internet at least once. This initial connection is required to create and download the device specific key as mentioned in this post (http://forums.adobe.com/message/6240315). Once you have established that initial connection, you can play content offline assuming your content licenses are constructed correctly. Some content providers will require at least an initial connection to their license servers as well, although once you have the device specific key you can play files protected with PHLS or PHDS without further license acquisition.
    If you are  content provider, you can find more details on how to do protect your content for offline playback here:
    Protecting Content (http://www.adobe.com/support/adobeaccess/pdfs/server/AdobeAccess_4_ProtectingContent.pdf)
    Protected Streaming (http://www.adobe.com/support/adobeaccess/pdfs/server/AdobeAccess_4_ProtectedStreaming.pdf)
    This is probably not the answer you are looking for, but hopefully this helps a little.
    Joe Steele

  • DRM Error 3321 Causes & Resolution

    [ Problem Background ]
    Adobe Access DRM needs to download a device-specific key before protected content can be consumed. This step is called individualization. If user is getting error code 3321 it means the individualization step failed.
    [ Root Cause ]
    The client needs to make network connection to http://individualization.adobe.com in order to individualize. The failure most likely was caused by a temporary network connection failure. To verify: use the browser and connect to http://individualization.adobe.com/flashaccess/i15n/v5 . View the page source. If everything is fine you will see something like:
    <!-- Version xxxxxxxxxx-->
    [ Resolution ]
    Make sure the network connection is fine.  Pay special attention to any proxies and firewalls which may be in place. 
    Also, you may add additional logic to your video application to determine if it is able to query the URL endpoing for individualization in the event handler for 3321.  If the connection isn't possible, display a dialog to the end user to check for network connectivity issues (to http://individualization.adobe.com) - perhaps they are behind a firewall or in a network that restricts access to the individualization server.
    [ Problem Not Resolved? ]
    This article details what Adobe believes will resolve 3321 errors.  If this hasn't resolved your issue, we would love to hear more from you!  Please reply below with the following information:
    - If you don't see the <html> code that is shown above, what are you seeing?  Please cut & paste.
    - Date & time that you noticed this outage
    - OS & OS version of the affected computer
    - Browser & browser version of the affected computer

    I have recently begun having this problem with:
    Firefox (32.0.3)
    flash (
    windows 7 pro 64 bit (Version    6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601)
    (works fine in Chrome (37.0.2062.124) btw)
    I have tried uninstalling/reinstalling both flash and firefox a number of times.
    I've deleted my firefox profile, and recreated.
    I've deleted %appdata%\adobe\flash player\
    I've deleted %appdata%\macromedia\flash player\
    I deauthorized the computer
    Here is my log from the test defined here: Re: DRM Error 3321 Causes & Resolution
    12:07:41.363 : DRMError event received
    Error Code = 3313 [WriteMicrosafeFailed]
    Sub Error Code = 1000055
    Error Details =
    drmUpdateNeeded = false
    systemUpdateNeeded = false
    12:07:39.504 : Acquiring License
    12:07:35.467 : Metadata received
    12:07:35.418 : loading metadata from metadata file...
    12:07:31.758 : Player mode changed to  TVP
    12:07:28.186 : DRM Error: 3313 [WriteMicrosafeFailed]
    12:07:24.277 : Load http://drmtest2.adobe.com:8080/Content/anonymous.f4v
    12:07:07.056 : This swf version is 20
    12:07:07.056 : Player Initialized!
    12:07:07.049 : Player mode changed to  SVP
    12:07:06.938 : Can't access local storage: Error #2134
    When I change the amount of "local storage" that the flash player can have, it won't "stick".  I go back and it is still at 0.
    I've added drmtest2.adobe.com to my global list of allowed sites, and that doesn't help.
    A screen shot of the permissions for %appdata%\adobe\flash player\
    A screen shot of the permissions for %appdata%\macromedia\flash player\
    The global storage settings:
    Tried adding drmtest2.adobe.com specifically (still didn't help)
    I change this to something > 0, click close, re-open it and it is still 0.
    I use AVG AnitVirus Free Edition 2014 (2014.0.4765), I've tried disabling it, to no avail.
    This is the error I get:
    Write to the file system failed.
    (Error Code: 3313. Suberror Code: 1000055)

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    Installing MacKeeper and not being able to access Love Film may not be a coincidence. The concensus among expereienced Mac users is that the best term to describe MacKeeper would be malware. Check out these instructions to delete it. Reports are that the uninstaller the developer of MacKeeper provides doesn't perform a complete uninstall.

  • Any progess on the DRM error when changing versions; machines etc?

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    I've recently changed PCs and having downloaded Digital Editions to the new machine, I can no longer open a .pdf that lives on a network drive that was bought and downloaded via my old machine (I get the oft-reported DRM error).
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    If you authorized Digital Editions on your original machine to an AdobeID, and authorized Digital Editions on your new machine to the same AdobeID, then this should just work.  If it doesn't you should open up a web support case ( go to http://www.adobe.com/support/digitaleditions/ and click on 'Submit a web case').
    If you choose not to authorize Digital Editions and purchase books you are in effect saying that the machine owns the books and not you. The books  will not be transferrable, and the moment you lose access to that machine (hard drive crash, registry corruption, reinstall, etc...) you lose access to those books.
    Most of the DRM errors reported on this forum have been from people who did not originally authorize their copy of Digital Editions to an AdobeID and are now encountering the problems that came out of it.

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    Netflix does not run on PPC Macs. Look at your Apple menu -> About This Mac for your version of Mac OS X and your processor.  PPC=PowerPC G3, G4, or G5.   Only Intel Macs will run Netflix with the correct versions of Silverlight plugin.

  • Adobe DRM error when opening a digital book

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    Adobe DRM Error
    System:  7
    State:  4
    Class:  15
    Code:  31
    Message:  Error on response from server.
    Scroll below or view error.log for more details.
    Your Adobe software could not be activated.
    HTTP error on Adobe DRM Activator request.
    Adobe DRM Activator error.
    Client Code:  31 - HTTP Code:  555
    Fault location:  15
    --- end ---
    Can any one help me to resolve it please?

    What a truly awful policy.
    So, here I am coming back to an ebook I purchased three years ago, only to find that it's *my* fault I cannot access the book I paid for, because I should have been studiously following the intricacies of your petty updates and server migrations, or else I simply lose my rights to access the book (access rights, by the way, that are apparently now controlled not by the author -- whom I know personally -- or the publisher, but by you clowns at Adobe!?!).
    Really lame, adobe. Really lame.
    I should have bought the hard copy, which I could have taken off the shelf whenever I wanted, years after purchase, without having to worry about whether or not I migrated my license to whatever server, etc etc.
    Really appalled by this.

  • Activation problem: Adobe DRM Error System: 8 State: 4 Class: 65 Code: 59 Message: VE error 59

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    Adobe DRM Error
    System: 8
    State: 4
    Class: 65
    Code: 59
    VE error 59
    --- end ---
    I already downloaded Adobe Digital Editions 1.5 beta 2, and went back to acrobat reader 6, activate from aractivate.adobe.com, but nothing seems to work. What can I do?

    System 7, code 31 is always a networking problem. Meaning something on your network is preventing the book information from getting to the rights-management server (or from the rights-management information getting sent back)
    You can check firewalls, security software, etc to see where the blockage might be, or work with your network admins if you have them. See 'Error "Adobe DRM Error" when you activate Digital Editions or access an eBook" at http://www.adobe.com/go/kb402747
    Bentley Wolfe
    Senior Support Engineer, Flash/Flash Player/Digital Editions

  • DRM Error: 3305[ServerConnectionFailed]  and Error loading metadata file:Error #2048

    I am using the sample player in Adobe Access 4_0 SDK to play the encrypted video on FMS 5.0.
    1) When trying to play the " http://.../vod/WorldCup.mp4"  file and get the error "DRM Error: 3305[ServerConnectionFailed]  Load http://.../vod/WorldCup.mp4 "
    2) switch TVP mode. try to "Load DRM Metadata" and get the log " Error loading metadata file: Get URL:http://.../vod/WorldCup.mp4.metadata:Error #2048"

    I am using the sample player in Adobe Access 4_0 SDK to play the encrypted video on FMS 5.0.
    1) When trying to play the " http://.../vod/WorldCup.mp4"  file and get the error "DRM Error: 3305[ServerConnectionFailed]  Load http://.../vod/WorldCup.mp4 "
    2) switch TVP mode. try to "Load DRM Metadata" and get the log " Error loading metadata file: Get URL:http://.../vod/WorldCup.mp4.metadata:Error #2048"

  • ADE  - Adobe DRM Error

    While we try to open a pdf docuement it gives out the following error
    Adobe DRM Error
                   System:  7
                   State:  4
                   Class:  15
                   Code:  57
                   Message:  Error on request or response from server.
                   Please check your network connection and try again.
                   Scroll below or view error.log for more details.
                   Your Adobe software could not be activated.
                   The Adobe DRM Activator is temporarily unavailable.  Please try again later.
                   --- end ---
    FYI - We have tried thru open gateway (ie.. without any firewalls)
    Pl. Any help / Suggestions

    This error indicates that you are trying to open content that was purchased using Adobe Content Server 3.  Unfortunately unless you already have an activated copy of Acrobat/Adobe Reader version 6 or 7 (above version 7 will not work), that can read the content, there is no way for you to access that content anymore.
    Depending upon where you purchased the content, you may be able to contact them to get a redownload.

  • DRM error 3370?

    I've just found this page: Protected video content does not play and followed the steps at the bottom how to play a test video. Unfortunatelly it does not play. If I click the "Show DRM events" checkbox, the details are:
    DRMErrorEvent dispatched by DRMManger received on Thu Jul 3 04:31:59 GMT+0200 2014
    event type = drmError
    Error Code = 3370 [Out of DRM Error range]
    Sub Error Code = 1000937
    Error Details =
    drmUpdateNeeded = false
    systemUpdateNeeded = false
    I didn't find what error 3370 means.
    I'm using flash player version The folder C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Flash Player\NativeCache is empty.
    I'm a software developer for 25 years, so I'm happy about helpful replies. Thank you in advance.

    3370 means 'ContentIdSettingsNoAccess'.
    This error could happen if 'Allow identifiers for protected content' is not checked in Chrome Setting.
    Please go to chrome://settings/content - Protected content and check the 'Allow identifiers for protected content' setting.

  • [07/22/2013] Advisory Email for recent DRM errors

    We're in the process of putting together a "Customer Advisory List" for notices to customers  when we find issues  that may impactful your use of Adobe Access.   The goal of this list is to pre-emptively tell customers that we are aware of certain issues, have a suggested response for your customers, and an ETA for a fix.
    The advisory list should be collated and operational shortly, so in the meantime, I'm reaching out via direct email.
    Finally – we wanted to let you know about a couple of the high-profile issues customers are hitting and what our suggested workaround/fixes are:
    These DRM errors are specific to Flash and in specific browsers on Desktop and may/maynot have impact on ios/android.
    DRM Error Event 3338: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1257805
    DRM Error Event 3346/3322: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1258343
    Please forward this along to your Application Developer & Support organizations.

    The SMTP connection works now with the newIMP account, but I get a different error message on the incoming (IMP) server.  Outlook 2013 automatically creates a local .OST file, so it wants to sync with the server, and I now get this error message,
    Task 'Synchronizing subscribed folders for [email protected]' reported error (0x800CCC0E) : 'Outlook cannot synchronize subscribed folders for [email protected] Error: Cannot connect to the server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'  

  • Issues with DRM Error Codes (OSMF2+FMS+FAX)

    We've been having problems with our DRM implementation for FMS / OSMF2 / FAX.
    Having investigated the problem, we've worked out that the root cause is that the NetStream obect within the LightweightVideoElement class triggers a DRMErrorEvent with the errorID 3304 which is not handled in the onDRMErrorEvent function of the same class.
    Looking at the code, OSMF2 has been developed to handle only the error 3330 and therefore the end result is that our DRM authentication process (normally triggered by event listeners added to the DRMTrait) is not fired.
    Changing the value of DRMServices.DRM_NEEDS_AUTHENTICATION and LightWeightVideoElement.DRM_NEEDS_AUTHENTICATION to the values 3304 as apposed to the programmed 3330 value resolves all our problems and by adding an event listener to the DRMTriat for the changes in value (DRMEvent.DRM_STATE_CHANGE) and then switching on the event.drmState value, we can now send our authentication details when the drmState  = DRMState.AUTHENTICATION_NEEDED.
    Here is a stack trace up to the point where we send our DRM authentication based on the changes above.
    Main Thread (Suspended)
    flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction [no source]
    flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent [no source]
    flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction [no source]
    flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent [no source]
    flash.net.drm::DRMManager/issueDRMErrorEvent [no source]
    flash.net.drm::DRMManager/onDownloadVoucherError [no source]
    DRMManagerSession/issueDRMErrorEvent [no source]
    DRMVoucherDownloadContext/onSessionError [no source]
    DRMManagerSession/onCheckStatus [no source]
    flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch [no source]
    flash.utils::Timer/tick [no source]
    Does anyone know why we might be getting the 3304 error on the netstream and not the expected 3304?

    Hi Mat,
    DRM Error 3304 is AuthorizationFailed error. The "Current user not authorized to view content, login as a different user"


    I have the following error when I tried to read my e-books bought from Amazon in years 2003 and 2004
    Adobe DRM Error
    System: 8
    State: 4
    Class: 65603
    Code: 147
    VE error 147
    --- end ---
    Somebody knows the solution? It's very frustrating pay for them and can not read them for software problems. Adobe Latinamerica support conclude that these books are not compatible with Digital Editions!!! it's incredible why not?
    Their solution was to re-install Adober Reader 6, but it doesn't work either. Amazon said they discontinued their e-book library.
    HELP PLEASE!! How can get a real solution and not only excuses!!

    Please open a support web case and we'll try to determine the cause of the DRM error.<br /><br />To open a Digital Editions 1.5 Technical Support case, please use the contact links at http://www.adobe.com/support/digitaleditions.  If you do choose to open a case please include a link to this discussion so the agent can see what I wrote..<br /><br />I don't know that there's any such thing as a 'no compatible' ebook.  It is, however, possible to screw up the book's activations in such a way that it's then unreadable. <br /><br />So, looking at some internal docs, it looks like Voucher Engine error 147 only occurs with Acrobat reader 6, 7 or Digital Editions 1.0.    <br /><br />The problem you are seeing is due, unfortunately, to corruption of your vouchers. The solution is to remove the old vouchers and create new ones.<br />o Exit Digital Editions   <br />o Delete the folder  Documents and  Settings/<username>/Application Data/Adobe/Digital Editions/Voucher.    <br />o Also delete the file manifest.xml in your My Digital  Editions folder.   <br />o Restart Digital Editions<br />   <br />Digital Editions should re-migrate your books and you should be able to open it again.  IIf you bought your books using Acrobat or Reader, then you are done.  For books bought with Adobe Digital Editions, you will need to re-download your books.  Most vendors are happy to allow this.<br /><br />Again, if you're using ADE 1.5 you're -not- supposed to have this problem.   But these are the pioneering days of ebooks, and as with all pioneers, sometimes there are problems.<br /><br />Regards,<br /><br />Bentley Wolfe<br />Senior Support Engineer, Flash/Flash Player/Digital Editions<br />Adobe

  • DRM Error 3322

    Dear colleagues,
    Could you please help us to fix flash player DRM error 3322?
    Sometimes, Flash Player shows this error from Flash Access Server, even if hardware&software configuration of machine have not changed.

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    - Platform (win/mac/linux)
    - Version of Flash Player
    - Hardware configuration
    - Content which is causing this 3322 error?
    - Steps to reproduce the issue
    - How often you're seeing this 3322

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