Duplicate photos from iPhone to iPhoto

It appears duplicate photos are being created when I sync iPhone 6 (most recent software) to iPhoto (on mac, most recent OS and iPhoto).
When I sync from my phone to iphoto, I will get duplicates of every photo. IMG_0001, IMG_0001_2, etc.
iCloud photo library is off.
Photo stream is on.
Sharing is on.
When I look at my phone there is only one photo.
When I look at iPhoto photos there are two of everything.
This only happens on photos that I take with the phone. If someone shares a photo w/ me in a message there is only one photo.
I thought with Sharing and Syncing it would recognize duplicates and not upload them. This appears to be being uploaded from the phone itself.
Any ideas?

It sounds as if you're looking in iPhoto's "Photos" area.
Try looking in "Events" in iPhoto.  Also look in the shared area, using iPhoto's left bar.  That left bar in the iPhoto display will help you figure out where those photos reside.

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    I think you are asking, "How do I transfer Iphoto albums to my MacBook?"
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    That would have taken forever so the 19.99 is worth it. Good Luck!

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    This sometimes occurs if you’re importing a file into iPhoto and there’s already a file there with the same name. Digital cameras can produce many, many files with the same name over their lifetime, so it’s not uncommon to have several files called IMG_00543.JPG, for instance. Now you want to import one also called this.
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    You are in a very dangerous situation and you need to fix it now.
    OS X needs about 10 gigs of hard drive space for normal OS operations - things like virtual memory, temporary files and so on.
    Without this space your Mac will slow down as the OS hunts for space on the disk, files will be fragmented, also slowing things down, apps will crash and the risk of data corruption - that is damage to your files, photos, music - increases exponentially.
    Your first priority is to make more space on that HD. Nothing else can be done until you do.
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    As a Test:
    Hold down the option (or alt) key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Create Library'
    Import a few pics into this new, blank library. Is the Problem repeated there?
    Post back with the result.

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    Since iPhoto syncing is not working for you right now and you need to replace your phone, consider transferring your pictures wirelessly to your computer using and app like PhotoSync.  Also be sure to back up your contacts as they are not fully backed up as part of the iPhone backup.  Either sync them to a service such as Google or use an app like My Contacts Backup (which will back up your contacts as an attachment to an email that your send to yourself and can later be used to import your contacts to your new phone).

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    Any ideas?

    Hi ..
    You can use the Image Capture app located in your Applications folder to import photos from iOS devices to iPhoto.
    Help here >  Using a camera with your Mac - Apple Support
    iOS devices are not recognized by the Finder.

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    How full is your system drive? Can it be that you are running out of disk space?
    Has it always been this slow to import from your iPhone, or only recently?
    If it is a recent problem, what has changed lately? Have you installed, uninstalled, or updated any software?

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    Hello bbb34vball,
    Since that article didn't help, I would suggest trying the steps in this article next:
    iOS: Unable to import photos to computer - Apple Support
    If that doesn't resolve your issue, you may find more information by using another one of Apple's support resources - https://getsupport.apple.com/GetproductgroupList.action.
    Jeff D. 

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