Drop Frames stopping huge project

Trying to digitize 64 hours for a doc I shot at the Tour de France. Getting frequent drop frame stops on all tapes.
Four cameras/deck used to transfer (none successful) Sonys & Canon
Have latest OS, QT & FCP
source material: mini-DV SD
• tapes transfer perfectly on another FCP system (assume tape good)
• tapes transfer on straight QT injest no issue (assume deck, cable, QT ok)
• tapes injest on IMOVIE without issue (assume deck, cable, QT & HD ok
• tried scratching to other internal drives, incl OS drive
• ditched Prefs twice
• reinstalled FCP
• tried different cams/decks
• tried firewire and FW basic use settings
I was so hoping that reinstall FCP would do it & I do not know now what's left to check. it points to FCP but I've never had this problem before. ANY suggestions would be more than appreciated.
• reinstall QT Pro
• reinstall OS
Michael: [email protected]

After two weeks we finally swapped out the Firewire cord which I mistakenly scratched off the bad list because both IMOVIE and QT ingested the tapes just fine. I got a shielded one. oh man, so simple!!!

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    What do you mean by dropping Frame ?
    Try to render your sequence before playback.
    Michel Boissonneault

  • Dropped Frames and Render/Playback problems in Final Cut Express HD

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    Hi Ross,
    Well, most people, myself included, would say you should consider yourself lucky if doing video via USB ever worked at all for you. Overall, USB is not up to the demands of video, and that is most likely why you are getting your dropped frames problem.
    The solutions would be either use your internal HD or get a good external FW drive. I know this is frustrating, as it has been for many people who look at the raw specs where USB 2.0 appears faster than FW400 but in real life, for video especially, it is not.

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    I can't do your work for you. I do a great deal of research and testing on any job that involves a new workflow, format, whatever.
    Try this. Export a selfcontained qt with sequence settings. Create a NEW project in fcp, and import this selfcontained qt. This will probably play just fine. When you are playing your timeline of an edit out of fcp, fcp has to access media from all over the place and perhaps even attempt real time rendering. Exporting a selfcontained qt and playing it may solve your problem.

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    Questions for Shane and Other Experts:
    Is it likely that because my iMac HD is Journaled, I should be using an external?
    Is this problem a playback issue or a capture issue?
    What do you advise? Please help!
    S. Brown

    Shane's rule #1
    1) Do not capture to your main system drive.
    That drive has enough to do just operating the OS and FCP...then you expect it to perpetually read 3 streams of media?
    It may work for awhile, but as you're finding out, things eventually bog down.
    Get an external.
    Journaling may slow things very slightly, but you should have your system drive journaled...(but not necessary on an external)
    It's only a capture issue if your media format doesn't match your sequence settings. This sounds like a throughput issue.

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    It depends on the capture material.
    If you're attempting to capture analog material - like VHS - in bad condition and fed to an Digital-to-Analog converter that's not a deck and doesn't offer device control (like a Dazzle Bridge), the potential for unavoidable dropped frames is huge.

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    Anyone have a problem like this? I would greatly appreciate a response.

    http://bssc.sel.sony.com/BroadcastandBusiness/DisplayModel?m=10014&p=2&sp=141&id =78439
    The camera can record 60i, and 30F:
    "HDV 1080, 50i/60i/30F/25F Recording and Playback capable"
    Look at the clips...look at their frame rates. What do they say? Is one 59.94? Is the other 29.97?
    You would never need to render if you mixed NDF and DF footage. The footage runs at the same speed, on the TC numbers are different. But, you would need to render if your footage had different frame rates. LOOK AT THE CLIPS.

  • FCP UB iMAC Dropping Frames, playing stops!

    It's fine (new here with this program so be easy on me) also a recent swither, after beta testing Vista, I said, that's it. Even though I have thousands invested in software for PC...
    Anyway, FCP 5.1
    If I use the arrow tool, and move across timeline, the part plays fine with effects.
    If I hit space bar I get error, it stops.
    Media on second FW drive.
    Not sure how to turn off/down compression?
    RT set at unlimited, otherwise I wont see the effects.
    What is wrong?

    Render files are never seen or accessed by the user.
    If you want to convert a bit of media, cut it into
    your timeline, render it, export it using Export QuickTime Movie...
    (keeping it on Current Settings...), import the clip
    you created and use that for your source. No more
    need to render.
    make sense?
    Ok, I tried this, check it out...exported a 3 second clip, imported back in, no problem, played great!
    Added one (as in "1") zoom effect and got a dropped frame rate warning, now, sure, I could turn it off, but surely there must be a way to see this FX in the chain to see how it works or not without an error (2 GB DDR2).
    I noticed you can double click the FX than use the time line to see it, but it's a far cry from realtime speed.
    Surely there is hope for me yet!
    Thanks again

  • Pro application support 2008 05 causes dropped frame warnings!  stops audio

    yep. downloaded the update, everything worked fine before. nothing in the system has changed. no you can not adjust audio levels while playing back. It just stops and gives a dropped frame warning. if you click dont warn again, it still stops playing back..... It is a big problem for me. PLEASE APPLE HELP!

    yep. downloaded the update, everything worked fine before. nothing in the system has changed. no you can not adjust audio levels while playing back. It just stops and gives a dropped frame warning. if you click dont warn again, it still stops playing back..... It is a big problem for me. PLEASE APPLE HELP!

  • Dropped frame Errar on one project keep coming up

    I do a play back in my sequence and I get right away
    a dropped frame error that is anoying.
    I have restarted the computer, have no other sequences open and this project is on a Lecie external firewire drive with lots of space.
    3 gigs of ram too on my dual 2.0 turbo G5.
    Dual 1.8 G5, 3.0 GB Ram   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    This is playback thru the viewer on FCP.
    Media is DV and has been placed on the video track in a sequence.
    I push the space bar for play and it gives me this message.
    file is on a Lacie drive connected by 800 fire wire.
    Not much on the drive.

  • Manually drop frames for stop-animation look and feel?

    Hi, is there any way to manually drop frames in FCP? I need to make a scene (shot in mini-dv) look and feel like "stop motion animation". I was thinking if I could randomly drop frames and then slightly slow the footage down, it would give me the kind of "jary" effect of stop motion animation. And seing as dropping frames would essentially speed the fotage up, I would slow it down slightly to compensate. But individually dropping frames will take me forever!!! Is there a filter that can do this (FCP5)?

    Here's another option...
    Speed the clip (or sequence nested)up with no frame blending - FCP will drop frames. Experiment as using specific %s will do this for you.
    Then go into Cinema Tools and conform back to 29.97... This will make it look faster -- then slow it down without using frame blending and FCP will just duplicate frames.
    I've done this in Shake at it works great - I'm reaching just a bit that it will also work in FCP the same way.
    Good luck,

  • How do I stop dropped frames on playback?

    I have been working on a project for several weeks. Everyting cooking along. It involves many time lines of fairly simple format - 2-6 audio tracks & 2-3 video tracks at most. Everything has been running smoothly until today when I started getting a "one or more frames were dropped during playback" message. This has happening quite frequently, on many sequences, without any changes to preferences, no windows overlapping & RT set to Safe. It is happening on several sequences which played through perfectly before. I am on a PowerBook 1.5GHz G4 running OS 10.4.7., FinalCut Pro 4.5. I am using a LaCie 300 GB external drive for this project. I have tried a number of solutions offered in discussions without succes. I am looking for practical solutions after many years on FinalCut Pro, & never having this level of frustration .
    Power book G4 (15 Titanium)   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Thank you all for your input. Here is further info to help explain the continuing problem. I am running a single LaCie 300 GB external hard drive with 156 GB available via firewired 800. Nothing else running on firewire. My internal 80 GB drive has 9 GB available. I have rebooted several times, coppied different timelines to a new sequence (this worked once a week ago), coppied to a new project, rendered all several times and there is nothing running in the background. I tried Michael's suggestion and exported self contained (to the same external drive) & played it in a new project. This worked fine, but still doesn't help me in editing. Still looking for suggestions. Update to my system info below in that I am running OS X 10.4.7, and was before dropped frames started happening.
    Power book G4 (15 Titanium)   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

  • How to overcome "dropped frame" issues on my project

    Hey reader,
    I have a MacBook Pro 2.4GHz with 250GB hd (85GB free just now) running 10.4.11, FCE HD 3.5 (and QT 7.5.5) and using a Sony Handycam DCR-HC96 (which is works BEAUTIFULLY with iMovie 08 and 6 and is always used with Sony tapes) and I am not able to "capture" the tape content to my MacBook Pro because of the "dropped frame" issue.
    The camera is connected to the external hard drive chain via Firewire cable to the MacBook Pro and I was trying to capture to the internal hard drive. I am in the UK and am still struggling to get my head around the different frame rates but initially I got the dreaded "dropped frames were encountered during the last capture attempt" and it just wouldn't work, so I unselected the report dropped frames tab and abort capture in User Preferences as was suggested on here.
    Now I get "Capture encountered a problem reading data on your source tape. This could be due to a problem with the tape. Capture has been aborted and your clip has been saved" but the tape is fine (heads are also clean) as I had to (under time pressure, me) use iMovieHD 6 instead and it worked like a CHARM.
    What can I do to use this software?
    I KNOW I can import the iMovie footage but the disadvantage is the eternal rendering, I guess. I only ever used it once (because of its difficulties) and that was for pre-existing footage from iMovie and it was OK if not perfect. Just had to have a few hours extra for the constant rendering in preview...
    Should I try to capture to one of the external hard drives? I read that the internal might be a problem as it is busy with the operating system jobs.
    Please and thank you.

    I got some dropped frames last night and posted this before noticing your post:
    There can be a number of reasons for getting dropped frames during capture.
    Yesterday I videoed a relative's wedding (in HDV) and on getting home late I captured the footage into FCP 6.0.3 only to find in a couple of places I got an abort on dropped frames.
    This morning I decided to recapture and did so without a single dropped frame.
    Why ? ......... there are several possibilities.
    It could be that there was some physical problem with the tape or camera heads but I believe it was most likely caused by my camera's power supply.
    Last night I used the battery whilst this morning I plugged in the power connector.
    I feel that this provided a more constant supply of full power and helped prevent frames from being dropped. (The fact I was using FCP is immaterial as the dropped frames would almost certainly have also occurred in FCE).
    From now on I will always use the power connector during transfer to and from the camera.

  • Why does Premiere Pro stop, or drop frames when using the Timecode Effect.

    The Timecode Effect is gpu accelerated, the render bar is yellow and it still drops frames.
    If it drops frames on a yellow bar, how can I ever trust it to print to tape? It wouldn't be a problem if I could say render the yellow sections of my edit, but it won't because the bar is not red. Very frustrating!
    Running 64bit windows 7;
    gtx470 graphics card;
    12GB of memory (9 reserved for Premiere)
    Raid 0 _ Speed Tested Excellent
    working with uncompressed black magic 1080i AVI's
    It seems to happen when I have overlapping clips with the Timecode Effect on one or both. Plays fine if just a single clip with the effect.
    Any help would be great, hopefully I'm just missing something simple..

    Here is a capture of my speed test. I do have 4 disks on a raid 0, very little data on the drives. I have run 3 tracks of HD with different levels of opacity with no problem. I do crash the drives when I add the forth. So I would like to think that two tracks with accelerated effect should be fairly simple to playback. Am I wrong to be thinking that way? Also only working with 8 bit, This test is for 10 and up.
    The read comes in above 500 mb/s. It was on the way up when I captured it.

Maybe you are looking for