Droid Charge wiping all data

I will have had my Droid Charge for 2 years in June. Over the past 4 months the phone has randomly restart and wiped all my data, apps, contacts, and settings. This has happened 7 times. How can I get a new phone without breaking my contract? I can't continue putting up with this until June. I've taken the phone into a verizon store and all they can do is help me set up my phone back to the settings I like, which I can do on my own.

    I am sure this is frustrating to say the least, rcashton09! I must say I have not heard of this happening.I would recommend trying the phone in Safe Mode http://bit.ly/WIK84C which blocks all apps. We want to make sure an app is not causing these random actions.
If there is no damage to the device, and you have Total Equipment Coverage or Extended Warranty , we can look at replacing the phone and it doesn not change the contract.
Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    god, i love it when i find answers to my own questions!  here is a work-around, not really a fix because you have to run this daemon that constantly performs read operations to prevent the drive from going into low power mode - which seems to be the source of this problem.  caution: this will drain your battery if you leave computer awake while not plugged in, but this solution darn well beats the issues i was having before with spinning beachball every couple minutes.. i was going crazy!  it only eats about 2-3% of cpu usage and i have not had the problem since i installed this daemon which sits in Library\LaunchDaemons (if you want to remove it later.)  also the developer leaves his email in the install file and he is very helpful.
    here is a link to the crucial thread where i found this solution:
    http://forum.crucial.com/t5/Solid-State-Drives-SSD/M4-512gb-Macbook-Pro-15-i7-2- 3-2011/td-p/45848/page/12
    here is a link to the file itself:
    download here

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    Tammy, welcome to the club, not a great club to be in.  I and many many like you (just google up the various forums) have the same situation as you except my wife has the Verizon Iphone and I've got the Charge.  More times than I'd care to mention, I have no data and she has a solid 3G signal. She's getting fed up with my ongoing line "Honey, can I see your phone for a minute". Don't bother with master resets, battery pulls, going in and out of airplane mode, switching from LTE to CDMA, they all are short term (seconds, minutes?) solutions to a far more serious issue with either the hardware, the software, the towers of a combination of all of these.  Unfortunately the latest OTA software update did little to nothing for this particular issue.  It did solve the mobile hotspot issue, but for me it did nothing on the more important issue of data connectivity.
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    There is no need to download anything to solve this problem. You may have installed a variant of the "VSearch" ad-injection malware. Follow Apple Support's instructions to remove it.
    If you have trouble following those instructions, see below.
    Malware is always changing to get around the defenses against it. This procedure works as of now, as far as I know. It may not work in the future. Anyone finding this comment a few days or more after it was posted should look for a more recent discussion, or start a new one.
    The VSearch malware tries to hide itself by varying the names of the files it installs. To remove it, you must first identify the naming pattern.
    Triple-click the line below on this page to select it, then copy the text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination  command-C:
    In the Finder, select
              Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar and paste into the box that opens by pressing command-V. You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.
    A folder named "LaunchDaemons" may open. Look inside it for two files with names of the form
    Here something is a variable string of characters, which can be different in each case. So far it has always been a string of letters without punctuation, such as "cloud," "dot," "highway," "submarine," or "trusteddownloads." Sometimes it's a meaningless string such as "e8dec5ae7fc75c28" rather than a word. Sometimes the string is "apple," and then you must be especially careful not to delete the wrong files, because many built-in OS X files have similar names.
    If you find these files, leave the LaunchDaemons folder open, and open the following folder in the same way:
    In this folder, there may be a file named
    where the string something is the same as before.
    If you feel confident that you've identified the above files, back up all data, then drag just those three files—nothing else—to the Trash. You may be prompted for your administrator login password. Close the Finder windows and restart the computer.
    Don't delete the "LaunchAgents" or "LaunchDaemons" folder or anything else inside either one.
    The malware is now permanently inactivated, as long as you never reinstall it. You can stop here if you like, or you can remove two remaining components for the sake of completeness.
    Open this folder:
    /Library/Application Support
    If it has a subfolder named just
    where something is the same string you saw before, drag that subfolder to the Trash and close the window.
    Don't delete the "Application Support" folder or anything else inside it.
    Finally, in this folder:
    there may an item named exactly
    It's actually a folder, though it has a different icon than usual. This item always has the above name; it doesn't vary. Drag it to the Trash and close the window.
    Don't delete the "Frameworks" folder or anything else inside it.
    If you didn't find the files or you're not sure about the identification, post what you found.
    If in doubt, or if you have no backups, change nothing at all.
    The trouble may have started when you downloaded and ran an application called "MPlayerX." That's the name of a legitimate free movie player, but the name is also used fraudulently to distribute VSearch. If there is an item with that name in the Applications folder, delete it, and if you wish, replace it with the genuine article from mplayerx.org.
    This trojan is often found on illegal websites that traffic in pirated content such as movies. If you, or anyone else who uses the computer, visit such sites and follow prompts to install software, you can expect more of the same, and worse, to follow. Never install any software that you downloaded from a bittorrent, or that was downloaded by someone else from an unknown source.
    In the Security & Privacy pane of System Preferences, select the General tab. The radio button marked Anywhere  should not be selected. If it is, click the lock icon to unlock the settings, then select one of the other buttons. After that, don't ignore a warning that you are about to run or install an application from an unknown developer.
    Then, still in System Preferences, open the App Store or Software Update pane and check the box marked
              Install system data files and security updates (OS X 10.10 or later)
              Download updates automatically (OS X 10.9 or earlier)
    if it's not already checked.

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    What I should do now?

    Something has gone wrong. Turn your phone off, then force it into recovery mode:
    Leave the USB cable connected to your computer, but NOT your phone, iTunes running, press & hold the home button while connecting the USB cable to your dock connector, continue holding the home button until you see “Connect to iTunes” on the screen. You may now release the home button. iTunes should now display that it has detected your phone in recovery mode, if not quit and reopen iTunes. If you still don’t see the recovery message repeat these steps again. iTunes will give you the option to restore from a backup or set up as new. In your case, select "new".

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    When you erase a drive, you can do it fast/non-secure or slow/secure. Choose the "secure" method and specify 1, 3 or 7-pass option. For large disk drives this can take a VERY VERY LONG TIME. But if you want to be safe, what's a day or two.
    The multiple-pass secure options writes different bit-patterns to the drive, before it finally erases it with all zeros, which leaves nothing for anyone to recover later on.
    If you choose the unsecure method (the default) it only initializes the information that says how many files are on the drive and where to start writing when new files are created. The actual part of the disk that had your old data is not even touched, so with the right kind of software that information is able to be recovered to varying degrees of success.
    The 3-pass secure erase method is what the DOD (Department of Defense) recommends for erasure of drives.
    See this for a lot more information about securely erasing disks:
    have fun.....

  • What will happen to my unlimited 3G data plan if VZW gives me the Samsung Droid Charge 4G phone?

    I currently have the Samsung Fascinate and the unlimited data plan, with a 20% corporate
    discount .   The 2-year contract started when I bought the Fascinate in November 2010. 
    If I'm not mistaken, my unlimited plan is grandfathered in, even after Verizon changed the
    2GB limit for data plans.
    There is no 4G service in my part of the state. There won't be 4G for at least 2 years,
    according to the Verizon corporate store manager.  My part of the state was the second
    to last to get 3G on the east coast.  
    If I take Verizon's offer and accept the Samsung Droid Charge 4G as a replacement phone,
    what will happento my existing unlimited 3G data plan?   Can they activate the 4G phone
    on a 3G data plan?
    Will the 4G phone pick up 4G signal when I travel to a major city with 4G service? (nearest
    city with 4G is 230 miles away)

    SFObrien wrote:
    If I understand their policy correct you will continue your current unlimited 3G plan and have access to 4G in coverage areas as long as you DON'T change your plan. If you change your plan new rates will apply.
    Can one of the Verizon guys here verify this?
    Consider it verified, Steve! 

  • Do not use iOS 7. Attempting to install iOS 7 will cause your phone to require a factory reset, thus wiping all your data from the device. Save your data, do not attempt to install the new iOS 7.

    Do not use iOS 7. Attempting to install iOS 7 will cause your phone to require a factory reset, thus wiping all your data from the device. Save your data, do not attempt to install the new iOS 7.

    My phone has been in the Preparaing Iphone for Restore mode for over 2 hrs. I have the following on the itunes page
                Iphone Recovery Mode
              Itunes is restoring the software on this Iphone. 
    I have the Itunes icon and the USB cord display on the iphone home screen
    So I still have 3 hrs to go???  WOW

  • Can I unlock my Droid Charge and use it with a sim card in India?

    How can I unlock my Droid Charge and use it with a sim card in India?

    You just have to call VZW Global TS and as long as you meet all of the requirments you will be able to unlock your phone.
    Must be a Verizon Wireless customer.
    The device being unlocked must be active on a VZW line of service.
    The line of service must be active for at least 60 days.
    For converted accounts from acquisitions or mergers (i.e. Alltel, Unicel/RCC, etc.), the line of service must be active in the VZW billing system for 60 days from the conversion date.
      The line of service must be in good standing for the past 60 days.  Good Standing is defined as:
    Balance must be current 
    No service suspensions or hotlines in the past 60 days.
    Customer may only have one 3G SIM unlock per line every 10 months.
    The customer's manufacturer's device warranty is not affected by a 3G SIM unlock as long as the customer remains with VZW.

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